cAiiNlLA its lirwpdu NIH lfI Vrm tzelluJ husband Franme lrsri Sonics dear ah telta vl limo rf Toronto Allan Suncrztigr BJIIUI and liar 82g Ba Point Sanford of of Russ rI of RlelIlliifld HLIL and Mor of Aurora brutlzvr of Joseph Alarm hlundoba Lea ers ngllilllgaiel and Della Iltlrs Valkoml butt of Stroud in his 73rd year Resting at the Jennctt Funeral Home Burma Funeral service on Saturday Nov 21 at pm Interment St Pauls Cemetery Innistil IN APPRECIATION The members of Newton Robin sun LOL 209 wish to extend their sincere thanks to the ladies of the community the WMS the United Church and all others who assisted With their fowl supper 133 INNISFIL TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA NO Requires Protestant Teacher for Grades 18 at No School nearl Thornton Ont on Highway No 27 Duties to commence Jan 1954 This is new modern one room school Salary according to qualications Apply giving full particulars also home of last Inspector etc Loughced SeepTress Pamswick Ont 1133 VOTERS LIST FOR I953 Norman Coxworth Clerk of the Township of Essa hereby de clare that have posted up in my office at Thornton on the 8th day of November 195311 list of all persons entitled to vote at Munici pal Elections and the Legislative Assembly and hereby call upon all persons to examine the rsaill list and if any errors or omissions are found therein to have the same corrected according to law Dated at Thornton the 8th day of November 1953 NORMAN COXWORTH Clerk 133 Hf passmp so TREASURERS SALE or LAND for TAXES Town of Barrie County of Simcoe TO WIT By virtue of warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Rama under his hand and the seal of the said corporation hearing date the 10th day of September sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Town of Barrioa will be held at the Council Chambers Municipal Building 84 Collier Street at the hour of oclock in the afternoon on thelth day of Jan my 195 un less the taxes and costs are sooner paid Notice is hereby iven that the list of lands for for ar rears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 3rd day of October 1953 and that copies of the said list may he had at my office Treasurers Oice this 5th day of October 1953 BARRAND lva Treasurer 1141133144FJQI1M OIL BURNER mm ONARCH IMMMR manor am PHONE 118 caviar l5 Lmumble now agricultum represen wer is 71 SHORT OIRSE 194 53111 gust cucuia ul date is held course the to apply to for c11ftl111ri and other rIrrolori 212 of LIL the tallve CARD OF THANKS DALEYWc heartfelt thanks and pe rsun Tins CPI wish to extend our apprecra troo or the many acts kind Points of Interest Huronia Annual FLORIST LAKES IAIB PRIZES IJ tXZrJj iHL RULE Lack Septemoe trl put 18 13 and COIIJZEI Lu be meeting exchange nlormau goveran at historic $11M Can3da btdg the rate of too day St and some had Most arv ifor yearround busmess and now are giving cheaper rate commercial travellers 19 annual meeting CTA Will be held In 41 ness and messages of sympathywthe 1955 Illrrllng 11 me Spllllllal and floral offering ceivcd from our many the during the loss of our morbcr The Doley Family family of the late Mr liar trans 631 labor Day Date 133 ner Day in September trierth for the sympathetic ki ness extended to them during illness and at the time of IN MEMORIAM PATIONIn loving memory our dear mother Ethel Panamibookmgs for the first week Kathleen and Allen Iiibierch was that it was not linux his cral success Summer over at the end of August Schools are Open 1332ing And even if Labor Day were in December people would still lgo home As it was he said his IDelawana Inn had to keep on lfull staff to handle the Labor Day Lfiweekend crowd even though the 111 Who 933 mm NOV 30 19WgtSeptember preceding Labor Day What would we give her hand toldid not merit in clasp Her patient face to see To hear her voice to see smile As in the days that used to be But some sweet day again Beyond the toil and strife more In Heaven that happy life Lovingly remembered by hus band and family RENOLDSIn loving memory of dear husband and father Sy1 passed vester Reynolds who away Nov 20 1952 Always remembered by wife and family MARKET PRICES NOVEMBer 29 1953 HOGS CATTLE EGGS POULTRY Asquotetlbym Mmdm Hogs Sows Large lA Medium Small carom Over tho Special Grade Grade Grace to lbs Special