Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Dec 1953, p. 19

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git nir If thanks was Fred liiilnollaid for his voluntary past Tilt Ilulai BOJIII TU Sgirtitllf VI Joy Ayersond danish our Btltlill Isimxrii utiixrautt on 25 MW mgw Strand activities not Stroni on Mon Presbyterian his 12 SIOOO or cont overnenb were will Work 313m is and help during the Charles Black Chairman retarytreSrIircr stees Mrs Gibbins Mrs sell anry Mrs Edgar Thomp son Fred Mulhiilland Lloyd Cum thing Cliff Carseadden Auditors GibhirLs and Mel Martin United WA and WMS The United WMS and WA met the ClluiLll school tinesday afternoon The beauti ul Christmas LllSlllp service was ken by Mrs Coodfelluw Mrs orri and Mrs Herb Wallace he treasurer reported the alloca on reached record was taken sicksvisits made also books ad by members In the WA sev scral committee reports were re eivcd and thank you letters read valtdecided to send carton sealers of canned fruit to the red Victor Mission before Christ as The Christmas cards were eported all sold Mr Morris con ticted the election of Officers In both societies its follows WMS resident Mrs Roy Goodfellow st VicePresident Mrs McLean 2nd Vicedresident Mrs Lloyd Cumming Secretary Mrs Keith Constable Treasurer Mrs Harvey ughes Citizenship Mrs Herb lack Stewardship Mrs Charles Robertson Community Friendship Mrs Reynolds Associate Members Mrs Small Supply Miss Fannie Wicklum and Mrs Alex Black Press Mrs It Black Literature Mrs Herb Beel by Missionary Monthly Miss Wicklum Mission Band Leaders Mrs ClarenceTerguson and Mrs Elmer Pratt Baby Band Mrs Vic Small and Mrs George Mulholland WAPresident Mrs Gibbins Ist VicePresident Mrs Booth itVicetPresident Mrs Harold Wallace Secretary Mrs McLean Treasurer Mrs Herb Black Com mittees Welfare Mrs Rey nolds Mrs Small Mrs Fox Mrs Elmer Pratt Mrs Earl Wice Mrs Ted Webb Lunch Mrs Ed gar Thompson Mrs Fred Wright Mrs Alex Black Miss Wicklum Mrs William Lucas MrsMcNabb Parsonage Mrs Fred Mulhollanli Mrs Palmer Mrs Herb Black Pianists Mrs Morris Mrs Charles Robertson MrSuLloyd Booth audi tors Miss Jean Wice Mrs Russell Constable pleasant social half hour with lunch concluded the eating Gift of Daughter Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Gordon Blain on the arrival of daughter on Saturday Curlers At Orillla Two rinks of local curlers were invited to Orillia for friendly game on Saturday evening out of Hospital PleaSed to report Mrs Jack Hughes is ableto be out of hos pital and is spending few days with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Thomas Blain Barrie lnnlsfll Firemen At Hall On Pride large crowd enjoyed the splendid evening for the In nisdlremen in the Community Hall The first part of the evening was spent in playing cards with Leonard Martinand Mrs Parker Kelcey winning the ladies and gents euchre prizes Camp bell won the radio on the lucky draw and Miss Evelyn Martin won the door prize chicken There were several spot andgballoon dance Izes with Mr and Mrs Jack ompson Leo Gibbons and Mrs June Watt and Patsy Mulholland and Beverley Ann Ayerst winning The music for dancing wasby the George Mulholland Orchestra Presbyterian Concert The Presbyterian Sunday School bite holdlnn their annual Christmas concert and tree in thochurchon Wed hesday evening Dec 83 poorerv IlaII Beorrs Mission Blnd not on atorday afternoon in the byterian Churcb having their Christmas meeting and practice for Christmas concert with the election of otficers for the new Explorers group MtandMrs Alex frying Tor OntO are visiting their mother Mrs Thomas Irving and Mr and Mrs Clifford Milletr Mr and Mrs Mrs George Ayersmy ley and thrdon were in Toronto Mrs TOOTH on of lflltfr0gtl with 16 tdbles in motility Evgn Alliston visited Dwight No in ShirtI aturkey dinner and Dim II thank Hand it tnrntnxb Elle Mrs iifl it on iilll ourselveg WA and re gzv Joins Coop Television And Appliances It ASKLH Splendid annual report more given by the secretary Mrs Iiand flower fund secretary Mrs Fraser Campbell and leader of the miss ion Band group Mrs Suit bell Mrs Bruce Conan curing the year It was lttldtfll to study the Life of Jonathan Gm thanked all for