ifin lll lellxtl hula LElEIII 5I1I VI ymxnxr yawn ly fjwrwvgy Iv III II iavziLrstm 4xLLAicilLEIilXB pk Llr 145 tlovtlzt IIrr lilliiizll tLi II 5mg crulf will ycu an Essa Road Evening Auxiliary Holds Fall Tea Bazaar My new electric slslcm is pdlng for itself in lots of its get more work dune gets more stnxlblt bCCJuSC cm see better and electric The family ui Trim II II 11 cquipmentsaves even more time ufARlHMpRmEMMT LOAN An clccmul 56111 lS JIUSI Lille II llldlll lungs rquch can buy with nnounce Plans KM Noemi gu4Kf we Inc Jul ol him lIn lmwmcm Lom liouio lxlgt Illntl Pltbbglt 321 110 llI Jlld Mrs hub $37 WK 1an livegunk mm er COdrlngOn SIGNING Tllli REGISTER following their late autumn zI Home ano SChOOl llll Gordon tlnrx The bride the former Mltidie Barclay jgIz NV buildingsIlniosrmy IIUIIIIIIIIS of IdIhII Conan dtIeheI of Mrs Cowan iitd the late Bruce Cownn lw in Tiltal lImll llllwcnrm of Strand Lllltl her husband is the son of Mr and Mrs Gor AI WM mum llll 1117 lt don aunt of Shanty Buy Followurt wedding trip to the UUChII mth IllLl ltul lIziZed Skates rd Ottawa they are hulking their home in wuv tinfoil Shanty Bu SSlShJ by 53 101 lllJlil sers Ml 31 3h NM help in 31 tfimi sh HO gt Lab lkllllll my1y lll lilt anrnum villj new In the lullk futures the llonoy 1112 table id Mrs tuin inH HO Zttw Ill be LtllllllthllS eonvczlr oi 19w uwl LIlilx lac simmngs Looking nitrr the apron 1311 lFa erImI tru home and were Mrs Anorex Hm 1M GET TO KNOW YOUR MANAGER IIIon vIll liuvt Mrs VIttor Church li lovrix Ssh AS LItlllJTll table It the lair Webb and Mrs William Graham can AA 15km there Will be childrens Smr ere convencrs of the Line mrk of the meeting Dana NM 18 II rvaztc books tor sale an evenI Ile lmlbIttl Mn Wilfred Fras Yr xezw In auction sme an Iiternoon bake CI surname be gzLLy 51x name he candy for sale ic bazaar also featured fish sf gt ui cm pond ind games tor theI Pond with Mrs Campbell 81 In in ii in that lung counter and hobl thdrgk BARRIE ALLANDALE ALlelON rem of alumna fhlltS in the evening lt these of Grade as lt15 30 IATTIIR I0 mud The uitzczul opening Is at threc These rooms Will be open Turzztgllllsh vour home l1l modern Oclock in the afternoon an First you cut pair of scissog 63 ior pLIiOd style youll wzmt cxmbxs of needle VAVHHAV SHEEP out of the block of foam maid The III berg Committee alir table to Nunx an pattern on pape youner marId 19 0832 0i Cflilto prom mII lcoun ans Wool was short from 893700i pr muggy pi Lllgn on NO 30 what cas More than protection alone to 3191 ch in Canada in 1953 an in II II II II II IIII II II III Lie scmcrs In conwlzmtcl award Will be made to the Cl2lgtgt You also want It Add 10 1K 11 mm CleLISL of eight per cent over 1902 having the largest II tzc 132 needle and thread assorted greenery gr 3th the percentage pm UY 12 lthe 3U1N1Ugt 0f dour gt UIMILgt Cy BIG WATERFALL should now be ab of Deember members RCSUILI In beLIll WV hob 15 and you still have to sew se m0 EfaliflmEfO dale th Merlmom Heres runner that IIII IIII IIlIu LIII III The Kukabeka waterfall sourCC qznns ur gloves in any pattern you 130 members and nonmembers rich in texture yet inexpen biasW qwnwms spinning of hydro power near Port Arthur making Out is 130 feet high and more cu Itxlllltltall 400 fcct Wlde years to be gardeners froml Announcement was also mad 01 rectallglelgible 591 pomp 93 on nger1 is of bazaar to be held in me or under the glass of your 5933311 90ng and place 36 smws 535w on Wednesday anemomncoee table The gently curv gt0 that nails will Sh0 YoJ mg Decembqr 15 mutide it look to 135 39 W91 decorate the door wxh many gift items will be on disptayJEd rmfs Due no this bit of crochet If you 356117 19 HEY be good for 511323ny priced for children to buy nothing else again would like an Instruction While youre at It paste sequinsi Eleaet for making lhlS around the edge of the lbasket LES RUNNER till it wiih an interesting arrange FAIRY SHING nent of assorted greem and holly PrOgIIam IO Be IIISII Send smmlmd Selfad Eno belle value and service as belt an lscissors Basletsl dressed envelope to the natura coor or gil ed gN eedleuorl Departmen IIgIIuIII lthis paper and ask for Leaflet and Prepared to wall 3155 Jewell hilorIn of Na CN108 and grew heqhng comic come the first guest who arrivesl mEmbr 0f the SuperVLOF 33 at your arty door and asks Whatl 0f 19 Slmcoe Cwmy Heam Im on earih isthat thing out there will speak on the school healing SPECIAL PRICES TIMED FOR CHRISTMAS uisli For more vanatmn you 3Y0 urged JOIU Prioriome 350 sive to make Its suitable paint one thumb green min 39 dam ne gay greeting deserves another Program NoIember meezmgl If youre the type that discourl of the Prince of Wales Home and ages CELS on the other handjustlScbool Assoclalon nundayil drag me on Team 0m the Nov 16 1293 him 512 hanging it over the door knocker to all parents and it is hoped thati ache tired 52 dsrxbtd res Nzen mothballs and dust it off beroxel program is of vital interest lI II Shea Phone audconcentrate on yamtree There there will be large attendance are some really wonderfuldecora at theymeeting tions to be made at home Take The November program was little sticks Itoothpicks maybe planned at an executive meetmgl and glue them into the ends of on Monday evening when the small glam tree balls then stick association received confirmation them in different lengths into of the speaking date Miss KillI plastic foam ball painted red Tie orin will be introduced to the it all on cord and it will look members by John Pelletier IOiIOI Dodds K2435 sum Int kzdueys In narsz duo 51 Ice bettersleep mug Ifk better on Budds gt drug acre am dgperl on Danis cANAnIEN maple leaf motif in tempting creamfilled sandwiches golden biscuit II cnocouu lledwith VIENNA rich cream AN OUTSTANDING EXAMPLE As shown ADDISON l7 MODEL12782SSREG $3999I5VI p11 Clearance of all lines including Addison General Electric Admiral Croslreyi Phips II ASK out iilllfi FACTORY up top SHOIIIREAD TECHNICIANS Imeltinglygoodbiscuib bakedwatemptml 01 IALDWINST AfterHoursPhoneAlfBeurcroSSO7 PH2429