mutant EXAMINER WEDNESDAY our 23 1953 WANTED FOR SALE MlSCELLANEoUS LOST FOUNPVVWV Vm Linux Vthuum HELP WANTED HELP WANTED litGHVEST PRICES FOR 2V3V COLLECTIOTVV VV lNDUSTRlAllRON LADY wjic VV 15 VVVVLVV IV Va METAL LOST FOUND no Elks IvV Dun St West Iain1113 1131 mek Llrfil Or OVL AVD VV VV VV VV LIVESTOCK FOR SALE STOVE Oil and DECOR TING Vj affiV mm VI RA Rb lMMEDlAlE DELIVERY rm 2SiIscs Accommod If pm nunr Al0ll WALTON rzc mum tux VT VV Ifle VV Phone 3777 or 2035 is VVV VV in 21 Bi mauve PLCBC 2907 Pv VV VV VV VVV V3 VV IVVV iliw lt yum LEVITS Job xvi411M150 cm 13 rv wont ring CHRISTMAS FLOWERS JOE BREWER GENERAL W80 my 5005 TELEGRAPHED Phone 3228 WWWMI DEALERS IN llilil iliEI flii Remodelling Rodin AUTOMOBILES SCRAP IRON METALS FURS Alterations CuPvwrdS IIVI Wmw was BAGS BATTERIES animus eral alluding CASH CASH 72V mm mum AGENCY FEATHERS FENDLEYS FLOWERS FORY SCAR VV 74 with llvt 393 lIlHJ If Phggfleoaar lbugb you Town MOTOTS ildtll ciIlYiIrl gt Our mm mm call mum vows Zff3 ROCK STEAM BATH V5 MNUTES once mid Special prices paid SKATING utilLS mud and mu VII delivered Luw mm Urrys 3c nsyllclo SEE Hone Joe 12le Lil 1m MLRR lllclbmlAfv 220 Bradiord SL Phone 5433 VV KT ANT IM UHHHA $3 414 13103 gt1 no rrd tune Fuunce Plan to ilI fili AND COMPANY MAD AND llEALIllY 61 on when gt7 ACNARCEtotne PAIR 111 CC Skaes 5119 41 HI xiTler ml lmJlcn onr Md and Ofce 156 also pair of Sampson shows Sizc HAPPY NEW YEAR Sum No lion Simrho my ecu Turned Phone 3266 7116 Horn Now ll qu Aamc 311 st you form BillllllEFllllM SUPPLY Illnxs 51 lo 111 lliTTTTTTTTHTT 153 Id thaw ppm 337 RM 0RD MILLv itdl Md llllllt udllh Brillth Lttn LiiJl mm mm Apply Slum RR Cookv UH Winn For That Perfect Gift TTTW cll 14514 FOR POULYIY 1000 on 310111 Lcilui lolls warm PM menu PURINA CNO stismcn v1 12 11 Llncoln hundred Norl50wl $199 F1 OR ARRAVGFNIENTS full 1111311 53 bVIthIf Aur 3617311 Pgg llIl lllxl As lVlltVu VDLVAVA SAVLS vI Arc wedlng School lltl IlllllIllCl Httik lt SJITUJ Ark XV Us EXPERIENLRD LILJZ Milli pOITED pLANTS VIM VVVV BMW Ikmmmm Apply mu 51 Proust lilil Li S4 lit in IOVIRS 146449 71464473 47 HTTTfwmw 15 31 LL U1 911158 CORN Salrc for sure rcT coming season week course 1V 13 411fdrlfriglf Ldffgufiy REFIXED phat 397 1H it11w iftf YVur DHESLI NUS TN5 AllLESIhlilcs Snows Spys Dlv vhLsL goozl villi talcill ricullrm Callous bulvc loo lclluws qtllcklyl E7 llcious llttllliltb Swrtl llillYlF 231 nursing and lmnllillg tlltflt HARDWOOD Hardwood Slabsl ch Bulml lllly and slimy or mix Vi 10114i lcllci to 1mm lam Softwood blobs sawed and dtllv TRR No Stroud Phone 01 LIVVHV My lr ladyrcwunpunllq ch 74 Bl 11w Slrml crod Dtnllls Moran phone 2907 SNOW PLOW Blm JHP 59725 Rnw Slx lmuli 3732 2tl312W rlferorlctlt paw 3139 145143 Hum 6l29tf WWW hm om illcare qllivlr hatl ilfll ADM Spy Ax awful AW Dd qVVVVVVi hm LVVkLVHVlV Shun ontlnuoua Tuition throughout