61 AK DLPLN DEN NEWSPAPU Serving Iiili TUIIN 01 BARBIE AND DIST 0F SISICUE Since l864 Ann In as Sn cw Less 413 0214 Recreational Committee Reports Says Summer 1953 Most 599995 2s if Geoma Winds trrcs 1313 Play zround Activities iisyc inn wcrc scn Sou GUfll St Shcar Pu were dcsig as Junior play grounds II drum up to ten years of age Brock Pm round however attract Lirgc numbcrs of old Childrcn Ivcri without boy in charge Irid produced bozh liris and boys baseball acorns This park had the greatest increase in attendance this your Jill was great credit to thc two ladders in Charge The rcuur Illlll program the playgrnunds consistcd of active games qulct games team games singing story telling simple crafts and swimming twice week at least In addition to the rcuulur activ ities the lenders conducted an inter playground baseball tournament fur boys and girls senior and junior Also each playground OTngIILZJCl weekly special event day which included czirmvals picnics hikes circus Indian Days bicycle roA dco doll Show variety night sports day wicncr roasts pct shows trip to Toronto to visit the Zoo the Museum and Casa Loma trip to Midhurst trip to Midland dis are N65 can the hut cl disappoi Lcaiters Questionnaire in rcsponsc to questiniinircl prescrich to the leaders iii midst son the followin observations we madci The cxumziicrs agreed timil the playurmmd program makes worthwhile addtnn to community life quote Children are kEp off the street and away from dzin gcr and given safe place to play lt lcarr how in coopcrofc with one anothcr learn to swim under su pcrvision instead of swimmin alone loam new crafts and flames learn to shore and carc for equip mcnt Lcurn that they cant win all the time and learn haw to makc friends The largest gaze roup at most of the playgrounds is from eight to 12 Other groups do not participate ei ther because enough do not attcnd or the program is not planned to attract them Perhaps the first ten son is direct result of the second Most leaders plan program for Retarded Children School Open House room mm iii theSchool for Retarded Children in Barrie assists with the gathering up of toys at the end of the morning school hours Citizens many of whom had made money contributions to the school linden opportunity rd in spect the newly decorated classroom and talk with the teach Mrs George Hamilton at open house on Wednesday ayground 959 the aftcrrimn iuld be Conunucd Equipment Adequate Mi of the leaders felt their sup plics cf 2331165 and craft equipment and reference material were ade quate and liked the of on chasing their own suppe iS cvj were able to secure exuczy what iriicd and LIOI qutckcr Al his was burdensmc re Mos Iczidcrs felt they had had sl ioquntc training but wish that iii had not been so C0nccnicd Tco much was given one time to beg properly assimilated They wclcom zd supervrsion and direction by thci Playground Director and wouidl hove llktd daily visz and his presence atspcciai events They agreed there were suffic ient leaders on all the playgrounds and that one leader could handle 2040 children if they were approx imately the same age The three playgrounds without boy leader felt the lack keenly the only way to hold the interest of the older boys was to have much older one in charge of their program The 25 cents membership fee was approved by all but one leader who said some children felt they had to pay for everything they got and two leaders noted the embarrass ment when child could not pay the fee They all liked having the extra money to provide special treat at the end of the summer and felt that it made the children more responsible towards the equipment Swimmr Program Tliey afagreed that the swim ming program was meeting the needs of the children though at one Junior Park they considered it quite unfair for leave the younger children completely out of the swimming trips Only one leader wanted cup to be presented to the best play ground the others could not see how proper basis could be found for deciding which was the best They all liked the interplay ground competition in baseball and Turn to page four please with our attendance County Council Opens November Session Monday The ovcmbcr session of LmCOC toasty council begin In Home at the County Court Buildings on Mummy morning at It 113 Present indicatiqu are that tbr agenda for the sittings will not be too heavy due to the fact that this meeting is nonm ally for the purpose of winding up the various county affairs for the put year One report which may be at considerable interest is that which will be brought in by the special committee appoint ed at the June session to into the question of county roads to how these may be added or removed from at county system Charm of lth special committee is Dep uty Reeve Greer Barrie delegation from the Coun ty Library Board L1 to appa before Council on Monday morning Tuesday morning the winners in the county weed essay com petition will receive their prim BDCI See Five Year Attendance Record Months tric Collegiate Bowman Institute Board princrpal com ments We are particularly pleased both September and October In both months we have Set liveyear records Our attendance report for October is as follows enrolment 858 average attendance 83172 percentage attendance 9768 Our ISCF group in this school was host to similar groups from Alliston Coliingwood Meaford Midland Owen Sound Penetanz and Thornbury for their annual district rally on Oct 17 About 150 students attended Mr Heath was the staff representative and reported that they had ne meet ing Mr Heath is the staff ad viser to this group We have had busy rugby sea son during the past month We entered two intercollegiate teams from this schooljunior