THE BARRIE LmmWqnwuzzzzvguzu 23 Lctlltgtx pzay Dancing every Friday night in Dar 83 Pay my finqqyw Area liall tic ClllZCZZS Roxy The New tl Scarfaremetzt his crade by Orange Ilall ans 410 Wednesday Oct Prizes Lunch counter Ureizt slra Atllli ladielt not of Oranse liall Burton 30 35 pm 25c Hard time dance Clull Willi Junior ford Community Hall Prizes for bfsllilthV dftsr boy iei llext ant Ronalds Orchestra Momadriw girl ifi Mint original tti Nov dress 830 in hers please bring gtandwichelt Gates and 55 we ll Des Laurich Orcnatrat Band Halibuten iie Auxtliary to Bro Railway EXAMINER WEDNESDAY ill 15 i555 Bough Road Ahead pinton MWV Barrie Meet Today For Crid Title 1141 iii an 1lrr LLI Li VttI 39 i3 tI jirttbbiitj Illit10fiiildrlwllililltyxllllidfcji tut Ziert Monday afternoon it Was Cal the season and forced threeway lines 811 group UlllClJIS itlltifti goreti for and agaiint defence in Iiritn it IirrlL iL 12i1tr wither Th deluge it it iftippili Uiulti Ianr been paint til the Mi nu paces LOL No 23 Beattyr tii tf tlt in the clear with none 11 inrtmt itttili lie pr titi hiLi Iiitl be ltvfuted tiaugtzinn tn the LIIIIIIIFZ NV Pm gm tLli Hugh and Frank mult ll IRWUWYIU Id Ah the ilItCl lit nd it that etiitutlt For Small fry suitable gift may he Eddie Melnail grititier who has llIIilll etinkit graham wafers laltissmneti we utgn remains pin nuts and popcorn balls If in con III the Barrie machine Not each gift lS wrapped in llallttt 22012 iu 1i tli iii rally Trainnen an Jill im finn llatluu txcqnionally strong runner his WWI paper napkin the youngsters Ave Oct EH We HH tn ulxn ZZlilttl rtzoni kicking has been determining fac will be happy with such gav Wigwam DH 75 in plant II the cnzttur in the teams tipsurge llld to looking gift However some yoanig 10 tililwmg gtthe with John CflrlSllt have sters like to reach in fur theirt sponsored by dressed couplp tbi Bel Viiltlw gt ltVt VV VVV VVVVVVVVV VVV CVVHVVVVV mm Wrnc pnsgqccmving mij own special mph package Smm ll tilitv rv VV Wiring misfits3311angirl it lttwtnmitnl mn lion Pl1liltk The passmg of quarterback Bill UMD Vibe Id RYOWIUll llallowe en 15 of course the nlJItI Bitter RutEnvy ltn Htlittils andEChcrpeta has improved immensely VV iifiiiii Wilson whi itiliiitdililil his signal calls for the Con when witches stalk so be pro2 TM Wm ill It Urielliv luukt iliztiuuii IIlt Ittiil til ltnewood fixture showed little in Ditd for anything Adung mu tlitililt way if Strategy Nesbitt hopes CnJOy an evening of game when flume Jl nit Istll 1tiI ti iitv mm Iiht lutl will shove variety at Oril the Wm 10 Imus dWWd UP l23l26W attt page given Il ISMCOE JUNIOR FARMERS iif elitistfN PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTEST GUTHRE COMMUNITY HA iiii1mta At abanquet attended by overI 200 Junior Farmers and EUQSB the Guthrie Community Hall theigigmgig gigormljxggsgg Christie set up thi In 31 climax to the very work among junior the North Simcoe crs Association un ship of their executinc and high judge in dairy camEV Dale ed by James Hancoc agricu Millet high judge in beef mum was culminated The evening commenced with judge Ron turkey dinner served by the lad judge MelMawdslcy high judgcland third quarters until late Ill the representative ies of the Presbytc excellent meal At the head table were Joseph president McLean by Miss Eileen Wilbur Reed and Mrs Reed Miss Teresa Frawley treasurer Paul Bertram director of Junior Farmers accompanied by Miss Louisl DitckmanVi Alton Brown county irecor an mem eventuallyVVB buildin six momSV her of the Promich Board ac the miggtbe an to com companied by Mrs Frances Berthelottc competitor in on for two years By VhenV the public speaking c0 ion Drysdale other empem next move whether to build in the in the contest James Hancock representative Tom iggdale Emmy Bay agricultural Tattersall and judges Lions Club and Association for the public speak ing contest Visitors included Bob Maclcan Mr and Mrs Mrs Harry FoystonMr and Mrs James Simpson James Rawn M1 andMrs would like to see survey made of Mr and Mrs Jones Mr and Mrs Craw Were on Gunn Street all potential ford Mr and Mrs Romney kindergarten pupils Mr and Mrs Edward Great Franklin Murray Edwards the Vasey Farm Wlldll Warden Reed spoke briey on his appreciation of the manner in which the meetings of tli Junior Farmers were conducted which boards feeling that the school could he said would put some of the be ready for next fall when min adults to shame Junior Farmers the training and which had been for 25 per it good profit up on ories feet meeting countir formers Berthelotte the Marion Drysdulc competed with tee Snelgrove suggested that it Itomint WV QIItouwuhCld representing the able to them from the Department Mr Gable suggested