Pellew St 0r Highland Avenue Bylaw Read At Council Meeting Will Now Gd To God 1st to clause 1v iv rum rc their five rescind meeg ELITTIF more 320 before you if zipprmrc slid fil reg03 Slit Lt 93gt ll General Polio lid254 Mu THERE lg NONE BETTER edm is the answer to uriexpected hoSpilal expense ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION Ill Judge Office Closed On Dec 25 and 26 Print Monday lrldty being bristh Du dillii of The EV lizlzier nlll be published Ibz CIIILC 313d punt Mil be cloud and so also they will be closed Ill 14 Nlulli Dec 36 BO in in which Eu been de clued chic holiday by Town Dmitri In next edition of The Ex union will be published on Monday Dec 25 lumbar of interesting IrJturts have been planned for that Issac An edition the 143th Of the ye 1933 will also be publish ed on Wednesday Dec 30 That will csrry full report of stttrll township Domination meetings Which are to be held Vo0m The Lost Column MERRY CHRISTMAS st oiri for lutslmas is almost Lw rm on Month notably Oro Hos IOssorontiu Lssgz Iiny and Noll iAerial Stunt Man no by Illjl Alder that vt KLLLA Li iii IIl Spring 1c cl bc node Catll Ixltl litter to Board Par iitcr out IIitf that Iid not think was riii in call the cum on todiiiig tun Sinct Highland Park tn the tuid park UUII Manage xiiw felt the nigL czcate rung tnlpltnbltlll hintmil iith tors uho liillilil imagine it would be park where the could play ball where there wIic recreational facilities The uoic wax not if stiflgciciit size to be properly termed park When Ih Itlltl was lOlgtlfltId Aliirinan Kinzic moved that the lettcr bc Iiltd and that the peti itioners on the petition to change lhc name of Icilew Street be in foimcd that this gore could be ralled Highland Gore His niotiOn was carried 0f Slight Importance Dr Johnston in his opening rc marks said that it seemed ratherl amusing to have heard council just pass motion to rename thcl Codrington Gore as Highland Gore This particular point so far asI the ltSItllS on icllcw Strcct were concerned was of slight lm portancc compared with the issue of the change of name of the street The name Highland Gore how ever was quite satisfactory to them Dr Johnston went on to say that after this matter had been raised in council recently the Poliow Street residean were amazed to think that some members of coun cil thought that this was trivial matter and some had even treated it as joke It was no joke to the people on the street he added The people there were quite serious about the whole thing Dr Johnston remarked that there was difficulty both in spell ing and pronouncing the name of the street at present and the peo ple on the street disliked the name did not have particu larly pleasing sound When you tell anyone where One and who received part of his and in Hamilton nams Dies in Midland Educated at BCI il Lilli become Li stunt niuri Bil Landrlgan Idllitllld acroziauticai following World War cily cuticatioi in Barrie Colleg Lilt Iflxilltilt llttl in Midland Hospital Saturday after brief illness at the age of 53 Known as DareDevil Landrigan lie was said to have been the sec ond flying man in the worlds his tory to transfer from Dill aircraft to another while in flight The stunt was performed at Leaside shoitly after the end of the First Ioild War Mr Landiigan entertained large audiences will his flying stunts both in Canada and the llriited States and was the attraction at many fall fairs at Hanlans Point who HI wzuborn in Pcnetanguish Harris if other people found any inconvenience in trying to locate the street Dr Johnston said that some merchants seemed to have difficulty in spoiling the name Alderman Girdwood said that there was time when the town was changing street names It involved having man come from Toronto and having hear ing held This procedure involved considerable expense other Town Streets Alderman Girdwood said he wold like to know if there were other streets in town where the people might want to change the They might then be able to do them all at the one time Mayor Hart said that he had objected to the gore being called Highland Park because that name indicated that it might be place where people could go to have ball game or other recreation So far as the name of Pellew Street being