Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Dec 1953, p. 6

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Tm BAkku EXAMINER MONDAY our 21 1953 HELP WANTED TAKE BUSINESS COURSE ilii BETTE Elli BARRTE BUSINESS COLLEGE To Sell New and Used Attitimobivm Opportun man to Experience CORBY MOTORS Market Squaw QUALIFIEWDW an wanted for tiny fit LT Barrio 140 FOR SALE EUEL OIL AND STOVE OIL IMMEDIATT DELIVERY MIII LY DENNIS MORA Barrie 135 CHRISTMAS FLOWERS TELEGRAPHED yzllll IN Tiil tiilllll Ill FENDLEYS FLOWERS 1mm mx HIIH SKATING oiling used and nctv LOST Cr FOUND SI MW 11 wallzl cltm gt Itlilll and sum II 11 1Liiiii If linuitvaic ltcuumi it Tim BHTIH Emm ITS HSch PERSONAL DAINES MASSAGE CT ROCK STEAM BATH Edgvliill Drivc Barrie Specsally lll thc party ownrrs polls 21110 votcrs having plated him sec and Izatcrnal acmciatmrtai are anxious to srr that no on unit 13 ncgiecied We to trip prrxrith it my cast TIN tritplztnc uprr 111 rs kan where to LICka Mlttti TIRISTMAS TO All 1321 lnnisfil New Reeve Cciigmtulatlom ta thvccicct Allan Todd lb was clear fight the chain which resulted In irzajozny Of our his Competitor Wil rm Gibbina who politd zl erc in Imkhart whoi limit 338 It was nose contest and not until the final figures were tabu Iatcd was It critnin juat What Ihc fcaults would be Most of the polls reported fairly heavy VOth latc aftcrnoon luv if any of the voters who are pro in Toronto at the Thtfe wcrc part two One new member is on council pair tn Lywrtship was lauded in Sircud Mr Gfbiiirt 102er 208 rota which W1 highest num ac for any candidatr for raw er of the pulls At Panswclc lbHc liffurl Lockhar piled upr as if hich as two more the othcr two candidates 14 gtilrf However Ulbbiils was givczi utf of 32 211 pull The COL ii wl have new mwnbcr in the person of WilILSTII Campbell Mr Campbell LS new to municipal lllr but has tak 11 an activu port in local affairs groinaliy Ilc Will doubt bc real 3546 to the township If 35 suond highestnn the running vnth total of H6 votes He puil cd record vote at his home pull Stroud of 213 Allan Irtlun who hcads thcl p311 has proved that he has wiiati It takes and the electors showcoxy int he was top choice by returnl ing him with Vote 553 The third countillor will be Thomas Cook who cdgzd out Bmtty by total of 11 votes BORN GILAjilrAt 1L Royal Vic limpLil Burnt Dr 39 to big Mrs 81 in RCAMC Ca Bufdcrt 1319 ter Jaflc hcthi HINNENDYII 10 Royal tori fluSpinal Burnt Dvc IE4 l933 to 541 ad Mr 0112in itcnh KR Nu Burns Stun lurrry Donaldr BKANGETAI tht Royal china llogtptal Barrie Dec 19 1956 Mr and Mlt F139 Bzungrz Arti Bill son CALLANTAZ the Ruyzil Victor iciital Barrie Dec 20 I9 to P10 and Mrs Gallant IICASL School Camp Bordcn San IEdgarI BURNSIDEA1 the Royal Victoria liuapitul Barrie Dec 20 Nikki to Cp and Mrs John Burnszdc PMQ 2401 RCAF Camp BOr ion gt011 CLERMONTAt the Royal View tori Hospital Barrie Dcc 21C 1953 I0 LAC and Mrs Roy CI Clcimont 40 McDonald 51 al cm Urccfl 01 Clerk HITHT mum MARKET PRICES DECEMBER 21 1953 HUGS CAITLB EGGS ALLAN Ismxxx Low 1171 UN 36 Buyticld St 7M 132149 ARIHRITIC TREATMENT MEDICAL MASSAGE IiccnfId Irinluulc Masseur Merry Christmas Tossorontm Sum Pleasv gnc and last iltSpfxt Halbert Sccy Ti Phonc Allistou 7333 son Daniel Andrew IDVeI lbs Spatial lond With vote of 748 The dif Ifcrcncc of II mtes in favor of Councillor Cook ovcr Frank Beat 1v gave the former the seat with 1iSANDERSOIIAt the Royal Vic rain of gariS CCM Skates size also 1117 Of Sampson skates size term HuSpiml Barrie Dec 2IIIGrade Keith Grade 1953 to Mr and Mrs Ixrww may cm 114 POSITION 0pm capable Xptftilttd plicant must men for all but In own handwriting gwing ox inaritn and referench in Bmc icnce age Examiner WE HAVE an min with the objective in our Sales dcpllmtlii position man of SChOOI age in Barr ititzputc 9111 Mining for II SISTLI 52 11 mph IIt 101 Ilmllc 3266 TIIGII IIIILURI lluyc puffct CtiIl Apt 511171 Nil COOKS pfiuut Hill HtiHT Illulli 81 111 Hl117 young II would IllI practical training in our llllt futuer SET OF Handmade Sltllllb in guoli IIIlllllfll Ifi