0R REST SEED FEED lvllCHlE 35 Losr so STENOCRWPE AA ATTfifiifsTTi 6IHY BARR ilkXllNilirlllIlll ICA VV lizVA SALE HELP winner FOR HARRY FAR COLORED 14 DELEVLRY ANYWHERE VVig AV to linisiAzgti Ill itixrmli DENNIS MORAN 7403 liilthihl FiOOl Sitfiat all plci AE IuOIll brill irVuim ti ll Jinan town piAng CW gt VV VVV 1V Viv ildlilixtiml lltltJT trims 31 l5 Lungs tzv wv ili AllaitAA on Azjhttvg itll uh hole N319 tcul Imus tl ghoul oi 11 ArV tlf an VA Fran Alibi garage clir IM 31 Lkil EA VF Mfr DUL cV 114 rmri town $100 per month min garage to rim 321V 334234le N0 Cdllttllltfl Ni lSTEC llARxl BVMICHIE Realm VV VV Cm VVV V2 iliJZluti St Harris V53 ROOMED liirrilsticu Airiirtiznni of SLIrnne 1LVi VJ ML ZJIVlVLlIc entrance Adulis wiliy BOX 65V onlth ppm 433 iL r260 erli NIliINLi Cuznplitinfi Seygd Pllult 304 l3l13i 31130 f1i0lilolll liras bungalows uzi uiiiiialf To me erV my Nzasziu iii lentch my 77 lllilJIKiI Ema iiim glLijxlmiit lial men or Win all room For JOl WCII DOIIL Call mo in lliHi fir lluuvl tllt REALTORSV WA 1mm 1cm ii lilqllillt llliltil UNFURNISHED Maud ullli JOC Th wit mini hwmmn BUtCher and Armstrong llci UH lnuxitlily piiyiilcnls liSS plume 5396 MAKE MONEY cth Coulis Real Estate Biul1noins with bath and phone lhonei in iziirfxpi VV iii lliliiln St llurilc lh lrtci Strul lllilllc 3377 3241 P1 43 LVitVHltl HA REPOSSESSED lt5AlIlDl322 91 Phone 3228 spantime NHK tHHSy Vp xi $4500AAA4 room stucco home jltv FURNISHED Housekeeping KUEmYAAWd nu f1 l1 it it tnznplxtw IMCA hallA III 511 bilFmm Well Slll00SPEIAL 11 53 rooms continuous hot water culll em 00 mg manual Tia neural und 15112 KGIVInaTOr located Iunnly tlllllll ml lwutmg cowl WHAch phom 2943 134301 Alterations Cupboards Vf VA Wichita ltai itlioird inlllllioil itilllaltc large ltll close Gymcing General Building CORDUV VA by risnurbiclc MM 0V1 51mm Trrmi NM $10sUU room 111 briCk ll to school Lou down paynn 111 LNFURNISIIED Rooms prnah gtfpi VV VV VV 1V HOW WOLLD ou itkc in slilll 1an 71 Dummy pH mum store homi Wllll tull siZc base balance on monthly terms Utlier entrance heated Vacant end of liiitied iiiViii nii IV 15h yourseltun zi lulSiltS of you gdm rer nicnt hot air heated by oil Ccn attractlti homes for iiniiiediale November Phone 2971 lSl30 Im llv Jll own llh l3Lllililll Sell mn WV vs trail located Garage in basement possession Apply Marshall vs 4CI 230 guaranteed llmduc than GIBSON Spnngm Electric Guitar $199 00 Low down allynicnt mortgage ar Representativ Coulis Real VICLLY FUmlSlWl Frfm 89d JllSt ll Tlmt Ftlf Chrllmas any 6th and Fighbms wm with axe and cord built lll pickA maul Estate Broker Owen Street ilUUm cenlll lOCEmOD Gentleman OChairs Otliestcrhelds l5 iilv catalogue and details Familm WHuVUb Hm mum phom 33 10435 plklelrtd Phom 3427 lrIJO Stllkt 39 JV 7V iiie eniiantc no 1600 Dtlorimlvl Drill Ilmil Phone 3473 or 531 Barrie or ch 313000 MOON 15 013 INFERNISHED 200 samples to select from 33 lllii Stii 311110 is Bedroom suit 1430 lltlll large lot iet location lid Pal 01 tlll 111 one thV very cemle 78 Dun Eu 131lo orerlimking the Buy Reasonable BUSINESS Oppmmmy Sp iuvlAL ilArlllr HARDWARE down payment mortgage arranged loll En Phonc 2359 15450 WORKMANSHIP LLIDEVTIfALZ time agent in ookslown BPCAUU TYPEWRITERS and Adding 13 Iinni of 135 acres with good build DACHMUND PM Smlll Midlalld Tmlmmm Al chines new and factory reAcondiI lugs including 9room brick home goof lmk rfiflflinamg Iso Stow Apartgplgm rooms Barrie Tent Awning CO idlinglitmfyk 