Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Dec 1953, p. 9

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Ehtlnrial ling Centennial Flashback lx7 ii Hut litl If 11 Clei We lentil too 3o2I could 111w cot iwl Lld HlLllJXLL willie vii milling 5Ulill Wlllnr miller tlIi tIircoisiIIniiiI are pro BLii iIr of The lei The bi llliv lll to buy for uhoni ainawulg iqiluNaw We ioizlidi 1111 file RvIrI Sillrifr is enl dutld Also nu the li ltll by which man works his way Lp ill the engine room etftrs opprrtnilty in iiihlsrllled tech liiill field Lil list he bet Ii nzisluid the llliltll liillvlitl lures an additional ha rd tile in szbihtj lll duplicatiiitv pres in my 13 um Himk But It Is sincerely hoped 1111 cnanue of nu milm igllimmn md thbcx name wont 11102111 chance of heart and ml Mb it me mm for mm that even as engineer Iilecliunics stoker illll you ltlllelllbtl lt the last minute it EH Sun swagger up Harrington Strum 15 Wild lull chose for him last Llirlstiiias Huth Swill itner pzere of fisliilic equipment Editorlal Notes III03 CDDul lit Ink gulitini lie on he inn It by the liliiinec Co Iuy llllrl lilit said this is the lit itixr lili Inl Dllld of acizon Iv the in For Parents On pl rhups Ill be just as welcome however It IIIikrs the It llillIL for adults relatively simple when prlsents can be tied in with hobbies filter or ii dozen flashbulbs for the tillltllt enthusiast that newCauadiuIi novel for the fiction fun gardening Inau ual for Cousin Kate and so on When It comes to buying presents for children things become really tough Par ents know what their own youngsters want of course But nephews and nieces partic ularly if they Visit only occasionally and the sons and daughters of friends pose real puzzle The little folk grow upso fast that its usually hard enough to keep track of their ages without following in detail their changing enthusiasms for this type of toy or that But heres where wed like to put in word on behalf of the younger generation who get such tremendous thrill out of all the activities of the Christmas season of the RCMP have brought Canada favor able attention that could not be purchased can Wt Labor buttrefresluiieiit from repose ltiontgoiiiery It is to be hoped that Canada will long continue to exclude the television camera from any and all proceedings carried on le the name of Her Majesty the Queen The workings of the sovereign power are much Books For Your Child By Nancy Cleaver i7 too serious to be turned into show for anybody who can pay five dollars down on television set More than Canadians will regret it if the musul ride troop of the Mounties is aban doned says The Financial Post This ispn one of the very best advertisements for Can ada At the Coronation parade in London at New Yorks Madison Square Gardens and at our own Royal Winter Fair and other exhibitions these colorful precisibn squads for millions and millions of dollars The slloit lkilll 1515 for groups lllL dwittbuted Ilt Burl thri xlvLk much should not ignored This pcc il eek Lilclsiuted Iiics IIIi piii vc posters illilll rI lla lllltk and teachers do lit best to Iii lcies boys lltl ers Zllltllllg good books But tlis task of airing children llillllli for boirks belongs No one can complain that ll mother and dad love read in and spend part of their salary uid leisure on books it is verv likely that the chil dren growing up in this kind of home atmosphere will fol low their example 10v of books is caught not taught llie iilvics comics men TV never completely replace the klljkillll of literature for youth ci nixed country lligt te which can be cultivated If as parents you been too busy to do much tuning for long time why not nuke fresh start at fittziig books liltcme llSllflllOllS once again into your time schedl iiI1 QZIIus illcCIlliiltiti liitl fer the tiii Mill FOR lllii llitl LUV AI Sea by Ferid =lliii House of til Woodland An nials by lucquelin Berzlll 1310 Ch 1131 IIi Steimrt are two most attractive ltlt lZL1 and old mill The Rucksack Btek edzted byl Myers ICopp Clark Con announce vult llrl especzuily for Curl ll CElYlL wt xoiideifu iri lruke cits ilv probably IJtk 131 ll for 130 nor eels operating from the handlebars We repeat izoni wheel brake can tLlZO 1U the turn of the century the cuns became somewhat accus ionied to sceniea queer horscless carriage powered from under the seat by buttery ind molor and steered by lever control the electric automobile tinkercrilllll named Ford was occasionally men lzd rim and the en poured out ld make an un 15 there Next the tube basin Cf puncture Now lets taper the spot and the apply cement to both place gotcli over hole hold zi place and conI to 100 or was 1000 replace tune restore tire to rim and finally which means this 15 your finish too pump up the iire With hand pump correct pressure 60 pounds If you think this is funny drop around and well tell you about the