Grade Grade Grade fC 530 1h oer mi Grade Grade tun It nusnunnunuucmnnm Under 1h Special Grade Grade Grade cum to over the oho 30 nunnun nunmum Ironu cations throughout Huronia Every resort in Muskoka and on Georgian Bay herlwe visited had the same exper Iience We would have been hap lpier if Labor Day had come ear well meetllier in September Ted Wright speaking on behalf Iof the Ontario Department of Tra And C1859 eacb who hand omevel and Publicity concurred withL huu share me cost of presen er Grise Rather than attempt ling to shift Labor Day Mr Wright 133 it was much more important to attempt to seCure revision in dates proceeding with the Minister of Educationhe said to have the schools close the Thursday of the week in June in which the 20th appears and open the Tuesday of the week of September in which the 10th occurs This would leng then the vacation season by from week to ten days Mr Elder of Owen Sound re ported that Officials there had at tempted to persuade IOcal indus tries to stagger theirholiday times 00 through longer period but had been met with the argument that the hottest part of the summer in the latter part of July and the first part of August was the one in which productivity was lowast and therefore the natural vacation time ltlwas moved by Elder sec onded by Didace Grise and ap proved that the Associations an nual $50 membership in the Can adian Tourist Asociation be re newed for 195354 Sale of Maps The secretary reported briey on the sale by the Huronia His toricSites and Tourist Associa tion in conjunction with the Hur onia and Georgian Bay Develop ment Commission of 16000 place last maps this past summer as mans of encouraging tourist tra velthroughout Huronia on the distribution of 30000 tourist guide maps to Huronia by direct mail and through information and re ception humus on the distribu tion of 8000 key folders telling of the historical and geographical sig 133 3888 8838 33813 03835 niflctince of Huronia and of the sale of over 500 copies of the Huronia History 18 tribute was voiced to the late to Fr TJ Lolly of his support of 12 the Associations work and the part he and the Shrine had played in financing archaeological exoti was reported that the 1953 Christ it mas card of the Minister of Travel and Publicity would feature the Martyrs Shrine Qiairman Lane told the meeting that the federal government was making progress in the preparation of two miles to the inch maps of the Huronia area So far only the Orr Lake sheet We available but other nominee withdrew his name the Orillia Gravenhursti and Feb your our start in cold weathr We suggests hovcyour Bistrosy Starter 11 Service chompcans and mice batteries who uncommon for all makes can if BMW momma can tho1th mtrnmeromus witch Didace Grzse stated that he had my fconsuierable doubt about the wzs TN HORNERrnle members till5de ymg Inc $01 and to the vzliagt LI Crlliwuter and Thh red IIL gt tuvtiy 13 Illllt 11Cgt1l wish to expressthmr Sincere SPlsaid we had sample or an ex In preciauon to neighbors and otherlmnded Lab Dav and ms exp said that ms Depanmem felt that cussion of the desirability of devel school closing and school openingIvor Discussions were currcntlyl took the chair for the election of SPECIAL REMENIBRANCE DAY per We 211411 Cling Earlier uz Oz 2oon of Lane securiti hittaui Hamilton returned as treasurer on reflected secretazw Luci McCauI sect 5155 McRae The prcsrdent explained that no dmcmrs were nominated from eacz member mummpnuzy dis trc 13y ha rnunicrpalry or thS tyre and that requests for the Would go itr me memocrship notices coming year memuer iuliclpilles rb pruScrng mstoric sizes properU erectiwg markers thereon was possmle local lllt eplace 33 7131 trlTlCll or tzgitial Hiatus Steele house Farm Iley ill On nozurt of riiucr seconded by IUH Brunt was agreed LIJI the Association would budget from 14 $200 to $300 per annun to be sperlti for the preserurtur or niarkmg of historic sites 11 Huroma pro nds dud ma while me Assw Villed 1130 Ulhrl mlmltlpal JS Iculrzon had made great progress encrcs COODCItht being unlicrlm mth leadership stood that the LXLCL1C would shard In pmd secretary scrap all such fumes and On motion by 111 Elder seconded an effort would be made to as Edwanii was agmm tribute the assxstance as equitable mm the ckcmlve