10 Vle lislall l0 WPHAT Tillle Oxllalld tioned Service by factory trained one VV rgootiV wells Willtl on tap in $53951 Tm Rmcl d1tlfrlf84fl Vc rtgbgphmu Bayerd 5L phonC 43H fmA9l mg organization for the SlrvllAllli mechanics Special student rental 4130 house Nicely lawned Will ex Clenmgs 15159 5123135 is supply and salcct clVESmiLccal rates Call Illemingtoii3 Randplim changenim good home or small CANARIESV Chm Roller Stock MRSV LOIS 5mm of vamouv miligengng 70 Du 0p no ve DUNN Barnc strong singers Best order now for FURNISHED Housekeeping BC raglllxl 0f fl3XBlm tCOlggls ChiLstiiins Ernie Robertson phone rooms use of fri and washin rancres eauy Bafe Examine 11294 $8500 GOOd home garage and 4818 38130 machine 97 Wellington St East your friendly Texaco Dealer offers lure OW Uiltmlllll ilA L3 Vflmil bum 12 acres or land Niceb 15130 Ou full line of etrnlom 5641an Sllup 3lellill30 Overstock Sale lziuned good garden and raspberry AV ccommoduhon Wanted WANTED Reliable man as dealer in 33 and Slnlco mil II Dutch Small down payment and LARGE Unfurnished Rorns perience not necessary one 19 easy ltlmS private enhance hox and cold ifai Place Your Order Tuday Fm portnuity to step into old pltlm 952mb Iron Metal OR ROOMS mlumisncd mt er sink in Apply 50 Rose Street able busines where llawlclgn PIO We have Plenty Of 1th properties ed children cliool ave Cam ducts have been sold for years Bmterie Rags to choose from Borden pcrsonngl Phonoe 00st 15130 Big pmts PIOdUCIS llllllllwd Slx lllllllill milk all With Mm town 113 rave lt9 charge FURNIQHED Houqekec in 00 Alv credit Write Rawlcighs Dept Honeywvn mm FOR RENTV6 room home with 112429430 immediate possesgionpcoltfnuguss Contact Your Driver Salesman 128163 Montreal lMlllO $13700 513700 conveniences in Barrie hot water Adults Phone 5760 JIM BRUCE PHONE 2563 HOUSE OR Winterized Cottage 310ny Mil5 wanctichiiow V10 Dunlap St West Fondue II Bruce Rep Barrie 6642 wanted by Dec 15 for army offi 15 30 131 BARRIE 5130tml qm as 10V an ecvblutl cer children Major Cam FURNISHED Housekee in Technicians or Eirelesas goerators Phone sum ID Aflu hours call 223916430 emn 35 Livingston Aw Kingston moms continuous hot watch gut Honest Joe Government an us ry now 11129130 boards Adu1ts Phone 2943 18ofgqgihsgzcegghlindsfggg Sppcm High prices Paid for Winter air conditioning forced 15130131 exile needed to Start WWW RAW FURS comm DAVID MCLEAN bedrooms wanted Hillcrest HEATED Rooms partly fum Armstrongs Floor Covertnz 220 Bradmfd PM 5430 night 01 daytime Courses StldlA Highest Prices Paid bum rAAA 01 COdTlnglOll SChOOl F835 l1 ished hydro paid children accept Linoleums 13109 at home with parts SuppllCd LIVE POULTRY $399 10 5425 for Homes and Farms Apply Box ed 63 Cumberland St Phone Rubber and Asphalt me Write Without obligation for free 3926 15129133 as Wall me WINTERIZED 4011380 b00klel 513an 30 and hides scrap iron horsehair feathers 001 gmuty fumaces $12000Bond Head 95 acres on edummn some High School nee $127 10 $157 highway 8room brick house in BEDROOM Unfurnished Apart FURNISHED Rooms good loca Materials Supplied and mstalledl essary Radio College of Canada 00d conditionV 00d basement menlf Bedmom fUFDiShed apnrl tion close to bus stop Suit young Free Estimates VV 86 Bathurst Street Toronto Shipped anYWhCTC 0mm ank barn 40x80V rinmng water in mem bedroom unlUlmSlWd couple or busmess girl Phone 1992 P01le COJth apartment bedroom furnished 6304 15129130 1951 Plv illith Sedin 123142 