hwould etc Aft Serving THE TOWN OI BARBIE AAD COINTY 0F SIMCOE Since l354 LlDllLV DEXT ls KWSPW Uhr ame Examiner Develop as Good Citizens ln BXlHOtLUfl ctf t1gtllpctIIIt quality pictures pictures writ so or ariety of subjeth has afso had outstanding success in international GXhlblIIClLS wziie orlcit bill has abandoned this phase of plio iature pLCturcs be mainly of birds in their natur al habitats mainly on the ncsl The Brereton Club and the Hill crest Audubon Club feel that they were very fortunate in being able to bring these two men before local audience The meeting is ogmphy in order to specialize 11i His pictures mll Greg is xGrade VII fi grooms one lGIaLle with lnzerCiai course One Age Group 1th v1 The boys and girls who 11v 215 Principal Zllt oelock Hen two weeks pttrlt for actual pr public spelir ttlllt etc child 11 in one room his Home Room lht DUbliL and is on Wed pupils are in the 13 to it years of half the day for matlzerizatzcs nesciay Nov at 815 pm llillcrest School Auditorium pmmm The First Column Farewell And Adieu By scorn TAYLOR Wcll Thursday will be nomina tion night There is quite bit of interim being stirred tip in the forthcoming electionsmainly due to lot of good getoutandget interested work by the Barrie Jaycecs It will certainly be in eresting to see what happens this year at the elections There is no doubt that it will be the clash between Alderman Harris and Reeve Huber Smith in the mayoralty contest which will be the focal point of interest Personally would hole to even try and guess at the out come of this one One thing seems to be certain now and that is that Alderman Kinzie will not try for the jump to deputy reeva His trame was mentioned with that of Alderman Bob Bibby as llikely contestants for the seat have not heard any other names mentioned so liar so it seems at present as if Bob will be the only candidate to the position Alderman Frank Johnson will not seek reelection understand So for as the prem and radio are concerned this would mean that some of the sparkle would go from the council meetings One could always rely on some interesting comments from Mr Johnson due the fact filial when he made up to us mind about subjectand be was always decisive one way or the other on any Suehe stuck to it and just spoke out what he thought about it With Alderman Johmon drop ping out it now seems according to stillcirculating rumors that there will be two candidates for the two seats in wiandfive sitting member Harry Young and ex MhyorMrs Marjorie Hamilton From the oddgosslpt wouldo be surprised to see quite number of people being nominated iis year course thats nothing new but what mean is thatthere may be more marinated who have the dull intention of running Afraid Im not much of an advo cate of this business of people tak ing nomination just for nonlin ations sake it they have no inten tion of running Seems to me that civic government is much too ser tons business for this sort or thing One would soon be out dovim to mallet proportions if one abtemplted to challenge others in be business world for position and had no intention of taking lit dont know whether this is the time or not but as the nominatiom meeting will see the council and other representatives reviewing the past years work guests might as well add nipcomments hereunit that is elixme that have had pleasant rlations with practically all the councillors wont say havb always agreed with what they do but then what citizen does niche is one thing tlor spre though andthat is that miter having seen the time they havew giveup to do their mum icipal wbnk and themeek have boatload dim think change places any mm or up We Sta3 Ways wee wvth wrotesoonecouldpyiatona twosense haste we at times had mutual stimulation for each other But as new best cant do better mot mew arrived inagu group the boys showing the iigtll anti svcral SilllitS rapid grun th selfComeroilsne love team ganns and no 11111 much interest 1n 1Ltlllll1lllSlelml lthat is typical of 1311s age and the lgirls desmng to excel 11 school of llikirzg to be treated as older tir1ngt they are keen to aSSllllltItll4ln lbility aware of themselves as in dividuals and showing for freedom and independence Some children master this phase very well others not so welli Worktng with this group presents challenge to teachers What 15 Education Ediication is that which devel ops good citizens stated the =speaker reviewing the reasons for having senior school That is that which makes one useful member of society and able to think as an individual Mr Rawson feels that the senior