their conperzitiun afltl lltlp mi Sp anti 1o ttlgt hale spectalrrui 742Illl and lflrlililfllltllls Illr llltl lllULI smul culled zi Barrie iiIi EGBERT Burnt IICJII upfrrl Iubl to liiwtrm oods Euchre ulv Annual initrd tliureli Egbert 124 Er If ltltl Of the forth of China in the coming slilgmmmm along with papers and other thingU committee was ap pointed to see about preparing the programs Mrs Muir conducted the election of UIIICtlbp with Mrs Bruce Cowan being re elected president ticepresitienti Mrs Campbell treasurer Mrs Nelson Watson secretary Mrs Hand Welcome and Welfare Mrs Mayes Glad TltI lugs secretary Mrs Mayes Home Helpers secretaries Mrs Pope Mrs Cowan Flower fund secretary Mrs Fraser Campbell Library secretary Mrs Ayerst Childrens secretaries Mrs Campbell and Mrs Ken Grayp pianist Mrs John Cowan It was decided to organize an Explorers group of the older Mission Band children The ladies were favored with duet It Came Upon the Midnight Clear by Beverley Ann and Janet Ayerst Rev Muir closed with prayer The hostess was assisted by Mrs Campbell and Mrs Mayes in serving an enjoyable luncli Stroud LOL Elect Officers Thursday evening Dec the annual meeting of LOL 234 Stroud was held with good attendance Visitors were present from neigh boring lodges and Birch Cliff of Toronto During the business meeting Smyth and Ferguson vcre made honorary members for having been members for over 50 years The election of officers was held with Lennox Black of LOL 605 Craigvale in the chair The following officers were elected Immediate Past Mas ter Elmer Gibblns Worshipful Master Mayland Corby Deputy Master Horace Greely Record ing Secretary Raymond Neely Financial Secretary Gibbins Treasurer Gibbins Marshal Robert Smith Lecturers Harry Fotherby Elmer Spring Commit teemen William Hand Elwood Fa gun Tom Beamish Ed Gibbins Clifford Lockhart Trustees Ferguson William Hand Gibbins The officers were in stalled by Bert McQuay of LOL 450 Ivy After the singing of God Save the Queen delicious lunch was served Rev Rowe of LOL 605 led in prayer MITCHELL SQUARE Mr and Mrs Trayner and Lynn of Burks Falls visited Mr and Mrs McArthur Mr and Mrs Clayton Woodrow and his mother of Saskatchewan are staying with Mr and Mrs Fletcher while visiting friends and relatives in the cOmmuniw Attend Dr McPhee Funeral Several attended the funeral of Dr McPhee MPP of Port McNicoll on Friday Dec Miss Beth Ansdell Reg of Gait visited her parents Mr and Mrs Grant Ansdell School Concerto Christmas concert of No will be held Thursday Dec 17 and No 16 willibe Monday Dec 21 at 8pm UtOPIA Wuviwh event of mTi tion Prizes wont to Gilbert Mc Mostcrddr lone bonito Rawn if hardwood gentshblgb score and Mrs Hector Tumbull ladies Miss Eva Mitchell fond friend Ev McGinty of North Bay Bruce Miller Goots um Mr and Mrs Harvey Turnbull and Elwood Millenwcre guests It On Saturday tosee Sonta Claup and Visit Mr and Mrs McIAyerst and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Prank Averst Moorefteld Mrs Marys having were weekend guests with Mr and Mrs IITomlnarllftylI News of Mr and Mrs Warren Ellis To ronto spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs Gary Wilson Recent isitors at William Sharpes were MI and Mrs Ed wird Armstrong Barrie and Mr and Mrs Walter Sturgess and Clifford Killyleagh Home from California Miss Elizabeth Betty Irelon has returned home after nursing stay of nine months at the Good Samaritan Hospital Los Angeles Mr and Mrs Wilson spent recent weekend at Brussels Mr and Mrs Dave Zeggil and daughters Toronto spent last weekend at Jack Johnsons Mr and Mrs Fred Johnston with Barbara and Harold spent last Sunday in Toronto at Tom McAllisiers Trinity Mission Band Trinity Church Mission Band Vwill meet on ThurEiiy afternoon of this week at 230 Oclock in the basement of the church The chil vdrensare asked to bring in their mite boxes At Lodge Compaction Several Masonic brethren of this district were present last Monday evening for the consecration ser vice for the new Kempenfelt Lodge No 673 at Barrie Barrie Ladies at Bazaar Among thoso present at there cent bazaar and supper at Trinity United Church were noticed Mrs Mitchell Mrs Walker and Mrs Scyithes Barrie Mrs Franik Hindle