km BAKER KKAMLA ER FRtDAl UECEMBiR 15 1953 wmrro TAKE 1315 liifirn DENNIS MORAN RAWLElGH Harrie in Barrie and Trade watt ngmtu to remit gr 5406 or 6411 mom wg llfiflilt k3 xr llt RIL TU 3th LlU Nollgt111 St tumult 1e hood llltlllltili liftHG HUGS liroadlooln save 50 New rugs rzlziil from your old rugs Cal pub woollens ctr Dominion Hug Weaving phone 2706 713211 SIZE 4041 Mens Hziiris Tweed Topcoai heavy overcoat and prey sports jacket ladys black 5L 14 Sell cheap lhonc coat 5171 7143 SMALL OAK Bureau with book shelves and compartments Oak ADDLVU nacuiiiiiddrypev will Busincss Machines 66 Toronto 81 phone 4324 7136tf POSITIONS WANTED pm housework an lr chant imrm lor lint Oflitfh stores to Clean Phone 4733 Em 48 Barrie EXHJlLlltr 2H3Hi WANTED you HIGHEST PRICES FOR Batteries Rags f2 in liiuzlc Stroud 41 Dunlap St West remade Phone aural or 6487 Special High Prices Paid for RAW FURS LIVE POULTRY hides scrap iron horsehair feathers 33 Collier St Phone 2301 Collect phone calls accepted Sales rentals repairs Siche EXPERIENCEDplug fllVKlthl xldskza Imt YOUNG Couple want Jr illHI Irrl Vlilucl Scrip lmn Metal METAL H01 Highest Prices Paid LEVITS TRADING 3231f condition Ward 99 Donald StE Illlitil 6338 11101 430 pm 7142th REMEMBER craig Hunter for yourl lliastcr Feeds Oil Cake Frosti credit available to feed your hogs Barrie Metal Savage io market Phone Stroud 53r5 SCRAP IRON METAIB FURS BATTERY Radio Car Trailer Set DES BAGS BATTERIESHcam Sleighs and Conversion oil may coal or wood stove new Pcrry Gill Midhurst phone 804 Our trucks will call Higme lvered Iuscd Pianos reconditioned Phone Barrio Pb 93J293J3Phelpston one mile east of 27 Highway on Con F105 comm mams 70rd and 011 155 Tum 3L registers sales and service Phone 4115 Box 87 Smith Corona aggdlgggtinglsmsx wantenglggg representative 7801be new custom built appropriately Barriglto Torsntoqlggici absolutk upholstered in Wine leatherette pm ease one rs ac 3140 or waiting room Sacrice FORD 1931 Model Pickup orxDmd 714 dition and price 10 BOX E44 01 5831 can be used as car 5931 $8 113 Out 37143 Childs white rubber boots fur swing used only few times boots wora once ghone 371201 call at TIMOTHY and Alfalfa Baled Hay 38 MONK for sale Delivery if required Ap TYPEWRITERS and Adding Ma W25 tloned Service by factory trained mechanics Special student rental ited 70 Dunlop St Barrie Phone SHOOTING Match Dec 19 pm 2756 724th 27 miles north of Barrie Dressed turkeys shotguns and rings high inside Full double bed wtth mattress studio couch sleeps MONSTER Shooting Match at Bar nished ill front end Purchaser rte Gun Club Sunday Dec 20 could nish to suit self Fully turkeys 1822 lbsRifles shotguns wall plugs etc Easily moved any and other interesting ways to win where Goodrtires May be seen at 1011131195 etc available on trade on car Jack Allan RCAF ModuGuns and rifles can be Camp Borden 7144145 iropsidc coffee table Both in line Fence Farm Supplies Contract or DEALERS IN 7439449 mm zburner easily installed in most 7145 33m paid Special price paid NEW MASON Risch Pianos sum EElmvale Sir Frank Kennedy 2983 MAX 790147F 380150 Gosney 17 Frances St Barrie CHESTERFIELD and chair as TRANSPORTATION wanted from Suitable for recreation room dn Panel Truck wanted Advise con pLAy pam 57 Swing on stand trim size $3 Play pen and SEED FEED 7445 ply 13 crawmd om Smuon chines new and factory rtecondi dates Call Remington Rand Lim llidhurst Service Statio Hi hwa CABIN Trailer 21 long Wide 36145 two and dinette seats four Not starts at 107m Only fresh dressed wired heavy duty Ceiling lights your Christmas turkey Coffee CAltans Lefroy $250 cash or liedJust off Highway 90 turn 123191th gravel pit 30145 STOCK ROOM AND Board Apply 31 San for salekan idea Christ ford St Phone 5023 12145 LHymim one now 352 ROOM AND Board for gentlemen genital g00dlmeals cleapwbeds pups weeks on cs reasona Phone Petersen Lot Con11 12144145 335 RoojM Am Boardi glentragy io Wi caeJroo