Creemore Star L1 UMPLNDEN Im Serving THE TOWN 01 553812 AND COLNTY 0F SIMCOE Since 1864 89th YearNO E45 lemonsd as km Clan the Fiat om DownsI11 Iii OvaA RVH Applies to Service Clubs lRelwnl Makes Church Groups Organizations Equi Citizens for crra Iiitil to Do Luv IIZCILI LAX to buy Ls CJFIESI rue Cu 12 unrgx for 121 type Fuhowxg 1125 by board some years ago husptai appiyizg to the cfaife ciutn church groom and flier organt rations 11 to vr fur assistance The board hopes in do help this manner and DC from in tcrestcd Citizens well publc1cd the of fracture required in the As previously hospital is in need table Costing $1610 Smith Sells Reg Weslbrooke Announcement was made yesterl day by Smith that he hadl sold The Creemore Star weekly newspaper published in Nottawa saga Township to Reg West brookc of Cullingwood who takes over Jan 1951 he 2o be LZLE to Torter hospi the hospital equipment menl Items sFQC 11fr 51 or up traind her if ts table now lals Also required Slrykcr or thcpedx fric an aztacr ltp1x OMS so 111sz pa fractured spans car he moved without pain or njury The us of this piece of equprmrt $314 The hOSpLuil requires three Ball kar frames priond $90 CGCILi These are attachments for hosprs =ert for L5 wth al beds for the treatment of fracl lured bones Bovie uni power unit to enable the doctor to do essential urological surgery is another rc qutrcmcnt It costs $700 Patian at present requiring this surgery must be sent to Toronto because does not have this Davzs roller required by the hoqntal for use in moving pat ient under anaesthetic from stretcher to operating table and Vice versa would cost $115 The hospital already has three oxygen tents but finds that at least one more is required in or der to provide for the number of patients who from time to time require pxygen The cost of one of these items of equipment is $606 Ceiling track and curtains are required for 29A 28B and varying in cost from $80 to $150 $500 and $300 This equipment re places tbe old unwieldy movable screens and is used to curtain off patient in semiprivate and ward rooms IL is already installed throughout the memorial wing and in some roams of the old building where it is proving of very great value Two Classrooms To Start Soon For Retarded Following the Christmas holi days two clasrooms will be start ed in the School for Retarded Children in Barrie with the child ren separated into two age groups This has just been announced by the Barrie and District Coun cil for Children in its latest bulletin which points out Another pupil is now attending the school and one more will be added shortly making total of nine students From the teachers children separated the school Mr Westbrooke is presemly like production foreman of The Col Ilngwmd humanism He is widely known in sport circles presently beinglgoalie for Getting wood Shipbuilders top mnkmg ORA intermediate team and has starredatrstlnseinibaseball and softball for many seasons Age is married with three children and has been 17 years with The EnterpriSeBulietin except for four years with the RoyalCbnq adisn Armomed Corps during World War Two Smith known to doubt friends Belt is not retiring For time he will continuous on module With Mr Wgstbmke and serve as news He has been in charge of mom for in 30 years weiiouslirhav ngfamnedineisapbspredm of the Ontarioiquqbccinivision at the MLMy Nempem Association guitarist secretary or the Centmi cum 1Weeuy my too been needed in point of view it has been desir able to have two classes with the IDWO age groups With the addition of two more pupils it has become nec essity and beginning after Christ mas holidays there will be both morning and afternoon clasSes at The matter is at the present time in the bands of the education committee which is composed of Mfs Rankin Mrs Hurdt Ithe Rev Lewis Scott school inmector and George Longstaffe secretarytreasurer of the Barrie Politic School Board who is also treasurer of the council At recent meeting it was pointed out that more adequate means of heating the part of the school in which the washrom are located was necessary and es timates are being obtained on the cost of another oil beater One difficulty which was pre sented that of transportation now appears to have been worked out satisfactorily As the council points out The transportation problem seems to have been solved for students living in Barrie Parents of students from outside Barrie will be paid thesame amount as the transportation charge for local children and will nd their own meansof getting the children to school The owing statement also contained in the bulletin school forretarded children in am ieanddhtnct In spite of problems of