llih BARR EXAMINHL llllil1 Ulit 23 1953 For Parents Only CHRISTMAS HIS BIRTHDAY is tiiiLd the fro 1m tie lat ad did not rep Wete not sung Iiupp its the Baby igtnt it ie Birthday Song for This is little scene from Canadian farm home last Christmas Day After the rush of preparing for this greatest of all festivals of the year they paused to remember its true pgggificange ii your home does your child Lanow that the important thing about Ileuiiibei 25th is that it is Christs natal day Children as adults lllld it easy to think picIUies There should be il ood color print of at least onel zanious painting of the First Christ mas in every Christian home Large colored teaching pictures uch as Raphaels Madonna or Ilockhorsts Tidings of Great drownig the shepherds he ingl the good news from the angels or Leroiles ria1 of the Shep1 herds plLllillllg them at the en ice to the cave at Bethlehem with the Holy Family within or the Wise Men in Botlieillis The Adoration of thellagi all make illC Christmas Story yeiy real There are fine printg of sac red paintings in many Sunday School lesson helps Religious Book Stores and Publishl Houses supply them Quite few small pictures can he found on hristmas cards school age child might like to make scrap book of Christ mas scenes both sacred and secular HillWAY CHEER Heres our toast to your Holiday May it be full of good spirits peace and contentment lb lion OIEHINOI that well IEST WISHES courrsn INSURANCE 455 wave Star of Bethlehem By Nancy Cleaver Vic paren wail if eliiliizen in at home that Christ mainly to it With Santa and tle cxmtement of re lllllS llow much children if they do not hear of the of Christmas when they quite small One of the loveliest glimpses of Mother telling her boy and girl this story is found in Only Parent by Louise Dick son Rich This recent book published by Longmans is re markable for its insight into but goes on in the minds and hearts of children The author writes When Dinahl was four and Rufus nine at Chi istl mas time told them again the story of the Christ child of thei long hard trip to Bethlehem of the Inn that had no room and of the manger llinahs eyes filled with tears lint Mummy lied be cold and the cows and donkeys would look so big to Him lied be lairaid had forgotten that lL was possible to feellconccrn real concern for the little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay This homes time in pictures and by Christmas through our itelling the Story of the First Christ mas may we help our children see in their imaginations the baby esus in the manger at Bethlehem ltC came down at Christmas andgnay our own hearts be filled ithlove for Him and gratitude coming Once again Ills Birthday Christiails celebrate Steadfastlybclicving Love will canqucr hate irinWChoii Heard in lovely Nativity Cantata To herald the coming of Christ mas the choir of Trinity Anglican Church presented an evening of musical beauty and color for the congregation on Sunday evening when the members rendered the Christmas cantata The Nativity of Christf by Caleb Simper The performance took the place of the usual evening prayer service The cantata was under the dir cction of Mrs Roberts who is the organist and choir mistress at Trinity Church and the presen tation showed careful training of the choir under her leadership The soloists and choristcrs gave out standing performances Before the cantata presentatioii Hood played violin solo Adoration by Borowski which added to the music of the service After anorgan prelude the can tatas first carol was On Christ mas Day sung by the choir with Mrs Baillie and Green as soloists Kennedy was heard in the solo Arid the Angel Gabriel and the chorus followed the story of the Nativity with He Shall Be Great The magnificat was sung by the chancel chair Miss Aycliffe tookthe solo part for the carol Christmas Bells Ring Far and Near and in the chorus Glad Tidings of Great Joy the solo parts were sung by Sylvia Churchill and Madeline Wood The carol The Wondrous Story was sung by the choir and Mrs Fisher and there were tenor and baritone solos Arise Shine for Thy Light is Come by Mayes and The People that Walked in Darkness by Page The choirs joined for the chorus Cry Out and Shout and the girls and chancel phoir were again heard in the lorrer carol The Pages second solo was Cup oi so 300 Children Attend Legion Christmas Party Barrie Branch No 147 of tlie Canadian Legion le lllllllillii childrens Christmas party on Fri day Dec 18 in the Oddfellmvs Temple with about 300 children in attendance in m0t cass ac conipanieti by their parents There was lovely decorated tree on the platform and at 815 pm Sanlals Claus made his appearance in Wally Christmas carols and there were scverai different moving picturerjg reels run off which amused the children who enjoyed the antics of different animals and funny char Sq rag actors Soft drinks were provided and 39 after San cheery greetings short caro singsong was Then the children received and gave their gifts with candy and an orange which the Legion Auxil iary had provided James Stewart was convener for the branch and Mrs Drake and her auxiliary committee did wonderful job HOW many go to the dictionarv for he meaning of words without realizing that it is Life that dis closes to us their significance in all the vivid realities of experience it is thenctual world with its joys and sorrows its pleaSiircs and pains that rcve is to us their joy ous or terribleim anings mean ings not to be for in any dic tionary It is aske does the young and lightheart maiden know the meaning of crow or the youth just entering ness carcer understand the sig ancc of the word failure For toil go to the hodcarri climbing many storeyed building under July sun ask the hoary headed debaucher bankrupt in purse friends and reputation withdisease racking every limb for the meaning or definition of remorse go to the bedside of the invalid for the proper understand mg of health etc etc Indeed manis dictionary and human experience the great lexic ographer KENNEDY When Jesus Was Born followed by the chorus by the choir Where is He Born King of the Jews and Mrs Burys solo And Lo the Star Which TheySaw Miss Williams was soloist in Breakiorth Into Joy Ring Out Bells and Righteousness and Peace by the choirs with Kennedy as soloist in the latter number lead to the offcrtory Holy Night with Mrs Wilkin son as soloist with the chancel Choir Hymn 77 was sun by the com gregatlon betweent twoparts of the cantata and benediction and the sinzlna of Hymn 729 closed the memoroble evening or Christ mas music Perkins entertained with WYEBRIDGE are re ldulrd lliillh lidimd Hospital in Merry Christmas ll we extend to allevery good Wish rm Merry hrist 15 very Happy New Year KAYS BEAUTY SALON MRS MARION WALLACE MISS MARGARET CAMPBELL MRS HILDA SCHNOOR Santa wishes You Merry Christmas And So do we M05 heartily rStoreiwill be ClOsed riiiiur Iiin zsu saruniiiir Bremen We sincerely hope you always find it pic and editable toshop in our Store If rtbrouzb the busy peed bhoppln Season you have in any way been inconvo id rro do thank you loryour patience and kindly Ida 60 Dunlop so