comora can raes ueggfugegg reasonable Phone 2344 or apply 70 skusd Maple Ave 12144145 133 man and sup LIVESTOCK FOR SALE in cages $405 Afri colors 31 eagli EYgltigSeiilttE Pings 511ng old Beeton n8 urn one 38+ census out Green Lime It P168 to warns OLD also Sow to and Yellow withiltter of Ag 1y John Deck 1m Benu er phone Oro 37 0145 10 GRADE Poll Angus Cows withcalves one and three months olditfoot Apllaly Warren Mac KEN phone r23 Alliaton T9444 cowifthnSV an and all low west at Newton sebum ttii battciics $40 Car heaters $5 each ISTUCCO HOUSE HARRY NIICHI Dunlp St Barrie 59EDTS WANTED CP Appointment PROEERTY FOR RENT WOOD FOR SALE Lliili AGENCY 13g rolls Et liriv iirl Sluts Cruising ilxlrri lr H3443 AUTOMOBILES CASH 33 CASH FOR YOUR CAR lioou IN FIVE MINUTES SEE Honest Joe Cross Town Motors 220 Bradford SL Phone 5430 131011I MOlHlilN lruliiished fltllllt four roozlin irld biilll cvttz iaillltyI Pontiac Clutch like Ablunu Am mm vi llllltillll Sedan Xttllttlt if lfldT Titi lIriiolLt ozicli 111 lelivlct Sedan lovely 11 hcvrolct oacli clean rlivrolei ytou Pickup dlluxc ill liltKS lmkx Hump Vti Iilrllr 411 gt tigwn iilrll DIED MALHAM At 11 We in ii ii Robert John Macrlanl he Ftylglnw 1A1 lfivewgt lIivri llbhlliitl JKlln Ericr ll or Ln WM gt ilid tear father of Mr ll rllw two triumphant if Ileltd Ii gtri lirin lintcwzw lgtlll VH2 Alena district IltI Phone it It Ii RR flutun gmwfirLESLLGXLTEFL 4710 144145I Pfltilit lllll iIilJ 21 EH and Dougzas Nlthilligt3fit Tilttltlllp lit his 9ltll year Resb PERSONAL int his home ill Sunliidnlc ltiwihltlp Selvzce 111 New Low DAINES MASSAGE ROCK STEAM BATH 11 United Church on Dec lt it pm Interment StLIyriil Union crlictery Edgcliill Drive Barrie ARTHRITIC TREATMENT MEDICAL MASSAGE To ll Sun uldlc lti liill it 11C car MODERN Apiiililltlll coiivvzllclit location Adults or one Sillilll child Available ilU Hilltwpie plluucl rcrnioru lfi illllii UNFURNISHED 2roilru ilpiilj iJf ltovl Tractor and TrailI CL iNllilit IIlllilllit Mtill 101 Licensed Graduate Masseur working couplc litlit yer ltltll mm Iziblc Phone 0331 134441452 10 am TILL 10 MIL DMLV 41 largo lgton Panel cxccllent phone 81411 buy LARGE Warm clean well furn lll11l room ill new home boardl ior kitchen privileges With all acl Iiil Ns no rum 553 WW gtgI liaison tice bit value wa DAVISWu wish to extend our llczlllfclt illlttkS to our many friends and neighbors for IitPHStf START REDUCING FOR BETTER HEALTH btdSltllllf room with hot platc suitable Tor light lloibekccplllgl35125 3323piimgjmgdlggsagn 13 5111 lnss OlllltllPlllLfltlzsilk HI IN0 DWImg NOEXCFCISE l3Mftllo Discomfort No Disrobihg APARTMENTS each with pri LOSE FOUND TREATMENT vatc bath separate entrance new treatments $500 builtin cupboards and sinks hot water heated One 4roomed at $90 RedUCng Salon 177 Duckworth St Barrie one rroomcd $70 one 2roorned 555 Phone 4465 15145 Appointment phone 3992 301177 AT PAlNSWlCK modern heated za unfurnished room apartment abailable after Dec 21 Adults only and abstainers Apply Clarence Lackie 22r4 Stroud after pm during our recent bereavement lc especially wish to thank the Rev Pcllcticr for his cum forting words all the donors of the many floral tributes all meln bcrs and staff of the Royal Vii torizi Hosptal and nurses spe cial thanks to the Jennett Funeral Home for the kind efficient and helpful manner in which they con ducted the funeral services 145 iulcilcc Winglovc Uni15 37 CHEV Coach in good running order Apply Campbell AntcnI Mills 13143l45 1941 FORD Coach radio beaten reasonable offer refused Ap ply after pln Apt 65 Collier St 13144145 47 INTERNATIONAL Ellion pick up $250 Battery Charger for IN APPRECIATION Mr and Mrs Howard Martin nnd faillily wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their eff orts in saving the house also the Camp Borden Fire Brigade 145 wLsh to thank all my friends and neighbors Stayner LOBA N0 479 Tory Hill LOL No 888 for their kind inquiries for