RU VI Vt IDELY RIL LIA MA 08 it PM BAKKIIE EXAMINER FRIDAY DELEHHIR IX i951 VARIED AGENDA OF BUSINESS AT FINAL MEETING THIS YEAR VV INNISFIL TOWNSHIP COUNCIL is if Willi lcnrsizl VJ VV tutozy our lg 51 system VA VV VV VA VV Thu ini Ltkct no Rivet be back 803A SOL BL ll 69m39 ii Zuicil trial tstvzz tr $5 000 ail 453 Png Toilets V7 gtV Vi VV VV rh VV VV VV JV Vt width d1 oi tl AIL urn Fm hymn Omphmenb vI Lll 1L km iVilVrVVVVVnV ricrc 44 LXltgtd llr FHA txiict rut unintelqu Hulk to tic ts mat thy chmll ALTERATION it TIPS it ii tel191m 1er imam WW tilt3 VVl VV V1 VVVVV IIIliI it VV the dtpmy rcmelwi be lurk at Le XXIS banalitin of hairlii VI iltl tlmltl iLLiiilllEIltrll and althlogli sonic This includes my Moll an tr on lhq tzzvm tillllltd 11c buck ZILXI yecr the new suited lZ title ull to the rlrli AT LI 15 WV mm lint tml rrrr lgi xi Tn VA ml tilv liltw tillIil Epietts have the crews for expert ttICVlhIOHV an tenna installations and the instruments for orient ation to direct the antenna to Station Three separate crews ensure quick action when you call in tV ill pullwll tI let xi VV rclltll till V1 Altxr tu Illi llili Epletts Electric lit IL tlilllttt In lfdutllnll on at VVV VVV AHVVVV Ute IIIIIII Jilllll pin Epletts men are fully trained and experienced at antenna installations They will tune till it set to the antenna CHILDRENS WARE Bunnikin and pee Sets HUMMEL FIGURES $150 and up CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS 70c eat and up LAZY SUSANS Wood Copper Aluminium STARTER SETS 20 PCS $495 and up COLOURED TUMBLERS $275 Set of and up CHRISTMAS CARDS Wrapping Paper and Seals JOHN kthSAAC Fain oppunc Iii It it tlu lidi CtrLin ltr Illt Ill 1lirr ILIA tArIlllJ rl ltI nib rilulnc Land as Public larks lynra IlllI Wliitll will primal Ila tXilIHIIIJJ troll LI llrl tract oi land ill thc ltrtklxlllp along the Ilkt shore for amiable goods throughout the store so or Irwin llu stand that ui any concern to thrill tlI redress the role LiluI poms unfit hub would be to Mens We Womens Wear The Illl IIt Childrens Wear SIILIIIITIIIII IIIIMY CHRISTMAS CIIEEII IIEITLE Will be placed on llunlop Street outside Icllers store giving all ho pa an opportunity to issisl those ho are less fortunate it hristmas time the pulpust oi LUllttllllig llltlll in pubizc paths This project may lolc Ll IIlr gttllli of money primrt lnay be taluahh Thr bylaw grub the route and clcrl limtcl to cullr into llrgutlatloll With the owners and endeavor to CUIlll to All litlniel as to HIV pllCt$ to In punt stgtltilz il tl Epletts prices are the lowest north of Toronto con sistent with the highest quality materials used is Ellt ml lllt ttllItIlI Vrl ALL CHANNEL ANTENNAS 30 Foot $7500 40 Foot $9000 INCLUDING INSTALLATION TO YOUR SET EPLETTS ELECTRIC BARRIE Work Shirts lndenvcar Station Wagon oats Gabardine Innts Caps Hats Jeans for men boys and girls Sheets Pillow Slips HOschry Womens lritlcrncnr ill also tmplmrls thr munlcrpol lty to txllltlplllilt the lands if the negotiations fall schedule was attached to the bylaw Vltlth gave the details of Illt illlllllS proper llts lllltlltlttl to by Iilktll over They includl ports of lot LEI cori ccssion ports of IillltlS lrl concch slon in plan 0ti and parts lrl Bcilc Eunlt known as railway properly wrlof lot it in conces sion part of lot 25 ill concession the i0 and 11 The propcrtlcs are mostly vacant execpt that ill the village of Belle Ewart on which is said to bc couple of buildings Wr uill not be able to do Street Sennailing as extensively as other years bill friends Ito tisll to send contributions by mail should make cheques payable to the Saltatiun Army Christmas thcer Fund 147 DUNLOP ST EAST PHONES 3721 tiZIllV TELEVISION RADIO APPLIANCE SERVICE CENTRE IlivZKAKKKtCKKtKKKKIQKKMNKWIZKKKWtCUlCtGdttliv This Sale right in heart of the Christmas Season should prove in event of importance to the buying public DRUG STORE ltccve Lotlobar stated when the bylaw was passed that he believed that ii longfelt nced would be fulfilch when these lands were made