THE BARR EXIHIXER luhlnt Iv Womens Institutes Returned European ii Traveller Advises COMPETETIVELY PRICED FURNACES lit from uhcn in Shr told If GILSON Md ll1a Wouldbe lrippers ll Il urn product liltlIJLl her tlII urn it lr vu Curls and ll Illtl ass Ethel with trip Ius returned all tin IILilt llr vilt uu drumming the beauty and Lille of the Customs of each city she VFIItJ lllll IIILLIC rig and Miss Todds closing aLl Vice to midbe travellers was to treat the zples If other lands as you Wullld wrsh to be Ilcaled Imy Would lilld people ewopera ILI Id ull IIJLIJJ ll lIZt b19342 MYERS Al lid to ML Uilll Mr Hurry Islycis ftlazgrt Square daugritvr SMULIJK rAt tr ltuyol Irttirir lltisjlilsl Barrie Nov ll 1913 to Mr and Mr llonuld Sniullizr GU Join St son SHANAIIAN Al Illt Ilillit lllikplllll Barrie Nov 33 to Mr and Mrs Norman Snoriahan Shanty Buy It daugh lLl Evelyn Mario WATSONirAt Halifax Nova Scotia oil Nov Ii H325 to Leading Seu than and Mir Albert Watram Halifax son WlLSONwAt the Hospital Harrie Nov Ill 3953 to Mr and Mrs Earle WilSon 213 Blake St daughter Calh nu Roy al Vic Iloyul Victoria 12 Books and The PreSchool Child hmlrcu ikr tvu il it tlwv jun Iiri thine It llll xurlfu that color lll 3II not IIIICILJILU tints Il Illllf IILIII1I lotlrik with thou small titlo to If lltle illllllulr ltI1ffiuiil zlispioof of llln Illti Children do like bu bright books but no llXClththl An idea tout places trict limit on the books which children and parents can enjoy together is the unirnnginnlive conviction that chil lltll enjoy only what they wholly New School In Gunn Street Area or lv tlotl inowLit In It 13 PIIII sans Have your car WINTERIZED HOW We will glIc cumplrtr cm Iii ltl rlrd Itttk EXAMPLES OF LOANS =53 LIEJEJQJNF it 31 mg THE WEST PRICE Service Manager IIIII THE BEST PM Dongerheld Motors DIAMONDS l$12l$283$405 mum0 Chevrolet Oldsmobile Idil LIC Sen icc lt Employed pecplcwmaned amj singleenjw prompt ycs No bankable sccur reQuired loun at fluent titles you to coast IJ 0J3 re in Canado and the WAC choice of payment plans pllure first for loan in one isrt Carlie in or write Icons 550 to $1100 COMPANY mum 15 Hayeld Street 2nd oor Phone 5331 omuu Mississan 2nd Floor Phom 3505 tip In full ollicr St Burk DIAL 2487 C5 ILI lllr USE OUR IAYAWAY PIA FINANCE Open evening phone lot how hall Irch to rrsidcntr of all rurroundmg IoIu Prnonul Imam ompany oI anode JEWELLERS PRIVATE DIAMOND noon erIne Anne lWllllEAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Nov 12 lllfl to five understnrul Such people have for The Illtlnlxls vtre thcn avurtu gotten what It is to be young and FORCED AIR AND GRAVITY MODELS All models cw be converted for oaI Wood Oil Immediate Installation BALFE osou 12 BAYFIELD STREET Phone 3003 Res 2916 ed both in the USA took trrilic loss WIlll duel sung by mother ltll daughter team Mrs Ferricr and Mrs Cyril Spence It was very quch Llljnytll talk on lumber as business In Ontario NLl given by AlexI llniton ef Toronto lusIrerl mun SilICL yiumd He told to what degree lumber put of the urta ILJlllcus here in Ontario and what beng inm ro rc IOICiI the dwmdling wood lands Tho Irisiitutc was given an illus tration of how huge manufactur in fire due to the brains of particular burldinu bring mode of steel instead of wood Mr llzunjl ton pruned out how wood will char not burn through but it steel beam due to intcnsc heat will buckle and In doing so bring the building down He explained how lumber is blamed mum Ibr great part of the hitch ccst of housing but when you realize how many other parts such as plastering plumb Ing etc go into the making of house yfind that the percentage of wood is Win the cost is very little in compariwn to all the other things that are done and used in the building of house The members and guests enjoy rpcokcrs and thanked them once again for an interesting evening The melting closvd with the singing of God Save the Queen Lunch was served by the hostcsscs for the evening Mrs Norman Gil more Mrs William Ingram and Mrs John Hyslop DKYCLEANERS WNW IIING PROCI to our our rm maker big difference Yes the amazlng tillers nce in your clolhes is STAtNU This now miracleeprocess means that your entire wardrobe takes on II NEW ILOOK Clothes cleaner and fresher than ever below And THERES ABSOLUIEIY N0 EXIRA CHARGE Ior SIMIIIII NUSERVICE CLEANERS lull 8t Barrie Phone 24411 newan Arm KNIGHTS nova swoon V74 Dunlap BOWm my IAN EXAMINER WANT rm IIIONE 41 water and electric system for your form home and burns can be financed with Form Improvement loan Write for boulder or iuu drop in and roll it over with the manager of the Hunt Bank brooch nearest you Ill ROY IBAIII or our Llrrouw Wm man ir militia at Mr and Mrs Lee White Bti yorn StreII Barrie son TAYLOIISmldenly at his home 36 Shanty Bay Road on Sunday Nov 13 1953 Daniel Taylor be loved husband of Rachael King dczir father of Daniel Jr and William both of Barrie and Kenneth of Sault Ste Mario in his Sllth your Jennett Funeral Funeral service 17 III pm Union klllt3ltl Home Barrie Tuesday Nov BOYCEIn loving memory of tour husband and father Thomas Boyce who passed away after much suffering Nov 16 1951 Rev 212825 Christ has made death but narr0w sliIIlIt strip bctwccn