be empowwu as pcsstble across the territorylto secure me Some 013 paw Servsd secrezazy on part ume basxs second motion by Over end seconded by Edwards was passed authorizing the execu tive to spend up to $50 as one suggested 1123 prior 19 noon meeting an ASSUCI presenrazive should make each member mumcrpal stimulate interest Mr 11 Amazcd At Work Speaking on behalf of Wasaga Beach Mr amazement at the amount of work which was being accomplished by the Association am confident that members of our municipal simicourzcil and chamber of commerce mg the Eimes Steele fireplace There was also considerable dis Huronia Historic marker and Overend and Brown Orillia agreed to confer with Mr Ralph presidezr of the Orillia Porcelain and Metal Products as to the cost of such ded Mr Procter then invited the project Association to hold its spring at the Community Hall oping that they would be 100 per cent behind us if they had all been meeting Museums Activities Reports were then heard on the to May an offer which was accept aCliVitiES during 1953 Of the hurled It was moved by Didace Grise museums in Huronia Ivor Browngand approvai mm the timing of reported that while the Gaudaurime Rem meeting and of me next property had been given to Oriannual meeting be left with the illia for local museum there hadlexecume so far been little activity Mrsl The anemoon sessioh Cora Lane of the Womens Injust after pm stitutes told of information being passed on to the WI executivel Amndninner from the Association showing how About 90 persons attended the an additional government grant ofdlnnel and evenmg meeting 0f the 5300 could be secured Jugy Assoctation in Trinity United reported that 18000 persons had Church SUHday School hall Col visited Penetang Museum this sum lmgVOOd PIESldmg were me and that he was returning to Race president of the Collingwood the projectin 195510 attempt toCh51mber Commerce and Hur our Association president finish the work He told of giving away at the Penetang OfficersiLahe Quarters many hundreds of the Mr Race commended the Asso Huronia and Georgian Bay Devel gciaticp especially on its Huronia opment Commission folders and gmap place mats the Key folders issued by the Asso COllingwood mayor Graydon ciation both of which he said got Kohl in welcoming the Associa an excellent reception Tush ftion stated that in his opinion linghamreported on Huronia Housenot enough had been done in Midland telling of the 11000 paid past years to advertise the attrac4 admissions this summer and thegtions of Huronia and that he lactathat in 1954 the museum was would like to have the opportunity opening its thirteenth room one Totsupporting larger contribution devoted to pioneer clocks lampsgby Collingwood to the Associa and wreaths No one was presentztionswork We have lot to to report on the Collingwood mus loffer to the tourists here but we cum Imust waken up to our responsibil There was brief discussion oflities he added the demrability of preparing tori Association president Lane the Ontario Departmentof Travel lexpressed his appreciation of his and Publicity script for tourist reelection and thanked the Sec adjourned motion picture on the Huronia retary and other members of the area The matter is being dis gexecutive and directorate for their cussed with the Deputy Ministersupport during the past year concerned The tourist industry brings in Chairman Lane appealed toito Canada over $00 million mentors to visit the Nationallyear from other countries Mr Sportsmens Show at Toronto thiSLane explained but it is two spring todetermine if it might be way business and Canadian per desirable for the Association to capita expendituresin the United have booth there in 1955 States are higherthan us tourist spending here Gugganr ggngesidem He pointed out that recent sur touristsShowed that while nearly 100 per cent were satised with 43mm may 50 officers for 1954 On motion of Didace Grise sec onded by Ivor Brown Lane was returned to the presidency for second term Ivor Brown th On motion of Overehd qmm sowmuccsow 25NOOdoycorricsomfrom andDistributor checked to bl em now futonMix controlled for 13 Procter expressed Ills lwould be equally amazed too and iprescni at todays meeting he adi history he then stated Iconic here because we come to the Wasaga Beach in the