suitinan macaw mass was ssvst 16 Illlt BAKE LKllhli IthDNLfillxll ULt in var Ilew of fattentam MMMM SAGA BEACH nlliant Young lenor Dawd lloyd frfii Violitiisi Wile Open Community Concert Season with Bite Iriumph Ti9 Anglican Autumn cm Althcugi Wu fcllltll Trips Dsizd Lude let opening of Lllc l95354 Cotillliliflllji Cuncw 13 scrim List TIJJALIS evening in thc Roxy Theatre his wife Violinist Maria Lloyd added note of beauty and charm to the QTU grant Wflilc Sli CClllplPttitfitcC ticr husbands superb pct flab Frub Ladies End1 Jud 11 pas VERN MT cf rays tip up iii pie iris Barber Shop VERNON FORBES Prop that had tremendous Lllldlt Barrics Newest barber opening to the lllttit season shop located in the Galvan 53 COLLIER 57 HZc til and thlb mu sip tfzirtzc an Do you have the Well cheer up You can pay your fuel bill fan with prompt cash loan from HFC Thousands of others do Fast oneday mice $50 no 31000 on your own signature Up to 24 month to rcpay misc niousriiow fIIIAIICE 28 Dunlop SNWuf and oor phone 5529 IAIIII ONY OIlUA IIANOI 55 JIth SI El and lzittcr which comprised his Closmg ipiogizim group was sung in Eng5 lish and Illt resulting performanch almost NOTICE Uncertainty of weather and road conditions as the Christ mas and New Years Season approaches places maximum burden on our delivery system and service to customers at our store In order to avoid ser ious congestion at the store and also disappointment in our de livery service we respectfully request the assistance of our customers You can help us to maintain our services by order ing or pUrchasing your require ments as early as possible uniwnns WIIIIEIIWSIIIG comm mam Operating ERMERS REIAIL erREs Itilftidliic Willi ticr own fine display of artistry By combining their talents for duo recital the twu must crafts gave thrl ilSLtlltfn at writing of unique enjoyment cr appeal and was in Barrie 12 am Paul Jackson 11gt Robust Performer Inc of leading 70ng ltlibls David Lloyd robust mitt supple wellcon llillttl tiift ctrfro tiptfallc arias VCIt 55in inc audicnce faiorites he cxiccuted his Puccini Stru iIlI and Verdi selections in way to delight conriOimcurs bringl ing to lll lilo the snatches of nitrit from La Bahama the new Stravmsky work1he Rakrs Pro gitxs and finally lligolclto The it it could strengthen any argument for translating llltfil Not that Mr Lloyds German Licdcr and ltalina aria were not equally his medium His brilliant and marvellous breath ithis past Friday Saw olltngwood PM Qunc cw at the children and from here went to issued on Saturday Dec stt tint SJIZIJ Claus parade parent Winter With Relative Mn Wit UerES left Sunday to trying tim inter with friends and lltlllilbts in Toronto and Buffalo Mrs Art Gordon and VErnp vis fitcd 1h past week lt Sarnia and PM Huron Mr and Mrs Ernest Stanford natured to Buffalo to few days week Home From Hosplbl Their many friends and neigh improving nicely Euchre Club The Euchre Club heldtheir party in thc CommunityHall on Dec Prize winners were Mrs Burnes and Nash No more cuchre until Mon day Jan l954 beautiful German and magnificent now if Schuberts The Phantom Double and his rollicking ital llln in Rossinis Neapolitan taran tclla La Danza in which he was joined by his artist wife were sig nificant proof of his mastery of operatic roles The closing rendition of La don na mobile brought the tenor back for generous series of en corcs notably two soaring waltz songs Sting partly in German Vienna City of My Dreams and Yours Is My Heart Alone Opening Selections The sweeping grandeur of Han dcls Ombra Mai Fu from the opera Xerxes opened the joint con cert of the twoartists its slow stately familiar measures carried surely by the violin andthe singer in performance that brought