has returned home from short stay with her sisters in Barrie Thanks for Shower Gifts Mr anthrs Allan Frederick wish to thank the people of this village and surrounding commun ity for the beautiful and useful gifts given them at the shower held at the home of Mrs Frederick recently Trinity Womans Association The last meeting of this year for Trinity WA was held on Wednes day afternoon of last week at the parsonage with the president in charge The devotional part was taken by Mrs Martin and Mrs Fred Grose and along with the hymns was inkeeping with the Christmas season Mrs Lennox Queen brought the meting Thornton thanked all those who assisted in making the bazaar anti supper such success The secretary was asky ttl to torwIIiiii ppreciutioit ltl Ci local lady for spectzil work done The treasurer was authorized to give another cheque to the board for current expenses and also aI donation to the and fund few leftovers from the bazaar were sold Mrs Speers gave the CAD report for the t1ll and Mrs McCutcheon the bazaar reportl Rev Martin was present for the election of coming your and also closed thc meeting with prayer after which lunch was served by the hostes WA Officers for 1954 The 1954 office holders in Trina ity WA are Piesident Mrs Lennox lst vicepresident Mrs Brefhet 2nd vicepresident Mrs Speers recording secretary Mrs Henry financial sccretary Mrs Thompson correspondingl secretary Mrs Purnell Carr treasl urcr Mrs Purnell Carr pianists Mrs Thompson Mrs Wilson flourer committee Grose Mrs Spears Mrs Martin parson age committee Mesdames Henry McCutclieon Carr ThompsonMrs Beatty Egbert Mrs Thomp son Egbert bazaar committee Mesdames McCutcheon Johnson Grose Scyithes Henry Spencer visiting committee Mesdames Len nox Carr Lawson Scythes MarU tin entertainment committee Mes dames Henry Brothel Carr Har ris transportation committee Mrs Henry Mrs McCuticheon centa day Mrs Spears Plan YPU Meeting The YPU regular meeting was held in the basement of the church Nov 30 The roll call was answer ed by 18 members It was moved and agreed by all that the next meeting will be held on Dec 21 at Marian and Wallace Blacks ifflelS for the iiismiinagement of commission aff IIIIIEV Iiaintenanee other irieiriber of the board Gur IIII llasmz was absent The eliar iI1i for the evening was SILIflttfv Kliil who introduced Cemue Johnston UPI Mr Johnston in Ill Llfl short address officially declared open the new school modern building Other speakers were Luekharl Reeve of Iniiisill who urouulit greetings from the Counr il and Scott public school Emmetfur Mr Scott showed by metul graphs which he had proI lovely Town Of Orillia Will Countersue Commission Mgr Griffith Bingham solicitor for the Orilliu Power Commission has been instructed to take legal pro ceedings against Walkinshaw former general manager for $76 000 damages occasioned through airs After he was abruptly fired two Clifford le weeks ago Mr Walkinshaw had writ served on the commission claiming 830000 for breach of con tract Notice of the legal action was filed by the Toronto law firm of RoebuckWalkinshaw and Trot ter the rst two named being Mr Walkinshaws uncle and brother Decision to file the counter suit was made at meeting attended by only three of the commissions five elected members Those pres onL were Mayor Wilbur MCramp ViceChairman Ernie Cavana and Commissioner Arthur Truman who acted as chairman in the ab sence of Chairman Stuart Keyes Also absent was Con Harry Thiess who joined Mr Keyes in opposing Mr Walkinshaws dismissal but was voted down The motion instructing the com mission lawyer to take the legal action was made by Mayor Cramp and seconded by Con Cavana It passed unanimously since they were the only members present eligible to vote on it There seems to be lot of feel ing around that the water ques tion has not been handled cor rectly said Mayor Cramp when New lhornlon School Opened fates Accommodation Problem iI tll ll ne ILIILIiI fiiuiiti and niw Netiile Illlllilt form itlllll If the 73 who whose father Jillit In of the tiiool onri It ml soio Give Me llli itlltlt lltiil Itiintmoiis IIHU HI Tisi Fruit iigx hrtirigil iltllflbtlS of In dam Int titre given of iiupils of Mr Hobsons Dancing