89th Year N3 map Reeve Todd Wins lnnisfil Twp Television Big Christmas Item locd Llamas 11 Dian BLT lo ISPAIII Serving THE TOWN Oi BARRIE AND COLXTY OF SlMCOE Since l8 ll Election as Reeve 1y Rtctt Adan Todd llnul gures were Luciana 333 Returned to munch Conneillors Allan lrctozi 15 RULES and Thomas Cook awn 355 True other COtlIlLll $941 as on by W2 am CampbcLl with 746 votes Unsuccessful was Frank licatty who xed 574 volts only ll Ices 1331 ouncdlor Cook in the troud pollpg divigtzisn tas Mr GlLbl who tool the hexW ms poll Wtlletg 2309 votes Rhve luckliart wok 39 Vilitj here andl his were puiy Reeve Todd 37 lioueverl Churchill the deputy recu remi Aed H0 Reeve Lotiillilll 13 an Gibbins 18 The foilowmg is the final tabuln mri by polling stations Lockharl Cookstown l0 Hindlcs ll ChumE hill 13 Lefroy Belle Ewart Thornton 28 Stroud 39 LEOIIQYdS 20 Holly TI Painswick 90 Big Bay Point total 328 Todd Cookstown 42 llindlcs 34 Churchill HO Lefroy 131 Belle Ewart 59 Thornton 55 Stroud Leonanh 22 Holly l2 Pansw1ckj 36 Big Bay Point total 569 Gibbins Cookstown l7 llindlesi l8 Churchill 18 Lefroy 20 80110 Ewart Thornton 28 Stronti 209 Leonards 6i Holly 31 PulllSWleH 52 BL Bay Point 36 total 504 Beatty Cookstown 22 Hindles 12 Churchill 140 chmy 142 Belle Ewart 57 Thornton 27 Stroud 122 Leonards 36 Holly 38 Pains wick 60 Big Bay Point 18 total 574 Campbell Cookstown 19 Hindi es 219 Churchill 75 Lefroy 54 Belle Ewart 12 Thornton 67 Stroud 213 Leonards 70 Holly Painswick 104 Big Bay Point total 746 Cook Cookstown 15 Hindlcs 35 Churchill 83 Lefroy 49 Belle Ewart 34 Thornton 54 Stroud 160 Leonardo 49 Holly 67 Painswick 124 Big Bay Point 15 total 585 Ircton Cookstown 58 Hindles 59 Churchill 117 Latoy 90Belle Ewart 23 Thornton 100 Stroud 199 Leonards 72 Holly 54 Pains wick Til Big Bay Point 20 total 863 So tame details are ayaifame as to the preiitg of the Electors Storm in Bay Keeps Tugs From Entering Harbor Two tugs from Owen Sound the Ruth Hindmnn and Paul Evans were forced to heavetooutside Collingwood halibut Wednesday night to ride out storm rather than try to enter the port dicated that the Ruth Hindma ad gone aground but company of ficials in Owen Sound said the vessels had merely anchored out side the port so that they might enter the harbor in daylight They entered without mishap on Thurs daymorninig The two tugs were kept busy Thursday moving iboats about the harbor in preparation for the qrst reports from Collingwood launching of the SS Georgian Bay Man from andLSPaieo Shipin SchoolChrisimasPlay and they assisted with this as Well BOUND Wm many Nov 13 at the British Columbia weekly newspnpers convention new chtyd 32 wonderful wande At=w and Suzanne CL ILA OH Dawrtnn Oriana 22 Past There may never be iilulllcl shcppcr wil have ig town sirects lllllliL year because of tizc Km W13 ha hm Cal bust pi 11 titLxw the tiijigzan iie Dttll and trie in airkt lti made tdwlllJlJ pull of 12 the stores these 105 according to mezciiantx at it il Only Four More Days year when the late Christin cl Barrie szorcs And there Will like the next four days than in any previous late arrival of the Christmas spin nice as he has this Week iy be more shoppers on down dlluiitti to Ci 12 LlLS year an plasut 01 in tour Ul owl gong bu nought Ny leather and lULLWilC llt of lastxig make llhii all 0t lid arr durable Dealers are definitely not hunt ang the iteim the novelty fen years AlS the comment that LUlntS Wonderful Assortment Tins ULtk Lpi niizzutc buying dues not lime to he long back bieaking SLltIi ho ever With me Lortincnt of gifts ill local storesdor Christmas 1963 No matter who you are biiyzng for or what particular item you are lUOlilIlglifllealiy all of these from the exotic to lie practicaLl may be found right here in your own hometown This your the trend has becnl toward more at buying and prac tical purchases and the frivolous shopper of the years immediately after the war has disappearedI The biggest change in the family type of shopping where mother and father come in to buy gift for the whole family has been the growing popularity of telei vision Despite thc coldness of the weather andiresulting installai tion difficulties there has been tremendous bit on sets and many Barrie homes will be sporting ai television aerial after Dec 25 Practical Buying Practical is the main adjective shoppers buying the most pram JTurn to page two please one of Barrios largest store1 People are not limiting for the fancy wrapping Theyre doing careful SCllbl buying lint they are buying Theyre not coming in and taking look around and going out again They are look ing for good stuff and they know what they want Englbh German Lind American toys sell along with Canadian ar llLlLS on local counters and the most popular llQlll of