and sen ior Since the games are played on different days this means two schedules to play off Home games are played after pm By elim mating assemblies and shortening periods slightly we get in all our periods and our students turn out well for the games In this way loss of time and upset of regular school work is kept to minimum Our teams have done very well this year The juniors won the Geor gian Bay District Championship and the seniors won north and south in this district and got as faras the COSSA semifinals Our school is proud of their work and of coaches Nesbitt and Kettle This Turn to page three please MAIL EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS POSTMASTER KIGHTLEY ASKS COOPERATION or CITIZENS Details in connection with the posting of Christmas mail have now been announced by Postmaster Roy Kightley Bar rie but the main point which is being emphasized again this year is that citizens should do their mailing early Deadline for parcels to the Un ited Kingdom is Nov 25 and to Europe Nov 21 Mail for the Unit ed States especially parcels to al for Customs examination should be posted before Dec The fol lowing are the dates for other Can adian provinces British Columbia Alberta and Saskatchewan Dec 12 Newfoundland for remoteipoints consult the local post office Dec 12 Manitoba Dec 14 Maritime Provinces Dec 14 Ontario and Quebec Dec 15 For localdelivery mail and par cels should be postd by Dec 17 at the latest If postedjater delivery early and by Christmas is doubtful The co operation of all citizens is urged so that the rapid clearing of mail canabe handled by the PostOffice PostniasterKightley has pointed out The post office hours remain normal as far as the wickets are concerned That is from am to pin during the week and mm am until 12 noon on Saturday Once again however the post fice will be using the special boxes for local mail only one outside of that building and the other in the lobby local mail should be kept separate from any other Citizens who are posting large batches of Christmas cardsor other mail are asked tokeep the local and out of town mail separate This helps to alleviate some of the sorting within the office It is suggested that local mail mightbe tied in bundle and mark ed local the something to apply to othermaii This will save the staff having to sort out the them ds of cards and letters individu ally There will be no delivery on eith er Christmas Day or New Years my Business mail will receive pre ferred handling at the Post Office during the Christmasseason it the following memoirs are followed by the businessmen of the town tie your mail in bundleswith the stamps all faced the one way hand your mail in at the wickets Wee am and pm mail 11 during the day use special delivery service to your motor important items Advise your correspondents bode likewise Pug chne special reports for In his report to the Barrie DisS Delegates from so GROUP OF DELEGATES who uttendcd 1h rcuzoiiiri cumh fcrcricc of Ontario Chambers of Commerce and Board above Left to right Same Canadian merce Toronto Nettletori director of Cool This Mom 68 Yesterday Moonlit Nights Remarkable weather lusprb veiled Lhis week again with high yesterday of 68 pos sible record and highest since Oct 19 The weekend was pleasant sunny breezy Mon day Tuesday and Wednesday were also pleasant Thursday brought showers early in the morning but cleared before noon and became sunny and warm Temperatures were High Low 62 34 53 28 65 29 88 68 37 Nov l5 Nov 16 Nov 17 Nov 18 Nov IIl Midhurst Driver Charged After CarTruck Crash Coulis 52 ofMidhurst has been charged with careless driv ing following truckcar accident which occurred on Highway 27 on Paddy Dunns Hill yesterday morn in gCoutts was taken to Royal Vic toria Hospital with facial cuts and shock while his 17yearold daugh ter Lois received broken jaw and multiple face cuts Police said that the southbound Coutts car crashed into the rear of gravel truck driven by Gareld Coulson 33 of Barrie The impact drove the young girls headthrough the windshield Kiwanians Told Railway System In Great Britain Mondays Kiwanis meeting was in charge of the Interclub com mittee and chairman Alex Harvey arranged an interesting program Key clubbers were much in evr deuce with 16 members of East York Key Club and nearly as many Barrie clubbers Three mem bers of East York Kiwanis Club and five Orillia Kiwanians were also present President Moth Adamson extend Ed avcordial welcome to all the visitors and Leighton Clarke in troduced the speaker of the even has Cornet Pratt who is the sales manager of the leahtercraft depart ment Clarke Clarke leather manufacturers Mr Pratt spoke on the amazing efficiency of Great Britains rail way transportation and terminals particularly dorm the war years when be operated signals which permitted trains to enter and leave Waterloo Station Clapbam Junc tion suburb of London is the busiest station in the world and often handled 2500 trams every 24 hours The railways problem is to move shat masses of people over short distances 40000000 to be transported over 50000mlles of intersecting tracIRase During the war all transportation Was taken over bythe government some 07m trains lind 133 height timns had to rmov secretly to ports when the Annyle for North Africa and on memocop in days to transport those who were evacuated from Dunkii In Britain level crossmxs am nonexistent and frequentlywone meetso trams durum asnule The railways carry more passengers oilsutes railways antiaim nalist London At WM ho Station Hoodoo the tracks your into operated entirer by uwItLihboudorsltnalm Cllngt Rsrrir laxaminpr MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY 5c single copy