rm BARth EXAMINER 51050 out it 1935 13 5qu as an5 can crwkbllfit klivl LAST MINUTE GIFTS NPDNRDRNW NWJHDMVS Pid Ns SIREN nutrition us La kk cfiilcircii MLIAilIthS Mil iii2j ocjccb lLl color bond or bran ll for cars lf niotfior cm ch trio ijLct it can usually bc taken out casdy But if it his dumppcurcd or If it iS stuck lrvl uso force or pqu at Wlicrzuvcr in doubt about our complications pIIone the disc tors offico Once In while small insect may cntcr childs car drop or two of warmed but not but Sweet Oil or castur may be dropped in to the car Wax should ncvtr be rr moved from the car by child poking In match bobby pin or slurp object There is great possibility of the ear Party at Theatre IS Big Success Tflcliift on and both artn tho tremc Among the Irlror ioL Sovorzil moribch of lo furri2lics of to now Dutch parishzilicr at St Mary and they jun tri Ciridian Christmas to Tho program by tho lildliii opened With two songs by Grade pupils The Frzindlv Boasts and prayer to tho Blrssvd Vir gin Lovoly Lady DlkSl In BILic Iho Grado llilllllS won board in recitation Gods Can die and Guido cliildrcn furide casework dfd it Every piece different Aristocrat Family package PageGShay Alice Blue 125 250 Rowntrecs Black Magic 80 150 Rowntrees Dairy 80 75 140 Page Shaw Bond Strect150 300 Page Shaw Miniatures 175 Muirs Pot of Gold 150 CHOCOLATES NEILSONS Home Made 100 Enchantment Box 50 115225 rbh Nc lt AENRODPIDIV with MP3 iftimglimffidmmmm drum being pierced or tru ear harmed in some other way bbh with Fillilm Udnd tiltrldm Mother should remove the mu very unify from the outer car If it is hard Impacted or trou blesome check with the doctor Swunming in polluted water can sometimes be blainod for car in foction Some people cannot divo from high place without proi tecting their cars from possiblo rupture of tho eardrum Swimv niing under water and diving Nighl NightS imd Th0 Clirll should be done in moderation and banned if car or sinus discomfortI nov develops If there is pain in the childs with very beautiful plziylot prot car noises 01 any kind or dis charge take the youngster to thel doctor 1at once Quite numbor of children have poor hearing and this defect Ls not detected bccausr they do not actually complain of discomfort tive when called if he is vork to talk and his articulation is poor parents should have they childs hearing tested carefully by spbcialist Or physician lrrita bility and fatigue can sometimesi four musical numbers Tho Murry iSingor Hell Bo Coming Down tho Chimnoy Lvutto and Sll out Night drill IirzstriinS WrLaths was prescritcd by tho Grade Children and thoro wore two piano ducts Christmas Melody and Christmas Momorios chorus of pupils from Grades and joined for tho singing of mus Row and thoro was vocali solo Hes Too Fat for tho ChLmi Tho childrcns program ondcd sented by the pupils of Grades 51 and Tho Story of the Stair William Moirick was master of ceremonies for inc afternoon and all of tho musical numbers If the child is frequently inat wereunder the direction of Sister Redempta spokesman froml among the pupils thanked the tca chers and the PTA for the party and Mr Merrick expressed the thanks of the gathering to the teachers and children for the line be traced to partial deafness on program the part of both children and adults The child who is starting to school usually ls required to have medical checkup Should liis hearing be poor the doctor will discover this If mount is in doubt she should speak to the doctor of his symptoms Not few children have been considered dull orlhavc made very poor school gradcs simply be cause they could not hear prop erly Every little while boy pre sents truancy problem because he hates the schoolmom There he is always near the bottom Of the claSs Neitherrhis teacher nor par ents have realized that the reaj Tho afternoon ended with the appearance of Santa Claus with candy fruit and balloon for each child There