chap vlio fixed eleven ats be tween Barrie and Toronto in one Then there were the roads We uoned in the news but the worldlhave said they were plain dirt went on much the same asbeforelroads but the grades had yet to Around 1010 this fellow Ford that he would build 21 be cut down and the hills were steep Moreover the pioneer road cur vitli Ii gasoline engine tliathUllderS W31 Wducmg grade musical ride is spectacle and an excellent NEW OUTSTANDING iGULdCS hm Wild be ma as gt would be within the mack of anymas to build bend or two into JUVENILE BOOKS set to Stlillllltl cottag or lioli lone making fair Sim The maritime mad Extthat Spot As added blouse clip this list and use day own T101 len years saw many makes of carsghazairdsmgle Povetf mo sour Christmas shopping Every FICTION FOR GIRLS Delia mal The ilppemllcev 1051 Ollzhmfu was qganniatr in child should receive book prescnDaly of Galloping Green by Palwhlch would be unknown today mgt JTh 13m from his parents izncin Lynch Dent Soul lsinames such as Briscoe Maxwell 911 011 en te Lll riizig Irish story and Penny 1Chand1er Erskine Essex SaxonDefl 119d 110 troub but if wer FOR LlIILE FOLle The DollITripiiant by Stephen Tring Iand GrayDori However Ford ONCE W911 JUSt Stand we the Window by Pamela Bianco Oxford University Press is kept his promise and his Model leaCkl lirn in Danger bxkEdward Ardig spazkliiigyEngiish tale automobile was soon everywhere Turnlto page lliirteen please AD books publishers are making one Moreover It Is spectacle that means vm fortunes or um authors Toys will be far more acceptable to them Canada to millions of people We have all are becoming millionaires in as the main gift item than almost any kind too few national symbms in Canada now not Canada Often it is difficult of practical present such as wearing 00 even flag that we can agree on We willl elm parel no matter how durable boy will re be poorer still if we let the musical ride tlhwinzot 22202 member certain Christmas as the year he disappear week as Book Week there got the electric train or the skis while girl is no finer gift that you can will look back on another Christmasndp Silk hats gloves vests portlyvphysiques give your child than love or because of doll carriage or toy sewing malls howsome PPople like 70 dres up memm machina their pictures of capitalists But what dol your 30 daugmcr omers the capitalists reallylook like And wholcoliegiaie with love of reading so make your adult giving practical if are they says The Financial Post They are rm be my will Value you must varying the socksandtie routine the bFiCklayerS line t001m3ker5v the We iiipikmiiigigliakiiif 0110 11 where possible with hobby items In choos merchants the men down the streel They ance teacher told tile fwrenT of 111g giftSIfof children however you can shop are the mllllODS of Canadians who sell their the scholars who had just grad for an hour under the magic spell of child SeerCES and put their SVlngS t0 W0rk They 3le Cm public mm the xit Stokers hood and select the sort of present to fill tiny heart with joy or set youthful im aginatibn winging la The word stoker recently passed from Canadian navy vocabulary with an an nouncement to the press but no official mourning period was declared no sorrow expressed To many it marked the closing of the door on an era that was ending even as the Second World War began Stokers were race apart Whether as engineering mechanics they will continue as such remains to be seen If the navy had any equivalent of the old hey rube it was to holler for stoker Whether seamen scrapped in Halifax or Hong Kong he was lucky if he had few of those husky cocky stokers to wade in and help Stokeris bluntworda mans word It was word that fitted men who used to Shovel coal into shOulderhighfirebox doors the men who used to sweat it out at one of the toughest jobs the sea had to offer Even during the last war when coal was being rapidlyreplaced by oil fuel stokers were still peppery of temper and proud as punch They had belligerence sprinkled with dash of insolence It was with atwinig of regret that we read recent issue of the Royal Canadian Navys magazine The Crowsnest In fact we bid itjustin case some veteran stoker should glimpse the following What the sailor does below decks in stead of shovelling Coal is demonstrated as are just about all of us They certainly are not just select few in the higher in come braCkets High taxes and the rapid growth of the middle income group now mean that the bulk of the countrys savings for investment expansion must come from the middle income men OPINIONS or OTHERS Toronto vs Canada Sudbury Star The pipeline issue boils down to one of Taronto vs Canada because other municipalities in South ern Ontario appear to look favorably on the all Canadian development in preference to onecity monopoly An allCanadian pipeline through the Lakehead and serving