Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Nov 1953, p. 4

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WOOD FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE IN ISFIL TOWNSHIP rm In SCHOOL AREA NO HELP WANTED BQaPPEQ ii ii OR PROPERTY AYrtilii DENNIS MORAN 31755 gt lllF liKltlPIi APT NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the nutter of the bankruptcy of JIL IIl PERRY ii INLC Voters lists for I953 IUIVXSIIII Ill IZIll KOCK STENl BATH AI liy ii vii in DH mono 4753 vrry Thursday Attrllmrirt lRliAlbIlINl FOR YOUR CAR OXWiijliilhH UPHOLSTERING IN FIVE MINUTES SEE Honest J08 industry or ltlltlllERCUSON Tractor rc 43 can he 3220 Bradford St Phone 5430 1111111 new rubber Ed Bank RR Shanty Buy 3979130432 MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS ul PERSONAL DAI ES MASSAGE charge il Cr Izl Sales of EM Tilll For hrlstmas Ithunerdelds Sl lt 10 1121 llll l0 pm Daily gull quilos 1o rtlttl from Illl my GUARANTEED POSITIONS WANTED WORhMANbllIP room iBome Tent aAWlmg CO llfRROW Cuckslltltt barium bmkg Didi 30 lAtTllt Iill lluilitld St Phone 43H Plot heavy duty beam in cxcully mlme N0 llmnblnu f1Ill33 mu rnl tolltllllotl Apply Jack RumblLIl if 11M Pouxn IIlEAlMENl nm rim mm 394311132 FOR BETTER HEALTH FLOOR COVERINGrum USED 11 FURROW Cockslilltt Plow In Nlllfll loath lnlt reicvcs ms lllllt 31 Furm Ca pm Mr power jfrl 11 IIritls sinus plllcbltls varicosc on 12 lzglmmylindcr Apply to Stanley Simon wist 115 to hm 11 l11tlon on 1m John Douro Sales and Scrvrcc pious lvluml lltllllllltllL Massages Imghurs Phone on lltiilllltlllS $500 it all131136 Peggys Reducing Solon III Ullllllll St Barrie Appomtnlcnt phone 399 3011747 1311331 FOUNDwGlasses Saturday mOIIlz Utllli altls START REOUCING TURII lllCAllNLi SALES Fl llwr Urn 1210 wr Township of Sunnidalc snow Ptlllllillllltl EIES liililiilld gt= Armstrongs Floor Covering Llnoltums lvtlill LISTOM Rubber and Asphalt Tile lill WI WW Plastic Wall Tile Materiays supplied and Installedl IllIT RED STAKE holly truck Illl Free Estimates lsonablu Stanlcy King pilonr Lillti latter ti p1n 13 DODGE souuu Clltnp for cash Gallant ll Moro Loop to Phone 5185 Camp Borden l3 131 5631421 Slliil Ila lulu 53 Ew RANUICIVIE tlztltvl Sill ll Filzdul Iltltol St lilrlllt 3313 125131131 LL Um The Canadian Army Active Forceneedsmenwillingloservo anywhere in the world Heros your opportunityif you are between l7 and 40 trade men 45 and can meet army requirements RECRUIIING OFFICE Tenders Clearly marde 15 to contents lll be received by the tlndclsIgncd ttnt1l pm Friday November 20 1953 to roads EAlli Uh Zl ploughing Township Ing Dunlop 5t area Apply Bari during the 195354 season 113 Iuo units to be engaged LOST OR STRAYEDFrom Lott Plvasc state the type of equxp 1945 FARGO 41 Illklp limit 23 Ton ll Oro Station Gtcy Steer mom and rate per hour Clndllill MU bl SUld APPLY 113 Yearling Finder pleccsc contact ElI For further information ap rlyllilryllil 3013 Hi gNlipltt or phone Illtl1130132 wood lohnstone phone Oro 281231 NIX lT13l183l Mop St was Femde tMALl srIltL Iltdil Ha NHL nulllltll 151w TI llickcns PO 7111 Stayncr I949 CIIIZVI phone 81131 or 37 AIEBIIl Ilrt 1nl Ills it Hoglzml Llncoln IFT 01th tll LOST Black Cockel Spamcl dog Lowest or any tender not 17 necessarily accepted garb lllllllllg condltion Full pricc off Essa Road Answers to Sport wwM 701 own Ilaylnvnt 5400 Private Please call It 137 Essa Road or PAIR of girls tll skates 51m AFC WEIdlng SChOOl owned Phone 5290 anytime phone 2682 am to pm Rc BARKER Clerk 13131 ward 17l30131 ontlnuous Tuihon throughout the T05 sum Special High Price Pr row was Highest Prices Pond coming season weak course IriiiTtiiiUfillOItllX Lsillirlicsysijoaroaolloiilzigk angtei he ovm lulcrn Apply to itOrgelllr1 new pureed 5011 $600 01 bost weighing between 600 to 790 lbs RH No Stroud Phone 10114 LIVE POULTRY KOO Furnilltd ff 57 tv its lw Ll ll er hIdCS scrap Iron horsehair fuzltltcrslx giggling lltilltll 05 John St 4304 1m 13313512 Eamon can