EGBERT Sands lslton of Mrs Lorri our IfJ ClJ WT MM MIXER FRIDAY NOVEMBER 20 1953 WWW iNiOYABiE ViSii run SCOHA DREWANDlllids Alai by Victorian Order Provides Nursing Care for Everyone Lif 3512 vlt Heft it 25 CICV Miss Dorozoy Goslduix Tooni MI Sm 33s or tiring in fur Ii lat Btil Mir hlrey eside mi KMr 321 Mrs Ccc Whtesd Mr gm l0 Pegg Grace Ind Lorne wit and lit Bellamy Weekend Vinita Maxie Eimrr Carryall Utopx Ewen Ulr Actkrfld With Roznid 831 butts Whitesdt spent the neekeno With gnomas Wokrnai Miss Pear Newton 10 Alfred Thompson Dita The cimmmiily was 32mm thing tooth pick nursing cure If family can afford to pay plastic container Serve wsih tin llt1l Isl taken by Miss LorraLne Somervillc nurse ll 32 my jffmi ML 51 xiv1 ril 59ilxm mm the Barrie branch of the lictorian Or the full fee is expected However adjust gunhgk rlrgnhm gt oii Iv sl 1311 added nlEllLS are made to suit the circumstances me i1ily WM 33 mm my tier of Nurses which is presently conducting rm 2i Mr lt lll 14m its annual appeal for funds The purpose of iiigrtidl that sltc the Victorian Order is to provide nursing of mischhn gimp Fuu 2144 tiers lltlllxflrlitlk care to everyone in the conununity requr win Hnl routs ieic tlirouxi scum 0m 11cu ing it regardless of race creed or financial of the family and in necessary cases the nu QUESTION BOX fee is wmvmj iven fondant icin Last year the number of fully paid visits he comprised 25 percent of the total work For Answer Units will from running lli nouzii tin it 35 advmble to let irr ceniw 3nd ihev or Wile 581 12 ndgm we suction of Hitle mu Mild mi in twin it situutzon There are two groups in every tythree percent of the visits were partism icing Helen 21 ides pies lituzi toch Iiimtii ours Lien met esire or thc qoi hltsdli ionimiiiit ho lifsllJJ to all the VON paid ind for 30 percent of the calls made amount in 5m 10va boil Tli iuli this hm m1 litmumg individuzils who would call the nurse if they or human imlm iiire mumi knew the fee was within the range of their fdlkmil on budget and individuals who think the ser lir csszm urtli ti row mmwn mm cnly for tho uniblc to pl for full czertcd so that pizvucy iriilht be llmt lllltSlllg care nauiiniuvd to tic Queen and Both are wrong The Victorian Order has llzikc riiizuv vcliwzunori acltiori intervals WWW The mm Mm tune to link When puddinz is IOP rcmoVEd from kettle set it in there 35 no Charge Meantime brush the cake with egg The local branch or the VON is financed white and pour the melted fondant fees which do not nearly cover the expens forelulfy over the ake that has es of branch operation and the annual tag Eds page do IS 38 UVV you day and annual campaign in which hemake marshmallow mm sum branch depends on public support able uippmg ice cream wExnnilner Photo by Plvcro Amwer To make one Cupfu of iiirl unload of retail tllllig 3x lnliift Ti in BaniNiuv and largoh ism land of good quality wii fztv somraled by Sliliv dikes marshmallow sauce melt pound niarshnnibow cut in pieces in top of double boiler Meantimc cook syrup cf cup sugar and ii cup warm oven water until syrup spins thread of and others were so heavy that small saw mills ere Set up here dry dam with and there to avoid handling more saucer removed Store in moi dry than litctbrl Hl Win place iNoile Allow hour to re about inches deZS on candy lslfllllir gt steam for serving at Christmas themmmerteri Beat the softened HilSItltlJllt building ls going um mrsmuow into the Syrup Fla vor with V4 tsp vanilla or tbSp sherry Serve slighmiy warm or cold Anne Allan invites you to write on in both England Lind Scotland particularly of large flab or unditzitcnr hmua llhldt tho tLlLS and towns for iorkors who can Iakezlip 1Sprinkle little brandy on top of Ohrstmas cake if it appears lldltl to Mk ous great llll iiiovoiticnl on the former teritm dry ned auernuwe ls cut to her care The Bume Examine CNS IIRISTNIAS PREPARATIONS oiled paper the largest of the three orange placed alongside the tin Send in your suggestions on home fruit lim Pour in the mixture for moist atmosphere Remove making problems and watch this enjoyed hp Hello llriiicnukeisf its time Mr and Mrs gt and soon mllo check supplies for the Chris llighland Grimes Braeninr also the strictlv for