the 112 171 Jill Mllitfl ilhtm Ilzlrldlud Also younger Fpllltlllj uli illI flerup lll VV NO HARDWOOD Fireplace Mullund Hol1 SlMCOE PETROLEUM PROPERTY FOR RENT Modern machines and skllled workmen to repair reblllld IWi momma My Itllgth at lyour friendly Texaco Dcalcr offersg VV nwwd and 1mm SHADDNG Machlnsel 1nd Inlwrlt lVym lull llnc or all lltrolpum FURNISHED RWMV light MN or deSlgn machlncs to your Spcufuatlons idoliwwwl nu sn Pmmdem aes rena repa mcoe limdmts kulmii AdUHS 1133 phUM 6483 Ilul 6Hq4 Business Machine 66 Toronto St ma Yum Order Tmhy Fm mwmm All types 01 slotliar salr Round Hats rs phone 4824 71368 1V VV Rolled Srctlons old Hollld Vcrv Merrv llristnlls llld Hlppy Now Your to PROPERTY FOR SALE RUGS Broadlnom save 50 New STOVE FURNACE VARYl was mad from your UM rugs Car mgnm malf attnlollsgll333be St cis woullens etc Dominion Ru Motor Tank Truck clvcry lilteryouc lnd spicmi Thank You to llOSl who voted LlJlIcuving Co phone 2706 74325 Contact Your Driver Salesman lfme HUVVVQRWVVVVVVV mm cm II 37 01 mo VI ngt in 32 24 located in Alllston TYPEWRITERS office machines JIM BRUCE PHONE 2563 TM mm 603 1PJ47A14T MU St Apply portables adding machines cash BARRIE 5130th wwm VVVV VVV VV Vy 381519 Sales and service To YOU AND YOURS LARGF 011m Bedroom md CllnTlS Restaurant Gosney 17 Frances St Bame OUR BEST WISHES kitchen suitable for light llousc Phone 4115 Box 87 Smith Corona FOR MERRY CHRISTMAS kwmngVV vntmL phone 2320 Canada Dlyl Iii147148 F1 crut afdiaupttiicd 323102 SW MWII Glass DAINES MASSAGE ROCK STEAM BATH sincere appreciation of your support on Saturday Dc LARGE 1100M bevel siding to market phone Stroud 53r5 stalled if necessary bungalow with garage attached Lot 100x200 Built in 1953 Must 139149 Floors scrubbed and waxed cembcr 19 sell before March Peter van Goal TYPEWRITERS and Adding Ma Store Ofilce Factory ARngglil ing trustees for the police White to take this opportunity to thank all you people Who made villae COOkSOwn NOD11 lt pmible tor him to serve you for teen consecutive years lle atlons to close at p111 would first like to pay his respects to all those deceased mcm McMum hen whom he served with and to all ofcials ellmembers and present Vmelnhen council Best Wishes and Happy Memories And thinks to those who worked and voted or him at Saturday election MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEWIYEAR TO ALL NEWYEiillSWlilili TO THE ELECTORS or Mon Tiles lllur Sui Anna or Lona ISO 529 Em 37532 40 Abovo pnymntr com amylth Evan layman forVinblthun shultcndeavour to merit your coniidenc and WZ 22 Rum mnm or THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF ust placed in our rVeSponSlVbltliles fnmfg gm mm wind and its afliated alarml utililll llllllll norms lullll th var itlzens ofthe Township of Madame we ltlia hlmhul cauzdu mum mum cum lttl 1mm pun Mm 111le ProsperousNewYearj