Cigtjfgofgl GARAGE Wellinvton and CIO Cl 59735 Nb hi pp mgkhitkllm53my ton so lhonc tilII 15431132 33 Collier 5L phone gaolyglsls sell Cross Corn Salvo 100 elable window OPPORTUNITY ADDING Machme and Wm rurylsnrl Bedroom one with crsSales rentals repair1 Simmt hotplatt von ccntlal 3Phone 4719 Borne flygetaIRSCTmSulvuge gmachme Tomm 15mm Cleaners Tremendous Earnings In Your Spare Time BCRAP IRON METALS FURS with Walls Scrubbed new III now rucorrls Reasonable Phonc HHIII Barrio LIVE POULTRY stalled if necessar but truck Wurcm Ruben EVANS Space llcatcr with tank phone 5704 130131 50000 BTU liko new used oulv Floors scrubbed and waxed prices paid Special prlcea paid unvereL one season orlglnally sold for $120 GIRL To share momed apart Store Office Factory Windows illlATED BQd bl Collect phone calls ucccptcd 131 mt ELECTRIC litCord Player 5011 HIDES RAGS BATTERIES windows Cleaned Phone Stan Now 573 Balfe and Son 12 memv 01 will give room and board 154 Collier St HIGHEST PRICES FOR uolrliiilx Mormon williult scnp 1m Mal IIi illH Iol any Itbts con lb Bauer Rags W35 IllIlllI from this llilll cum er and St Examiner office Bille Armour Barrie Ont Thur 19 Nov 53 10 im to 1111 lrgt ll 1913 furnished very SMAU urlk Stun ltl now lib130431 Apartman 131 SINGLE ROOM furnished board if desired Phone 4924 15131 $431433 ROOMED Furnished Apartmcnt private entrance Adults only One of Canadas largest TV Manufacturers offers to therrind vidual who can stand thorough invptigation and who is well thought of in his community the chance of lifetime selling Can adas outstanding TV triumph CORONET direct from factory to consumer our 21 Console is priced at $29995 as much as $15000 below our closest competitor If Youre In spot nancially right now mh exptnscs like fuclclothes Forthcchddrcnund plans for the holidays ahead think thisover You can borrow $50 to $1000 promptly on your own signature at Oneday setCt The Mk up to months to repay on plan that youseect yourself TO qualify you must be in position to invest $50000 in your Busuissuxll chin initial sales equipment which includes a2l TV set This in vestment is selfliquidating who Ccntrnl Phone 2320 lSlltf 323tf FaA breeze modul 337343 rpm almost Storm Windows Glass In 2983 98J298J3 Baylli 5L 7131 Phone 5890 15430431 LARGE SIZE Cmmli ll bum NICELY FurniSlled Front 303 Phone 6765 Many of our present franchise holders in small communities are MAX PUSHKOFF AND COMPANY Yard and Office 156111er St 380150 and 150 gallml 5101118 limk utd room central location Gentleman only one your Reason for selling Illcferrmt phone 3425 15131 moved into heated apaltoment Phone 2340 7131 LARGE Furnished Bedroom suit one or two very central 78 Dun 5116154 WOOD Buzzing done in Barrie and district Phone 4170 5131137M finding CORONET just what they have been looking for to augment their income For this chance of lifetime write Personnel Manager Cor aligllom I=IlIlIlIcgj 28 Dunlop Smith second oor phone 5529 IRRRIE ONT SQUARE Dancing mug by ap onet TV Corporation at Dundas Street West Toronto Ontario pointment only Phone 4121 5129139 continuous Phone 5760 FURNACES and Chimneys clean 15130131 ed Robinson and Ogr WAsrilNG MWllnov 3355 CW lop East Phone 2365 15131 JEEP Wanted to buy army or condition 585 3mg SQMHS Mm lan Please state price and model Chm lledle 829 Dining table FURNISHED Houskeeping rooms to Box Barrie Examiner ChallS 08k $30 Mrs Cazaly Immediate lpossesslom 3130131 Thornton close to station hot water Adults 7130132 THE LITTLE Anti Sho 11 4333 buy You 01d iron $3 hgngglg PRIVATE Sale of Antiques glass FURNISHED Housekeeping lam anti ue china ass ware and Ichina Victorian milk rooms continuous hot water cup WOOD Cutting done With Chain mulls primtives etc Mpg glass vases Pattern glass Gone boards Adults Phone 2948 saw Phone B111 McFadden Elm St Phone 3141 3130131 with the Wind lamps colored 15130131 vale 5721 5129133 pickle cruets milk glass plates etc Phone 82214 7130132 COMFORTABLE furnished bed MIMEOGRAPEINGI and Public