AK Lt DLPLBDEJNT NZWKPAIU MQNDAY WEDNESDAY Serving ill lUWN BABE AND UlNlY SLYILVUE Since l8 and FRlDAl single copy as xnaauw cl NA 7777 Wd also New School InGunn St Are Most Logical Step At This Time Scl9lBar5 infantry Band Here LElTZ PROGRESS Staging Special Concert at Roxy Suggested By Young Citizens Mimi Hopi Cut rluvenile Delinquency terie $11 WIle lit Unit r117 toured util ll Hill Dul 111 ul program ell urrlrigvd to ts llarrlr litzrens Band Jikfldrtl the pllfttmllul Elrs lzrld irl ti it were ten the playing taglt hular the conduc REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICES Him AT CAMP BORDEN YESTERDAY Hilltil HI iliird ttl Vii l1lllllllllrr Jm lrellv Hi the Mucus Kind has unions lfJTl Isz world wit xt mmml This Hntkrl rc honored by Siltlil Rr iio thr hvnrht our hand Wt re held inlp Barth Izmir 22w Hills 111d howl our rillill ui llltllll it to lledl and Ul Clttll tLl ltlt utlltdrrtll musir th lhr land has leftll ltrlllJIl ingllnd and tll LFL of madu lu ruilmxtioil unit the run out il it tltlltllLlUl The no is 1t tI LC lir lll Ft In lttv llm prom scrum will at llQle if ilOllt as the or 32110123 page two pleaseI jw 31 Gtfcml 0lri nlrizidi Li Gerltra ll Graham LBE 050 iii oppmlsnjy Llltll in soctl lfi Our 11 on is Will lt03lic pir son or persons who know vita iziri they used to have at lilllcvs and soctal affairs try 1A TtLll Town for the younger people We thnk suitable piztcc would ltvlllnonsn cttvunon aor cc or HERE WEDNESDAY Em l0 ll BOARDS CHAMBERS 1le ltrs have been sent out toonto Board of Trade Smith jlmyl 3M Fit31V it lrcs of Trade and ChambersSccrctary Manager Orillia Cham ilm Bs3 of CCIY rce to attend the Region her of Commerce Len FlSk Sec li 31 84 W01 ll 10 Conference of Presidents Oifiretary Manager Parry Sound W03 ATSQVWEL V903 Location in 393 locis and Secretaries as well asl Chamber of Commerce Om Dr Johnston said the band had other delegates in Bandeau Wed rod Canadian National Railways BRIGADIER CYRIL QUILL 1AM who will address the WomEbe the Community House and ens Canadian Club on Wednesdaylarc certain thiszden could be ma evening lit the regular meetingicess if some ttitllts would help Wltll in the Public Library Hall the organization of such project gt member of the party that conductl point made by another mome mph he szrains of lze Last Post Lo ed the last Sultan of Turkey tolber of the group was If the sttldldzed tiamy the spoh faded out the British battleship that tookgents do thczr homework Consczcntigradually lightzng up the Cenotaph 11 Jul him into exile after the Firstiiously they have right to reCleaionce more as the bugler sounded World War the speaker was sol1mm If there is no proper recrea Reveille Hp dier and journalist in the Middle IGr East for 30 years During that Young Canada Book Week time he became friendly with uul eluding exKlng Farouk the Shah hlligtT lV gtgtUtl on the ccno cLA Vdcc many interesting personalities in that is until they need their help came out people Igwereaome kind at of Persia King Abdullah King Faisal King lbn Saud Emperor Haile Selamie of Ethiopia Mr Nehru and other leaders of the Arab and Middle Eastern world His topic will be Can Britain Stay in the Middle East With that section of the world in con tinued state of crisis and its im portant implications for Britain and the whole Eastern world the members will be particularly in terested in hearing the views of this Middle Eastern specialist The meeting will be open to men of hc town and district as well as club members Soccessful In PAC Examination The Public Accountants Council for the Province of Ontario has announced that Shinner was successful in passing the recent examinations held by that Coun cil Mr Shinncr has been associated with Armstrong MacLaren and Co Barrie for the past ve years The First on THE LIFE OF COP By 500 TAYLOR Recently we have been going through series of weeks Prac ically everything has been brought into the public eye through pub licity of some sort or another There are lots of things that go on however that seem to be overlooked Like that little incident few days ago woman walked into heat bank and made deposit Whats unusual about that Noth ing particularly except for the fact that after the Woman walked out of the bank Crippled Chil drens Fund of the Barrie KiWanis Club was just $25 richer Unfor tunately this generous donor could not be traced Local Kiwanians Books and TheiPrieiigdtool Chil By MOLLY BROWN Before we had written Iani guage primitive man had booksl They were picture books carved ori painted on the stone walls of his cave or later on the skins of animals Today his descepdant that child so young be has not learned to read and so for practical pur poses has no written language has picture books Primitive man had no written stories but he had his tribal story teller who kept alive the history of the people and their knowledge and wisdom gained by experience in tales told to young and old alike about the campres The moder child has mother and fath er an perhaps aunts and uncles as well who can if they will read him stories and show him pictures Most children show an interest in books at very early age Very often this interest seems at rst destructive one but usually by the would just like her to know how much they appreciate her gener osrty and her recognition of the wonderful work they are doing this eld of activity pass this along in case that particular woman happens to see it Wonderwhy no one over thinks of having Ponce Week Per haps that