second veekl over 518000 for work on Fort Steg vey made among returning US mailman arc Wlmhtllmil 111E BARBIE EXIHIXEB twill NOVEMBER f1 2955 aA November Show hi Jury appealed 131m l2L exception polities represented for color parcnczes for use his Icctures espemaiiy ones of Colizngwoods Standing Rock 311 Owen Sound area POST MAIL LARLY Cancun one lie1 that the deadline for soc delivery of Christmas mail Thursday Dec If posted later deiivery by the curl Edwards in introducing Jurv Of the Lizitcrsny of Western Ontarzo lioazztet 112 Assoczaznuti work t1iil ixflcfi tr Jim 1113 He spoke of his work at Pene tang to be renewed rn 1954 as an experimen in visual educationI Christmas as doubtful and told of his plans to wrte book on it Similar to the book on Ste Marie Among the Humps which is bong published llll My manila mil We must make the work of the Mdlssnciu=zon not only for this gen iugeration but for our childrens did by Oren be appealed Unless we Eysxgisoon uncover our ndian Civiliza mm 5m nunilitl all traces of it vrli disinte of Colllngvouolgml the SuV attending tile alterzzoon business President Lane introduced We would iave Weiauthor lecturer and beekeepcr flux1 rr more he added lKenneth Wells of Medonte Town ship who spoke on the need of cherishmg our history for historys sake The various speakers were thanked as were the ladies of the church by Ivor Brown and Wil liam Race president of the Col lingwood Chamber Of Commerce The meeting adjourned slightlv be fore 10 pm 49 CHEVROLET The Lsiversxly of Western Orr sum tart is 1101 interested in promoting Huromas tourist trade but in your 328m bktk niSh in And we showroom condition cxcepr tional value Downtown Motors 75 Dunlop PHONE 3600 their FREE TICKET FOR 3759 census LAMB con WITH svsav DEMONSTRATION Thc Housewifcs Choice JUNO Elli CONDITIONER It Scours Waxes Buffs Sands 13 Ilt lull Til trier exp Every few cl Fort Penetang Work JLzzys work Ftr Pene briefly described 1c the Wes wlogzst as Joint nitre or thzs districts ical development than any Cleans Polishes CALL WILSON GOFF 3482 ROY TRACY DISTRIBUTOR Maple ate Barrie Ir Jury conveyed the regrets of Lrwezsuy prescient Dr Hall past preszden Dr Fox and retired vzcepresrdent Dr Fred London it heir Inability to be present place whch made Mr Jury then pointed out that5 it was not the funds of the Asso clarion which had brought him to Huronia Isave for the survey now underwayl but funds invested by individual agencies The Martyrs Shrine for example had paid out hisrory has been Listen to the 10 am New cast over CKBB Monday Thursday and Saturda larie and other sites and thel town of Penetang over You have to work yourself do more than your share he counl sellcd II He then expressed the view that in asking him to come to Quebec to Search for Champlains gravel the Quebec authorities had paid compliment to Huronia Quebecl 35 fellowiing your example Mr MOCCASIN SLIPPERS for children teenagers and women fur trimmed all sizes Jacksons Price 99c Referring to the Tobacco Nation history the Collmgvood areaw LINED SKI PANTS for girls assorted colors sizes to 14 years Jacksons Price $298 Mr Jury pointed out to the peoplel of that townthat they had in theiri midst few enthusiastic peoplel Two of your townsfolk have been GREY mNNELS for boys and young men English students at our summer School 30 wool SIZES 24 to 32 only Jacksons Price $369 BOYS SUITS smart English Donegals limitedpquan $3 tity Jacksons Price 5395 HAT COAT sass for little boys and girls regular $1995 Jacksons Price $995 CARDIGANS for men in the new fabulous Fake Fur Jacksons Price $289 LINED SMOCKS for men Officcmanager with ac rcounhnz ability by retail firm in town on No high way cast of Toronto per manent position replies strictly confidential Box Barrie Examiner oz sanforized Jacksons Price $598 cum BLANKEIS famousKinngt litarid mumv ruse Jacksons Price $369 cosrous JEme big selectiOn euros KNITIING YARNS nylon and woolyarnsin icon derful color selection lachsons Price on 20c LIGHTER spouses consisting tabl lightencigarette holder and truly Jacksons Price $195 PANDA scans soft and cuddly white and block can das Price $159 nous smartly dressed is metreshigh use Jacksonh majoreater Jaime Shine 5843 mnl mu mMnrtie our rm Plastic Linolounlj RussoTILE MAID Jr consonant 13am st nuns