Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Dec 1953, p. 7

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CKBB PROGRAMS DIAL 7230 HONDAY PI Cumin Boa 112 lt Nun Esp 1m Inns hrs Hun i994 Itqu Luci Sci Nu 35113 51 hm Harm mar Watu Wum lawn hes 2234114 may Ncla 334122 5364 Dmt Mutt 3491214 11I1u EMBED qmn4 DSQEZ 138 News landlines Wu WEDNBDAY tlzr Temp 11 lcr1 1w Ocrts Input Ericapzvcl TUESDA Bu cn Baird 30 Sign On 30 New Bndltnes and Farm Stunt lira1 631 Manual Cluck 45 New 00 News Summon 15 News 735 Pam mitt mm 740 Regional Weather 90 150 No 300 Spam MD 2130 New Hoodlum 000 Na 05 Tradtnx Fox 930 Adventure of Mar 1000 New UGO 901 915 7030 1045 30 ths 35 Earning Wheeler lt1 00 Club 1230 30 Moonlight MrrrrGo 40 Round 11 15 Soon ct Handlin ll 00 on LEFROY ifll Izexclon W125 Spirit by pm pic 3de 13 iking known the abroad lt11llg cclure iii LIL 13w pugruzn was 121 git IIVLT bun but our to cacti llt rtti ig QIIILtlS Mrs El1 11cugturcr and Mrs Sheldon LTrli Both ladies shrug Ii IIIE BXRKIE EXAMIEIQ MONDAY 729 31 The First Column IE Iil Hillle bit tun at lcrnuun mup in tlggn l5 Mac 2711 polar 11le Wanda 10 05 Musical exprtxru Centre 1030 Trading Post 1100 Neil Snowicr 515 Iillrzuldc 53 NrIx 0L1 5+0 31mm vICIYY Go Round Prelude to Dinner 1200 New Honduran Wea they Tana 11m WEDNESDAY 630 Sign on and 3mm surpriw this iaJity gLIZS Iceling they find only tried fulfill huix duty as IIIICCIS bu UCed their thanks and apprccmv 5c Inx President of the Students Council and conveyed the best wishes of ROTARY CLUB HEAR ADDRESS ABOUT INDIAN CONDITIONS BY RETURNED LOCAL STUDENT Harry Rogers final year econ0mics student at the Un iversity of Western Ontario addressed the Rotary Club at the Thursday luncheon on his 1953 study tour of India Ceylon PakiStan and Kashmir and on the fiveweek seminar at My Inn and MB Reid Lunch sore on Human Implications of Development Planning He was introduced by Walter Carruthcrs as Barrie boy who had attended the King Edwardx School and the Barrie and Districtf Collegiate Institute He had been at the BDCI and President of the Arts and Science Council at Wes tern It was under the auspices of the World University Service that he was privilcg to visit India This association evotes itself to giving material relief to students to re rch in education on the uni level andto the problem of international understanding Bowman thanked the speaker com mented upon the rich experience which was his congratulated him on the excellence of the address HARRY ROGERS only $68 per annum the money lender is man of great influence Rates of interest are high and re payment is difficult Agriculture which is the main industry depends upon the mon soons or upon irrigation for the moisture necessary to produce rice and other food products Canada he said was engaged under the terms of the Colombo Plan in de vcloping the 3180001100 Meerakshi irrigation project Village sanitation conditions were poor partly because of lack of health consciousness and largely because of the power of tradition or as the speaker expressed it the cake of custom Reference was made to the many plans for the development of India Indias own Five Year Plan the Colombo Plan Christian Missions social service workers The Ford Foundation private corporations and the fourpoint TAP USA Plan were all working for the bet terment of conditions in India In conclusion he said As they succeed or fail we have much to learn from their labors Surety then in this light their problems are ours and our problems are theirs Maurice Barre the club to him for his future suc cess The speaker reviewed the history the plan under which the study our and seminar had been conduct 2dstating that onehalf thccost $85000 had been paid by the Ford Foundation and the balance came from provincial government grants profits from the sale of handicrafts and from private donations At the Mysore seminar some 100 students from 19 countries had studied for five weeks during which they had lived together under com munal conditions The eightweek study tour covered great part of the subcontinent anti enabled the students to consolidate their views Eighty percent of the people of India he said live in 700000 vil lages of which only 750000 have had lived for time In the village OfaGolpur He described vil lage society under the caste system and the present political organiz tion known as the pate1 system here the headman is civil sergt ant In society where the typical illager has an average income of local chairman of the ticket sales committeeJOI Ou requisitions and ticket prices mm Jim Gilmore announced Wedueaay Dec 30 as the date for the Rotary Christmas Party while Dr Ross