Scottish conipciilorx puddings Thrilling music by pipe bands was nuke their depression in or replace the half orange in column for replies weeks time to prevent mold rand lcavo slight dmmmg Linus cake ills nizncoziimt and the ere Bake Elecmc 09 In fact its Iztne to 300 deb for 13 hours 0301 Place tin of water on oven OLD FASHIONED Bcfiir vi know 93 ratk 30 NWT shelf when baking cake to keep feature with Aberdeen the prim the fosixe sensor vzl be here 011 Now be dem it moist vinning bind and the dancing unis and fruit cake and puddings are fluid lllh cxtfga allmonlfk Cheats am place of milling almond page Hr0 way Mk asuonnd in Ilonny Scotland oiilyso lllllfhlllllkl and more mellow 31 999 91 or and endeamiw seal to the PTIZKN uredpieunieiib lie Elvin if mane month or No in ad cake with egg white we plan to cstv assists by the hinv Vance Be sure to piace the bok low Mlncemeat IDS burgh and the Queen Mother cd goods in tightly covered tzn lb beef suct chopped Saki awningduns Pms 0m Slglllsmmrl Cllhltd wich or Lis crock and store lb seeded raisins chopped Pas Ba mm Brit OIDP Ml mm Riv ins moi place Minconicst re lb currents awe Sweat pm um tenden QWTOISOIW PUMW Dec visit to Holyrood Palace quires about one week to ripen apples chomkd Scrape 0m sikm well 69 Mulmwhampm and C35 and It beautifulsari th 1113 be land or rol Pelt37 cups brown sugar and cool 511211 work half Lo OI True myhyo podihcle Your dens icool turnowrs lliiiiirllltjl bet lb pool sliced pound mi sugar mm5 if prom the modem scientic The weather win one until later 35 Mimi men cup marmalade newll all tigsiioon 29 HIGH STREET NY00 990 GENO way im ilh season and accustomed to Those necipes were tested East Viz tsp ground cloves mlon $31350 51193900 Gotbppmtgthis younby eating emml WM CanadaE year and the compliments leuv no tsp mace faxmeta t1 81a We believe Gods power It top performance from your layers hhl Pm 3138 but to is their for cup brandy for today Come 8nd was You ovoid wire In mus 3ng you liemun juice and grated me er WWW Shape with us In the oldtine my 3030 mu cabana gfeawtookmg 35 domPn Iiiie Fruit ake rind the page mm etsm lem Everyone Welcome brim hnmmobwwmmkm phobst isms Emilncxrint cup butter Combine ingredients and seal ini ailolloggge mo imfir ends Ct ku thus siud Curl stenlrzod yars Note The SuPtn groggy by feed SPOOOESK there wgsniorauorung but is us mp blanchw mats and qmrielm ames may and insert piece of toothka for iliata piglailiis 2233 slice candied pineapple be put through rem chopper Living is frugal with low wages Plum Pudding as cupssugar TRINITY cuuncu note was valued at 8276 only in at cm minced sue evchange for Canadian funds which ft agfd Lime eggs Aidielplsesgigh th Sig 1121 saggy 2i cups bread crumbs rmv delENCIEB wnronr Rector 95 lS 3i eggs well beaten 24 c033 Wed 10 M88 nouns cnompmwron Sim lert Southampton on Oct cm mi Hams on the SS Scythia and the only in eeded raisins regret was in leaving relatives ini 93 Em 3L mp cm dates amu0LY CpmuNION me am land Let butter stand at room tem cup chopped Peel 10 amSUNIMY SCHOOL perazurc Ii llLtH then cream cup candied cherries ll amMOBNING PRAYER cup blanched almonds tsp nutmeg 34 251 salt shops cooking sherry Combine bwwn sugar and suet until plastic Add iialorings and isugar and beat mins Beat in eggs Measure sifted flour bak ing powder and salt and sift twice then mix about of it through ndesfi Preacher rs tie sow II In II 35va mm lddlw mixture in in wine Combine fruit crum mms new no nuxmfe then stir in miii and our with nutmeg and semi Pnncipal of Upper Canada College Toronto on Add Ruiz using foldinghmoliwf Add to other ingredients and turn ME mmo Grease and line with yam into pudding pan Deedge square mm Spent in with 11 $312 of factory cotton with tom and MIL EVENsoNG securelv around rim but learn iMrs IV Dean returning home on Sunday with her huband Rich gard Armstrong who motored here gfor the weekend Weekend Visitors Mr and Mrs William Hartnoll Susan and Billy Toronto spent mgortim and mm ingan inch to rise and depressi cloth Place saucer or Ronald Dexter and Francis Bum pie plate jnverted on the my Toronto Spent the weeka with Meantime heat kettle lled one Hr and Mrs lower mini mu oi Water with meat rack vml should come