Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Nov 1953, p. 2

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3THS BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY VtithftlBhR 3t 1331 gnresbyfefmn Chunk Will Be No Peace in Middle East While Aral Relugees Rotting 0n Israeli Border Opinion ot Expert As long as threequarters of t1iiir 1J rt doc 17 ilmily in long ring around kneel iooxng istIib the line into what used to be their lionrs 1136 Lil polite to be my peace 1n the Middle Bust according lu Li IIZAI have watched developments there CID diarirrs for 3o years Brigadier Cyril QLriliant wht addressed the Womens Canadznn Club on Wednesday evening the MK Librxry Hall are vivid ptctum of this Vital strategic are of the worid and the struggiv it its people The ouutsndmg we distinguished Middle Eastern spec mlrx touch on recent hlwehmgs 2nd key pcmnrlrtlm an the news out worried his Immers thattnw running out for the Winter World Units something can be dum by the people who are guiding our destinies to reverse the pres em trend think the Middle East stmds very good chance of going the some way as China Wmm He saw two tremendom factors in the Middle Fist today and5 evorywhm when Middle 2131 inl ucm notches Then on the economic cut of the vanomcoun tries whole populations are hun gry miserable and in bad health and the 58d and controverstul question of the emergence of the State of Ismcl This latter question he had dis cussed with Arabs pointing out that the Jewish people who had contributed so tremendously to world culture in all its forms had been without home for 2000 years and were just entitled to home is the Aruba But who was it tortured Jews You Chrmtians is the Arab answer and they point out that it is in the Christian countries of the world that anilSemrtism is very strong Yet when the West decided to make homes for the survivors of Jewish persecutions they were not invited into North America or parts of the British Empire But we did not mind taking away the country of the small not influential Palestinian Arabsand called it democrocy This is the situation from the Arab point of view and the budget from international funds for the Arab refugees from Israel is now four and half cents day per held for food clothing education amusement etc They are liter ally rotting and have been since 1947 but nobody is worrying about them As long as their generation cx isle we are not going to have any peace and there is not going to be any condence in the West Tothe Arab we in the West have Solved the problem at our jm venience and at their expense and the communists are using this as propaganda saying that the Jewish State will expand Cairo Illolc That is the picture asitlooks to the men who are now the key personalities In the Middle East the boy now in universities in all the great cities The Black Saturday riots in Cairo 20 months ago were wonder ully done and very well organ ized with squads attacking the rlght tarlels with the right wea pons pointed out the speaker In six hours roters had totally or partially dell toyed the downtown Uniiltliiro uliiJllunll now in Ginnifer area of Cairo city of one and half million people The important things about the riots believed Brigadier Quilllam were their pattern andthe fact that the West had such reser voir of goodwill still In that part the world that outside the lm mama areanobody moved any ohm Undoubtedly the riots been meant to be detonation to something much bigger jettbe Western Influence was songcnough to step their spread beyond little group or fanatics In the riotsln Cairo every tra wt office and nirline office gym bollc of contact with the West every Waterrim batch apart ment store every automobile showroom most of the jewellery noch and places selling luxury climates practicum every cabaret or Mutant Whererich people titled guitarist eat in the nice outmm and everyeclnemn All had been symbolic mern luxury and contact llh lm and the threefold llliHIIelr den ctlon had your the rel us Ian ihe communists stud lim llno In lb Mgtbu the riots did longish pit in the and Int who stilt up their minds um the West of always conan with jus communist thut there jute during the Restoration Of Full imports1 gtltil rt5 ling lflt rstozatmn of istltllt Middle ltult aft subuncmg smuunt oi 5pc1rliltltp dirt arc looking not lo Luntlunls They know liltil our com szr drugrater pupr anti the no gutstrut oil as there is Them 13 nothingl like first except oil and II is going to take long tune for ml to get around to the people Whitts hurting them is the be lief that bc dont intend to be just to them Thu is due partly propaganda which says that the West does not lllltlld to help these countries any more than is necessary ill kegp them in its side The reason the West 15 making fuss over all parts of the world say the cunununisLs is be cause they want your boxes and factories the Suez Canal and oil for the war against Russia The communists warn that when there is war thcyjre going to hit back and that they wont be able to hit the West without hillllll the Middle Elm They foster the atom bomb fear That is what youre gorng to get after being used by the West They are asking these countries to refuse to have any military tie up or cooperation with the West and urge them to get rid of their own people who talk this way We have seen the rst of the as sassinations of people who are friends of the West Russia says to the people of the Middle East that if what they are living in now is democracy dont you think anything else is better And the communists