into purities many people had no DIllCt of this kind whore IIICII STEELE REGISTERED TECHNICIANS 143 Dunlop St East Phone 6441 English thiua Sift Shop In Orillio THIS Mancilurulsrs ls OFFERED AT Low 56 Buyficld Next to Loblaws WE PIIKII AND DELIVER they could go Clerk Allan stated he felt that it was the climax of his career as for Dial 3537 YOUR PRESCRIPTION PRECHRISTMAS KKKKKKKKVKEKGKK con COLLIER BAYFIELD Srs years he had suggested that some anxannxmnmnnmam of the lands should be taken over Years ago he could have got all PRICES NOT USUAL LY OBTAINABIE AT THIS TIME OF YEAR LIMITED QUANTITIES ONLY IIIICAIIE SIIIIIE Dunlop St East Barrie Next door to Royal Bank REASONS vou crlu Ionnow A1 on row rues 850 10 $1000 YOUR OWN 25th your in Canada SECURITY REQUIRED UP TO 24 MONTHS IO REPLY ON THE PLAN YOU SELECT OIISEIIOID rlllAllcr 23 Dunlop SLIMIt cocond oor phone 5519 IAIRII ONI ovum rumor ss Minluogu sr can we an the property owned by the rail way for less than 55000 He had corrcslxnidchc at that time mak ing the offer Now we may have to pay over double that sum for considerably 10$ than llalf of this land Fuel bills medical bills tnmmminl ued Chilling Child An application made through repairs for car or home holldq Illt lttVt for pclililt whlch man my would include icomnlcrcilil pro expenses th at the Holly Church corner was left to ascertain the feelings of thy ratepayers in the area We siiould ascertain the feel ings of the property owners around the project which was said to be building material depot the SIGNATURE NO NRA Tax Complaint William Fry owner of store inThornton brought along his current year tax bill to enquire why his taxes were up from last year He was told that his mill cHrererAs rs xr wrrKr wear rirllrlllrr srllrrrl cirrus lllrrlrr buy now at our Year End CloseOut Sole we must reduce stock tonioke room For 54 Mon pulls and Fords Our selection of used cars is excellent and the prices mean savings for you so it you ore contemplating buying cor dont miss this opportunity USED ms SPECIAL Act clues wmremzco An 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 and 1953 DADS sou UNDER 5050 WARRANTY FORD CUSTOM SEDANlike new heater radio overdrive CHEVROLET COACH air condition heater or gpick sale DONIIAOCOACIL air condition heater MONARCHVSEDAN COUPE radio heater under white wall tires overdrive One owner Ex cellent condition CUSTOM TUDOR automatic transmission CUSTOM SEDANair conditionheater SEDAN air condition heater vsenlluooure SIIIIEIIN irrw rolllls Heres your chance to get new cor at much better deal than youvrould expect These cars are factory fresh but due to the calendar will Soon he one year old Come see the values lrseo TRUCKS 52 FORD 31km Dump 52 FORD Ton dual axles and van type body 52 FORD PANEL gt 51 FORD Ton Pickup 51 DODGE Ygilon Pickup And good selectionot other trucks in various makes and models All conditioned ready to go AND priced if for quick sale 552 5493 395 and 49 DRESS SHIRTS styles by Forsyth and Tooke Whites stripes and plain shades Single and French cuffs fused or Windsor collars All collar sizes and sleeve lengths its Dreaming PHONE 2395 LOO to 250 TIES wide selection of the styles he would choose himself featured in this wonderful Christ mas group Plains checks and conservative patterns com plete color selection This give looking cloth es be Can really page and bond mg for your new rose nous muons Va vlyellas plaids and other styles mm all trivia that Bauer wear and entity Pickrrfrom this of other ideas website watt 15 WNW $1 17 WEST ST Phone Orillia 7552 Priced from 395 scorn sninrs plains and fancy patterns in big selection ofstyles and materials Whatever his choice youll findit here in our group Priced from 49500 SWEATERS stylesby Tony DayCashmeres and Lambs W001 imported directfrom Scotland iand many others Cardigans Sleeveless Pullovers all in our selection r3 595roIO9553 Treat that marVin yourHIE new Adam or Stetsonllatv Via out Certuateu With out ticate there is no wartyrm size about styleyaibout colors