all for the small boy unfortunately sold out by this late date was wonderful tool set inmetal boxes from the United States Terrific this year for the little girl is Size one baby doll that is all rubber Made in Canada the doll wears only flannclette shirt and can be dreSscd in Size one clothes from the baby coun ter It retails at around Seven dollars Gifts For Women As in other lines womcns iclothing gifm are of better and side in lovely scrolled silver more durable qualitywith most Travel by Space Ship istmas Customs All Pilmaled By Creative Pupils Christmas indeed belongs to the children but when the children of the upper grades of Codrington School through their own creative efforts produced their own Christ mas playcomposing directing painting scenery arranging and manufacturing their own props it was news The result was an authentic dramatic story with that exra spark of enthusiasm and con dence that comes through rst hand knowledge and participation The play Christmas Customs in ManyLands was given on Tuesday night 15 before full house under the sponsorship of Codnn gton Home and School Association It came into being from 19 original manuscripts com posed by groups of children and edited bygradeteachers Grade sparked the idea of spaCe ship and the Man From Mars who visils Barrie fam ily in the midst of Christmas pre parations He is told the story of Christmas and given glimpse of modern Canadian family cele brating the Christmas season Then the Man from Mars proposes to take the three children of the family in his huge glittering rocket ship to other countries to observe their peculiar Christmas customs Northern Christmases The rst stop in lonely Hudson Bay oufpost where Mounties painted Indians cowboys and cow girls gather to capture the Christ mas spirit The highlight of this land where English page boys number was the singing of the old BARRlE ONTARlO CANADA MONDAY DEC MBEF Uh Ilium Examiner MONDAY WEDNESDAY ond FRIDAY single copy Murmurs ea flHllaaill l6 Pages4310 Sections 55 GEORGIAN BAY LAUNCHED AT coumowooo locally Practical Gifts High in list Say Barrie we humus iii le llL padded gtcl Mr around Btl dolloi are nntn llEl and prettyl ll stockings are always good as tzaae xvill be par scilczs lllli week iiiiiitc shopping expedi lions Calf and tzeiicco handbags are the b3 daytime seller starting at about our dollars and going about as haul Lb ZUvdolfars in local stores There are many novelty shapes to be had but tiic tradition ill styles are still the best in the evening line there 15 more variety Still will bags front such faraway places as England India Belgium Franqu and Italy mostly costing around four or six idollars but in some cases nearer 20 dollars higher priced late day or evening bag is flat black velvet lcnvelope from india that is re iltt 322 Tun ss GEORGIAN BAY which was launched at Coi lingwoodVShipyards Friday afternoon is seen here as she took to the water after the traditional bottle of cham pagne had been broken against her bow by Mrs George Page wife of the president of the Canadian Steamship to have been an oil tanker but dueto the extension of the pipeline to Sarnia it was decided that she should be modified and built as fast bulk grain and ore carrier versiblc to go wth gold or silver taccessories one side embroidered in gold metallic thread and the other CPR Garden Award To Roy Gariley design SS GEORGIAN BAY lAUNCHED Nomination For Byeloclion at mam FROM coumowooo SHIPYARD East Sim 5w For the fourth time in five years Roy Gartley the CPR station agent at Midhurst has been awarded the companys prize for beRkcpfstaoltgalden and lawn in the Bruce division Mr Gartley who has been highly raised by officials of the company in the past for the ex cellent condition in which he keeps the station property is keen gardener He and his wife Huronian Indian carol Twas In have been living on the station the Moon of Winter Time the premises for the past four years search that the vessel was re rst carol sung in Canada and it was in 1950 that he rst desxgned t0 139com mess Gem Thenprestolthe party zooms received the award The Brucel gian Baywh1ch wan launched at Because of the extension of an oil pipeline to Sarnia back in 1952 ship which was being built at the Collingwood Shipyards asyan oil tanker suddenly became re dundant just after her keel had been laid and it was only after months of intensive work and re into the frozen Eskimo land where division takes in the area from C01lingW00d 01 FridBY an Eskimo mother and two of her Toronto to Maclier and there is The ship which wds built for children are making their Christ strong competition between thel the Canadian Steamship Lines was mas plans Mother is fashioning different agents in this large dis christcned by