are gaining ground with their clcvcr propa ganda litc Essential Strategically It is eSScntial that this strategic area of the worldtho big land bridge between Europe and Asia should be on the side of the West should we have war with Rus sia so that we may use it as base and forwhat it contains It Issbntll bollr frtlm purely material point of view and for the sake of democracy that thcsb coun tries should not go the way of China Outstanding Pcraomlitlcs The Middle East authorin gave his impressions over the years of IN or six of the outstanding per sonalities in this trouble belt of the Eastthe Shah of Iron and Mossadegh King Feisal of Iraq and King Hussein of Jordan the former King Fnrouk of Egypt and General Naguib But none of these are the key personalities of the Middle East now They ale not the people we have to rcckou With any longer The key personalities are the new generation now coming along who do not remember the tradi tion of British civil administration renewing World War is the young men of the Middle East be tweenthevages of 18 and 23 or 24 who are going to run those coun tries for the next 20 years They are responsible for the trbuble in Persia and in Egypt Young Democrats Looking at the young democrats of the Middle East in particular those of Egypt he told of the mis erable living conditions of the average person In that part of the world concentrating particularly on the young university students The average student gets his im pression of the outside wbrld from newspapers translations the behaviour of foreigners among them and the cinema Within their own country the Moslem re ligion nationalists and conimun Isl are the three forces working on them The greatest output of our civil taxation to themls on the comic bookBollnyood level Brlgadler Quillltim spent over 30 years in the Middle East Including the Arab world Persia India and the Sudan In 1943 he became head of the Middle East Political lntelligencefccntre in Cairo He mtcludtb er ncggtllidreb leaguednd III Ierved with the Arab Irean of Jordan in 1918 Archlprullt campaign 00 LANDS Burmudl 060 mile southeast of IteWYoak theinolt norther group at coral mom in the Well Training lnsltute Will be Held Here lubl may MISS RIBY WALKER Adult llork Kegiorsl Secretary and Tch Captain miss MARGARFIr wcnsnn Missionxry Work WMS Director of Organization Regret Expressed Regret Is expreSSed to the Barrie Public School Board for any embumssmenl caused by the siory which uppcnrcd In Wednesdays issue of The Ex aminer II was Incorrectly stat ed that the board had it 30day option on seven acres of land on the Newton farm The position is that the board merc Iy had on offer of sale for this property The story Indicated that the board had chunzcd their mind over this particular part of the property and were now of the opinion that the land under option to the Tooth of Barrie would be more de sirable site The board had this location In mind originally and the seven acres on which they bod an offer of sale was merely on alternative allo WW Mr and Mrs Herbert Watson of Temiskaming PQ are visiting with Mr and Mrs Leslie Cowper Kcmpenfelt Drive Proctor of Wosaga Beach ithat their $300 would be forthcom MANY POlNTS OF lNIEREST DISCUSSED ANNUAL MEETING manilar Wright Depart Toronto lsrksburg and tlarkson Miaul nam and At the iltllirf and owning stuns total of 89 Were prrsent lresrdent Lane was tr the chair as the meeting opened 11 230 pm The minutes of the Ins meeting in Barrie Sept 16 1953 Vttle road by the secretary and approved on motion by Brown seconded by Didace Grise Deputy Ministers Visit The chairman reported on the visit to central Huronia of Col Crowe deputy minister of Tm vel and Publicity and Don Tuck er chief or the information branch on Sept 22 Centres covered in the seven hour tour were Barrie the Nottuwasaga Bay Shows Pen etang Midland Victoria Harbor Waubaushene Goldwater and Or Illia Mention was made of new mom be rship contributions this year from the Martyrs Shrine and from Camp Rawlcy Port Severn each of 25 Of the outstanding fees totalling $525 for 195253 Mr stated 11 ing very soon No word was re Ccived from Barrie regarding its $200 fee or of the $25 fee from Elmvale The secretary stated he was still awaiting advice from Ralph Snel grove vicepresident of the Barrie Chamber of Commerce regarding meeting with primary school in spectors on the subject of Hur onia section in the county histor ical essay competition No word hadyet been received from Owen Sound as to whether similar contest might be protably pro moted in Grey Report On Excavations Jury reported briefly on his archaeological excavations in Quebec where the search for Cham plains grave had been unsuccess ful but where excavations at the oldest house in Canada at Sillery had been more successful He told the meeting that the framed photograph of the Champlain Monument 1n Drillia presented by the society to Quebec authorities or 441 21 Wusoga Beach sud visit urll its the cast po to of Human re Li IJEtrczl Wth lnlsg SLlxxiCEtfi i3 11 31 LilJLiiICal Armor urged 113 lllfltf issued lTlTIlrftr and Olilci shodd is of agenda hr lhtS cl Lgctlr trips UV pt 111 Spt interest in 11 and two day drives p051 ing good eating places and along ZILc xny Hr tn on Ilic mop in different Ill Jury told of inquiring about lflps through Hurozua at Detroit automobile club anJ of receiving the report that eating facrlitics were indifferent in many centres The only P130 Commendi i0 ersm Huronia had now been $3195 on motion of Edwardst their food were Hotel BTulc1n Pouctang the