transporta utln pic is nowrran established The schoolwhicb has long tbs comunity has been operating for about three montbsuapd promises to be not able Without the support and Lled that irks or check riisrks cusxunmr Maclsaac Mayor Elect Of Orillia Deputy React Maelsaae tied with 1327 Otc hfsclsaac 235 now become mayors elect of the Down The 530431 was made Monday that tune udgc Ha rvie would be merged in place of frch The check nzarls mused Mr Macbaacs total to 124 and lIlCiLdJCJ Mr Journos poll by one vote to 12 The present mayor Wilbur Crarrp who was defeated at the electmn picked up Eight vcti on the recount Had the recount not broken the for the mayorally Ill Payne clerk would have cast the leading vote by fliwmgl COM ELECTORS IN lNNlSFll rwr vore SATURDAY Tomorrow Saturday Dec 19 electors in Innisfil Township wzll go to the polls to elect recve andl three councillors Greatest interest in the election Will be the threecornered fight for the rcevcship with Reeve Clif ford Loclchart being challenged for the position by Allan Todd and Gibbins Four candidates are running for the three council seats Thomas Cook and Allan Ireton both sit ting members and William Camp bell and Frank Beatty In both school area boards the vacancies have been filled by ac ciamations Mrs Kell and Rus sell Stewart for school area board one and Stanley King Lloyd Booth and Gordon Mason for school area board two Polling hours Saturday are from 10 am until pm at the following polling stations Cooks town Robert Taggarts house flin dles School House Churchill Immunity Hall Lefmy Commun ity Hall Belle Ewart William Ruifots house Thormmi Orange Hall Stroud Community Hall Leonards Orange 1211 Lot 20 Con 10 Holly School House Plainswick Grange Hall and Big Bay Point School House 9W modem New Liskcard has again been honored by visits of distinguished visitors many from all points of the globe Without boasting more than is permissible we may say with conviction that there is no place in the north where visitors can obtain better idea of Canada its people and its potential than in this Heart of the Scenic North rNew Liskeard out Temiskaming Speaker of local organizations and indiv iduals continuation of the classes would have been impossible In all communities there are number of childrenforgotten children as thy have been des cribedwho are uneducable regular schools Nevertheless these children can be trained by special teaching methods Some of these children can become selfsupport lug may will be able to contrib ute towards their own support and few will never be ableto do either but almost every retarded child has some capacity for learn ing Even if only very limited potential for satisf actory adjust ment in the family and commun ity is developed and small meas ure of happiness for the childre through widened crests and ac tivities is given4 en these classes are worthwhile As every parent knows some thing can be done for mentally retarded children it only special help is available We had that thought that few persons other than parents and relatives of such children understood the heart breaking struggle of trying to do something for the forgotten child Consequently it has been most and encouraging tond in our cdmmunity the support which has been 50de givgn In time surely forgotten children will become an obsolete express loaf NEW to mannaNJANUARY in BARRiE ONTARIO CAAAOA FRIDAY OVtrlt thgt Tliarrir Examitwr He CIVNA nag C4 Mmun am n3 linu Ccllonl New Officers for Canadian legion Brunch Installed CANADIAN LEGION OFFICERS of Branch 147 Barrie were installed in office at the Legionliall Owen Street Tuesday evening The instar lation ceremony was carried out by Major Truman Williams assisted by former presidents of the branch The new officers for 1954 are shown above Back row left to right Millican treaSurer Douglas McGibbon executive Cecii McMulk MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY vinyl can 16 PagesSilvio Sections in Barrie in executive WLIIiam Calvert SergeantatArms Mason Wright as sistant Sergeantatarms Vanderveer executive Mike Grose and Harry Wharton executive members Front row Major Williams Norbert Moran 2nd viceprcsidentAI Giles president Jim Diamond lst vicepresident Findlay McGibbon recording secretary Many Churches Holding Specin Services on Christmas Sunday Heralding Coming of Nativity There will be special services in all the churches of Barrie on Sunday heralding the coming of the great feast of the Na tivity and severil churches will be holding church services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to mark the anniversary of the Birth of Christ Many of the Christmas Sunday services will be holy