cards treats flowers and visits during my illness at the GM Hospital Collingwood Mrs Arnold 145 Tilcs lTlHlQQO 52Itlld up Quak cr Space Heater used one winter with 45gallon tank 560 New Em plro llSlt and chip fryer Phone tilltlS 13145ievenings or Saturdays 15145 PROPERTY FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TREASURERS SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Town of Barrie Apply SEHTC Clmts Restaurant Box 60 Orillia Ph015114752 Tow 121120 Alliston or Phone 360 thBvairtue off tah warrgavrlt asugnbi and ask forMr Signliigaln uneder zlth hand and theseal of Butcher and ArmstrOng and DECORATING the said corporation bearing date the 10th day of September sale of REALTORS 1706A Avenue Rd FREE ESTIMATES 133Dunlop St Barrie Ph 6642 ARNOTT 81 WALTON lands in arrears of taxes in the Phone 6777 or 2036 Town of Barrie will be held at 513524 40 COLLECTIONS No collection NO charge Credit Bureau of Simcoe County 32 24 located in Alliston TIemiers Wnrbraccepted by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noon on Tuesday December 22 1953 for realterationr of rooms at Barrie Collegiate to Vocational Guidance rooms Plans and specications can be seen at the office ofSec rotary in Collegiate Institute Barrie District Collegiate Institute FELT SecretaryTreasurer 144145 FRUIT VEGETABLES SPY AND Greening Apples Deliv ery in Barrie Harry Morren phone 4510 20145147 the Council Chambers Municipal Building 84 Collier Street at the hour of oclock in the afternoon on the 7th day of January 1954 un less the taxes and costs are sooner paid Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for or rears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 3rd day of October 1953 and that copies of the said list may be had at my office Treasurers Office this 51h day of October 1953 fL BARRAND To our clients and clientstobe we wish you Very MerryChrist mas We are at your service any time If you are interested in buying or selling call us at your Convenience For Job Well Done Call JOE BREWER Phone 3228 Remodelling Roofing Alterations Cupboards Treasurer unfurnished Phone 6776 Gyprocing General Building 114118144F147149W lll43tf 525ttF To WELD will 11 START Lincoln Will your car start in cold weather We suggest you Arc Welding School mum5 Tum mum have your Battery Starter and Distributor checked to prevent hard starting coming xenon week course We Service ENGLISH CARS and carry Exlde batteries ANDRADE SONS Ph 10m gt RR one for all cars trucks and tractors Repairs for all makes of Batteries Bruce Rep Barrie 6642 After hours call 2239 145146 Accommodation Wanted COUPLE with One child desire room downstairs flat or house Real Estate Insurance Modern Groom brick house Oil heaing oak floors throughout tiled kitchen counter plenty of builtin cupboards large lot well landscaped low down payment mortgage payments $7000 per month which includes taxes This house was built in the spigng of 1952 and is in excellent condition The price includes Venetian blinds storm windows and other extras $2500 down payment room frame bungalow new school area hard wood floors hot air heating laun dry tubs good Vsized lot reason able terms on mortgage $7000 Six room brick house hot SVIIMCOE PETROLEUM air heating oak and pine flooring your friendly Texaco Dealer offers Allandale Dam $1500 dam you full line of all petroleum HARRY MICHIE Realtor DTOducls Ph 351 Place Ydur Order Today For Fred HMiles After hours phone 5200 or 3551 STOVE FURNACE OIL 1H of superior quality Delve $9000NEW DBEDRQQM ranch Meter Tan Truck iy Stye bungalow large mg Contact Your Driver Salesman and kitchen $2000 down pay merits lessrthian rent Apply 118 JIM BRUCEARRfEONEfgi St Vincent St Apt 16145 ReliablWindoW $9000NEW BEDROOM Ranch Cleaners Watts Scrubbed style bungalow for sale large liv Windows Cleaned 59725 Rights and privileges can wither and die unless they areexercisedBe sure to Vote on December 10 lllllilllulrs