was large attendance all the children enjoyed the an nual event great deal Books of postage stamps were first issued in theUnitcd States April 16 1900 GET PORTABLE TYPEWRITEK for Christmas from SlMCOE BUSINESS MACHINES 66 Toronto SL Barrie Ph 4824 at this years Christmas party and BATH SALTS Choice of Frangrznccl 14 Ounco 69 CUTEX GLOBE SET Complete Manicur 150 mummummg TEWWE TZhlhin SUGGESTIONS FOR HIM SHAVING BRUSHES 99 to 2500 175 In 1650 PIPES Fisher 250 Mansfield 100 mmnmmmaia Christmas and Your Greetings CIGARETTE LIGHTERS fTTTJi Yardley Toiletries Shaving Bowl 150 TO Our Customers and Fnends he lilanagemcnt and Stuff 12111100711 aucml the happiest of VI shaman V3 WWMDTT Make someone happy wwncuawsuamswmwn St SE HUDNUT GIFTS DU BARRY HAND and BODY LOTION In Plastic Container Delicater Perfumed In Decorative Gift Package Yanky Clover Luiognu 100 RSVP Essence 100 KODAKS and CAM ERAS with yearround gift Brownie Hawkeye 825 Brownie Target 616 519 Brownie Target 620 825 Kodak Tourist Kodet Lens 2900 Kodak DuaIIex Flash Outfit 2600 Duaflex Deluxe Flash Outfit 3875 Brownie Hawkeve Flash Outfit 1650 Shaving Mug 175 Shave Lotion 175 Groomstfck 150 FOR THE MAN IN YOUR LIFE GAYLORD DISTINCTIVE PACKAGES SEAEORTH Shaving Bowl 150 Shaving Lotion 150 We have all models in all Illa makes P0 sons for his actions can be traced ttoubis partial deafness TELEVISIIITI TlPS Prospective television buyers are confused their prob lems are Where and how to make the best buy Which sets are strongest in fringe areas Who makes dcliable Antenna Installations How sure am going to be of good reception 52 Who can give me best serviinr afterrinstallation ow can be sure of 1954 model Gemey Perfume Stan 175 Gmey Toilet Water 175 Du Barry Talcum 100 Du Barry Bath Salts 300 MENS SET Shave Lotion and Shave Cream 200 nmnnwiaismaiannmsnmms mains Invisible Talcum 125 Yardley Mens Set 235 to 58 YARDLEY OF LONDON Old World Lavender Fragrance the EvrPopular Gift WNW wALLETS DOROTHY GRAY HICKOR Supriot HOLIDAY WRAPPED TOILETRIES Quality lath and YARDLEY ENGLISH LAVENDER Beauty Fray CWT LAVENDOMEAL SOAP GOLDEN ORCHID 350 The Luxury Talcum 125 1V1 DustingvPowder 175 the Would GIFT SETS Tubhh Cologne and lotion 150 lotion and Soap 200 WEDGWOOD Cologne Cooler 150 Cologne 250 Hand Lotiqn 200 TOBAccos Ir unsavory HERE AREYOUIIANSWEIIS memoirs Electric Epletts have only 1954 models of seven lending manufactur Vered lines CROSLEY ELECTBOIIOME GENERAL ELECTRIC ADMIRAL PHILCO MOTOROLA and DUMONI Eulelts havrthree mast installation cannot expert workI men undo the guidance of one foreman who supervises each on Remmber you are in fringe are which requires tech nical knovvledge to get the best reception Epletts have that Epiews have the largest start of installation expertsanu registered tuchniclam north of Toronto Spletts expect to ser vice your tannins sold Eples thoroughly check the model of every 1w set ship pedfo them and can give you definite proof YAIIDLET ENGLISH LAVENDER YARDLEY PERFUME jLorus COLOGNE Dusting Powder 175 300 and Soap 400 50m witherth lsnnr own trimmers ask themhero inshore Countyluey will also tellyou about our ser imyrprnspectlvdpmhmrs donkbo misled by low prides FINE QUALITII DArII TREATS Circus Soap 65 WWMWWWMWWMWWWWWWWWMMGWWEEMMWmmwctbw HARRIET HUBBARD AvEII Cally Packaged Gifts To CDInDlete your Ladies List GILLETTE GIFTS Eon HIM will hidden extras and mom We give you writ uu Mvvrltbor phomfor friae homo demonstration so llllllll 11 Barrie or custom CohanSticks 135 my 17 WEST ST souri onmnii Custqm CologneSnap 3s 125 ELwISIONRAuloeMPIIANCE SERVICE CENTRE CologneCandles gr Ayorltlltyllitin Stewartorf 0mm me1 McPherson Tartan 1250 no Stunt it Arvin Withheah CANDY CANE COLQGNI Clinic of Four Popular Cumin Cologne Vln SiIVer Striped Candy Cane Born 125 lath Crystals 00 Bath Salt 15 Pin Cone Soup Elastic lursu AL no 19 14qu Dunlop East Grams His Gum twain gr SWWVIW 152 SEr 220 rilliu