Tumbull in charge of arrangemenm explained th details John Stevenson reported On the BarrieOtila attendance contest It is noted from the current is sue of the Rotary Beacon the clubs weekly bulletin that dona tion of $100 from the club to the Barrie Film Council was made same time ago Rotarian Stuart Keyes of Orif lia and Gepnge Storey guest of Eldon Greer were club vsitors this week The carol selections for the week ly singsonc conducted by Grant VMayprbritb Angus Ross as pianist nr festive touch to the pro RCSCC Ionic Close to 80 cadet and their icnds attended the Corps Christ as Party in the mom on ursday evening and judging by comments on evcry but there capo doubt as to the sumo vent 30 Garnet loss who left the Corps was present the prayer at morning 1th youngestman on board be over as commanding Officer celebtattOn Secretary Mrs Stephens Parson ago Paul Mrs Marx Mrs Reid ers Grosc Mrs Noble January meeting is to be held at Mrs Ross Sheldons lparaded for service and prCSentcdl was the guest of Mrs Sawyer the Metropolitan Opera reportcdlwce Ship menu 599 tion Rev Mr Morris was prLSczitr and look the chair and conducted the tlCLllOll of officers for 1951 He first congratulated the society on incr achievements and coOp oration during the year on thti work they had accomplished and their proposcd plans for the vaQ Year The Officers elected werc Mrs Curtis confining as Prosi idcnt Secretary Mrs Young Treasurer Mrs Reid Planks Mrs William Reid program cOrn mittee MISS Donnelly Mrs Don Bubc 11 Li Muti vin Anna Dickey Mary Frir junmr girls ulltltl tTI crtuizi Of MAS Hclcn Webb feat lzctl Ll rccigiiznn by girll ct with Iizl Mei Chrictmrif bu micr the nu iciitnrcd 211 Short zLcituttotilt 111 by Mr Church Cvunvxu fun 31202132 and the junior dzicclznn of boys giv ami read Ticy Item ennuieunuch jtllrllflL in the Fill ing of Litllc Town of Bethle hcm Mr Muir welcomed the audience and children With the Iiarratzon of in ariiiismg unccdntc and the Offering was received before thc Explorers under Mrs Cummings and Mrs Robinson sang Chris THEE star carol vitli nine girls car irying bhlnllln stars Dedicate Lexi Colon The junior girls Suction of the At the service in the Unnch program consisted of seven girls Church on Sunday the Legionlsmgmg in unison Branch of Lefroy and Belle Ewaru mt 1d of the evening 13 children sang Jingle Bells in an iicrputnu or IIIL arrival of Santa Moms conducted the dew Claus much to the excitement of union iIlIC youngsters who thought he Thad Occii lost 1111h0 snowstorm Mrs Murray King of Toronto Santa presented cnclrchild with present and bag of candies Christmas Party StaffManagement IEplefts Stores Committe Mrs Hislop Mrs A15 kinson Mrs Frank Corner Socml Mrs Les Committee Paul the colors for consecration Rev during the week Un1ted Church WMS United Church WMS held their December meeting in the church hall on Tuesday Mrs William Noble as president presided The program as given in the Mission ary Monthly was followed throughi out with Mrs Noble acting as leader and Mrs Grose reading responses Several Christmas car ols were sung Mrs William Reid acting as pianist Mrs Ste phens supervised small table of candles each representing na tion The centre candle much tall er than the rest represented the world with Christ the Babe of Bethlehem as beacon of light shining throughout the world Each member rose in turn and lit her candle voicing her hope that Christianity with peace and love would soon rule the world The nominating committee with Mrs Grose as convener reported all of ficers returned to office The tea table presided over by Mrs Grose and Mary Gwen Reeve was gay with Christmas festivity and red candles Rev Mr Morris closed the meeting with prayer Through the generosity of guests at the meeting the allocation of the soci ety was exceeded Mrs lax Shipley and Mrs The first Christmas gathering of the owner department heads Electric Barrie and Orillia on Lodge Big Bay Point provedl most enjoyable jolly group of 42 who sat down to turkey dinner with all thel fixins at 730 Needless to say the 2mile motori drive from Barrie in the brisk wintry air supplied real appetites and full justice was done to splendid repast When everyonel decided to sit back Chairman Dan Connell st manager after his greeting and opening remarks complimented the hostess Mrs Waghorn on the excellent dinner and service and then called upon number of respective speakersl including ownerFred Eplett who welcomed all present and introduc ed the staff from Orillia branch Speaking on the enlarged organ ization with the expansion of the original store eastwardwith much greater floor and display areas he eulogized the coOperation