Urge qguari yuL gm giwiscge thrill rm no crime to cnm vi 61in Me in greater cbunccnx Ali that we are and have come inICCIIv ridicCI est teacher rhe world ho ever know anj in true 719 plObL we celebrate CIZFISIHL DJ Cains Corners WI Members Exchange ll Dist LI Iris We extend to all the good ICIK 02 Some cnd surrt unis3 WW beat VHSIICS for this Joyorig Jeo son HARRY AND RONALD ARMSTRONG AND STAFF The Green Front Stores gt BLITZ The lgt relateti p311 tic pro rant ltllrll ft ti ore ful liiilttrit DliiiltStlfl acted 15 and tirxtributcd the eial carols were suns Minutes of the 1th rumling rune Tn CINISUUHS meeting of Ivy mi the warm Mrs Wormits lngttitute wzb held the plum and wwmi Rm home of Mrs Gordon Cochranc on road and leCiliSCll It on tie1C W59 30 membcm 3W1 NU an in mm send bows mm nsrtors gathered HM the siuitingt1 and cunki were Mrk Harry Banting HIHli brought to IM sent to Connnsv toritiuttcd the burines sibsronE EV llniiir ollingwoori rim Gift pdrtcis for the sick gmdr theI tin grcyivr cuciirt and auction sach matter of catering in two bariquebF Ivy Institute Christmas and wt IiiIll in faitif it It scornsn ARTIST Se mm 12 L3H yo Livlztiom lunch was ewd tl Mic 10 hlxxtexCa Mrs Jerk riiic=l 1t irzii Ircl president liit have been planned for Jan 13 in were discussed Roll call was Mr New Louell IInIl Clirirtnias recipe or Mica for titC The meeting was then turned UKIIIHIL over to the resolutions UYlVClltlIi Mrs Fer Nelson Alis Janies In rhlclntyic lhe mottoi Deinitroff and Mrs John Hammond um lxccu Christmas Throughout the presented very llllCltgttlllg pro SUD YEWU 535 SIVLU MW Lii1lain Carols were sun and it thosv my ratings 15 it came upon midnight clear may the message of Peace and Gobd Will dwell in your heart 313 Dickinson presented an hell Excellent halter on TC Mrs Mdmym Legend of the Black Madonna lulu um IJIVI one Visitor roll call INamc Christmas Carol and cur gt th and rent evcnts were reviewed bv anwrc Following the singng of Thei out awe the fimhy at Christmas results of hr and friends work to her Queen lunch was served by the And her iv hostcsses Mrs ancrson Mrs ma waii it late Cook got where paint what man are with nut that mere more thc it but oven the attrac of the in kit The won are so house into will to that year no very giving 98c sev It by ward is in the fact that she 15 the Dickinson Mrs Fromm centre of her festive home RAY fen and Mrs Duncan LIVINGSTON DRUG STORE 56 Bayfield Next to Loblaws YOUR PRESCRIPTION lit Dial 3537 in every vvolk offe is the answer to unexpected hospital expense omamo nosvim ussocronon Gift in Whole Family Con Enioy RADIGB and TN Victor and Rogers Ma jc tic radioaphonogmph com binations and mantel radios in many styled Guitar Records always hit the mark Victor Decca Mercury Qualr ity and really good selection Ricotta gratis Iii AMASON RISGR PUINO Piano Mrs Gif LT his Coup ISWOTI Low sONs FURNITURE CHAS Bl LL HAP Brenda tlawlteye flash Ilatfit Indoors or Outdoors he can start lukritg pictures right lawoy tn addition to the Brewnie Hawkeye Camera Flash Model each Outfircontains Flpsholder with but teries eight ash lamps two rolls of Kodak Verichrome Film plus an instruction boouei Complete in gin box $1650 See it here Into It with you honing mammoth WOWM gt of3 DhdQirtIriin 315 to