out the greatness of the work From Handel they turned to Haydn and Bach choosing the lovely poem She Never Told Her Love from Shakespeares TWelfth Night set to music by Haydn and two tenor arias from Bach cantatas Elle Eile Herz and Ja Tausendmal Taus end whose perfection displayed the fine techniques of the two ar tists and their accompanist In Mr Lloyds first 5010 group he chose rollicky sea song by Haydn for his opening number in the Schuheftrand 3111mm group substituting Schuberts Serenade for oneof the program selections and completely charming his aud ience with his dual role in Brahms The Disappointed Serenader Although he shone in Italian op era it was in his choice of Igor Stravinskys controversial The Rakes Progress from which he sang the rollicking Toms Philo sophy that the singer imade his forceful dramatic stage personality felt strongly for the first time It contrasted well with the preceding aria Che gelida manina from La Boheme Distinctive 1330mm Dividing their program into sev eral short and distinctive parts the two artists made tile very full con cert evening seem almost like brief taste of their talents Even with generous supply of encores the recital seemed over too soon Only once did the audience have chance to bear Maria Lloyd as soloist and she performed admir ably in group of Kreisler favor ltes and two contrasting modem selections hauntingly beautiful song in fine melodic strain Sea Shell by Carl Engel to the words 00TIITS REASOMABLE PRICES cullOS White or black with ankle strap 550 black an MRI tendon guard 525 V5 sitesltosawithienaonguard 725 mans sizesstosemuitendonguard 395 at We Christmas Concerts The coming Christmas concerts for the schools arc to be held in the hall Dec 22 and 23 The Prince of Peace Sunday School concert is to be in the church Dec 12 and the United Missionary Church on Friday Dec 11 All are welcome Ladles Community Club The Ladies Community Club held their meeting at the Hall Tuesday Dec at two oclock and there were members pres ent There have been one and twu new members joining every week lately Plans were made to buy won at the beginning of Jan uary in order to knit from 22 to 25 pairs of mitts for the firemen It was decided to hold the last meeting of the year on Tuesday Dec Lunch was served by of Amy Lowell and the wonderful oldtime fiddle parody by Aaron Copland from his Rodeo suite Her strength as player was well exemplified in the first Kreisler selection Praeludiurn and Allegro her brilliant strong bow ing showing up against the famil iar Kreisler style and she chose the violinistcomposer again for an encore number The Curl Engel song as arranged mlin was played inn3 very highpitched soprano tone the keeping singing tune on the via lin sad and very melodic and al ways light and fragile in mood In the Rodeo number and one ofther encorcs Arthur Benjamins Jamaican Rhlimba she used lir violin to imitate the thump thump of the hue down plucking the Strings for strong 1bth effect and in the thumbs suggest ing th tick tick tock beat with her how Duo Selections For their final group as duo OE tlsts the husband and wife team picked nelectlons of fine variety the Rossini tarantella Rachmani oils beautiful In the Silence of the Nightand the lovely 3er ceuse from Jocelyn But it gas with remarkable composition by men ccvrivcnrrs the baking cabin and Mrs bury was in charge of candy In charge for abie ware Mrs Bedfor AndiHon At the tabic plants was Mrs Figarcs was in charge Lf tlzt kmi ted woollcns At the rummach table ware Mrs Mendi and Mrs Giffen while Mrs Love was in charge of the plain sewing ble Mrs Meade sang it solo Alice Blue Gown accompanied by Mrs Angiers at the piano Mrs Safnsbury branch treasurer rv ported very