iiiTHE BARR bXAMINLR FRIDAY NUVElBER 256 1953 Jil II III LISTENING POST hens Cl lilitfcoi 2c Junta Farms Irauu In WWwwtowxoww Il llt tit El Force ol Habit ncrr 11111111111111 BARth iltlllNl OBS II RV ER IRIS MONDAY 3o 12 Noon until pm North Simcoc Juniors At Royal When all the IKHI yttrialksi North Sdlltllc Stand irinzt 121 29 tennis oriipttirig Bill Metlirigu they scizrng ItIl l1tlflltl glill HT out of pussrllit LOW pols to llilt 171131 and 1111 Sit 11 prisi rrioney gNew Club Eastern Part North Simcoe At the present time there are =three local Junior Farmer Clubs 1111 North Sirncoe Centred at V115 jey Elrnvale and Om Each does good Job in its community glance 21 the map however re VttilS there are large areas where no club exists in consideration of this meeting is being held in the YMCA Orillizi on Wednesday cv eriing Nov 23 to see if new Club may be organized for the jun iors of the eastern part of North Sirncoc It would be expected to draw rnenibership from East Oro on the west to Coldwatcr on the north All farm young people through this area are cordially invited to attend The meeting will get uri der way with film of particular interest to farm juniors at 815 pm SEE YOU SPECIAL CAREER COUNSELLOR W02 Bill IIichordson For full details on pay training and other benefits There are openings for young men and women in technical training and openings for young men in aircrew train ing 0R Write To I207 Bay St Toronto Stating Address Education Name Age New Development Contagious abortion Bangs dis ease or bruccllosisby whatever name it is callcdais still one of Free information booklet av ailable on request cunvrx CHAPEL Fiozord To Humans ontrol Measures Available dlzltrgl 11 ray of pre ufitrl 193Hl stnu tliL lune Dr McGiilvrayl 33L infra of the Ontario Vetl College 1f vaccine that The accifie made rain of the abortiorrj 1m inicctcd 11 heifer cm rimtwtion to 80 peril Barmr of Waubaushene has land talk by rtprtsezitative of Downlniin situation Continued Lurch Alll be StIVltl at the started prerriot their liiiiinclilltle dinner and mI llcil by two USA in the evening of Nov 26 Horticultural Program irtgiani at the lll netting NJ It ill Nuts Siral ladies Night olilwattr Masons are holding Night program to irioiies on Ladies lnqurst Date Set inquest into the death of Mrs the animals for from three btcn set for oldwater on Nov 20 years Acceptance was not ininiediate In fact prior to 1945 calfhood vuccznation lll listed herds appear ii 11 federal authorities as not bel in suitable method of control lll HHS Dr Andrew McNabb the new principal of the Ontario Veterinary College promoted calf hood vaccination from an experi inental plan to provinceWidc vaccination program The result is that now particularly in areas ll dairy concentration the prac tice is general The Brucellosis Control Act new development comes with the passing of the BulCLllOSlS Control Act by the Ontario Leg islature under which Brucellosis Control areas may be set up in any courtly The procedure rc sembles that in use under the Warblc Fly Control Act Petition Twp Council When prescrith with petition bearing the signatures of more than twothirds of the cattle own crs township council is obligat ed to pass bylaw requiring all female calves within the township to be vaccinated The council must appoint com mittee consisting of the provincial veterinarian the agricultural re prescntative for the county in which the township is located and three residents of the township at least two ofwhom shall be re sponsible for supervising the Brucellosis Control program with in the township Federally Listed IIerds Exempted The regulations provide for the exemption of female calves in federally listed herds All other female calves must be vaccinated after attaining the age of six monllhs Liability for the cost of vaccination is fixed upon the own er of the calves The township must appoint an inspector to see that the work is done The Act provides for grants to such municipality from the province to aid in this expense Pros and Cons Preliminavy meetings have al ready been held in few counties and the petitions are about to be circulated Those who argue against the scheme say they do not like compulsory measures Under exrlsting circumstances anyone wishing oalfhood vaccination may obtain it and the fellow who neg lects to do so is the one who will eventually suffer Then too the beofbreeder ar gues that it would be useless eit pense for him to vaccinate heif ers thatghe knows will be fatten ed and slaughtered rather than used in the breeding herd Gain For The Industry Countering these arguments is long list of advantages to be garn cpu cairn insults turnip 129 0111 11401 BA Tea and Bazaar social event of Saturday after noon Nov 21 Will be the annual tea and bazaar sponsored by the ladies of St Andrews Presbyterian Church in the church parlors PC Meeting An executive meeting of East Simcoe Progressive Conservative Association will be held at the home of Dr McPhee MPP of Port McNicoll on November 24 Iopular Speaker it is expected the success of the lecture given here last year by Rev Norman Rawson Hamilton clergyman and native son of Coldwater will ensure large at tendance at his address Nov 24 in the Coldwater United Church in aid of the furnace fund Await Cold Weather Coldwatcr firemen who leased the rink again this year have been marking time waiting for cold wea ther to start flooding The ice locatidn was levelled off couple