communion and white gilt ceremonies while in the evening churches are bold ing special candlelight and carol services with special music by the choirs Trinity Anglican Church and St Georges Anglican Church are holding carol and holy communion services on Christmas Eve while St Marys Roman Catholic Church will follow another annual tradi tion with the celebration of the rst mass of Christmas Day start ing at midnight Both the Trinity and St Marys Christmas Eve services will be broadcast over radio station CKBB Colli Street United Church The sermon on Christmas Sun day morning at Collier Street Un ited Church will be onme theme The glory that shines through the dusty platitudes of and will be preached by the min ister Rev Lewis Special music by the choir at the morning and evening carol and candlelight service will be under the direction of the church organist and choir master Lloyd Tufford For like evening service the church auditorium will be lighted only by many Scores of ball white candles Starting at seven oclock it will be nine lesson carol ser vice telling the Christmas story in scripture and music The carols Simgby thechoirwillbefrom old AngloSaxon sources of the 14th century and earlier The New Testament storm of theLNativity will be read from Wycliffes Bible of the 1401 Century The Chugch School will be held 3945 am for junior intermed iate and senior depantments at 11 oclock for nursery kindergarten and primar departments and at thieoocloc the adult Bible Class willbe held JIrinIty Climb On Obiism Sunday night in Trinity Anglican Church the choir will prawns Can tata and thevpubiic iscoidiany invited to attendhe performance celebrated between which will feature the voices of prominent soloists The presenta tion begins at seven oclock Serviccsiri Trinity Church for the Fourth Sunday in Advent un der the direction of the rector Rev dePencier Wright will be gin with an eight oclock morning communion service followed by Sunday School at 10 oclock and the regular morning prayer and sermon 11 oclock which will be broadcast over CKBB The sermon The Eleventh Hour will be preached by the rector On Christmas Eve choral com munion service with carols and hymnswill beginat llwoclock in Trinity Church and will be broad cast from then until midnight over CKBB On Christmas Day there will be holy communion service at eight oclock in Trinity Church and family communion service and ad dresat 1030 am St Marys Roman Catholic Church Solemn high mass will be cele baited at midnight in St Marys Roman Catholic Church Christmas Eve by the pastor Very Rev James Clair wrols will be sung by the senior choir fmm the time the church doors open atlll5 pm until the candlelight procession of acolytos carrying the gure of the Infant Jesus to the crib at the front of like altar at midnight when the broadcast over CKBB conmeuces Under the direction of the or mnist Miss Margaret McKinnon the senior choir will sing the Regime Pacis Christmas mass for the rst time at midnight Morning masses will be at 730 oclock eight oclock nine oclock and 1030 oclock on Christmas with several other masses the stated St Andrews Pushy terian Church Balkans Ferguson the church minister will conduct Christmas service3on in St An drews Presbyterian Church and has chosen as sermon topic nor the 11 oclock morning service Christians4953 The Eighteenth Christmas Will be the topic of the sermon the evening service commencing at seven oclock when Christmas music Will be provulcd by the com bined SCYIEUI and junior 2110115 There wzil also be carol singing the evening service Cnnstmas Greetings to All will be the theme of the Church School service at 11 oclock in the morn ing at St Andrews The Salvation Army This Sunday will be White Gift Sunday at the Salvation Army Citadel where Christmas services will be under the direction of Sr Major and Mrs Mills The theme of the morning ser vice at 11 oclock will be The Guiding Star and there will also be special Christmas music and Song at the evening service This is the Sign unto You Sunday School will be at three oclock in the afternoon On Monday evening at eight oclock the young people of the Salvation Army will present con cert and Christmas Tree in the citadciu First Baptist Church Christmas music at the morning and evening Services in First Bap tist Church on Christmas Sunday Will be under the direction of the organist and choir leader Miss BlsieHCIoughley At the 11 oclock morning servica Rev Luck the minister will preach on The Difference Jesus Makes and in the evening his sermon topic for the seven oclock service will be The Mystery Story Sunday School for all ages is at 950am Central United Church The annual