33 Collier St Phone 2301 All 19 medeh new and carry bar and house mplement Shed apartment Room and board for nt year gumanth everrunning stream gm faxL 1948 Pontiac Coach Collect phone calls accepted busmessV men and ladies Phone 0R FURNISHED Rooms warm 323 TORID HEATING SALES $15000Bradford 100 acres On 3224 Ot before samday Nov 14 and commrtable close mms 90 cumbeand St Phone 5185A 19 8m 56514 ood 11 130431 portatlon Adults cumberland grwel ma nem Bradford 4098 151 and others EXPERIENCED Clerk dGSllCS WOlk Baffle Metal Salvage 66 Flow SL Ottawa Ont 9room brick house in good condi hone 13 All 31 dr Pwhon 200 mo Bums 129131 iiinobapk loam 4Xiioldlmmer barn LARGE Bright Furnisned house cam so mam PRACTICAL Nurse available wed SCRAP IRON mm LIONEL Elecmc Train exras aclesolmfgllmvsgats gbbygtalgggcrg keelng mom continuous hm wat WINDICE MOTORS 9553 Please Phone 3500 HIDES RAGS BATTERIES Phone 6235 7130 SPRING Durham H81 er Calves 61 Central 91 wrSley Phone of asture land with runnin 2129130 FEATHERS guest oggsgetlgoefrs due 509 l852 15129 meoln 97 Brddfmd St Phone 2396 wmc WINTER Coat size 18 Price re ures home ROOMED Furnished li ht house4 QUALIFIED ylm 310 Phom 6280 13 $15000Lhtirchill 100 acres With YORKSHIRE pigs weeks 01 keeping apartment sink gand rang Arc Weldmg Ed we Chlence work Box 70 Barrie Ex aminer ppy 2128130 Our trucks will call Highest RANGETTE perfect working con Wm stucco house good cw Apply to Borden Jennett Utopia ette No children please Phone lot to tf dim tle decorated baFk bar or hone Iv 14r21 9129130 4056 101 ontinuous Tuition throughout the YOUNG Lady experienced in $33253 Sim PM dm 320 PM 734 1129 40x70 With 40x40 all In good 15 32 ACORBY MOTORS LTD bookkeeping shorthand typing phone Bani sum PAIR OF Girls Figure Skates Condition implement ShEd 25X40 2A NICE Shorthom HBifeIS about LARGE Furnished bedsitting coming season week course and gictaphfone lquIIIgS pgsiion 2933 03329833 size $7 Phone 3266 7124 iESGSfleggt 135335 sllfsglgga llflgl gulggnstllsel4Vgl Campbeigg goim with kitchentfatte Suit one lor A4 with arrie irm Appy ox ar usmess or pro essmna peop mg ner 2430131 PAIR OF 670 lo Knobby Tread wheat remainder 1n hay and spring Phone 3371 15129131 1e mi Tires Phone Stroud 60 7129130 seeding Half cash 20 WEANED FIGS weeks old gt RR No Strand Phone 10114 CS RELIABLE and ex erieiiced oung AND ANY thrifty and well started Harold ROOMED Unfurnished flat with 59725 woman available pfor days yonly COMP CHILDS Pedal Car Tractor in $15000Cookstown 100 acres on Gibsonphone Ivy 10113 9130 piece bath and rangeue in new to look after mother and new Yard and Ofce 156 Tifle St gOOd COUdIUOD Phone 2639 7130 g00d gravel load 3Y00m brick home Suitable for business peo baby Capable of taking charge 380150 house newly decorated and in PUREBRED Dark Red Bull Short pleV phone 3339 1513o 191 te wme Box 11 Barrie Examiner VI MANS lUR C011t$10 Mans Cloth good condition throughout bank horn also Durham and Holstein 93 or or or 2130131 USED Small Cement Mixer wanted Coat $5 Phone 4619 aftelnoons arn 36x100 in good condition for COW fPeShemng 500m Phonelvy WARM Bright Room blocks ggg $3135 ===== in good condition Phone 2659 7129130 dairy stable milkhouse imple 11r2 9130 from post pftice twin beds All ment shed wells with plenty of accommodation for comfort No Cleaners 1947 Monarch Tudor WOULD FEED 15 head of cattle MOVABLE Poultry House 10x12 REGISTERED Dual Purpose Cow 54 15427 1947 wmysVStation