burlgt Apply to James Grok leIIrlt 103r5 TwlIfrHG Mr DELUXE SIJIIUH Wagon Prdzil Car 131 lVCLlllllI ttlltlltllllL $23 Apply Gruvc St West 140147 Must have good personality Ipq C3555 CORN Salve for sure arancc and initiative Apply gW lief Drugguts scll Crms Bunion mg references 10 BOX 51 Bilrri Salvt wch Stylish Examiner lIHlIT POSITIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED Woman requires house cleaning by day $450 car fare Please phone 6483 In 2143447ADDING Machines and Typewrit Hats Sales rentals repairs Slmcoei YOUTH 18 poxxcssmg drivers and Business Machine 68 Toronto St chauffeurs llccnsc ledge of carpentry dcsircs wuk Have you anything with booster REFINED middleaged good cook cxccllcnt nccdlcwomq an nursing and travelling cxperl ience seeks postas housekeeper or ladys companion rst Phone 2l3417INCH Floor 2146 widow Phone Stroud 48 references Phone 3459 2146148 WANTED HIGHEST PRICES Salons class Fa omn INDUSTRIAL IRON METAL St West Phone curator 848 male Special High Prices Paid for RAW FURS Highest Prices Paid LIVE POULTRY lilacs scrap iron horsehair feathers LEVITS TRADING Phone 2301 Collect phone calls accepted 33 Collier St Barrio Metal IN 323 Salvage LIVE POULTRY Olltrncuvmulluhat rteuatd would sped19 mm 1983 MAX PUSHKOFF Bum 98129813 AND OOIPAII lard gnu Office 150 thfln St W150 LITTOP IDESK wanted Phone 145146 In momma 100003 MORE Ce ld minimum length It Warmth cu on Please Oar Poles want feet Delivery Aur quote best offer Apply Box 53 Barrie Examiner 3148449 MINI mm mach are mechanically minded vyou can sell we have Opening Canadas largest pment company1n pro organlzation bites km phone 4824 5h IIS Suun TlIG SNOW PLOW Bludt for jccp new complctc with hand lift $200 Fcntuzis Welding Scrvicc Ltdl Midland 7146l47 7138 Northern complete condition 7145146 BUGS Broadloom save 50 New rugs madc from your old rugs car pets woollens ctc Dominion Rug Weaving Cu phone 2706 7132lf REMEMBER Craig Hunter for your Master Feeds Oil Cake Frost Fence Farm Supplies Contract or credit available to feed your hogs to market Phone Stroud 53r5 7439149 FRUIT VEGETABLES SPY AND Greening Apples Deliv cry in Barrie Harry Morten phone 4510 217145147 PLANTS FLOWERS SEE OUR CHRISTMAS DISPLAY OF BEAUTIFUL FLOWERING PLANTS Azalcas $250 to $1000 Poinsettias and Begonias $293 and up Christ mas Cherries and Peppers $125 Mixed Christmas Plants $185 Fresh Holly and Mistletoe 50c bunch Harris Flowers 99 Dunlop St East Phone 2951 We deliver 27146 For That Perfect Gif FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS POTTED PLANTS cur FLOWERS Phone 5975 for free delivery FENDLEYS FLOWERS 74 Blake Street 27446147 Model Electric Television Set in good mm PROPERTY FOR RENT FURNISHED Rooms light hOuse keeping Adults only Phone 8433 gill1371 AIIRACTIVE Bedsitting room cooking facilities Phone 3371 15145 LARGE Furnisheil front bedroom suit one or two Very central Phone 2365 154145146 LARGE Heated Bedroom and kitchen suitable for light house keeping Central Phone 2320 154140de MODERN Furnished home four rooms and bath every facility Abstalners Jan 5April 5Phone 2215LL 15115147 FURNISHED Bedroom suit one or two Light housekeeping if desired Ilyamountn $395181 Arena district Also garage Phone rate an comment help yon entan to you in hard ter tbanavemge Inquiries to 802 rm 41411 4719 15114145 APARTMENT rooms and rive ate bathroom new IFrlgl airs glove and refrigerator all heating BOX 54 Barrie Examiner 510140 gf Rhona ciao in cometOr the Niagara Health Unit relieves arthritis sinus plilcbitis varicose veins proves blood circulation Massages No Dieting NO Discomfort LOSE POUND TREATMENT Peggys Reducing 3177 Duckworth SI rggrv FOR SALE STUCCO HOUSE SEVEN AND Half Rooms brick all conveniences natural for duplex Double garage Real good location Contact Henry and Elrick Real tors Barrie lOWNER LEAVING Barrie offers is room home Area for under Ten thousand For inspection sec Henry and EIIICk Realtors Barrie phone 3752 miles west of Allandale or public schools Other fine homes Estate Broker 10 am TILL 10 pm Daily Phone EHrll 30145th