Mrs George Page new pair of mocassins for Fa trict for the honor wife of the CSL President Winni ther of skin which she has been lThis has been mane of peg Chwm3 an Bg Bromer mm pride to the company and senior She was started in August 1952 brmgs home m5 5931 ner suc ofcials passing yamstation bave as an oil tanker and if completed cessml hunt great parka commented very favorably on its would have been the fth vessel glad we mergmg from lthe ameamnce wrote one CPR sup built for the carriage of oil from 18100 mmluds the number With erintendenut to Mr Gartley Superior Wisconsin to refineries to INTERESTING HISTORY OF tNSURANCE ouniNEo IO lWANIS CLUB BY ADJUSTER village green in Derbyshire Eng in interesting talk on the sub jcct of General insurance was given at the Monday Dec Hurlin ner of the Kiwanis Club of Barrie by Ernest Bell local insurance 51 added attraction was pro videdby the Barrie Male Quartet oLWilliam KnoxWilliam Lambert Victor Knox and Alfred Shepherd with Lloyd More at the piano Christmas carols of Turn to page No please AHER BEING REDESIGNED prominent Coldwater Conser vative and former Reeve of the village Lloyd Letherby was the rst party stalwart to publicly de clare on Wednesday Dec IO tint at Sarnia However just after the he was in the eld for the party keel was laid decision was made nomination when the Program to extend pipeline facilities dir Conservative Convention is held ect to Sarnia and the vessel be Goldwater on Dec 29 came redundant as an oil carrier hyelection will be held only Investigations began immediate next year to ll the seat in the 1y as to the most suitable and Ontario Legislature leit mt by economical method of disposing of the death 01 Dr at the partly constructed hull and it Port McNmoll became obvious that with num Mr Letherbyhas become well her of modications the vessel known throughout Simeon could be changed to suitable he has been an organiler all fast bulk grain andore carrier speaker for his party in One of the big problems was ciai and federal election am that of he ships trim and by paigns for over 30 years lot the teaarrangement of the engine past two years he has been paid room boiler room and oil fuel ent of East Simcoe We bunker spaces this was overcome Conservative Asociotion at the same timeincreasing the close friend of the kneltlb cargo hold space Pimp and asisted the latter in on Accommodation will be provided adVl0ry capacityin in for total 33 Ofcers and public works proiecfs in the rtd crew situated in the forward houses and in the poop aft In number of Conservatives in addition two staterooms each ac the centat part of Eat scam commodaitng two people will be are of the opinion that invh installed torthe carriage of pass of his many years service folk engers or owners party and due to his Operational and nav tion aids nectlon with the late include radar direction der very Lethal 3110 be my high frequency radio telephone teal Dr McPhee echosounder giro pilot andgyro compass tion there is an intercom system and soundpow cred telephone system for com munication throughout the ship 15 xiigig The vessel will be tted out dur on call to 28 mg the Winter and completed for chin the opening of the 1954 navigation Where my season With =a grain carrying capacity of 588000 bushels the new craft has an overall length of 620 feet voted entirely to advertising nah and not Baillie morons awakenedbr noveltbrealcfastt at the lipqu myehadnn opportunityto 92 Vancouver and did conrv tesy othrsilvDean Miller Who dmvem Thiadaxgswhiohp to sunny by midmomma only reek ateihe scenery tat thh beau The speaker was introduced by the chairman of the evening George Dangereld First of all it Mr Bell gave his denition of In snrance In every day language insurance is contract of indem nity whereby an insurer agrees to provide an indemnity against 10$ or service or protectio in con sideration otva premium He pointed out that insurance Was Something which is not tan gible and cannot be seen or hand BDCI Principal Activation On Nov Barrie Col legiate held the annual countena ment exercises and we were weir pleased with theyway that it went off Principal It Wanrev ei led in comparison to some object mfm we as pew thetarest er an tat Militias pg 29w amongstthe manywho pay te11talsiaiznibecoeMintehewhatWm of was iumsi1itrBell statedAs onenmplehe cited thefdlsaster otSarnia mum vertebrae in the backbone of our entire economic stunting Without insurance protection or are New The Wadi servico many businwes just could 59 am We in avian my momma pmmgoubackg om man The speakercdedtheautoinotive inmost tate hindrance actually in industrys exadzple when ins Admission iiieasnezhousein moomm necessarv tantalum mdmyd sand also the concomitant nominalongozirmama than it