Wagon CHICKS for winter Phone George Julian shed root Apply Monen ggzgaglglo gcggifarm and we years old due to freshen Dec 17 36815 65 Walls Scrubbed 1946 plymomh Sedan EBAY CHICKS for your egg and 2111 Lefroy 3129130 North St 712913th bred to Redice Foggathorpe Won FURNISHED Inong suitable top VV 1940 Dodge Coach broiler markets Pullets cockcrels WW0 RUG also km $22000Churchill 150 acres about der Phone 3618 9130 adults No qbiectiqn to one child Windows Cleaned sgarted chicks For Novembergec GOOD Used Piano wanted suit tbl ti le mile from NOV 11 Highway on ARGE WM 18 Con mmsm one me from GI In ember they should be ordered now able for Wholl room Apply Box en 61 ar good gravel road 9room brick Og Thornton Phone Ivy 11r2 15130 Storm 0W5 353 Contact us soon Copeland Barrie Examine 3130 Phone 4151 7430 house in the very best of condi Willys Old Kelmscott breedipg stalled if necessary registered With papers throwing BACHELOR artment iurnished 53 39mm 910 55 WOOD LATHE wanted In good DRAPES AND Curtains made to 33 jgfnfnfitegdxgfgggi large litters Phone Barrie 3447 large 1an mom sink built Floors scrubbed and waxed ALL TRUCKS VV reair Phone 5941 between 930 order Card 1233 Worsley St 9130 85 anl ask in Jim aiso Phone 4628 7130 mg good cement chicken gppgypbggldz Ema Store Office Factory til and take van age of vary houSe steel implement shed 10 TEAM 0p Clyde Horses approx 15129130 Windows order discount and be sure of USED BUZZ Saw and Frame PIECE Walnut Bedroom Suite acrs of bush 30 acres in fall mater 3200113 quiet good around gugvilljacaeh Ezrlilln riiiicthhe Wanted MU be in mm condi early gw exceuent condltmn Wheat remamder hay and machinery also harness Dalton ORA FRONT roomed apart Phones Comer st Forayour convenience both our PM 84 Bame 343 phme 43 Spring mama the be Lennox Palnswick phone 56r2 USED CAR LOT and NEW CAR male e85 Pnces Hy Irines are farms in Innisl Half cash ment Emu 1100 heatlllghlv and 51l16454 SHOWROOM 13 mallmng mu 10M time lay JEEP Wanted to buy army or clv PAIR girls CCM skates size4 Ph Br 189 yfm water furniShed or unfurntshed 10 dclock ever evggingeldoggg W5 and DWldel oak T995 ilian Please state price and model also pau of Sampson skates Size or CLEARvmw Yorksiyes 310qu Still couple C1059 to NS Phone SQUARE Dancm taught by 313 through Saturday Hy 93 53 Omar Farms BOX Balm Examine 315 Phone 3266 71lm PORTER gilts ready to breed threequarter 2649 15430 Pomtmem mly mm 4121 under good conditions they still 3130131 English bred sow due in Decem 5129139 As afurtherconvenience the Stock averaged 58 production gums GOOD TABLE Stock Canso P0ta be also semceable age mg NEAR BUS Stop warm large mom at Muhaste sheet be Into 18th month of production THE LiTlLE Antique Shop will toes $1 per bag Fletcher Yong 51 Nu Bradmd clean gumished mom Board FURNACES and Chimneys clean Contact Simcoe Duffelinatchery buy your old iron banks hanging RR Thornton Phone Ivy 2r12 of David McLean Ltd Realtors kitchen privileges with facilities ed Robinson and Org phone aging 10 clk Frda cm Gilmores Poultry Breeding lamps antique Vchina glass orna 7129130 18130 lestED Hereford Heifer supplied one or two persons 4333 5128133 60 Penetang St Barrie ments primitives etc 16Mulcastei eat and onths old Phone 3619 154129130 gt VB 2735 or 576 24130 51 phone 3141 3130131 COng $313128 10V 5an 19 BUILDINgsaeasonably IglCGd Wegngd pigs Haggard and Ho ggoghgretgl Egg Clgllbusogtilvetrdlfgiillevg uiclcelss $367M move proper 