is working fulfilling the arms he has set out for his teaching He was in Earl Grey School before it was changcdto senior system and stayed with the staff The senior school is new to To ronto although Ottawa and Guelph have had them for 10 to l5 years Back in grandfathers day we did lot of schooling remarked the speaker Childremslearned lists of propositions rivers etc was not educating Now we aim to give good in tellectual and moral training We strive for what generations have found to be good and true Most people would rather die than think for themselves and many of them do But this struggle He or rotates day in triirrtirig class teacher 15 lttlill and ltiitlli iill skills 11 all pupils in all games volleyball baseball other physrcal 31 tlL sent 1r schwl stays half of Lli County Council Session Opened ln Barrie Today oirrntxer brawlgr until iiaiirii manly Bui morning the tuuniilt were well by the it iii liursiizp vliltrur Reed of nllis Township Ir Ls understood that brick gatzoii from the uunty lerJf Beard apprlr before oumil ster this morning the in need essay ill rrrcne their to fuesdiy morning fltl 1n the count competition pflzrx Gehrrtl epc1L1tioiix sft t2th the ugrrirla for the tlll thII not be unduly hes due to he set that the uirmber sitting is normally for the pur pose of iiizidin up the arir oux count iifairt for the yrsr One report which it is es prrted should ane with in tensting points that which he brought if in the special committee appointed at the June session to study the question of county roads and how these might be added or removed from the county tern The eh1irmiri of this special committee is Deputy Reeve Greer Barrie Prominent Citizen lwhich results til giud house league This opportunity brlity games gives the to assume pupils an esponsn Special Classes teachers in senior schools have made specialty of teaching science and have the rooni filled with animals etc that llllQ boys and girls are interested tin and teach them about the world in which they live The speech and drama where the pupils rotate to in the half day has stage and curtain and is small with microphone in stalled Pupils are taught first to speak on the microphone for train ing in speech acting etc There arealso shops for metal work and woodwork available to both boys and girls special rooms for sewing and cooking available to both music and art rooms The advantage of these special rooms pointed out the Earl Grey principal is that as every pupil cant do everything well he will find special abilityinmone of these categories The speaker addressed the group of parents and teachers in very easy manner that was entertaining as well as informative He invited any of the members of his audi ence to visit Earl Grey Senior School when they were in Toronto to see how the system is working be rice Examiner Production Manager Gives Reminiscence of His Career to local Rolarians Rotarian Herman Tomlinson known to his Rotarian friends as Tommy addressed the Rotary Club of Barrie at the Thursday luncheon on the subject Remin iscences of Newspaperman He was introduced by Walter Cmuthers as production manager for The Barrie Examiner He had went one year in partnership as publisher of the Clinton News Recon and had served during the war years with the Army Signal Corps The speaker who dealt with his ALBERT BRYSON former pro minent businessman of Barrie who died on Saturday at Thoinhill in his 77th year He washead of Brysons Bakery and also had tea room and ice cream parlor here for many years He was past president of the Kiwanis Club of Barrie active irCGllllfStreet United Church and community affairs The funeral will be held on Tuesday from Lloyd Stcck leys to Barrie Union Cemetery Two Operating Room Nurses Are Needed at RVH Accounts payable in the amount of $12079 were recommended for payment in the report of the fin ance and property committee of the board of trustees of the Royal Victoria Hospital presented at the Charles monthly meeting last week Accounts receivable in the amount of $23881 were recom mended for writeoff was recommended thata heat er be installed in the dumb waiter penthouse of the Memorial Unit at cost of aproximately $62 Robinson of the hos pital board working with the hospital staff has installed stair tail on the inner wall of the south topic in uent and humorous style stated that hhad commenced his newspaper Work with The Barrie Examiner in May 1922411 salary of $2 per week for services pro vided after school and on Satur days as printers devil He gnve some enlightening and hum orous historical references