to Mrs Walter McMackon is Spend mm mch mp oxEjasm ing couple of weeks in Toronto 00 we keep mil with her sisters Misses Kate and 11 Add bong mm om Dolly McKeaver munchnon LAC Stewart Dexter RCAI Chatbam N8 is spending two Weeks with his parents Mr and MrsGDexter BosaldJSIhp mit aster In Toronto Mr and ms Ralph Carman of The Peoples Church Tor onto 13 now onthe Air over one of our own local stations every week Find out the time Mrs Techie Barrie is andlisteninu spent Tuesday in Toronto Mrs Clifford Brickwoth is spending week with Clifford Preacher The lord Bishop ofigonn The mumw Wright on our MAsouicsznch Bishop Wright is Deputy Grand Master of Ancient Tree and Ac cepted Mason Ontario Oliver Wilson MINESING narrow or vii TOWN mpIIflrurglu rum Wddls Mhu Coke Coke IIIJ Obimmlolh KRIlmMcdeBudd 35 Qotuecme groom cunismnscuioorrrn ggiorzmsoovnr NOV loointo IT Qthvilt slim the spending week with relatives in mm Sunni nover 22 oomrrmom midmuck or Town II cogw the church mammalav Iltmymnvwsnnr 942 amtn utter 8i Kindemrten s15 no sure Ailiswn was guest of Mr and Mr Alex Near saddened last week in learn of the sudden Streak With red coloring l2l For lemon add yellow color Hl izig and shove to tins fruit then Dixon bu roll over fine grater mm rIiiz 13 For orange add orange cul txv iiydc bring and shape like buy or bi li fact gt angle Press lightly over Iiitc ChiliUm hug new 11m IOING PATIENT has her temperature fee of $175 which it charges for visit for sum one almond mm in M15 uks now in pro UELU bl Lill Jxdbilliki my VLsln Mothcr litftizt Esv Crawford Co Est l919 MEMBERS IEIE TORONTO Ci EQTid EffT DEZAI SE 15 Government Municipal sat CJFCflLQ 91 Dunlop Street Barrie Telephone 2443 Evening 2388 Direct Wires Church Owen ind Yorsley Slsl REV JAMES FERGUSON BA Minister UNITED CHURCH Minister REV EUGENE BEECH BA MIL HAROLD DEMPSEY 0mm rm ANGUS ROSS Organist and Llioirmuster SUNDAY NOVEMBER 22 1953 945 rumSUNDAY SCHOOL 11 amBEGINNERS DEPT ll minMORNING WORSHIP Them SUNDAY NOVEMBER 22 mil 11 mm JESUS AND THE WIDOWS MIIF pmEVENIG WORSHIP AunIvcnsnnv SERVICES The Minister at both services 11 amTIIII HURCII SCHOOL 815 pmYIS Fireside Meeting Lo Seeing thou hast not withhzld The regular evening service is with drawn in favour of ESsa Road Pres byterian Anniversary Service Holly Sunday School pm lolly Church Service pm The Lord reigneth Ile Ls clothed UNITED Mmsy APOSTOLIC FAITH CHURCH LT Hall Hiih IL Central Umted Church SUNDAY NOV 22 1953 Minister Sunday School pm Service Topic TIIE RAPIURE Pastor Hutchinson Mid Week Devotion Wednesday 730 CKIIB REV BEWELL BA Organist and Cholnmster WARREN MacLEAN SUNDAY NOVEMBER 22 1953 11 amMORNING wonsmr Subject Bchold the Lamb of God pinEVENING wonsuu rqf mome study on The Salvation Army PROTESTANTISM COLLIER STREET The Home of Friendly Worship What did the Reformation reform SR MAJOR MRS MILLS CHURCH SCHOOL 945 unJr Intern Sr Data I1 minBeginners and Primary pmYoung Peoples Bible Class Come to Gods House on His Day SUNDAY NOVEMBER 22 1953 II amHOLINESS MEETING MnSUNDAY SCHOOL pmEVENINVG SERVICE 800 pm Tuesday Evening PRAYER MEETING EVERYONE WELCOME was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord PS 122 FREE METHODIST CHURCH an Baycld sr micaSunday School 1100 and liloPREACHER REV muons EVERYBODY WELCOME CLAPPERTON ST AT WORSLEY gm REV LUCK BA 3D Minister Collier St United Church REV LEWIS 43D MISS CLouonLEV Organist Minister LLOYD mono Organist and Choimuterf SUNDAY NOVEMBER 22 1953 mMOINING sermon Believe In God The Father Al SUNDAY NOVEMBER 22 1953 i950 armSUNDAY SCHOOL All Ages amlrowrin pm fMeasuriIIg the lmmeasurable haw THE CHURCH SCHOOL 045 mJunlor Intermediate and Senior Departments 11 ampNursery Kindergarten and panThe Adult Bible Ciass pnEVENING snvrcn Why In World MG By Good God Should There Be So Much Suf fering SAINT GEORGES CHUIICH OF ENGLAND ALLANnAL MILHOLY COMMUNION 11 tumMORNING PRAYER SUNDAY SCHOOL InEVENING PRAYER You arewelcome COLLIER ST BAPTIST 110st of Evangelical Baptists REV Pastor IIaJn out 7pm IIAMILTON gtmznnnncn mu on in mm wire of mysticism 81 3m 311150838 PAS Ami venom elm jam ummmmuu mumsums Ugh8 mom luminous 30119 Gillian939 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MOB NewtonSmith 35