rumlunar DALTOMIRMRY With Their McnyVlotroVnr WWWW m6 buetmasanbahaurrmewlteat ReeveElect Amston or phone 360 representative 7801be LOTSV ggxluV Lob NOV 43 and phelpsmm one mile east of 27 Sllltlblcfor business lady Coni extend to you the conlpliments of the season andme 1de Apply 13 benth Ave back Master Feeds on Cake Frost Wlndows CleanEG mecmnics Special We Phone 6765 154 Collier st so NEW BUNGALOW rooms and rates Call Remington Rhna 09 3589 floors lnlald llnolcum built in 2756 241m own payment balance as rent eer bungalows of different plans Apply Burnadean Kennels LehoyV arthritis smus phlebltls varicose on Fuel 011 as Vwell as delivery No Dieting No Exercise less than rent close to separate cairn phone 43 Creemore after Phone 2377 45149 nels 27 Highwaysouth oi Wye Anaerobic Booster Phone Appointment phone 3992 ran catty Ej bridge 33147 Coulson Marcus St 5146149 301171 cookstown 153146147 and ask rm Mr Semkin NEW MASON Risch Pianos Ie Window LARGE Elllllthd bedSitting 16 133147 ghgvaimngsrllfecoglghlgnegefnhgd room trig and hotplntc supplied 214 Jollg $250 ach Vigiloln7 Highway on Com FIGS lrul Box 36 Burllo EXlllVllll1LliV um ozccn 90 147F Walls Scrubbed ml ROOMED HOUSE almost REMEMBER Craig Hunter for your Cn Brcnlwood after pm chmes newand factory recondi ALLAN IRETON Hum mm SW Cmtmd Winms MEDICAL MASSAGE Councillor or1954 bathroom ins brick hardwood ited 70 Duiuop s1 Barrie Phone 511 10 am TILL 10 pm Daily Petmleum De 35 message BUZZ SAWING Wood done Any Phone 314m guglggdjyeggigmgnggwmit quantity Phone 4061 or 4419 30l45tf PLEASE order early this week and be sure of enough DOGS PET STOCK 5147149 Fnrd 808 START REDUCING Fuel for the wee end Wm 463 pops WEEKS OLD Apply MIMEOGRAPHING um mule 145 Owen St 38147 Stenozmphy Barrio Burmese FOR BETTER HEALTH 0001 have Re 11 ump ervncc SELECTION 0F 99 hm Ven $323383 Tomato the Niagara Health um relieves lully insulated rorccd hot air Oil vems constipation lusomma 1m wish to thank all my friends and supporters for their heatingdup to tire minute in de phne 90 381454 iafinpfficiviidlif mm bld rcmamn Massages 10 0W FOX TerrierPu sfor sale weels a1 Ph 11 3817 JOOP is YOUR BUSINESS vote and influence on my behalf in the recent election commences 05 C0 No Discomfort No Dlsroblng paymerllt blallle on easy terms old Apply Gordon Glilett Glen ordon Young Limited 53th LOSE A7 PtOUtD OATMENT ngggnzglgsmmr COOPERATIVE or pub to so 00 Other ne homes BLOCKED Se tic Tanks drain rea en ID OF THE available Apply Marshall lines and eld Tile can be cleaned Representative Coutts VReal SAMOYED Pups registered for chemically No digging no odors Peggys Reducmg so On VV VNVVVD mm VV 04V Estate Broker Owen Street Christmas delivery Realea Ken Winterize your septic tank with X77 uckworth St Barrle Nomination Meeting Township of Inmsfll TOWN Hm Mon Dec 28 pm 0c forthepurpose otnomlnat