RUSK If TEE HARRIS EXAMINER MUNIHY San APPLIANCES trons APPLIANCE SHOP punk Phone 5517 JRCltllllltl Errormc 20 Given Street Phone 4870 or 8524 ltEEtlAtlS nus srohr Donlop St smiths manhunt Phone 2429 noon sheer uroMorIvrAccrssomrs NIB rm conPohhrmh Proton St IIDDKsondsulnonrav humor Phone 4055 NT STORES Phone 3345 Phone 3294 Phone 3502 SHOP EARLY MAIL EARLY tor ALL Your Christmas Cilts DICCER SELECTION NEW IIIOH III DIET VALUES DAY CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS EXTRA HOLIDAY SERVICES Get the LOCAL GUARANTEE OF SATISFACTION The merchants of Barrie are eager to serve you they want your goodwill and they give you the friendly personalized service you want SAVE THE COST OF TIME AND TRAVEL and further you will save on the price of merchandise Barrie storesare geared to lower overhead SEE WHAT YOU BUY WHEN YOU BUY IT greateSt satisaction is made when your selection is visual And further on maior purchases such as appliances consider the reliableservice you need and get from local merchants KEEPING YOUR BUSINESS IN BARRIE means moremoneyiavailable to support the Schools Churches Clubs anddistrict improvements Increased retail business toBarriemerchants helps to Ioweryour contributions to improvement and main tenance proiects and makes such proiects better financially one ota Series Sponsored By The Following Business Firms at Barrie warm STORES unrrrn 40 Dunlop St Phone 5539 ZELLERS LIMITED 60 Dunlop she Phone 2439 DRUG STORES CDSDEIIS PHARMACY 14 Dunlop StW Phone 5959 FURNITURE STORES truths ROME Punmsntrtrsi 38 Boytierd St Phone 2343 ESIIIIIH IM Dunlap Phone 5557 HARDWARE AND TOY nitrationa Prhrsrohr sun 42 Dunlop St Phone 3195 nuns hummus 80 Dunlop St Phone 2556 36 Hayfield St as Dunlopsh Dunlop Street RODIIISOII HARDWARE PAWN SHOPS 31 Dunlop St Phone 2431 IIRRY BROS SIMCOE PAWII SHOP Phone3874 PHOTOGRAPHIC EguIPMEm churn than rim 37Dunop ShW Phone 3921 JEWELLERY WEDDS JEWELLERY Esso Rood Phone 2261 suorsronrs Italians irwrurhr Phone 2250 WALllllEl SHOE STORE 58 Dunlop St Phone 2397 MENS WEAR womans $70563 llllSS ti llLElltl LIMITED Phone 5025 SALLY SHOPS 34Dunle StE Ph 2246 cuPP ElltlltltlaLlIlllEll 54 Dnnlop St Phone 4433 SIMMONS 39Dunlep SEE CHRIS SOHS 52 Dunlop St Phone 4302 SADIIERS AMEIIS WEAR IIIID SPORTIIIII OOODS 56 Dunlop St Phone 4542 HOMETOWNPD MEchANrs I4 Mulcoster St Phone 4023 suPPDRr rREsE