thc compan ionship 01 ycstcrday and the reun ion of tbmorrow DeathIsADoor Death is only an old door Set in agqrden wall On gcntlc hinges itgivcsrat dusk When the thrushes call Along the linth are green leaves Beyond the light lies still Vcry willing and weary fcct Go over that sill There is nothing to trouble any heart Nothing to hurt at all Death is only quiet door In unold wall By Nancy Byrd Turner Always remembered by wife and family 131 HOOPERIn loving memory mother who passed away Nov 16 1952 In our hearts your memory lingers chetly tender fond and true There is not day dear mother That we do not think of you Son Bert and family 131 HOOPERln loving memory 01 Mrs Sarah Jane Hooper who passed away Nov 16 I952 In our heart your memory lingers Always tender fondhnd trite Theres not day dear mother We do not think of you Sadly missed and ever remem bered by drIu hter Mildred and sonlnlaw Day II 131 MASONIn loving memory II Resting at thc Interment Burrie to be surrounded by world full of IIIysterIcs to be explored and plarucd So long as there is which the child Cull understand 10le ll It Is not completely outside his grasp as long 15 there something In book he can enjoy the part he does not un derstand Idds zest and cxcitcment to what might otherwise be corn monplacc The delicate and kind ly satire on human affairs contain ed in John le Brunhoffs books is lost on children tireless Babar the Eelcphnnt is of the most popular of all ipicture book characters level at Il IS IICVOI one Most Popular Books In my experience the must pop lular picturc book subjech among children are trains with cowboys land airplanes running neck and lineck or poor second But 12 phants and monkeys mice puppies kittens and rabbits are all popu lar and anvilally good picture book is II succes with children Indeed am often astonished at the con sistent good taste small children given decent chancc can show am sontctimcs moved to wonder what becomes of it in later years good picture book should be an integral whole Size slidpc text and pictures should be so chosen and arranged so that each page is picture in itself In James Doughcrtys Andy and the Llon pictures and print would seem incomplete if separated from each otherand unimaginable in wc see them The book itself may be severely practical in content as Lois Lenskis The Little Alr plane or riotously imaginative likellardic Gramatkys Loopy the tale of little airplane who llew by himself afterhis pilot bailed out Each book has its devoted foll dear mother Annie Mason who passed away Nov 17 I951 Loving Uprlgtand just to tr end other ay Sincere and true in her heart and mind Benutltul memories she left behind Son Chorles daughterInow Bertha and grandchildren lat MASONIn loving memory otvmy dear wttc Annie Mason who passed away Nov 17 1951 Two years have passed slneethrit sad day and kind in all her ways The one toiled was called awa God took her home it was Ills But In my heart she llvethjtlllr Sndly missed by husband Frederic LIFE too ITIOMllzl Batbar any shape other than that in which MW Gartshores Firestone Store Corner Dunlap St Maple Ave Phone 3195 us run to beautin those old Iloors with cum noon SANDING EQUIPMENT You can do professional rotfinishing job with our complete casytouse Clarke Rental Equipment Save time and money and give your floors cw beauty and lustre we furnish all equip ment materials on complete instructions FOR COMPEIENT EYE CARE CONSULT Noel Stephenson RO OPTOM ETRIST at STEPIIENSONS JEWELLERS and OPTOMETRISTS FOR APPOINTMENT DUNLOP STREET PHONE 4201 BARBIE ONTARIO In nniuI Plan includes everything you need PHONE YOUR RESERVATIONS GAME AND FISHERIES ACT DID YOU KNOW That it is contrary to the act and regulations to hunt or kill game for hire gain or reward or employ or induce any other person to do so WE ARE AUTHORIZED ISSUERSOF HUNTING FISHING AND GUN LICENSES DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING THE EASY WAY us OUR SPECIAL LAYAWAY PLAN JEWELLERS III nnnlop SLEIISI WE DELIVER Phone 25in With IAIANCID BRAKING Front whqal brakes have to handle 60 of the braking effort In Dodge 6th is compact with two brake cylinders Instead of the usual one An lndopendont parking brake adds an extra margin of safety Moro om SRIAY SMOOIIIER RIDE mono systqu otspring suspension and Onow shock absorber action makes the Dodge ride stoadier more lqvol smoothertow gravityicentro owes cuwoshugginmcomering stoodf FURCIRCLE VISION Wide curved onepioe windshield and tow hood lot you see better close In Large rear window and high side windolro Vida safe allround vision Solox or safety glass available at extraoom Moisolely with rem Wino turns 11th clean an extra widouIndshield gm Unlike vacuum owned types they will outow down Or hesitate when thewuohmbmg Orgocolorutim when you wIpIno action gt Iityjchoirsprovontskidding monument MMtrwh um rm gt orocorvono IIIrrlrlvo wth detlwrwarm ll1ll00llltl0lldtlli0f upportjlor klraesfukllickfmhllfsillld the vol Id Front louoomoo oil Ema You sit relaxed and higher moot mlddlo to mar your tullmldthvlalon at driver fatigue owmmbooonmmwhwwg Dllllllltllllflt REIMIHIR 11W UIIIIIIS llllllllWllllEi qulcldy wi Myocoohook limbojorhottomtslon aooiulme mm