connect ed with the invention of printing and outlined the development of the modern printing presses and technique now used in The Barrie Exarmne rs press rooms In 1922 he said the paper was printed once week and the 16 to 24 pages were prepared by stall of eight Four pages were printed at one ne on handfed presses and then folded on hand fed folding machine Barriehad our newspapers at one time The Morning The Northern Advance The Barrie Examiner The Gazette Rising costs of mlvriakand labor forced most of titanium of business The oteight used to work 50 hours while todaythe staff of 36 is kept even with modern comment The modern presses Make it possible to print up to 5000 per hour The latest in pbo Why and enumvins equipment it possible have pictures ready for publication through the use plastic sheets in very shbrtlrtime The expansion the common can printing plant has increased jmvlcesto thebublie whiohnow Lousetzas wellassrdlw Mondmmvejmalw expressed the thech abom BEEMAN TOMHNSON President Jim Gilmore introduc to Harold Brett secretary 91 the Barrie Junior Climberof Com merce who gave wellillustrated and thought provoka addressed the fundamental tenets Mdemoc racy as related to public interest in the coming nomination meeting andvthe local municipal elections He outlined plans of theJllllill Chamber of COmmerce to stimulate interest in municipal affairs Dr Ross Muller on Rotaryx Foundation Scholarships again this week Bob Williamson adyised that plans to visit the Midland club were being complet ed and Ron Stewart reported on the radio button project Earl McDonald manager of the Bell Vlel in Barrie was made omember of the club He was inow by his spam Gun Mayor was util cinlly received by the President and was presented with the Tour Way Test and The Oh lects efcacy by the secretary Charmer Dave mum and stun led lathe tslngmwith An when who ephone Offices centering copyot Zseumivo by It Smp bin stairs of the memorial wing In its reviewof staff matters the management committee of the board reported that two operating room nurses were urgently needed The matter of smoking in the hospital as potential threat was discussed briefly at the meeting It was reported that in some hos pitals private patients were re quired not to smoke with the doors of their rooms closed Ill was Dr Lauries last board meeting as representative of the medical staff of the hospital The new president will replace him at the next board session In saying farewell to the board afier years termfhe had two sugges tionstormake One was that therrpresident and vicepresident should both serve on the board only one as voting member In that way he felt that both men serving two years would have betterappreciation of the problems of the hospital and could represent the medical staff better He also suggested that rduplii cate of all indigent patients ac counts should bowed to each doc CANADA lli l1 2111 and received his early ed From ltlll to lDZOlJ it in Obligations MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRlBAY single copy Essa Nomination Set for Nov 30 At local Level Will Help To Y59i3V ulzi Insure Health Democracy 0f uni1 Lino for iIlelLii stated 35 out 11 Anti inevtrn of iie Barri on illlllll vl Louil Government gt tL WA Vim eo1r to do so Received Honor Of Coronation Medal This Week urnnainn Medal as 11 tirs area on Nov If the the Commissron mr of district til here ll Barton has 111 born In Linn Barton who on Sept Prevent Complacency Trim cf 11 frrn Unemployment lib Leiiet resets 11 our use We should never be saz 1Ld Jlill poor job but should 11 active service with meg always seek excellence within the it forces and became bliltetl ozficer in tire Clie Regiment was wounded in35 il iliililll Flll the Somme and again very seriously wounded in 19 at Ypres but by miracle recovered and 11 192 was working in the Minis try of Labor Northern Ireland as an inspector continuing until 1930 luhen he came to Canada where he later graduated from Queens University In 1941 he was one of the first appointees to the Unemployment Insurance Commission and located in Hamilton For the past few years he has ycovered the area between Hamil ton and Bradford as district audi tor for the UIC and prior to that shortly after the passing of the UIC Act was in charge of almost cogie of cur ablties the entire Niagara Peninsula His district here ranges from Tober mory to Beavcrton land from New market north Essa Ratepayers Ask Improvement In Road Approach group of Essa Township rate payers has approached the town ship council asking that the dan gerous