the new developments north of Sault Ste Marie means more than can be com prehended by the narrow thinkingrof Torontonians who think that Canada is bounded by the Humber River Eglinton Avenue and Victoria Park Immigrant Bank Clerks tFort William TimesJournal Five young men from England and twoifrom Ireland passed througthort William last weekron their way to Calgaty Aged between 21 and 23 years they have signed threeyear contracts with chartered bank of Canada and are looking for bank The reason they have been engagedby the bank may be traced to the unwillingness of large number of Canadian youths to take clerical job oftliat kind which does not pay quite as much as jobs in industrial plants in the oil elds at mines Mem hers 01 the little group of seven from overseas have been briefed on the possibilities or their ad venture They understand thoroughly that other young men of their ages in Canada will be earning more than they do initially and that their own standard gt of living will have to be modest for few years But they have been schooled also to recognize that 10 or 15 years from this point they will be earning more than the lads who are tliinkingonly of the present and willbe on their way to even greater returns for their training and effort ward to work as juniors in Alberta branches of the went on to point out the emphaSIs in education on the communica tion of ideas in the spoken and also the written word At the conclusion of his talk he asked the searching question which every parent should con sider Are you satised with the number and variety of books in your home which your child is reading Does he own attractive books suited to his age and tastes Since he was mall has he been apposed to the good infection of genuine love of books in your fam ily circle Teachers are keenly aware or the importance of books So are brarim or they would never have Chosen their voca tion But childs reading is the responsibility ofparents 100 Reading must struggle for place among so many other fas cinating leisure time activities in our modern Worldradio movies TVCanadian books must com pete with books published in other countries especially those from Our neighbor to the South But the sentence which was once posted above the shelves in Boys and Glrls House the library building for juveniles in one of our largest Canadian cities isstill trueWhat you read when you can read what you like determineswhat you be when you cant help Good books Mild char aober Every parent who wants the Very best for his Children desires that they shouldan the written word gt There are several things which mothers and fathers do to encour age taste for reading You can take Critical look at your childs collevglton of books see if it is possible to add anew book at this time 11511115 is hard to do bud Il Guidelo the Point orsale for paid circulation rules and methods for audit Our local stores are the display rooms and ware houses for the worlds nest products Efcient banking insurance real estate and other business services arealso available to the people in our ing and reporting the circulations of newspapers and periodicals Community The readers of this newspaper nd our advertising Columns dependable guide to the point Ofvsalea useful source foruptodate fnewsand information about these goods and services In order that advertising expenditures may be At regular intervals one of the Bureaus largo staff of experienced circulation auditors visits us to make thorbugh audit of our circulation records The FACTS established by hBaudit are published by the Bureau inARC repOrbwhich are available to you our advertisers 104 fports tell you how much Circulation wohavoy whereitgoesh0w itissoldand otherFACTS Existentialtotheprotableuscofnewspapndl33 ii Ask us for copy ofour FOBC Klffillmm$ghg made with us on the basis Of kgown values as required for any Sound business investment this istielpfultoyouinxmldngawise Elite Examiner mavens or the Bureau controllable place for reading not Circulations where the light isgood Dad might make new bookcase or MOriddyWOdnesdoy Friday 18311100 in convenient spot One lyiationOf 3450 publishers advertisers and ad pw was MM immersion double 8111 CIOSSKA News per pa book shelf kin Juniors room Every advertiser should know about ABC Thegtsh0uldbe provisionfor MIDI At The unassuming Post OttlceSquare Barrie Ontario csngsia 03 mg to be km an orderly The Bureau 15 cooperative non profit am lnempensivetplang poplpaimtwo mousing encies Working together these buy mummixm unlitm crates en ace mm may Lwtmnhotcmm guardum gment by sidero form himmadterlws hbllsl limHotmmCom ham ning edwhy notvim bookstore imlhyorson oildrawer Do Elms and 021070901100 thepubs 11 library Take tine to Speak appreciative word to the librarian Sandie Mdgselewon pt books and mun your china homes his

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