changed he didvnot think that there was any joke about it in council although there was no doubt that there may have been some jocular remarks made about it when it was up for you live you have to so through consideration before ve minutes explanation of the aid had been lung recently wi an uncle riaiitiml on flccr ipcirtcndrat of an In Qavbrz ltotizicc Senin World War His mfc predeceased him some years ago He leaves tun crs Ailic aiid Lorne Iiiidrigiii bozh Toronto and four sisters Mfr Harper and Mrs Taylor Toronto Mrs Douglas Multan and Mrs IIJL Ni agara Falls ho LllftlZIIl during Extensive Damage Caused by Fire Anten Mills Farm Damage estimated at be tween $20000 and 525000 was caused early Monday afternoon when re swept through In Lshapcd barn containing about 2000 young chicks on um farm of Frank oughlim of Anton Mills The fire the origin of which has not yet been determined started shortly after 12 noon Neighbors quickly formed bucket brigade and the Elmi vale Fire Brigade was also called to the scene but their jolnt efforts were umuccessful in saving the burn as the fire gained quick hold They did however manage to conne the flames although the roof of an adjoining hog pen vvas also completely burned The barn of frame construc tion was completely destroyed Included in the loss were the 2000 chicks the winter supply of feed and grain and some farm equipment brothr Neighborly New Va funny little iously little item Arthur lrarfivd l1 SLIIIKJiliiY to get of thing As zizstmr would go so far as to say Wilt changed since the day Ju it she gtlli Ihlill lni upprLc LwLt met someone the other day tincri nos lfilltldhttd this Lila person said Oh yu tli heard some item your be mentioned on Don Fairbom liftiiidcxst The reason bring that Ls be cause there was what llutk me as story behind this particular column and that pzu gram and still dont know if lvc been forgivcn Sonic tiniy ago Mayor Hart addressed the Cham ber of Commerce conference which was held here He told story about young reporter who was told to go out and get story on the man bites dog theme The story went that the young rc porter dashed back to the office one day and started typing fur hydrant sprayed dog thought it was quite funny and used it in the Lust that same week that Don Fairbairn aired that par ticular item When told Mayor Hart about it later he was kind of startled that that particular joke from Barrics chief magistrate should go over the air With kind of glassy stare at me he sigh llil or Ill It Inc iult0 When vi are calledflto serve ittztudl liraJill lids ll mHrtiixxijns DEPT It just happened t1 llil lltltltll LXUIINLR LDNLSDAY DEI GIANSMANS LODGE BIG BAY POINT Reserve Your Date Now MIL BAVQIETS HISISTMAS Psizrn No Forty Too Small Coll MRS WAIGHORN PHONE SXrIll Stroud =11 BURTON AVENU UNITED CHURCH REV EUGENE HEECH BJL Minister MR HAROLD DEIMPSEY Organist Belliel Pentecostal IIlIiuch Gospel luLun tlird ziilh 121 ltitllt of Cam 20 BILLIASTER sr BARR REV BLKGESS PASTOR xlNllti DECEMBER 27 to uni sunday School and BIIIII H155 ll um and 730 pan EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Wed pin Prayer Meeting Young People Bible Study Wonderful Word Broadcast KHB 900930 3111 Sunday F== SAINT GEORGES CHURCH or ENGLAND ALLANBAIB HECTOR Ilcv Newtonsmltb Ila It Cludillll LT Vi SINEHY 345 LmiSINIIAY SIIIIIOI ll amttRl mmsiin Theme The incarnation Before Abraham Am 730 pmEllll WORSHIP Iltilfll liuxtniax ltitll ll be cnartui itc Stflllf Sunday School EVERYONE PLAN PRESENT Holly Sunday School pm Iioiiy hurch Service pm And His Name Shall Be allcd The Prince of Peace St Andrews Presbyterian Church Owen and Worslcy SIS REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister MR ANGUS ROSS Organist and Choirmaster TO BE Christmas Services CHRISTMAS EVE 1130 pmIclcbration of IIon ommunion and Carols CHRISTMAS DAY minHOLY COMMUNION 1030 pmFAZIIILY OMMUNION SUNDAY DECEMBER 27 1953 umHOLY COMMUNION II amIIORNIVG PRAYER SlNDAY SCHOOL pmEVENING PRAYER You are welcome SUNDAY DECEMBER 27 1933 11 am dz pm THE MINISTER ll armTHE CHURCH SCHOOL UNITED APOSTOLIC FAITH CHURCH LTI mu tab If SUNDAY DEC 27 1953 Sunday School pm Service pm Pastor Hutchinson Mid Week Devotion Wednguiay 730 0333 Fran Essa Road Presbyterian Church REV