of weeks ago WMS Thankoffcrlng Annual thankoffcring of Cold watcr Presbyterian WMS was tak en at the service last Sunday at ternoon Hunters Buck Hunting parties returned last weekend Included in the Gordon Leathcrdale party of Orillia which took in men from this district was large bear Bible Soolety Annual meeting of the Cold water Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Saciety was held in the United Church with President Jack ed from compulsory calfhood vac cination Veterinarians point out that while many farmers are presently vaccinating their heifer calves there is large loss every year among those not vaccinating The loss occurs in the form of dead calves retained ofterbinth and lowered production Such loss is unnecessary If all the heifer calves in township were to be vaccinated veterinarians could do the job at less expense per head The usual change now is $2 per calf It has been estimated that under com pulsory vaccination the charge would be around $1 Vaccinated heifers draw prem ium in fact as vaccination pro gresses buyers will be demanding vaccinated heifers to use as re placement in their breeding herds This will place townshi not un taxeii ticuitural uccrsslul Operation sZiun to clzil up coniiititn was Toronto on Mozlty Mr 11l lltS 1l1t lllltllrll tnfta 12 tS l11c It 11 LEllll Mora at tlic Legion Banquet Followrri the lllll Anxrliarv in the Legion lli111rer VtLinesr day eieniiig Nov ll an llllllligtlt program of lienmirzbrancewas held for the conmrunrty gathering wnreh seating accoimportation t1 capacity Goldwater Legion pres ient Stme Brodeu presided The padre of the local branch Rev Craven of Fairvalley veteran of the RCAF deliwred thought provoking message on the sacri lices made by Cilllallfls in several wars and the responsibility this imposed upon those for whom they rutl el Illlxiz ltents litil by fought The toast to the Fallen Comrades was proposed by Lane and Last Post was soundtd by bugler Jack Lovelace followed by two minutes silence and Reveille Fred Brown proposed the toast to The Queen and the toast to the Ladieswvas given by Herb Stevens Responding for the Ladies Auxiliary was Mrs George limnfri libel lsll 1gm rod Di vv The tnvlerswri and lltll spent the in tnri Mr Ralph limiter inn Alliston Mr and Mrs Bertram Sawyer and family of Allsoii spent the weekend With Mr and Mrs lrank Saw er Mr and Mrs liorner of Brent ood were Sunday slurs with Mr andMrs Trott Sunday vtsitors with Mr and 3115 iordon McBride were Mr and Mrs McBride of liftnt wood also Craig McBride of To mirth and cliil BIGGER sugar snows HARBOUR GRACE Nfld Cpli More than 200 sheep and 80 lambs were entered at the first sheep Show here Experts estim alert that sheep in Newfoundland have increased more than 40 per cent in the last three years and good entries were aLso secn at Carboncar and Shoe Cove Devitt youre waiting der the act at disadvantage in the sale of surplus stock The matter of public health should perhaps havebeen men tioned first senious disease Undulant fever is True home pas teurization of all milk used is safeguard But how many farm people take the trouble to do this 011 most farms milk is used as it comes from the cows If Bruc ellosls were stamped out the dan ger of undulant fever would be removed Rec operators are piling up sensational new in economy and loWer coats Ask your dealer for details ping moron Any ofyou boy core for little tonsillectomy or uch while Bank of Toronto Cdmmercialloana are available for drilling equipment pa mllsand other runniu prayed oil wells in the heart of Canadas mtg expenses of black gold boom kedit extcnded by The Bank ofloronto helps many commutes reach more protable basis of operation Commercial Loans are justone ofntany services The Bank of TorontoollersCanadiau businessmen Your nager will gladly outline all the local Bank of Toronto ma facilitiesdesigned to help you in your business All business banker hes man its impoth for you to know unto morvourmur mWhm oununruun mm um suitorqu Requiem Moss Celebrated At St Marys Church For Mrs Daley 7l AllLlSLRN it LUtAL KEILR 21 lvorziup 5t lb Mir2 10ppOsIlt Llottrlcuj s3 lc1flg Mrs livrtixr Barnumti late Mix llifiw ber of St Illszys 12 and belonged to the Smart limit the th erf Soviet the llmauue and the Al Socizty Very Rev Jarr Ill Clair Iebreei the funeral mass and pall bearrrs Were Osborne lioran Brennan Marion lid with Sir vt IT crimsnns lllFlS For all members of the family DICK STEELE English China Gift Shop ollier and Bayfield so ASH 7511611 CE The television news of the year Every tine feature is included full complement of tub superpowered chassis turret tuner ready for UHF sharper FloxOMotic focus Duruble mahogany cabinet resists burns scratches and stains This is limited offer only tow available Get yours today to morrow they maybe sonl Admiral 27515Vc0v NowDXRongoi Finder that cur torniuu your Admlrolfortlio IInut reception tantrum New folio Control contin uously variable telwoo ointh Ilu table or boutoww MIC QuintStop builttn Aorth proor looted Ior nioxlinurn signal strength In all ood clonal flogO Matt fed that give tomebottom tidetwirl plo tvro churn ovor otlro not 21 Inch rv sensation with 43 than rapt 17 you spam hm registered technicians and mum crows orientingwhit their own equipmextl in All serials are Quoted under the rogulallous of the north bylzw and the cost includes antenna liability Insurance at Wilmingtyotcomuo Wise Malt Shop in the Rust All