Seuonl in Allai dale including Gail Sawyer lli Hobsou of Illt commission had resulted in zit the towns three astiige hydraulic generating plants The mayor management was apparent in efficient use of Orillias two 31le liary diesel generators The other evidence of Iiiismnn agcngent said Mayor Cramp eon reeoIn corned Mr Walkinshziws Inendatioii early last month that Oriliia negotiate for the purchase for elec of 1901 kilowatts more ricin from Ontario Hydro This would have roughly diiubled IllC towns purchases from the provin cial system to augment local pow er production If we had followed the general managers recommendation it would have cost us about $72000 year for this power stated Mayor Cramp He said special short term agreement he had been able to secure through Hydro chairman Robert Saunders saved the town considerable money Extra power bought in November cost $2500 but the need for more elec tricity is beginning to decline as water levels are climbing at the Orillia plants Mr Walkinshaw as general man ager has been accused of permit ting water to run over the dams during the summer instead of conserving it for fall when water levels are down The levels are apparently not allowed to exceed specied limit by government regulations because this would raise lakes and affect cottages on their shores ANCIENT CULTURE More than 500 temples of Hindu culture be claimed that his management about the 9th century This will be Christmas program The meeting was taken over by PhyllisHiltzconvenor of Faith and Evangelism Her assistants were Angela Brooks Marian Black Ross Brethet and Ronald Spencer Recreation and lunch followed The singingof God Save The close At the next meeting boys are to bring gift for boy and girls bring gift for girl Meet at church at 145 for transportation Mar71d 1777 dfeawe WWW Ill5 141 Iii0715 WWeelkiy cmhregwus sue rsdayevcningr camped CHRch OAR RADIO Hell have montth mm SPECIAL LIGHTS went at his noontipslfuttom designed tofdmmmulltcm Imminent you IIIIt camcosarcoms designs townie dict tilt Km new outs new Foo lamps spot lights backup llolito and ottior auxiliary driving lightser have ioloc Each om sctontlflcntiy do Cloned toolddrlvlngr CI upthooldmom untuMocanlnmll to at Indoors or Outdoors be con stocktaking picturesright away In addition to the brownie flowkeyoComcro Eldon mu Outt ains Hosholder with hot levies eight ush two rolls at Kodak Vcrichrome Film plus an instruction booklet Complete in gift box nirmuiiuunimenummum nobothmowin RDMMonhmonbh foeg or ugly nun unqiulogb also submitted mis ill in Indonesia date from No1 Christmas Stock Buy Them Today Blade Bono tllY PUKIAELL it Plitiltt to 25th from ZVn of Bt lklu ht Kt 111513 isruiziri pike 8101 hit +1 models Izi All mush Barn vte ruin NOTICE oultry Producers No live Poultry Accepted from DECEMBER IO I953 to DECEMBER 28 I953 Dressed Poultry Wanted During This Per iOd Highest market prices for Dressed Turkeys Geese Duelis Chickens and apons CAPONS lIIIST COOPEIIIITIVE PACKERS or IIIITIIIIIII IIMITEII BARRIE ONTARIO CHRISTMAS WILL COST LESS IF YOU SHOP at AcP Shirriffs Pruit SPECIAL PUDDING lloz 29c Swiss Gruyere 12 portions SPECIAL CHEESE 335 Iona SPECIAL 2002 Iins33c Popular Brands in ctn of 10 pkgs CIGARETTES pkg 299 AP Fancy Red Sockeye las Iin 31c Sultana Peanut 16oz ior 19C BUTTER 111th Bakery pcial ANN PAGE SPANISH III 27 REG 33o SAVE 6c JANE PARKER Ann Page KETCHUP REG 17c SAVE 2C A5 Evaporated Ialllins parvc AEP Ch icc Creamed Colin 22025 BREAD Iona Wax l5oz tins 21c 15 zns 27c oz 03 ITS DATED DAILY Cleanser pair 55c AJAX Oven MITTS Securing Pads 505 Nap Rite Plain swarms Ad Special Blend 2PkgsoI27c Vigorous Winjy e915 Bokar lit Coffee 228ozlin529c mer Cu Ixe lb mm 34b bag $23 PEEL ALMONDS 8oiccllo31c CUSTOMGROIJND PIiooucr SPECIALS sneakde California FailidyNavlol Crop Secoleis 085N613 tIb cello bagi amnion In All Varieties 1953 Crop it IIsellbmbglllm SPECIALS Ps HIGH SUPER RIGHT srANDAnos OF QUALITY GUARANTEE vou EXTRA coon EATING WHEN vouz SERVEONE or rugss oilIolous ROASTS MPI POLIcv or KEEPINGPRI$SASXSXI PERMIT gum it by tampon SALE IRAN BEEF Shelled mama Golden Ripe No REDpri snonrm no VcrxMSIVI sunroof

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