lilil0 airtime =33 Boyfield 5i BARRIE Pb 2454 Now all lllsllllll actinTDhMIW in lb de sub Saw 20 lb Saw Full or Full up run 132 Fuilpovlor locations 1n without Julyquomuoumu datum all untm Julyawning in bu ing room andkitchen $2000 down payments less than rent Apply 118 St Vincent $1 Apt 10145 REAL MODERN Brick heme four and half room double lot un der Nine Thousand Six room re cently built very modern home Storm Windows Glass In less than Twelve Thousand We waned necessary have many others to choose from Contact Henry and Elrtck Real Floor scrubbed and waxed tors Barrie 16145 am cum on CHRISTMAS Giftnumeral for fwmdoug til idtlmtl recruit lie on on from Four to Ten ram priced mm 585nm from livo Thou0nd up Our 011 cc malnutrition in urnauco ng yjnd tricking zirms 10ch in he lat1o eta parkaafwllare range of heavy zippers Barrio out and Awning 00 Daniela Sty 531444 tic ranks drain in tied tliacanbectganed 0A 11 no bone st 095101145 Fridny CARD Ol= THANKS the liindncs and sympathy Shown tzl Oaw au laws of Mormon napalm la The Burned Tth omen Imtimtc fc fillifdiz inter Ill Eii lrinit tilted 11$ i1 Lucid incentig our Jtliiltil contentr Cilr ninth lrtitlfutii and Ilozlii itIinett 3113 iiiibrrltS who recently ijtlic Erlgldnti told of llit Christmas on thr part if l11l1llll In BORN IiAMlljlONrrAt the Royal 11LT toril llllllll Barrie on Dec 16 1953 to Mr and Mrs Willtzill iiarlliitovi nee Jane Bridglcyt daughter Jennifer Lolllscl tin with ll llill taken ii unit 1511 tile saying gzzilllgs nutiizders of ClitA It hrlstudn ilTlIf Llillzliniir The It handed thc meeting me to Rev Martin who Cutllitltltl inc tlttiltlft of officers lrtSideut Mrs RVt WIILUllesldtllt NIH ftlitllllreggs McLEODMr and Mrs Gordon tlrei Mrs Campbell Secretary McLeod 37 Henry Street are 315 31 54193 of Chry pleased to announce the iiirzvzilllm SrtUdshm Buukli yr the Chosen 50 tummy Supply Sttltliil ll lvflllilt months Dec in 1933 Ho Tmnpmmwc SCK34 Mb nJAthXYEAL REVS YLtligl IhImpsori Allslonuzy Monthly Qma aulem 92 Secretary Mrs Cruse Mile Mr anMrs Bka Qua8in Secretary Mrs Gross Jy Churcmn 70 Fricndslll SititltiV lrk llrtill SMITHAt the Royal Victoria iiiciiiitar Barrio on Dec 16 1931 If Mr afli Mrs Smuh Last week it was mentioned 50pm Barne Son tllth Gordon Smith had his right SEAGRAMA11hc Royal Victnriavlcg broken VlltlL playing hockey Hospital Barrie on Declli 193v at Nobleton and was in the Royal 631 md 5Can1Victoria Hospital Barrie Later in uary $1 Barrio laugh en Catherine Rebeccahl ttlle week owing to the nature of SMITHAt the Rum Vicmnullhu fracture it was found neces Hospltul Barrie Dec lgzsary to operate on Monday morning 1953 to Mr and Mrs Clalclncclimd 1311 11 SIIVLI Plate He is Smith RR Na Barmv ul now doing as well its can be ex daughter pectcd KEYS CUT URRYS 36 BAYFIELD ST FIVE POINTS Operate 011 Gordon Smith ii 1H 51 SKILLED WORKMEN MODERN MACHINES BIG STOCK We can repair rebuild or fabricate machinery to suit your requirements STEEL ron SALE by the foot or by the ton lllllIlE WELDING MACHINE 00 Mulmter st Dial 3m Mil FEEDER Wliul does MicroMix mean to you Every thimbleful of MicroMixed Purina Chews is identical with complete and thorough distribution of all ingred ienk Purina and only Purina is Micro Mixed no candy pellets and its not the cheapest feed on the mar ket BUT Purina doesproduce best results for lent cost BARRIEe FARM SUPPLY Market Square Phoneztltlz roams CHOWSEQRPOULTRVY AND LIVESTOCK jllollml rm labour Toni HELD ON Saturday tanuary 1954 sitWW mile building storey size iiilr as Conditlonszsita to be cleared not later than months after date of sale including levellm of welloutside tank incineratbrr Poles to be removed orient feetubelow surface Purchaser Wt agree lb mt uii $20000 bond which will here funded when site cleared satisfactorily At the some time the following articles will be so mew5 Gusto burners Ravens Outhouso Kitcheh lllpn10t dishesulenslls Benchesfl wvwmvamwwmmzcskxw