candlelight service will be held at Central United Church on Christmas sunday even ing This special service is pre sented by candlelight by the choir and consistsof anthems choruses duets quartets and solos and be gins at seven oclock The subject bf the sermon of the minister Rev Bewell at the morning service will be The Birth of the Saviour Vocal solo ist at the 11 oclock service will be Slessor The Church School will be held at 945 am for junior intermed Late and senior dcparbnents and at 11 oclock for beginners and primary pupils Special Chiism music will be under the direction of the church organist and choirdeader Warren Li MacLeam St Georges Anglican Church St Georges Anglican Church will hold special Christmas Eve service with carols at 1115 pm followed by holy communion at 1130 pm On Christmas Day =there will be 111 communion at eight Oclock the morning and holy communion and carol ser vica at 1030 am there will also be candlelight carol service at StGeorges Chm 3011 Chasm Sunday ev Vat seven oclock chins starting 10 and caiot Wag it 8311 pm The rimming School services at ofclnci Sun tinny the day mo areiunder prayer and Sunday Genuine Winter With Blizzard For Christmas This week has been all win ter starting Monday with wet snow ar raw east wind bringing five inchw of beauti ful but cold with some trouble for traffic Tuesday was colder wind veering more west and low on Wednesday of but on Thursday morning it was below zero and this morning miniature blizzard was blitzing from the north and may continue Temperatures were High Lo JO The Last Column Scotland ReVisited Am afraid must conftbs that it was rather startled Last col umnist who arrived in at HIE ufv fice here few days ago It was only then that discovered had just been over in Scotland for holiday At least this was one item which ran in the current is sue of The Canadian Weekly Edi tor Being good Scotsman would just like one little bit in formation from the C$W much did my trip com me A1 the saying goes life is full DI sur prises Burton Avenue United Church There will be abundant Christ mas music at both morning and evening services in Burton Ave United Church on Christan Stin day Thesermon topic of the minis ter Rev Eugene Beech at the 11 oclock morning service will be In the Days of Herod the The theme at the evening worship Service commencing at seven oclock will be The Message of Christmas Special music by the choir will be under the direction of the church organist Harold Dempsey There will be an open session of the Sunday School on Christmas Sunday morning at 945 oclock with special offering Collier Street Baptist Church Special music by Mrs Naomi Knight will be seature of the Christmas Sunday evening ser vice at Collier Street Baptist the Fellowship of Evangelical Bap tists which begins at seven oclock under the leadership of Rev Nullmeyei the pastor The even lug service will be broadcast over CKBBL The theme of the sermon will be Im Very Sorry The theme of the service attlhe morning 11 oclock service in C01 Iier Street Baptist Church will be Whose Birthday is This Any way Bettie Pentecostal Church Special Christmas services will be held in Botbel Pentecostal Church formerly Full Gospel Ihb ermcle on Sunday at 11 oclock in the morning and 730 oclock in the evening under the direction of the pastor Rev Burges and the eyed me up and dowm Had rather pleasant experience the other day when was up around Elmvale and met the new FIos Township clerkJohn Robert son He comes from Perth about 20 miles from my home town but Im afraid did not tell him the truth about where actually hail from You see Scotsman in Canada has certain prbblems to contend with First of all when hemeetsaOanadia tibisaccentis bound because either meme or incredulitty If he meet an Irishman hell got into an amu merit and of course this goes for the Englishman who are equally contntious miany if one talks about home rule in Scotland which no longer do as matter or principle that when two Scotsman get to gether they would be so glad to see each other that it would but make much difference where they came from wouldnt But Im afraid um isnt the Scots have the reputation clannisb and now believe isquite abittothis other day when and 30M do edAre you which is the thought to myself and then answered No Im from the matter of fact from Turn to page Sunday School concertwill beheld at eight oclock on Wednesday ev enmg along with aiftqwiug of the sound lm Princeof Peace TheWonderful Wordi bakes phagovera nine oclock to 030 beiockiSuridiiy morning in There winst singingat the man servicein the Rev IMF New tonSmith and follow an eight oclockmoriug bolycvmmunlon sewice You woulirhmgine