TI Illiil IX AIIXEIl IDXLSDAY NOV 19 UTOPIA htntary Am NEW BEAUTY INTO YOUR HOME MOSOnic Service Fer Formerly Oi Barrie SIZE 60 66 APPROX ii jflii lmvrr In irlistw titsigh An glistenng lv tone reyersibie Cr Hum on HA it cation filling an iiished with ottroCtnc ii but harm Grid beautiful in rein blue PYJIIMIIS tilt mite llltUuibtj E1 DDE LOW PRICE lliii gtIIt sitirsxtul nllItIlf Linn Mrol gun7 Mitiaglcilmiii how its at lm SHN ASK FOR BLANKET DEPT me In Village lvi is iiii ml million nu lliiiy timii mzzlwtmd lll Stii my itltlI whim in Follow the Signs IO iUl tlt Satiiiilay Noiiycmtnnigm Excmng Fall Fashions is il Thomas Block ll tiixipiii and in Mr and Was Many YCOTS RCOIIOI Alp Sliau who are size proud BAA ilifl Hi lllllr Mill iLll gt lc Armstrong Suffers mags lnjury To Right and Szituidzty afternoon while vYiziig curbing ill 11 well Alex iistiuitg had his rialit hand Len wool coats to Imptliul tilted and swzii buck gtll ht ill pulley Iit lost the lltllllt linger in lilt tiist Jtllllll inil tlit tiiiucis Ull either side were irully lllligttl To liter The ladies of the Womens ln ttutc expect to cater to about rift liltll of the Dcparliiicnt ofE almnds and Forcsis representing imcuc Bruce Grey and Duffcrl in counties at turkey supper all hall till Tuesday evening linilt gtr1 Pl8lvllill illlltliil algal lily ll UH1w no wu iiiti and IILldl biiult 1104 ll tiic fiiiicia on Fiiday Oet Hm trig hep in nd master of Tolltc 151419 mm mm who once at he Jenniit luncml Home recitilgir of th lraritt flab zinc pailrich mlatlivcs mmu am keen Um cmiiiants iii Lie aimed forces Mime Whom were present from viiiElvin LN hiilw WON Hiiiiiilton Iluntsvtlle Emu ltH lt 511 Hi VilllfibrltiilC Culliiiewood Crce IlmgtirlZHIAM ln Ilv Worm Stnyiiri Lake Wilcox New LW anell Baxter and Bcllewllc The servici was conducted by Rcv Earl Prnsscr of Palmerston Unhmely Death formerly of New Lowell Many John Allen Rawn llovely flowers were from sorrowl 2an relatives lllCI friends and from In Auto Accndent The uiiiiiiiely and magic death ithc RCS of Camp Borden Civ ilian Employees of the Royal Can Jam fildlilll School yof lnfantry Newv the ICAR Twins 30 1313 Elfif Lowell Canadian Legion and the traffic iilifll Ull llighwav 2711mmCg Auxulary NO 316 about our iilcs nusti Uf Barrie Pallbearers llm Leonard mil on Tuesdm Oct gym he Hinison Jack Robinson Jackv Rcid ceiwd duff njifbid waved Robert Hiltz Blcn Snow and fatal lOLorae Matthews Interment was Born on Jan 19 ltill ii lcwim Slaynoycinctery Lowe Tskrwn hBlClbltiL has buidow dandJ their twc icrcn an immie M15 Sterilqu l1 liftam and haciBmrie surviving relatives are his IVEd 1910 km 37 iarcnts Mr and Mrs Rawn On Feb l7 1031 his marriage New Lowell and two sisters Mrs to the former Miss ftlvrtlc HiltzHarvev McGill Crcoda of Tor zirm cs Yiillll lllltilltl to illlllle tEic bizisis of viiiii Sics In Illltl to UK 14510 12795 PHONE 7153 oiil Iltpt Wmmwm AtllllllllENS snow suns snow suits complete with helmet Zipper closure up front and down legs Oflsturdy blanket cloth gab ardine and nylon blend Sizes3 to SK and to 14 1395 to 2395 Warmly lined one and two piece 54 INCH Plastic ordettcs Velvcts Evening Bags Beaded Styles English Saddle Bags Cali and Morocco Leathers 298 598 OTHERS 795 TO 1995 IlniSii off your fall wardrobe with burst of fashion Choose troin our wide selection style to suit every taste ADiiiEiiiic lllllllllls NYLII PYJIIMIIS ite Rose Buchannun MacGregor Am azing Value of rose turquoise and navy Misses Sizes wonderful wool mixture fabric high quality ripple fabric with ex Black Watch Airtorce Hunting Mc Iceuent wearing quaimes piped pac Kinnon MacKenzie Lindsay Margar kets and collar In fascinating colors YD ONIONE 5539 COM Dept Rawn moved to Cullingwimd in IDonaldar of Angus 1940 he enlisted in the Royal Canl adian Air Force and was overseas TIMES OUT OF JOINT for three years on active service Statesmen who seek to keep He served for live yeziis altol world in the Paths peace mUS petlier at Biiindull Mont Jail and often feel like parents with chil Trenton and Him vein in Run dren who have talent for getting SMALL PRETTY land Since returning lit had bet23f into trouble No matter what they employed at Camp Borden for do or say someone some place is seven years and they had lived inl attempting to set the world afire Vclours Felts Vclvcts Fca Barrie for three years Johii Cochranc IOnt Northland Post FOr successful social Season see our new fashions every one Calculated to ring the bell at all appearances every one styled fOr Fall 53 New exciting took place and in 1937 he and MISI onto and Mrs Norris Cocliranc PHONE ORDERS 5539 tlicrs Pin Veils all the new styles all the distinctive shapes Top off your new outfit with but from Walkers 398 Equipped Now With mm ALIIIAIIIiIIlII AWIIIIIGS uon DDVERIADS M33 REAL STYLE and MODERN BEAUTY to any home sealed Currants PIOVIOBSM7V Winter and Simone Protection FAMOUS BRAND HARVEY wooos iDIDTED SIZES 911 1ng 1512 24 12 152590 40 wOOI Womens and Misscs Snuggicsaud Vests by nationally known Harvey Woods Iii blush or cream STANDARD 1DO0R CANOPY AWNING $0 SHORT SLEEVEAND SUEEIIEDESS vier AND Kroy unehrinkame wool Erlced