START REDUCING FOR BETTER HEALTH constipation insomnia un No Exercise No Disrobing treatments $500 Solon Barrie Appointment phone 3992 301177 32 24 located in Alliston Apply Clints Restaurant Alliston or Phone 360 and ask for Mr Semkin 16133147 Eight thousand Terms 16146 modern oilheated four bed in Hillcrest School 16146 NEW BUNGALOW rooms and bathroom insul brick hardwood floors inlaid linoleum builtin cupboards hydro on Highway 90 Small down payment balance as rent Percy Ford phonc 808r3 16L1463 SELECTION OF three brick ven eer bungalows of differentplans fully insulated forced hot air oil heating up to the minute in de sign and conveniences low down payment balance on easy terms loss than rent close to separate available Apply Marshallf Reprcsentative Coutts Real Given Street Phone 2377 16145149 MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS No collection No charge Credit Bureau of Simcoe County Box 60 0r1111a Phone 4752 5121120 PAINTING and DECORATING FREE ESTIMATES ARNOTT WALTON Phone 6777 or 2036 54133724 LEARN TO WELD Lincoln Arc Welding School ontbiuouv Tuition throughout the coming season weak couna IN ANDRADE SONS all No Strand Phone 1004 725 Reliablerndow Cleaners wan scrubbed Windows claimed affirm wlndows Glad In Otalled if memory tum83mm and Window again bcfurc which WU have been rtceiving in to p355 on to our rtadlr heartfelt and KlSIl you all Merry Christ 0111 hopc that cvuryonc cspccially those within our municipality is of any family children through some thcir control may not be able to partake of the Christmas fcstiv Thcrc citizens COUPLE with one child desire room downstairs flat or house unfurnished NO Logs rewood cut any length de livcred delivered ft long $17 Phone 4080 In case do not catch your eye Chmtmas and in kcipmg With the Christmas cards tVtl mail for days parit we wish bust vislics for Happy Yuletidc mas This year or again wish to add included in the wish If it is known especially whcrc concerned who misfortune beyond HC itics we would like to be advised are many warmhcarled scrwcc clubs organiza Accommodation Wanted Phone 6776 11143 WOOD FOR SALE HARDWOOD Hardwood Slabs Softwood Slabs Sawed and deliv ered Dennis Moran phone 2907 8129tf HARDWOOD Fireplace in half cordloads $11 81444 AUTOMOBILES CASH CASH FOR YOUR CAR IN FIVE MINUTES SEE Honest 106 Cross ToWn Motors 220 Bradford St Phone 11430 13404 1937 CHEV Sedan excellent con dition new tires Phone 6316 13146147 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE EALF FOR VEALING Phone 2169 Barrie 95140 18 PIGS WEEKS OLD Arnem Highway 90 near Angus 19140 ll PIGS WEEKS OLD Don Ross mile north of narrow steel bridge on 90 Highway 9140 HOLSTEIN Cow fresh in weeks also Jerseys and pigs $13 up 134 miles west of Newton Robin son Scheme phone Beeton 5511 9414544 boos STOCK COOKER Spaniel Puppies for sale Apply Burundean Kennels Lefro phone 9011 381454 FOX Terrier Pups for sale weeks old Apply Gordon Gillett Glen cuim phone 431ch Creemore after pm 80140447 BABY Budgies Blue Green Lime Turquoise White and Yellow Guaranteed talking strain Beau tlful Singing Canaries special $895 Goldsh Baby Turtles Aquarium Largest selection 01 Bird Cages In town at Harris Flowers 99 Dunlop Barrie 38146 CHRISTMAS Puppies Shepherd Wyebrldge Beauty CD ONE winner alredby Ch Steel of 331mm beautiful litter pick you puppies early leollie pup pies IWyebridge Lassie ONE win ner sired by outstanding male All puppies available for Chrlsfnj mas Ed McWatteIs Wyebridge CHICKS mamm GILMORES Have some started Pallet bargains silomust be clear ed8ame unfolds thla week minds Poultry Breeding Farm one 2135 Barrio 10140 uNrutcs CHICKS OVRIIIbIO mgly rred ocks limp ay Cross Smerstartedw graceful gamble Hunter Poultry arm troud phOne 0315 533 council fairs German Gu 2913mm Councillor Allan trefon poll vo 863 votes to take top place on council We feel sure everyone joins us in heartiest congratulatiom to our elected representatives and hopes that township affairs will be cap any handled Now that the election is over we can perhaps get on with Christmas