approach to County Road 10 on the 10th concession be improved when the new bridge is built on Lot 15 of the concession delegation composed of Cochrane Cochrane Ross Chich and Whimevaoodwin presented petition signed by 20 ratepayers to council at the No vember meeting The petition re quested that before plans were drawn for the new bridge con sideration be given to the danger ous corner The township road committee wrll approach the county road committee with the view of having the dangerous corner improved Rally at efroy Saturday Eve in connection with the Party for the Older Boys Parliament South Simcoe Constituency this willbe held in Lefroy United Church on Saturday evening this week Nov 28 at eight oclock The Rev Clare Kellogg of Cookstown will speak Further information is contained on page seven this where it is erroneously stated that the rally will be on Nov vyRainiv Possiny cooler tor so that they medical staff could have better appreciation of the hospitals fmun 61$ condition As the me staff representa tion now stands with 18 men on the staf it means that doctor serves on theboard once every 18 years The board agreed onthe advisa bility of Dr Lauries suggestion anddecided to invite the staff to send titer vicepresident to meet ings in addition to the president Laurie was thanked for his interest and contribution to dis cussions He stated that kind been prlvdego and pleasure to serve on the hoopthtbmd fonnat wage thanks ms moved to the medical stat repre Henna Mendeliane aobuun utter beautiful Nov 15 Nov 16 Nov 11 18 bums this 1911 TN 29 Dunnunp To be fully isfieri with what we have Community Effort Turning to the question of com miinity eifcrtj the speaker said that we should uric all the tune and ability that we could to outside aCilYltlLs for the community Here again we would never achieve per fection but we should contribute part of our time and financial sup port to our church The world needed as guide christian teach ings and principles Otherwise we were going to live shallow life at best done should challenge their statements If we accept position of re sponsibility we should be prepared to carry out its duties so that the utmost good will result to everyone concerned he remarked What place does local public life take in our efforts Public life in any phase in Canada re quires constant stream of new blood Many drop out after giving years of faithful service because of the financial sacrifice made As it is demanding life many fall by the wayside for rest as it involves etxra hours and meetings There are other reasonswhich are many and varied that keep the demand high Mr Harris went on to say that it was quite obvious in growing country that it took many people in all skills and administrative abilities to cope and assist in solv ing the many problems that bad to be dealt with in satisfactory manner We were too anxious on occasions to avoid recognizing that they were our problems as citizens of our lOcal community We must flake up the challenge of keeping an active interest in public affairs he said We must recognize the likelihood of receiv ing and welcoming criticism We must not be afraidto offer our services We have great deal at stake If we cannot offer our services we must continue for the sake of maintaining free na tion to be very active and inquir ing citizens In an expanding na tion We must have the young and energetic along with the old and Millie omrnuriht icnsie cv AHOY COKE effort and abibty Staff Changes At Bank of Commerce hillll liltiiil we 01 ed by confessions 011 of Communist was no lcrger iiszs confessro of crueltzes of mental and physical nature that took us back to dark ages of time We must face this dread threat to our country and our community by being well informed citizensl Mr Harris stated You should know the tactics of the Commune ists wherever they appear We the JOHN II COLWILL has been This iluappointed assistant accountant at at everv opportunity the Canadian Bank of Commerce have to be done if we are to live as free men and women in free iThb 15 one of meChanges me nation This opposition has to starlist the Barrie branch him right at the local level The have just been announced by head office at Toronto TILBROOK left who has beenvaccountant of the Bar rte branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce has now been transferred to Sarina as assistant manager of the city branch there He has been with the Barrie branch since June 1914 and is seen welcoming his successor Treusch who com es here from New Hamburg WWW skim satires min Mr millennium