THE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY DECEMBER 18 195313 Sv and Mrs deitgirim pfumit Barn Womens Institutes Centre Vespra Wl Holds Enioyable Chrisimas Meeting Centre Vespra Womens lugL lute incl ai In home of Mrs Wallwzn in December With l6 deeming zze TAGS and SEALS members and motors attending Amer on rm Roll call was Chrzstrrun ubh Dooson There ea Cor um um Bum the response bang general gOOd propriety rem 41 II NOVEL cumsnus PRESENT All Expense Paid Florida Tour Mrs Dawson conducted the hues Jun 9th carefree days Flu Liij Gummy Dobeun acc WRAPPING new meeting with Mrs Wallwm reed mg the minutes and letters item of busmess discussed Wilhi interest concerned the Cancer Hospital Auxiliary if Personally escorted by Christmas Party 55 ii NLA ln Houghlon Ancoster Ont The Womens Hospital Auxmary write or phone for informatiom PREDRESSED of the Royal Victoria Hospital Loblaws wound up its yearnS activities 135 77 HIEDRESSED Vigil Dec 16 in Christinan Shellac razs oz The party was held in the recrel Shelled Filberls 401 ir 3312 Kaolin Removal of was hood foot clc be fore weighing Loblows PREDRESSED Loblows weers Full meal voluo for your Poultry Dollar means FINEST OUALm well fed Poulky good it eaiing well fleshed with generous while meal podium You gel the nest possiblo qualin or the Loblaws lowest possible prico more meal value PREDRESSED per pound LOBLAWS HAVE THE LARGEST SELECTION EVER Ol THE FINEST QUALITY POULTRY CHOICE GRADE lAIIIVIIIIISWMIIIIKET mm CHBIEEMAS tion room of the new nurses resl Sheled wanuls PIECES 401 21c dencc The spacious room was Shelled Almonds ioz 21c tastefully and gain decorated for the occasion and contained ai Shelled Pecns HALVES 402 336 beautifully adorned Christmastree Thirtyfive members and three guests Miss Helen Shanahan and Miss Elizabeth Langman of the hospital staff and Mrs Hilton Spiers were present for the occa= Barrie For 75c loll UNDER OVER sion The party started with most delicious turkey dinner served un der the capable guidance of Miss Molly Smith hospital dietitian who catered for the occasion Con veners of the party were Mrs Big elow and Mrs Perkins Following the dinner Mrs Roy Christie suitably thanked Miss Smith for the enjoyable meal she had served and on behalf of the NEW YEARS NOTE DATES SAT DEC 19 TUE DEC 22 TUE DEC 29 Shelled Blonched Almonds 402 240 NUTS IN SHELL Brazil LARGE Hugues Mixed Nuts CELLSBBAG largo Papershell Pecans 33 Budded Wulnuls all 490 49c 43c 53c II lei PieDressed Bucks lllllllEYS 61 1LIS PieDressed Boosting Chickens GRADE GRADE PieDressed Boiling Fowl WE ALSO HAVE AVAILABLE LIMITED SUPPLY OF LI 75c 63c GIAD REGULAR DRESSED TURKEYS we ladies presented her with gift period of card playing follow ed when the ladies enjoyed an hour of court whist Several lucky 31c GRADES AT1RAcnvaumcso 310 Soil Shell Almonds my Filbes TURKEYS GEESE DUCKS lLB CELLO BAG draws were made and won by Mrs Pitcher Mrs Fleti Mrs Flowers Mrs Butler Mrs Bayliss and Mrs Spicrs period of Christmas carol sing followed with Mrs Bayliss accompanying at the piano Two beautiiul solos were sung by Mrsl Roy Urry At the conclusion of the party Roy Christie the president announced that 520 had been col lected from the ladies as their Christmas present to the School for Retarded Children This money was presented to Mrs Gable to be given to Mrs Hamilton teacher of the school toiibywbat ever was needed for the childrens use Mrs Gable thanked the ladies on behalf of the Retarded Childrens Association CHICKENS CAPONS Drawn Mince Piesl FRESH Pmiltoke lEGGS COokies TIIIlS layer Cakes APPLES and VEEETABLIzs CHOICE HONEY CHRISTMAS TREES FANCY WORK ch armasnm in Youll Save Money at lhe Muriel HOLIDAYS STORE HOURS OPEN ALL DAY MONDAY DEC 21 900 am to 600 pm TIESDM DEC 21 900 am on 600 0111 WEDNESDAY DEC 23 900 to 600 p111 RHRSDAY DEC 24 900 to 600 pm CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY SEC 25 CLOSED BOXING DAYDEC 26 CHEESE lohlows 03$ Choose us 801 lohlows Sliced Choose Kraft Velveelo Choose mm if Chateau Cheese fzLD llMENTO POPULAR BRANDS cooked Smoked lions Smoked Pork Signer WHOLE OI HALF OLE OR HALF Choice Cheese 47 ALSO AVAILABLE THE ARISTOCRAT OF THE TURKEY FAMILY 125 MANITOULIN TURKEYS AT SLIGHTLY HIGHER PRICES lEGULAI DRESSED LI La 72c Ratio 51er Hum $51nu 85 43 STYLE LB PKG liLDF SNACK BAR The party closed with the nation Isms AVAILABLE FOR TURKEY VENDORS al anthem Golden Bur Cheese Maple leaf Cheese Monarch Cheese 585 Genuine Swiss Gruyoro3ofgt 41c Clover Volley Ghee Flee 33 29 Philadelphia Groom Choose $35 31 FROSTED FOODS Cudnoy 232 Strawberries 321 Aylmorj Groon Beans 153 Fancy Green Poo 333 21c lohlows Almond Pelle soz 29c CLIID HOUSE Poultry Dressing Sue Savory Home 10 SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE WHWIWIWNMWII ammo SAVE ON GUARANTEED lLB 410 25c FOODS OF QUALITY Ilionz TomolosoupI1mz1 Groom 31 Wm WM BRAND Hum swim or nIIniooIIm on when 2402 IOAR lOBlAWS FRESH GROUND DIE ol Illllllll EDITED Mir ODLAW OUAlIIY CONTROLLE PRODUCT noun IIIIII incomes SPECIAL FOR THE mm suisom lOBlAWS rmousRIcH DARK NO NO II In lllnlSlllllSIlliii5 DOZEN LOIIAWS AT LEAST SIZES Tolcuooss IRWIN my STORE Mixed Pans Cyclamen if 3330 menuwarm BIIIICII HELEN AonIcIous Dom moments mouse non pp plainly Is In WhhihmhlltlnlliiRikkiunwilllihlhhmhhhmhlh 39= innit ms Aoozesno THE CHRISTMAS rowucAiEcoD Push Cronhemes 25 lunocctunnscuormmcmiv trickmm Svce Ahu