Maples in Midland and the Dciawana Inn at libitey Harbor We have 10 be honest about what We recommend 2Intl what we do not said Mr Jury if we want tourists to come back Transparencies Appeal The secretary told of the limited success to date of thcA$gt0ciations appeal for black and white and kodnchrome transparencies of the area suitable for tourist promotion use An offer of $5 per acceptable picture had been made earlier this year So far moreover only two municipalitiesPort McNicoll and Midlandhad supplied color trans parencies to Mr Jury for use in his lectures on Huronia The sec retary suggested that if better response were not forthcoming soon it might be desirable to con sider the employment of com mercial photographer to cover the area Mr Jury again argued thatthc Association should supply for the use of lecturers sets of slides on Huronias attractions Discussing the type of promotion photographs needed Ted Wright pointed out that each should have like sentence both subject and verb there should be centre of interest and that centre of in terest should indicate action of some type He urged the Associa tion to study the type of photo graphic promotion booklets issued in European countries in black and white and attempt to 11pm duce similar booklet in this area The pictures he Stressed must be Congratulations and best wishul to Mrs Ebby Harris Barrie who celebrated her birthday Nov 12 at family gathering in the borne of her daughter Mrs Jen nctt Thornton William Merrick received word yesterday from his wife who is patient in Wellesley Hospital Toronto that her three operations for conditions resulting from polio myelitis appear to havebeen suc cessful with present tests She will be arriving home on Saturday with short leg cast to convalesce at her home 12 Sophia St East Her body cast was removed on Thursday ENGAGEMEINTS Mr and Ernest Crnwa ford OrofStatlonp wish to an nounce the engagement of their daughter Shirley Joan to John Marshall Tulloch son of Mr and Mrs Tullorh of Winnipeg Man itoba the marriage to take place In Toronto on November 26 133 LITTLE GIANT Highest mountain in the British Isles Ben Ilevls iancotIand rises MOIHjeel limp9t ctrtmvrzt eh IIOTL 5L nrse tour routes should be mt ti egg Spoke lwork of the Association alt116 It ulteriuiti be empt lCcS rf to tl acllyiltrs xtiILIL the protectn lilbitlilc Stir tdicatcd tlm mg tilts soon En linrt icrtctutg new For Mutit the inl ommcnds Work Irrszdrn Garfield blltll conuncnding LthL the Past The scornfury reported that the names of all grades and tcacln cured prcparatory to the free dis tribution to then of copies of the Associations history of Huronia but that ii hti not been possible to have the Department of Education alter its policy with respect to grants on the purchase of library books to make them payable on such regional histories as this in municipalities over 2500 popula tion Grants were payable where inspectors approved however in smaller centres It was moved by Overcnd and approved that the secretary bet asked to interview the Minister of Education further in this matter Murray Elder Owen Sound agreed to follow the issue up with Hon Mackinnon Phillips Didace Grisc with the Hon Arthur Welsh Lane with George Johnston MLA Edwards with Dr Mo Phce MLA and representative from Collingwood tto be named by the president with Rev Downer MLA The secretary is to prepare memorandum outlining the issue and forward it to the aforesaid persons Tcd Wright of the Department of Travel and Pub licity stated that he would also fol low up the matter with his Min ister as he felt strongly that unless there was considerably more atten courrs Christmas Cards WRAPPING PAPER TAGS and SEALS DICK STEELE Cor Collier and Baycld Sta xnz mag mv Noltutt uwg3 Lon5 vljvywys7UC7ii Vr Vy All efs WW xwnz vl onnty that await fjtltpsilqu of SI 54 13 35 ttds ltClItlI Ll from ti iIJonis Ill tiisiri through the Mxilartd ommercu Clurksori McCoul Midland null Frank Hannah Elmvale were ap pointed auditors for l9fxi4 fully updated statuncni will be circulated at the first meeting millH Hull tor Iushingham accounts totalling K$3798 were approved Expenses lrcgarulng the annual meeting itotallcd approximately $45 and printing of 5000 copies of the blur onto History authorized at the September meeting in Barrie would involve about $1600 leav ing small net balance on hand at the end of 1953 seconded by miscellaneous 3mm tr Audubon 11 Naturals Nov 23 Psittugmuix meeting ll11 Club curl Butt lStS tlult gt1tll pm litivz Scilllll Atlclu lurltnti in AlIlSdtI Mr Rog Lurlttt Colored slides Sliver culltcllmt llii CTA onvcnllon President Lone reported on proceedings or the Canadian Tourist Association annual con vention in Vancouver in October which he attended IS delegate from the Huronia Association Of the total expenses the Associatiunl contributed $200 the balance lie3 ing borne personally Mr Lancl was member of the CTAs reso lutions committee Among the findings of the Vancouver con vention ware Turn to page seven pleasct I952 CHEV V2 TON EXPRESS 9000 MLUJI miles lscd for light work Buy With Confidence AI Dangereld Motors LTD Barrlcs Largest Dealer USED CAR DIVISION 233 Bradford St Ph 498 Your Friendly IDA Drug Store 1111 lIVlNGSTIIII DRUG STORE 56 Hayfield Next to Lobluws Dial 3537 WE PICKUP AND DELIVER IYOUR PRESCRIPTION dietetic s0 intimation as never 3in margins83 We 10 svousoitmtnr mmmnnut vumn thonub oi inopvoblom In clrlltly WAHWOFCOMMIRUE 108 Wlill Iris Suits and all lemlh0mlnhlslllg mm Irmu mm mm rv

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