room continuous hot water Avail Stenozraphy Barr Business BROWN Harris Twoed Coat size able immediately Phone 3438 College 68 To MildllAMPfROCKS black one year 36 wonderful buys for small man 15131133 Phone 4024 bent or sale 150 each ph never worn cost 45 wil sell for 55m Beeton ms miles weseorgl also ladys Russian Caracal ACRES 0F Land w1th barn FOR YOUR Pamng and Paper Newton Robinson Scheffie coat size 16 perfect condition Plowmg done M850 RR hangmg pmblem low mull 1412711 original cost $1200 will sell for Slmud Phone 23 Stroud er Wm Elm Rberlsm 55 $150 or best offer Phone 3141 15131132 0W9 Sl PM 4575 5430431 cum ulnar as Idalung mu mad conrm 2m now on SALE The BarrieExuminerls Ilowtln sue ii The Following Communities ALLISTON ELMVALE MIOHuRsr Hipwells Drugs McAuIeys Billiards SchOndlens Store ANGUS EVERETT Harry Smith Ploxtons Restaurant 3955 BEETONT Stickles Billiards 7131132 HEATED Rooms partly furn BECOME Bookkeeper Slenogra ished hydro paid children accept phel TYPISl 3301 Spare time UNFURNISHED House or Apart ed 08 Cumberland Phone Lessons 509 Far particulars write ment wanted Apply Lt slew STOCK 392s 15429433 Canadian Correspondence Courses art RCASC School Cam Borden 1290 Bay St Toronto 5129131 n131 DACHSHUND Puppies from very BUSINESS Girl wishes to share RECRUITING tilllllllll BE ML lll COLLINGWOOD limited number of re Patons Smok Shop coousrowu Force during the next three Millies Drugs CREEMORE To tie eligible for engage Heslips Drugs ment an applicant must meet the basic qualificationu re MacLeods Store toilgrail 231116 of which are set WWW Fools Drugs asrkoun Youngs IGA sunymewslgrew JD Suvaif Comm llsDrIIOS Accommodation Wanted MINESING Ronald Co GLENCAIRN MINETsPOINT Stephens Co Minot Point Grocery Jennlng Graceland George Mccmn HIIISDALE PAINSWIOK Rogers PoinswickGen Store 7IEIRov sIIIINTv BAY Gilmore cudSOn Patterson LIsita STAYNERW good stock reasonable also stove apartment with another business FURNISHED House or Apart Beesley Turkey Ranch phone girl Very central Phone in even men wrth or bedrooms want 2l92 138129130 ings 5394 15131133 ed Apply RCAF Station Edgar FO Elliott 11131133 kW all ROOSVarm an com ora case rans BEDROOM Unfurnished Apart portation Adults Cumberland ment Bedroom furnished apart ROOM AND Board for gentleman St Phone 4098 15130131 ment bedroom unfurnished Central pply 04 John St Phone apartment ll bedroom humane 6709 12131133 EriliiierlilrithlfriltEliiasligi sailigillii irsmrtment Room and board for business men and ladies Phone NICE Comfortable room good busmess moles Oigg 3224 not before Saturday Nov 14 meals very central location Phone Phone 3371 11p130I3l 2044 01 70 Maple Ave 112101 WARM Bright Room blocks non and Must be single Mannie5 feet Inches Chest Measurementea mean average of 85 inches Age 18 to 30 years zetgrefemnco is given to one between 10 and 25 go Educutionat lent com plete GradeVin butwr preiepably Grade from post office twin beds All accommodation for comfort No meals Phone 0554 15127tf dAurliig ginger lrtlontshs gnu pp oyn one WI for Copy580 om daypmedtn lune Miss Eva Partridgeu 15131132 except 8min NEW HOUSE rooms basement all all litwanton TO orncn mogem kitchen piece bathroom =31 word minimum 15 dustllfollhf3llfle Consecutive Insertions acawordmtnlmum lsc 15I31133 RATE wordrminlmllln 50c ROOMED Heated twulshed mnomocutm Insertion 1m wont minimum In apar ent on third oor newly mar nutr wml anon up ectl withhsinr gvetanghre rgeraion sure one or null directedtotbtumauuum 5002 15131 contra mu WALD lo word lithium It immunogmgguu 3333 ttyo Ingenious seawardmnmumm piece private hath not and cold water Supplied wired for heavy dutyliange 50 monthly Allandale mono 5759 151131132 ROOME furnishedjround ilOiii wkrtment Wish to rent months oferqncea unbatatnors A1308 small roomedmnturnitlhed cottage 10 mm automation inguinal one year tenants no objection to II mqu ELM Palm ulna child Abstainers 1011131540422 31 71

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