between administration service centres and sales staff which has been most gratifying feature of business pro gress George Kaderbeck expresSed pleasure at being present and also spoke of the coordination of de weekend at Southampton where the farmers mother is quitc ill Sorry to report that Mrs John Wani is patient in the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie All her friends wish her speeOy return home Snrprke Birthday Party surprise party was held at the home Of Mr and Mrs Lloyd saw on Friday evemnr Dec Dec 15 the occasion being her 11 of last week when group of mothers bmhday friends and neighbors came in to Institute Draw honor Mrs Thomas Sawyer by The lucky ticket holdersof the celebrating her birthday Institute drawwhic was drawn by mm no sawyernon Mrs Susan Paul at the Institute aldGordon and Nan were guests Mrs 51 party in Chutchill Hall Nov 28 ML and Stewart and the chenille bedspread was won by Rue Toronto during the week Mr Katzman of Toronto and thel Miss Kathleen Allanientevtained knitted pullover and socks aifew friends Tuesday evening Forbes Big Cedar 1811 Turing fill tlicir put of lilt pmcrum until the 11kty zI groups was xvir by all groups was won by Lu Forizi CGE groups were landalc Drugs Doug Brustcxz Webb Brothers crs ngrchousc 13311 West BlLv crs Warehouse Ibch Kelly Barbers partments Accountant Tim HealI ey extended felicitations to staffl and heads of sales in connection with loooperative food plan was also and sales personnel of Eplettslone of the speakers ThurSday D89 17 at Clansmansillia branch was present with Mrs Dem Booth and his staff and broiight reetin from the sister town Uni Present were 21 members of thelgortunagtelv staff with their wives husbands keeper at Crime and Mrs Yam girl or boy friends ma inga very were unable to be present IImn lctuc Il RKLY RULI 3m Irnu Indies 1min Lucuc fltlv till 300 hrk SEHJZ gt Reymy EClXI gtH Group ttirtt lligii unlimlv using117 gt 31 am Durzu 111 Val Finlay 2x Eni BLbb Murg Ha llllll Shrlcy Cure lIL BJI wring Viv Imp 171 Shun It 1111012 RIIJ ROY 1va Ilud Qiilc 51 im tilid gt gt Uflifl the Caz Gcrmazncx who used tltilc in Barrie Sunday evening btick at Hotcl Vancouver we renewed acquaintance with Mr and III5 Howard Napfitali Group Hll tlirc licrmun Tmnlmsmi Exzmimvr 3131 VIonday morning we checked out bus to Abbotsford and or Chiliwack vhcrc Lcs Bnrbcr was wait lhzit day we spent with the 115 and they mowed us th ablc pride ill around their pu cf the Fraser Vally with its marvellous farming and datrying country and the Canadian Armys fSchuUl of Military Engineering lwhich made us think of Camp1 Bordcn That night Les drove us 110 Mission City and we caught No L4 CPR eastbound for Calgaryl Now we had expected to check in there early Tuesday cvening Butl on Monday night had sound Slccp Everything Seemed so peaceful and there was none of that jerky motion Waking up Tuesday morning found that the train had only run about an hour out of Mission There was rock slideand freight derailment ahead 10f us and we were held up nine ltours That was all right so long IZIS we hadnt run into the slide but we got into Calgary at 530 am lon Wednesday instead of 730 pm Tuesday 20 Iwo days in Alberta passed very 17 Ix All of Wednesday Bill 20 43 39 27 14 tuck then ClOUdyOuiiIIiTild After Big Thaw Over Weekend Stcvc Wircins Aljh Ln rammed vm ltety of weather but mostly of gcnuine winter type starting WI snow on Monday colder Goup Huhh 1111 Bio Tugsdny and coldest on Thurs day with high of 11 and low of beta zero for the 24 hours to midni ht Friday started with bliard and Saturday was cloudy bud cool but it became mildcr through the night and Sundaygave tbiw which took the Show down considerably Todnycontinues mild and cloudy Tempcrtaures were High 40 37 30 liltidtl15ttlt in all llnddciu Glcnzi hxldcn SIIIrc and Wncrlt of the hidden scorch Group Group qamp Simpson Bir Bill Askew in chargel the Manager Art Booth of the Orl 13 Dec 14 Doc 15 Dec 16 Dec 17 Dec 18 into 19 Dec 20 Morley Yon book After dinner cards and danc ng were enjoyed until late hour1 way and alled on nu 11mg friends Cliwto Mid 430 am Thc con He arranged frr water up so our and 50 we it through the car end of these was just 13 cft but seemed like at 11 Me lot of old made int of new ac INCL quamtanws and the beauty of it all busncss rzp What was that you sad Whowonldgotolhhm somuchmseeinflmdsf VEBSATILE GENIUS Benvenuto Cellini the Italian ar qui 1y Telfeggnd started on whirl List and author won his greatest wind tor trip up No High fame with bronze statueof Pub weekly publseus FOR THE RIGHT APPROACH TO BETTER MENS APPAREL

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