Tw Srticns itferenf Parts of Ontario at of Conference IIZOII ofCommcrce muziugcr of the Bank of Tor who acted as chairman of the conference Ken ChamberofCommrce Delegates from Various Parts of Ontario Meet For Conference In Barrie Praised as one of the mos successful conferences of its fem in trying to operate by itself kind the gathering of Ontario representatives from different Chambers of Commerce and Boards of Trade which tookl place at he Community House Barrie Wednesday gave amp 1e opportunity for delegates to discuss the problems which had arisen in their own communities and to find out how similar situations had been wprkcd out in other parts of the province Thc dclegiites were welcomed by Nettlcton director of the Canadian Chamber of Ccrriiiiercc and manager of Lhc Batik of To So Tidy Coutts president of the Barrie Chamber said it gave him great deal of pleasure to welcome the other representatives ronio Barrie who said that II was Today we all had problems and pleasure to see so many repre sentatives in aitendance These regional conferences have been developed by the Canadian Chamber over period of years and have done great deal of good he said By the panel dis cussions and the workshops great deal of very useful inform ation is brought forth It creates enthusiasn and inspiration If you get that and take it back to yourl Chambers and boards you wiii go on to bigger and better things Civic Welcome civic welcome was then exi tended to the delegates by His Worship Mayor James Hart who spoke of the early develop men of this part of the province Over the years there had been steady growth and it was back in 1944 that it was suggested that Chamber of Commerce might be established in Barrie We have had good cooperation from this Chamber he added They have done fine job Some times we have had differences but if you do not have differences you do not go ahead They do very good selling job and make it easy for people to obtain locations here this conference would allow the delegates to get together and dis cuss the matters of mutual interest to them all which had arisen in their own communities 11 was only by organized endeavor that the Chamber of Commerce could accomplish its task Panel Dimmion panel discmon followed with Charles Grifn chairman of the industrial committee of the local Chamber presiding Others making up the panel were Jack Moore secretarytreasurer and in dustrial commissioner Hamilton Chamber of Commence Albert Ormrod assistant industrial com missioner central region Canadian National Railways Toronto Iumbull trade and industry branch Department of Planning and Development Toronto and Douglas Same asistant superim tendent business development de partment Canadian Bank of Com merce Mr Moore opened the discussion by saying that in Hamilton the in dustriai commission they had op erated for the whole district not only the city It has struck us he said that the average small town and village Is posing rather diicultvpmb Nuiable Artists in Joint Recital Io Open 19534 Community Concert Season infirsi Week of December brilliant husband and wife team will open the Barrie Com munity Concert Association 195354 series on Thursday evening Dec David Lloyd is one of the most successful and popular young tenors today Maria Lloyd Is brilliant young violinist Married the two gifted artists often give joint recitals for their own pica sureand the great enjoyment of concert audiences niey will play here at the 30va Theatre with Janies Payne at the piano quirers Voice of David Lloyd Leading tenor at the New York City Opera headliner of festlvals from Hollywood Bowl Tangle woothnn Arbor and Worcester to Edinburgh favorite with con ductors because of his fine artistry and with audiences everywhere David Lloyd has had amazing suc cess irrevery musical eld Born in Mm neaoolis the singer is American trained hailing studied in his nativu townisnd Interat the Curtis Institute with Richard Bon cliiand Eupherma Gianmm oregg hitch more Navy Air tedhis ory Force temporarily in career but he came back to civil in industrial promotion activities Their experience in Hamilton had been most satisfactory in working by districts where the towns and villages each serviced general economic area The point which the speaker made was that rather than town trying to operate by itself it should merge with some other community so In as industrial promotion was concerned and that both should work together rather than compete It has been his experience that it was unusual for towns to have the Same ad vantages or damages Mr Moore instanceri this point by saying that it would be better Turn to page eight please The Lost Column How To Be Reporter By SCOTT TAYLOR One thing seemed to be very clear judging from an incident which occurred during the region al conferenceof Ontario Chambers of Commerce and Board of Trade held here Wednesday and that was that most people arevery happy with civic administration in our province Dunnx one of the discussions members were asked to indicate byshow of bands which subjects they felt shoal be discussed When the word touriss was mentioned quite few tomb shot up Same tiring happened when someone sweeter another phase of community life but when the deleatesmwemmasked about any pmbernl ey oomproingcivic administration one solitary hand rose alofitl to find any news Then one burst into the ofce sat at his typewriter and started Amazed by performance the editordash burg mm TeenTown idea which some of the ms stersarveedivooahngv other theatery in ian life to win thePbilufdelpru In menorrlcooteet in 1946 and launched on senes ot anceswhiohearriedhimtothomlw In theiorches that playedfor than alljlie Uhitv memouuercoucertoym