Mrs Roy Swockhomer Dies Suddenly at Her Sisters Home Stroud no McLean the Elm of St Joinczf Lniz iri charge of by the Elm Swiicnhai cusp of bereaved hush who L5 inn of Tciliplc Baptist Church To ILlllc ames and frlclltlgt xerr pres gtfrom Stroud and Vicinity and from Toronto Barrio Orilha Gr enhurst Jarrurt Vascy Toriznlon Gait and Peterborough Included With lowly flowers fruit them were reincmbranccs Iron The Laura Secord Co Ltd and The Eaton Co Ltd Toronto Snnivmg relatives are her hus band Roy Swackhamer Shel drake Blvd Toronto her mother Mrs Margaret Rankin Stroud one brother John Rankin of Jarratt and two sisters Mrs Mc Lean Mary of Stroud and Mrs Brown Elizabeth of Cold water Burial was in the Cemetery of St James United Church at Siroud and the casket bearers were Lloyd Hsln It McLean Robert Mclean Donald McLean John McKinley James McKinley and Charles Rankin Native 0f Barrie Dies Edward Norman Gibbins Saskatchewan Resident native of Barrie Edward Nor Gibbins passed away at griavon Union Hospital on esday Nov 17 1953 in his 75th year The late Mr Gibbins had been suffering from heart con dition for some time and had been in hospital nine days prior to his deahL Born in Allandalc in 1879 he was the son of the late Mr and Mrs John Gibbins He homestead eo at Willow Bunch from 907 until moving to Osage in 191 He married Sarah McArthur at Paisv lcy on Feb 1916 and moved to Shaunavon in 1917 Besides his widowI he is sur vived by one son George Edward Gibbins of Regina four brothers Gibbins of Toronto Gibbins of Montreal Gibbins and William Gibbins of Barrie and one sister Mrs Pearl Pratt of Toronto Three sons John Charles Gor don Douglas and Charles Herbert predeceased their father Funeral service was held at Cen ire Street United Church Shauna mix on Friday Nov 20 at 230 pm Rev Biezard conduct the service Pallbearers were McLeod Jack McCullough Maddess Lorne Maryn Wal ter Barker and Thomas Webster Interment was in Hillcrest Ceme tery John Zimmerman of Palgrove Dies at Parry Sound Home of Daughter Palgrave lost one of its oldest andmost respected citizens when John Zimmerman passed away on Saturday morning Nov 21 1953 at the home of his daughter in Parry Sound where he had gone just the day before He had been quite active al though in failing health for several months back and had worked un til the spell of hot weather in Aug ust when he was forced to give up and his death was the result of heart condition SANTA SAYS Mr Zinunerman was son of the totliiniy+pmonal IllllSlMAS ARDS that vide link in yourlriondships BEAUTIFUL OMARIED display cm in va Oomforummr ab 082 yeah With incensed mumat vrml New pickup bodies have deeper sides CHM til WVO 9in numrfakai er mom convenience and also poms throughout the chassis Chev mg mg wanna or mpmsiopomwm even New oneploog curved widthBid role uuclu flu 54 0591 mam mm Mid ll mum commencing gatingMm gives wily focused visibility New even greater dependability You theye bum up mm set $5 an 13 le1milllbil 2333 lonerml in town the um to cw cu mytpmgmm 022 offers the last word in comfort in lightan bvyzduiy models up make Mo and unfolding gt dougn shown power and net performance for RISK driven more Kind lune In all models owes than ova and is out Of colorth that sparkles withopltitod ilil iiAlllilE EXAMINER MONDAY DELEHBiR lSSSll EDENVALE lafl lords Elects ANTEN MILLS Gideons Present Testaments to Royal Victoria Hospital Millie Der ti 34ml cizuvl tomention him is Vlidimd nome Xl Wedding ls Barri li llislull toiiiinenremcni is student Teachers Here in Sodomy adding lWAS EVER llllS no llcl il vvcrl to unduerecur BlIPtYDO DTJITIHLl1VF IAlzal Mail lalx lllllf and the forzncr Iii it 15 Cl rri at lulgravc years ago and suffered great lzandzcagi all his life as he was born wzthou GET PORTABLE 5mm hm unto TYPEWKITEK fOl Christmas rvcfnizd gm cdrmqoq 31 Roy Carlton oi Allliitlii Lnazr hmpp and Rte from the Bellevrllc School tziet learned EPAA dm 0L 81515153 to lL iieziritendeizl Pltsbyitl the irazart mu man of the loop lax carpenter trade at an early LuHIXES