shopping There must be others that have left it till the last We wish to cmgratulatc the winners and as the majority have decided let us hope that the changes are all for the best We will miss Cliff Lockhart the former recve who has been regular participant at meetings for the past 18 years He will be another who will be reading Innisfil Notes to find out what is going on in coun cil We have always found that the defeated membch are our most ardent readers How 0150 can the public klecp tip with local af He told the group at Stroud polling booth following the re turns have been beaten in other things so guess will get over this Missed BobyuKissing We do not know whom we should feel sorry for the babies the deputy reevc He told the members after the final meeting of the 1953 council that he having been acclaimed was missing the fun of going around babykissing All we are thankful for is that we have no baby Good Showing By Junior Councillor W3 feel sure that everyone will be in agreement with the compli ments we send to Councillor Ire ton who at the end of his first year in council has come back to head the poll We predict that he will be Ibetvteraa the years go on and he gains experience have been in every county of Ontario and in almost every mun icipality of those counties and have chosen Innisfil in which to live he told the members of coun cit at the final 1953 session Not until the last poll was heard from was it decided just who Would be the incoming reeve fol lowing the election held on Satur day in the township The first of the polls to return was Cookstown There Todd With 42 votes had more than the other two candl dates together Churchill piled up his biggest majority where 140 votes favored the local contest ant Lefroy was next and the total there Was 1132 These were the last big totals but with the exception of Big Bay Point close to third of the votes came in for Todd However he was when the final tofalcs were tabulated 55 votes ahead of William GiUbins Famin Racord Almost since the bginnlng of municipal government in the township member of the Todd family has been on council The previous two Ebenand Orville were both wardens of the county It may com Innisflls turn to have warden during the tenure to recveahip Of thcnew reeve With the three running tt meant that the vote in the north om at MINI SOULESAt the Royal VictoriaI Hospital Barrie on Friday Dec 18 1953 Eliza Jane Craig be loved wife of the late Thomas Soules dear sister of MrS Bond MarthaI Toronto and Craig Barrie in her 92nd year Resting at the Jennett Funeral Homc Barrie Funeral service Monday Dec 21 at pm Interment St Pauls Cemetery lnnisl TREADWELLA1 the Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie Friday Dec 18 1953 Mary Treadwell beloved daughter of Richard Trcadwell Midhurst in her Slst year Resting at the Pethick Funeral Home 127 Bayeld St Funeral service Monday Dec 21 Interment Barrie Union Cemetery THOMPSONAt her residence 33 Manor Road East Toronto on Friday Dec 18 1953 Laura Christine Thompson in her 79th year daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Andrew Thompson of Thornton and dear sister of Mrs Edwin Stubbs ILilyI Sault Ste Marie Predeceascd by her five brothers Rom Allan John George and Harry and three sisters Elizabeth Mrs Henry MargarctIMrs Meats and Marl At the Chapel of Morley Bedford 159 Eglinv ton Ave West at Lasalles Blvd Service on Monday at 1130 am Interment Thornton Union Cem ctcry 230 pm IN MEMORIAM CLARKE1n loving memory of dear husband and father Clarke whodeparted this life Dec 21 1952 God knew that he was suffering That the hills were hard to climb 50 he closed his weary eyelids And whispered Peace be thine Away in the beautiful hills of God By the valley of rest so fair Some time some day we know not when We will meet our loved one there Sadly missed by wife Mary and family 146 GUESTIn loving memory of dear son and brother Raymond Guest who passed away Dec 20 1952 His memoryis as dear today As in the hobr he passed away Ever remembered by mother sisters and brother NICHOLSONam loving