MUIB ms Minister MR FRANK nurcmm Organist SUNDAY DECEMBER 27 1953 945 amCHDRCH SCHOOL ll amNurserv Kindergarten 11 amSacrament of Baptism lqu Mayor Hart concluded by re PmEnd the Year Service b=w at distant points The Salvation Anny Our professional associations twithl 60 COLLIER STREET other competent funeral directors enl The mm Friendly wmmpn SR MAJOR MRS MILLS ablems to give prompt deucndable SerVICOJ CHRISTMAS DAY 800 pm Carol Service SUNDAY DECEMBER 27 195 amHOLINESS mamb panSUNDAY SCHOOL armEVENING SERIIICE name he remarked We get marking that he wondered if mail With all types Of spelling on council appreciated the difficulty it which was involvedin changing Dr Johnston said he had with names of streets him bundle of mail with all the Dr Johnston Council seemed to various types of selling of the think that we were quite con street practically all of them difflt cerned with the naming of the ercnt park That was only an after For Traffic Purposes thought It is simply the name of In reply to Deputy Reeve Greers the street we are living on that question as to whether the people we are Concerned with on Pellew Street were willing to pay for the cost of changing the name Dr Johnston said that they could not see why they should be singled out to pay for it when Cor Worsley SI and Clapperton St Bmadca CKBB residents or other streets in the PHONE 5553 mums 800 pm Tnesday Evening town had had the names of their PRAYER streets changed such as Elizabeth MEETING ALL REV Downs 35 Otnnlst and Chairman WARREN imam SUNDAYTDECEMBER 27 1953 amMORNING wonsun Holy Communion The Return from Bethlehem iWe can be reached by phone every r71 fa hourofthe2tz aw Lloyd Steckley pmEVENING WURSHIP Street to Dunlop Street and others which were made at this time The deputy reeve pointd out that in those cases it was not the residents asking that the street names be changed They were for traffic purposes not because of the wish of the people Asked by Alderman Dance at Baxter Friday Jan to the music of Paxtons CKBB Hayloft Party Dancing from 080 to 130 aurw Dancing every Friday night to Alan Gates and his orchestra the original Des Lauriera Orchesua Asl udnyvuerridn you may have in mind are here to answer them EVERYONE WELCOME Glorifying and Praising God gm when they um um Service of Song with Piano and me let us Into the house of the Organ Accompanjnlentf 19 CHURCH scuoor l===z 945 nan Intern Sr mm =1 95 ImW 1ka mm FIRST BAPTISTCHURCH 1100 CLAPPERTONST AT WORsLEY an Beginners and mm come to Gods House REV LUCK an is Day BEVERAGES Beeton Arena Hall 3115th Dance at Guthrie Community Hall Friday Dec 25 Music by Graydon Sheldon and his Old Timers Modern and old time dancing Admission 50c 147 Dance Ivy Orange Hall Satur day Dec 26 old time and modern dancing 830 to 12 Beattys Or chestra Door prize and lunch counter Admission 50c 147 Bridge Euchre and Dance Tues day Dec 29 Churchill Commun ity Hall Ronalds Orchestra Pri zes Lunch served Admission 50c Auspices Womens Institute 147108 Special dancing at Pine Crest Christmas EveDec2 also Dec 25 and 26 Make pl 115 to attend the Gala New Year Eve Dance Dancing everyFriday and Satur day 140141 Annual meeting of thepayers or Lefroy Continuation School will be held In school room Wednes thy Dec 30 at pm for purpose for that Gala New Years Party gtimeihlcalked things 0V9 Snlife man IlvwmlaormnmrdmI Iulro pressure off your budget with NIAGARA LOAN CAMP BORDIIN ANGUS 13x DEPOT howmueh money GENRE 031698 and general 99 DuNLorsr lAltItlE RHONE 295i nuquommg no bullnl LIA Sawyer Secy1 outouerquIofrl Tremoren 1431475 lungmadman cklyhimpb didmlttdlmudlf Fv COLLIER ST BAPTIST Fellowship of Evangelical Baptists any is Pastor at noon coat layer 17 IIOtmpfIgig Above The Circumstances Minister ===I In mom All Ages Rm mnou common musMORNING PRAYER Minister Word was memi VOW Peoples my 11 mMOIINING sumo durumJunior Intoiniedluh InnTheAdultBlbletlgs MISS CLOUGHI TRINITY CHURCH SUNDAYD 271953 950 ismSUNDAY Simon Mia Robe cu mWINDOWS MTIIE urwrum cum mSvnday School mum Class Collier SI UnitII Church 83 Sherrie mSnmwisum irn Minnow nmeCAROL smvica and Th congregations favourite SUNDAY 27 1953 WAMYWI Setliornepartmv on aimNurserykindergartenand mom tom Mason MusicMrs Cummiiigs Of Detroit pm