Helen age and had pursued that uccu WW CM gndnfgjhg zbuii and 66 10mm Barrie Datum throuslwut 75 ii Km 41 ditog 1d 41 vasm Phone 4824 Expert In his trade he had ereC WW ZL iv LT f5 j1f Story on LTL Sunday We have all models in all ed meal number UI buildmgglesminern iii Dyna haunts present here fllrl It or 33 in ad ing mg My Lomc Popul mu Ll specla Cull Beers if lllri ll mum in thlLt extending many miles beyond lalgrave and In rectnt years had worked in partnership The gymgeniusng nut mm With his son to whom he taught Sunday for at pm in tliel the trade lmain entrance to the butldmd SUYViVmE 01 me famlly art3 hi3 Mr Carlton also gave talk upon widow the former Lillian McGuzrelmc value of gtllCll volume to of Holstein 1W0 daughters MES those who are laid aside from Waller Hardlc Edna 0f PBIIYEIth usual activitzes and have Sound and Mrs Wutercr plenty of time to think over the Violet of Barrie and one sonl message of Jesus the Christ and Norman of Palgrave There is of His life and purpose also one Sister Mrs Candace Jones of Palgrave One daughter Luella Max predeceased him in 1923 Hisl church for the deaf lll Toronto father died in 1931 and his motherand he conveyed the servme in rLllltlll sue for that piirgiosc in 1934 the sign language to the deaf per The funeral was held on Tues 50115 DrLStm day afternoon Nov 24 With scr Pallbearers were Walter Lavery vice at Palgrave United Church John Marshall Les Marshall Daw and interment in Morningside Com Smith Beutty and Roy Lav etery The service was conducted cry The flower bearers were by Rev Boyd and Rev nine friends of Mr Zimmerman Ethridge who is minister of all afflicted Is he was 27 SHANTY BAY ROAD SIMCOE PHONE 6646 GLASS TABLE TPS To protect and enhance your flat top furniture let us cover it with gleaming easily cleaned plate glass or crystal glass For End Tables Coffee Tables Dressers Radio Cabinets etc glass makes the ideal protective top We can make up any size mirror for your mantle or closet door Also we keep full line of decorative wall mirrors that may be hung like pictures over chesterfield buffet etc lIESllllillllltl BEST lOOKING ADVANCEDESIGN TRUCK EVER BUILT Heres Canadas greatest truck builders plus new automatic truck transmissions latest and greatest truck Heres the brand ew chassis ruggedness new Advance um um 51 hm 59 mm The gt new line of Chevrolet AdvancaDcsign trucks esign truck styling the mirror neells reisilvering At moderate cosf the minor for 1954 And thats only the beginning Theres Theyre he lo If your Work for IESS much morethats new awaiting you in the Theyre hm bring you big Wings most powerfulncst performing best look opcrating and upkeep casts to do your ing AdvanceDesign trucks ever built trucking lob faster andmore efciently Theres model thats just right for your Youll nd thesecompletely new Chevrolet work 80 plan now to come in and get all the trucks packed with new advances and facts on the biggest truck news years Be advantages you want loaded with great sure to see the trucks with the most new new features vou need Theresnew power features the trucks wrtli big newbenets under the hoods new comfort in the cabs for both owners and drivers rcally new new bigger load space in the bodies Chevrolet trucks for 54 Hoff mommy 2mm or AlliJ09 can be restored to its original brilliance CALL us WITHOUT OBLIGATION ON ANY BUILDING cuss PROBLEM Greater power with four advanced valveinland engines Bigger brawn ier Thrifumsm pnd Loadmaster eq pines now develops new horse power The rugged and durable Torqucmaster engine develops 125 homegrown andthe Workmasrer 130 This year you can get the ght power for any lob giving greater efciency and new fuel and operating Heres gm new case and comes ence for driving in city trafc od for doortodobr delivery benign Theres no clutch pedal to pushA you can drive all day without shift ing Truck HydraMari is adored not only on tz aurl trucks but on lwu models too Opllooul at extra cost RidControl Soutlivslnndard on 605 modulo available on dilute nub modelsor Orinsequipmmv see 154liykm