to Royal Victoria Hospital OSMO JISNILLA 20 elegmph operator at the CPR Station Mid hurst was rushed to Royal Victoria llospiiul just before 10 am today with injuries sustained when his car was involved in an accident at the foot of Paddy Dunns Hill on Highway 2627 Jiiiiiiillus car was exten sively damaged when struck by it SevenUp truck which was driven by game if Dance at Awning Community Centre Friday Dec ll Benny Orchestra Lunch ba Adniissmn Stic itlf Dance at Baxter Friday Dec ID to the music of Paxtons CKBB Hayloft Party Dancing from 980 to 130 81tth Dancing every Friday night to Alan Gates and his orchestra the original Des Lauriers Orchestra Beeton Arena Hall 113thl Mixed dancing every Friday and Saturday at Pine Crest miles north of Barrie on Highway 27 or miles south of Elmvals Music by Heptoncs 125th15 Dance in Ivy Orange Hall Sat urday Dec 12 Old tyme and model ern dancing 83012 Beattys 0r chestra Door prize and lunch counter Admission 50c 139141 The 75th anniversary Curlers Dance at Churchill Hall Friday Dec 11 Jimmy Angers Trail Dus ters Mixed dancing and prizes Lunch served Admission 75c 139142 Bridge Euchre and Dance Churchill Community Hall Tues day Dec 29 Ronalds Orchestra Goodprizcs Admission 50c Aus pices Churchill Womens Institute 141 An invitation is extended to all Air Cadet mothers to attend the meeting Wednesday Dec at pm atthe home of Mrs Wolfenden 90 Cumberland St There will be elec tion of officers and exchange of Christmas gifts 141 re Allistoii RR GLAMOBOUS SHOES In the glamor category are shoes In gleaming bronze leathers shinv ins iridescent leathers in palest pastels luscious suedes in the com plete color range including blacks andhflwhites and champagnes trimmed in brilliant sequins pearls rhinestones and colored bending as well as braid and com bination leathers mil emu For cnnisrm Burro cumsmas scans alIADIOS and TN MA Victor andRogers Me mic radiofphonograph com EVERETT Blackout But Dance Success Despite the blackout lll Everett on Friday night Doc the dance Ev eielt Orchestia went on is scheduled The lightsl out oclock to at sponsored by fioni gtt quarter past ll owan to windl storm The spot dance was won by Mr and Mrs Thomas Butler ol Lisle The prize for best walt7 was won by Mr and Mrs Bennett The door prize was won by John Morrison Mans field There will be another dance on Wednesday Dec 16 put on by Everett Orchestra In Alliston Hospital Very sorry to report Robert Whitley is patient in Alliston hospital and we all wish him very speedy recovery Posted To France LAC and Mrs Gilbert Bochk and son Jackie are spending few days with Mr and Mrs Boehk Gilbert has been posted to France and will leave in thencar future Mr and Mrs Eldon Drybougli and son Blain of Burlington spent Sunday with MT and Mrs Al Hillier Mrs Eddie McGee and Mrs Doug Morby spent the weekend in Toronto Miss Ray school teacher here spent the weekend at her home in Durham Return To Edmonton Mr and Mrs Bailey of Edmonton returned home after spending several days with their sister Mrs Betchman Improving In Hospital Glad to report Mrs Mc Cracken is improving in Toronto hospital and all wish her speedy recovery 01sz to report Mrs Thomas Fines returned home after her recent iperation in Toronto hospital The Late George Jackson Sr Very sorry to report the death of George Jackson Sr at his home on Monday after short illness The funeral was held Thursday afternoon with service at the home and interment in Alliston Union Cemetery we extend our deepest sympathy to his wife and family In Ailiston Hospital House league lCurling Results Results of games played in the house league of the Barrie Curl tilt Club lhursdoy and Friday mghts rawford Sva Elrick Walter raig Owljarry Hart Bi rt Robertson 137777 liar ris IIirmltvoith Armstrong i1 Adams 8H Jones Selvin Meredith 12eJ Boys Jack Kennedy 73 Cameron lZHarry ti Herman Osborn 6C II Bcclby llargncaves 64W Browning Ralph Reive 8Jack Craig Cuckburn lZJ Paddi son Tony 8356 12J Corby WINTER FOOT CARE As nightly treatment for tired feet give them pep bath handful of bicarbonate of soda mixed with wann water cool rinse dust the feet With after Crash at PC HILLSDALE After Banquet At United hurch The United Church ladies were hostesses to banquet for the lltlfllil