successful aftcrntiori and the members wish to thank Iburs arc pleased to have Mrs Perschel Mrs Rainey Meade and Beck harm from hoital the modern British composer Benr jamin Britten sung rst capella by Mr Lloyd with the violin and piano latexjoining in that truly unusual effectvwas gained by the remarkable combination Of instru ments and voice Among Mr Lloyd encore num bers was humoripus Missouri folk song gay dialogue with The Deaf Old Womanvand1or encore with his wife he clips The Tall or and His Mouse in which the violin alone accompanied the sin er and the lovely Still as Night The Community Concert vation president Lloyd T111103 welcomed the artists as they ope in till ed the season locally Further concerts will be New Year when Pianist Byr Janis and the Tucson muting Boys Chorus are to appear Barrie unenlluolonlm =onAnOcclslomf GI ri lnilnfll all who turned out to make it so Hold Nonlth Nominations were hrld Thurs day Dec in the community hall large crowd attended showmg an interest in the affairs of lllC village Wilbur Nash received an acclamation for Reeve Nomina tions for Councillors were Art Hutchinson Milton Davie Han cock John Hutchinson and Frank Reeves For Public School Board Trustees Goldsmith Mrs Sadie Reeves Mrs Reta Curle Mrs Mur iel Nichols Mrs Mac Robertson and William Peters There will be an election on Thursday Dcc 10 Entertainer At Supper Sorry Miss Ellen McEachcrn was omitted from the entertain ment at the potluck supper in the Prince of Peace Church which was held on Friday Nov 20 Miss To Tufbnlu or Winter iiziu Herc from Detroit ll ti 315 Elli Af rant spud ll titsirch fllt Mrs 5L1 leltll lit hid IlIs rgt Butt lliiirnd Ellelerllrfd 3pm he wrkrnd with his with intaw Wood Student Teachers at Sand IO0k Miss Lynch if Alltstan and MN Landstrong of Kapuskasmg ct student tiachers last week Sand Hook school lltldci the Fllpllidtll of Mrs Herman Patterson thc teacher Mr and Mrs George Lake Richmond Hill and Mr Glover Orangtville were of Prominent Architect Peter Liefcste of Hou ston Texas spoke on Furniturc McEachem rendered couple of piano solos which were enjoyed by all Ardent Hockey Fans Quite few ardent hockey fans around here motor down to Barrie and Collingwood Mrs Burnes visited over the weekend with her mother Mrs Alice Fralick Minesing Mrs Mae Robertson visited in Orillia on Sunday here are two ways to make Christmas buying easy Make Oughs your One Stop store for all your Christmas Gift Buying USEI OUGHS LAYAWAY PLAN AND EN JOY THE BENEFITS OF EARLY SELEC TIONS Dunns HARDWARE 80 Dunlop St East Phone 2556 wE DELIVER and Mrs recent VLSIIUTS at Mr and Mrs ll Rinns IIIGE ELK jilillAN ALTA l1lt3ri Calgary ii IIK in iitiizt Alllr liller Sl WITH NEW IMPROVED HIGHEFFICIENCY REnOHEAn Mi MASH KRWS nuns Many of Canadas most successful poultrymen have led Red Head for years because they have found it the best laying feed on the market IMPROVED WAYS NEW FORMULA BEllER PROTEIN MORE PALATABLE MORE DIGESTIBLE MORE FOOD VALUE Now Red Head is more eicient than ever LOwers feeding costs per dozen eggs Increases produc tion all season long MORE EGGS PER BAG rad MAerR FEEps mewwig 0542 BROWN co LTD IIllnItlp SI Your Right To Vote Is Also ResPonsibiIity Accepted on SAlE IbemmtlshwtlbefdkmCommunities Aiusro Mucus IIcrry Smith Plumb Rumrm ANTEN Ml 5m HlpweIIs Drugs AWNING MRN$lnclOirr Warsaw LHILESOALE giuassmagshg ILS EDGAR MucLeods Store ELMVALE McAuIeys Billiards EVERETT YE MRobbins GLENOAIRN Stephens 6C6 HAwitEerNE in Gmlerias Ginaunison MINETS POINT Minot5 PointGrOcery NEW LOWELL Russells Store 0R0 STATION George McCrOn PAINSWICK rst PHELPsrON Qubsnelles Store sisalin RAY Patterson 1FbOIstrugs srRouOAI gig YunssJGA LISIE scariestsimf Phone 5000 74 tivITHORNIOW