would be difficult be cause the reasonfm these differb ent fweeks show our gratitude for whatever is that we should we are honoring Its pretty un fortunate but tournale gard the police as necessary ev number that once wrote column about the boys in blue expressing praise for some or the thmgs they did that never not into the news After that paper acid to too at people to time he is able to talk he is inter ested in pictures especially pic tures of familiar objects and peo ple which he can identify by name if he sees his parents reading and obviously enjoying it then be too will want to read and will be de lighted to discover that motheri and father can read aloud to him making reading an activity he can share with his parents something they do and enjoy together Juvenile Literature ists and publishers laid themselves out as they do at the present time to please the eye and win the hearts of the picture book set Juvenile literature has prov ed protable eld to many It would be easier to measure in tons than in mere numbers the amount of juvenile literature that rolls from the presses And much of it juvenile in content and form Turn to page two please WHOLE BROWNichildrentslibrarinn all Barrie Public Library is seen here with the new book truck which was donated recently by the Barrie Venture Club Used in the childrens section it Is seen here with some of the collection of books donated by Mrs Isobel Hobsomof the Allandale Dance inc School They were purchased trompmcecds or her recent plummeter be placede the library of the mmamscnootm up Never before have authors art Quite Pleasant Except Wednesday lm Last week was fairly mild and pleasan with the cxccp ticn of tednesday Remem brance Day wet and cool Fishermen have been out in miniature fleet all week al though winds have been strong at times with the favorite ground for herring in front of the Barrie CNR depot Satur day was very pleasantwith 50 at midnight and Sunday also pleasant but with fresh southwat wind Temperatures were High Low Nov 44 Nov 46 Nov 10 51 Nov 11 43 Nov 12 45 Nov 13 42 Nov 14 58 Nov 15 62 AllPSl Week ll jugglllysllgive153333 flare W02 85ch WW Trembluy W02 ll Forte W022 Kleins aett W02 Fey W02 Davidson Sgt Main 52 Read Brown Cpl Bellinser Cpl Cormicr Cfn Cul ver The following civilian personnel will be the recipients of the Cor onation Medal at the Investiture to be held on Sunday 15 Nov 53 Nosworthy McKinnon Warner Churchill Biair Churchill Saunders Wakefield Luker it it mind to try and get loca 315m x0e 13 tion somewhere in this area andi or be caught Without spot se of hc development memcming out Deputy Reeve Greer If there Turnbull Ontario Department The meeting is being arranged of Flaming and Development hold on to it so me they would by The Canadian Chamber of Coml Douglas Satte Canadian Bank of merce and there va Commerce with the cooperatlon the sessions will be Nettle the Ontario ChamberlCommerce General Chairman of of the Barrie Chamber of Comitemmemberofthe Ontario Region merce It is one of series ofal Commttte the Canadian Cham ere two roorrs available in the meetings being held this fall and her of Commerce and manager east end of town where the wmter to enable Regional groupszank of Toronto Barrie Also tak Geozge School lled by pupils areas Mr Longstaffe said matter had been locked into couple of years ago There did not appear to be sufcient children in the area for filling two rooms buti it might be p0ible to fill one classroom Referring to the cxasting school in the nearby that this he pointed out that it would needi lot of renovation before it couldl be used and generally it did notl seem to be economical It has been considered Lime and time again but it is always regard Sharpe Wm MontgomerV ed as not p0ible he added Collier Faulkner and Mrs Hadden lTurn to page four please Town Development Following this there was some Wakelin YOUNG CANADA BOOK WEEK MARKED AS BARRIES YOUNG CITIZENS FORM HABIT OF USING LIBRARY FACILITIES EARLY secs egress noun Illuminations using miracu itles which are provided here through our local libraryvservme Seated letttoright areAnQRYLQMttMnnd Charlieesdon in standing behind at ten lick 10 and Tommy Smith new Chamber of Commerce is could they be of Boards and Chambers to meet ing part will be Syd Matthews together and discuss their mutualOntario manager The Canadian problems iChambel of Commerce and Some of the items on the agenda Grant assistant Ontario manager are Industrial Expansion in YourgThe Canadian Chamber of Com Town and Your Chamber ofmerce and Hamill manager Commerce Program At the close Ontario Chamber of Commerce the regular discussions work list of communities invited is shop session will enable the deleEas follows Kincardine Teeswater lgates to re questions at the spec Walkcrton Chesley Paisley Tara ialists in attendance Wiartonp Sauble Beach Owen Speakers include Mayor WSound Meaford Thombury Mount Hart of Barrie Coutts Pres Forest Durham Collingwood Pen ident Barrie Chamber of Cpmietanguishene Midland Waubaush merce Charles Griffin Chairlene Victoria Harbourl Elnwale man Industrial Committee BarEOrillia Bracebridge Huntsville rie Chamber of Commerce Jacleravenhurst Parry Sound Orange Moore Secretary Manager and lnl ville Grand Valley Toronto Wood dustrial Commissioner Hamiltonlbridge Richmond Hill Stouthille WAnrora Newmarket and Mount General Manager lor Albert and District row swell conneny 11 masking milieu asba am in the childrens Sorftthe Public iWthS grcdc yepuplllxbt Lemmmomstmma