and Georgian Bay DevelZ opment Commission on Thursday mining in the auditorium Reeve Fisher Canton of Medontc presided Mr Grange of Orangcville Oi 10 Department of Lands and FOICSLS SPOkC 50 Conservaltheir appearance iii Britains fishl Real Chmmls 8051 lion and Reforestation Kenneth Wells of Owl Pen fame spoke on the Histbry of Medonte Wil bur Reid the Warden of Sim coc County gave an address on the work of the County Mrs Alvin Dunnan and Larry spent the weekend at Coldwater with Mr and Mrs John Galbraith Mrs William Rowat accompan ied by Mr and Mrs William Thompson and daughters visited Mr and Mrs Lloyd Iurner on Saturday in Collingwood Son Born In Midland Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Lorne Whitton nee Jean Dawes on the arrival of their son Dec Miss Leone McCullcy Port Carl in Midland hospital ling spent the weekend withl Rev and Mrs Moore Mr and Mrs George Fleming land June ofElmvale visited on foot powder Glad to report Robert Whitley is improving in Allistonhospital and we all hope he will soon be home bltlutlollaand mantel radios many styles no and Instruments Music amenities often Accordions loss SL1 PPERS FOR MEN FOR Mani Hand Sewn Loafer Lasting Wear SUITABLE FOR HOME SPORT WEAR AReal Favorite With Men snow Min BLACK 31213 EVERY MANLiKESiiis cuRisTuAs GIFT ifAvatSTlNG on ddy Dunns Hill Oliver OReilly No details were available at press time as how the itCCldPllL had occurred and no report was on hand as to Junnillzis in juries at that time At right can be seen the truck with bottles strewn over the highway Junnillas car parts of which were torn off when the collision occurred is at left Sunday with Mr and Mrs Douglas Mr and Mrs Earl Turner Victoria Harbor visited in Toronto on Sunday Mr and Mrs Marvin Feindell of King City spent the weekend with lllr and Mrs Roger Feiudell CHANGED SYSTEM Steam fishing trawlers made cries in 1879 BUY TB CHRISTMAS SEALS For Cosy AtHome Comfort MPYJAMAS Cleverlystyled pyjam as with aLprlntd lac and plain color users Wide choice of colors to 1995 an The hand ac compaiiied by Mrs Gillespie relatives CROSSLAND Knox Limes id Fl Mrs Lin Palmer and Bar Mr Meti Hip tlb Visitors from urrie ulox lintlye Hunter Illum titzkentitd with Fitz irid Mzs George Huntir Mr and M15 StlLlllc daughter of Kitchener Mix Hzerilrs Jack and Stanley of Iiestori Ltkll1lt iiith rIiLHtlllS Mr and Mrs Buizc Visit Bereaved Parean Mr and Mrs Morley Lyons il illllnl McGinnis and M15 lMcGiiinis spent Sunday etc irillia where they had iiiord that 10yearold daughter ol Mr and Mrs Alex Guntozi ind ffallen out ot ii car Sltlllltll mi ing and died later in hospital Jlt il and itiltl iMohnsr Climbs Among ExFlyers Scoring statistics of now performing for club Ill National Hockey League as ltptill led by NHL headquartch Tuesday 23 42 wenwwmekwwuww lLeo Labinc Boston Ioug Mohns Boston 24 Ron Stewart Toronto 26 Toppanini Boston it 21 Paul Mcger Montreal 231 lJim Morrison Toronto 16 lRay Gariepy Boston 13 Larry Zeidel Chicago HJLJLJLJgt wwoLkQLwi 61 BOXED NYLONS Finestquality nylons in flatteringnew shad sitgauge lsdenlor 595 IN PLASTIC EVENING BAG GinWise GLOVES NOWJMIQI lengths in sueded Towns and cottons em 98 it CERTIFICATE way to Christmas shop no worryobout Blur style or color rotation them funny amount you wish Distinctive and dressy ore 1g lil iociivui cxFlyt rs lllig iLJ BAGS Grand intimates leathorhontlliaut Tailored nytos All ecl cceezizrecccccwrcreeccieleesweccemzroec reweclawewccicvocec MANUAL use 1953 Tlll BARBIE LXAFHNLH LLKVIIII Itlll Iliilll li runner nilflftiti CHILDRENS WARE Huzmikin and pee Sets HUMMEL FIGURES $150 and up CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS iltc ea and up LAZY SUSANS Wood topper Iluiiiiiiiiini STARTER SETS 20 PCS 859 and up COLOURED TUMBLERS $275 Set of it and up CHRISTMAS CARDS Wrapping Paper and Seals DICK STEELE English Qiiiiuii Gift Shop PHONE 2395 QIETETDIENZIII iii COR COLLIER it BAYFIIIIJ 5T5 i252i2i2i2 iEDTBRXXBQTEBTIhhthtIEIMDIRBtBt32331E3373mhihhhhhkmmhhahIEIRL Its time to recheck your Christmas shopping list then choose just the right gift from our big selection Youll find dozens of inspirations here mini arr iionii Perfect loi gltt giving satiric ny Ions wools in plains and plaids and Quilted relies smart