memory of dear father who med away 22 1952 Gone is th face we loved to see Silenthis the voicc we loved to ear Too far away for sight or speech But nottoo far for thought to reach Sweet to remember him who once was here And who though absent is just as deaf Lolifly remembered by daughter lnntc sonlnlaw Char lie I46 NEW PENEIANG nosm Ofcials at Penetangs new hcs pita building have found the wea ther man most cooperaitive this fall Fine Iwcatlter enabled the builders to complete the structure to point where it will be possible to work inside throughout the cold months Felix Tureette chairman of the board said if snow bad conic week sooner the building project would have been delayed comiderably The snow has how ever homered work on the new Penetang Arena whiehis not as yet enclosed FOR 19m EYE CARE cousuur SfcghorrsonRO mjsr Wows may erratum aft Sanderstm Shanty daughter Myrna JOyI hf Grace Stoslbs Special MARRIED Grade COUCHMANPARTRIDGE Oanrade Siaturdaye Dec S1381953 2t to 51m cock in olicr aptist hurch Barrie Margaret Joyce Purl gg ridge daughter of Mr and 143 Grade Ira Partridge Edcnvalc to Wali pad for Edwin Couchman of Barriel Son of Mr and Mrs George Underqlbs Couchman Ulverton Quebec Pastor Nullmcycr Official Special IGrade Grade ted Grade 16 Cabana 2c over the Ohm IOWL Gre Over lbs 30 to lbs 28 bs Bar 27 25 22 18 I6 12 Every Thursday 130 pan Elmvale Community 53193 Arena hone Whitton 102 Elm sgng Unue OOp Holiday Closing VCoOp will be closed Boxing Day Dec 26 Our Petroleum Dept has this message vale PLEASE order early this week and be Stire of enough Fuel for the Weekend 0001 have Retail Pump Service on Fuel Oil as well as delivery rs crown nusmass Simeon msmcr coormimvr sumcas HIONB am BARBIE 146 NOTICE or PROPOSED BYLAW or ITlIEVI TOWNSHIP OF ORO TAKE NOTICE that from and after the publication hercof once week for four Successive weeks in newspaper publishedin the Town of Barrie and known as The BarrieExaminer the Council of the Cor poration Of the Township of Oro intends to pass ByLaw to close the uno ened portion of the Road Allowance between Lot and Latin occasion II of the Township of 00 The following is copy of the proposed ByLaw WHEREAS portion of the Roagl Allowance between Lot and Lot 11 Concession II III thellownship of 011 has never been Opened or used as road AND EREAS the said portion of Rpad Allowance has been used and occupi bythe owners of lands abutting to the north of said Road Allowance AND WHEREAS the said owners have petitioned that the 53k portion of Road A1lowance be closed and conveyed to them BE 11 THEREFORE ENACTED by the Corporation of the Town Ship Of Oro as follows That portion of the RoadAllowance between Lot and Lot II in the 2nd Concessmn of the said Township more particularly des cribed as follows ALL AND SINGULAR that certam parcel or tract of land and premises Situate lying and being in the Township of cm in theVCounty at Sirncoe In the Province of Ontario being composed of part oft Road All ance between Lots and 11 in ConceSsIon of said Town ship wlm pamlis more particularly described as follows COMMENCING at point in the northerly limit of said Allowance dbtant northeasterly along said limit 59572 feet muggy less from the southwestcrly angle Lot No 11Said point of mencement being where said norther limit of said Road Allowance Is intersected by the Mme limit of the Kings Iiighw NO II as shown on attached to Instrument No 18852 for the saitg THEN North degrees and 05 minutes and 30 seconds East along the Northertrunk afraid Highway shown on said Flam mares more or mun concrete monument radium of uivaleut being THENCE Nonnmmy on curve to let II 505450 feetjati arc We of 63737 feet chcirrtmmg North 62 recs nd 51 minutes and 45 seconds East 04 feet cone Ir Nam 59 degrees and Sammies East along the noltw limit of said MW 34 ttoothe est Ravi Whigs image theaoigbcr gielyciigdgggd Alignmmngbz ENC sou Immature tandsjdescrilgedtntsuid Initiates sold om mu the Ki 51 WWI Whites Mimi it all motive Owner 1b This BitLaw shall

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