129153 59 CW Large 5015 90 FURNISHED mdSiling Pmkl me 5721 AV 5129133 IFg6 Perry AdamsVBarrie RR 9430 allegiane grits stltwsf bedtllrgg 3g PHONE 5481 0T tend IS 95 00 mm IF your wood uzze SMALL Cook Stove nearly new sBcIliiloPIililcd Iiniiilpeoiilation cgliinig Nmovmggff gglmgce sum lSms Tassall either by cordVOr by the hour ap Steele sf of Hw Modem Apply to George Pain 4350 tilnil mmtV 21V em accredited workms coup Phone 15 ply Dave Miller phone 305m AV Anton Mills Phone 2118 Barrie 54117430 13130 vacuumed Chantler and 7180132 ROOM Stucco Dunlalow With Son phone Cookstown 2611 Cod 1947 15qu pANEL good com acce reasonable STORE room lions gator Angus 13 31 rington Street Area Marshall moon530 pm hi meow In bedrooms Wll tion Phone 2907 13i3V131V overcoat worn once size 40 wool 161281332 VYEARLING Shorthom Buns Representative ACbuttsRea Cone mm Amem specially priced to make room condition $500 cash Phone 323m PhoneVzan 151 FOR Yomrpamunx am 13439 Paper 131 WWW Insentonaacdwordmtntmum15c AWN 129 30 mm 131 bath and se atom entrance to Va minimum eta Sales remain It 06 iwon La130132 miles north Cupp Borden on an F1304 iiariigiMStfqSitiiiioiigmilpll 113 Al um NW Whmwv 12 19518rltlsher Mischlet and New Lowell Phone anemoroA mm 0m male 89 Bar in eealn vac lnated also 405m 151809 Ml5 mm 52 cupv Sedan 51 Pontiac HP GE Carma Start110 den Phone Allinon diam elgegom 511111 momhs Mommy rgggewggymgm dan 1952 Austin sedan All in 05 anteed $60 each Box 69 Barrie Wille ARVmelche 1le warm V212 fortable am tarnished and out rte Examiner 123 $7900NEW MASONRY room mo phone gillslab aide convgriiexices hear Camp Bor BECOME nookkeeperStenogn Ha registers also Quebec Heater Ap heallni4pl Win RETIRED DilalPurpose Short Miller maWV Phone Creef was soc Ierparc mwme motor 3000 miles good tires lam hardwood and tile COWS st To one 67 Cam phone 2487 130 an is mug Vmw modem mm mp NEW HOUSE mme men 890V Bay Vronto 5429131 45 Ave ling humus on 120 vi billan 10 Vmodom kitchen ganizaeVAhuallt1 anocxw 8an cranks break Bumpy 17 Franco inch own Mr Cantata Rlchmond 11th and vaccinated Roy Walt st Barr mummy mm It Winterize your septictank with to winter months $50 cash be thtu tn Hiillu 41131 Ernest Ridout Real EFL writegileiVufu AngemhlcVBongigr HCoulson otter Phone 5870 Apply 51an mane and MANS Medium dark grey winter terms Apply 11MB WMDTO 03710 PHONE giveeld zmaterial Sell Ptileasonabl Wain Estate onker Owen suede Phone ms 44 DODGE Station Wagonin good Pt Vel cont OWONILIIIIIIIIHN DD oynzV St one 31 near School and bus yam 73V rueraaztad yaggcgydiggmxg ha Vin Tome town or CO Cumbemnd pm 5782 in to Criiwtordand Son Oro oomulmlls AWWM yfgmgmger Vnobertsonglsslm FARGO lton pickup good mwllm4m Wml Business Machines Torontiingt BRICK HOUSE in Alliston County Road No no Rows V743 ISTERED Hereford CW minnow K4011 truck desms 4313mm 220 Volt to cycle rebuilt Guar 5128lao ndi0m Apply 69 John St FURNACE wVaAfyealalo with bungalow full cellar air cond den Reasonable rent Mrs John flier or mimic yanks are time SIIN Sedan grey rebuilt ly Dangereld Motors as Elohim 99 Will Pressure 119com monthsilmostV more this 151394 Canadian Correspondence Courses new Forced to sell saw or best Anontwl in at 8troiid cantAVs rm heifers and airco in Vitdnt lines and noctuvemmreieanea 31CHEVRO seamenlate and contention session tor all low as $3100 monthl Herd In RCV 8100 mmolltligAblrnlnwmorm chemically No dgtngno odors cc ditionyf golf 1333 gug 3s MmeSlum My man asAm