the building OILASIICUIIW The an of sixroom school more than is only throulh 0109 mamas 03 needed for next year with view the best be Aaccompliahed Ilc told of being shown piece Oflround nah Marsh could be expandedvto 12 rooms at IgiggaIgiogegaglgegufe sixroom school would do and produced carrots to total of 1800 bushels to the acre and these sold her The fact also that one can get ll worth considerable can He value he told the members Sid the value Speaking of the wealth of Jim Worden need uldthat the diversied cronti made it very pro cable for some if not all the Tobacco on one farm netted the owner nearly 350000 Public Spoong com TWO conlOilllm Min Frances Wei 3990 owed by opiummixing all on mum which Ibo were to Vibe allowed ten to prepare Weutpdud gathering toyed after HIMMd lia in quest of the unexpected of han meh 9195 PNIIIDS their favorite treat would be apple pie and cheese along with can of coffee If you plan to have out adult party it need not interferiI with your gifts for the children who will knock at your door The treats can be near the front dnorl and the callers need not stay un less invited If you enjOy the masked revelers tB lllmV wouldbe tacklers Sillmiltd cameo pow New Thmninn the grid ML and mm as much as we do you will invitt Ion 51 Phyllis sleeper ptlss from quarter llill wanon 590m weekend Wth them to perform before you shell Sterling silver teaspoons wereicm 1thmeer John Iiho latter parents Mr and Mrstout some of mm sum in pp gt Poucher Burton Avenue be unusingf llti it vilt the ltltllllltfi ilillilv rnilinJ Barrie fullback tti le VupV Vvitiililt vartls for numerous first downs lizttt was the hi scoringi the contest Collecting both lui Popcorn Balls qts popped corn cup granulated sugar 13 cup corn syrup cup water 12 tsp salt active seasons the opening warm Th 91 MISS Mabel Sprott of Montreal 5V sponsored byiifgghggberlfgn nglsrngxgcitjuitistruck deep in VllilnuWOOd is visiting with her parents Dr Junior Farm and CNE Shield Donne dongs ritory and Prath clunaxed the su and Mr JV SprouV Mary 5L 081 19 193d den offensive with plunge through high 2111 JUdgt an SIFQChan the mm he tollinmvood wall Mrs Atkinson of Char lotte NC who has recently re turned from twomonth tour of tsp vanilla Europe has been visiting with Cuok SugarV svrup and water the Misses Atkinson Blake Street medium candy Stage mm rian Chorch an in farm machinery test high 1mm final chapter when Pratt again Mr and Mrs JV HV Tmpnen 01V threadsi about 280 dogs Add coached by Ivan Clark $8 bhrged for two first downs and Halimx NS visited with Ralph favoring and salt pour over the then carried over from five yards TV Snelmveat his home on The corn stirring wtth spoon Shape out to relieve pressure 953 Street over me weekend M1 the mixture into balls lay on Collingwood tooknpage fromthe TrapneuV who is an uncle of Mr waxed paper and wrap in cello book of former Barrie grid teams Snelgmve is manager of the Can phone and almost rode the attack to vtc adian National Telegrams in the File visitors tightened consider ably after that score and the teams sheep ifought bitterly through the second Rowson high Jones high swine Beverley accompanied clam warden lum Codrington candied Apples nexm one ii inch deep fat about minutes each wide train on Cancel Oct 29 Concert Pianist Here in January ltil flint Hot Chocolate Mailed Milk 15c IINII AT BIIYSOIIS ICE CREAM CANDY 31 DINI0P STRFFT FEST PHONE 456 nutmeg cup mill Adti sugar to uni beat thorough and the mittti dry quickly stir Er the llllik Roll intE the dough lIllIl lriitk on flouni ed htiard cut with doughnut rulI tor and fry few at tune in II it neiteul shim Beat utgrertixnts Ilia ablttubent paper May coat with creamy cookie ing Yield dozen TIIE QUESTION BOX Mrs asks What precautions can we take to prevent fruit picsi from boiling over Answer II Place fruit pics out the fourth or fifth shelf in your electric oven at preheated ltllli perature of 430 degrees for 10 minutes only then reset the uvenI dial to 350 degrees for 40 to 43 minutes If you Cut butterI wrapping paper in four strips then wet it and place around the rim of the pie plate to cover the edge of the pastry overlapping each piece one inch this will prevent the juice from boiling nut in the oven Mrs asks flow can we prevent the last batch of cookies from burning on the bottom even though previous filled cookie sheet did not burn Answer if you are only baking five or six cookies it is wise to place them on an inverted pie plate in preference to the large cookie Isheet Never use deep sided pan in place of cookie sheet MISS asks How can we MIDGET CANADIAN FULLY MATURE STILTON SPECIAL 312 lb cut lb cut 10 lb cut lb 59 CHOCOLATE VANILLA HARVEST REAMS SPECIAL OAIIES BISCUITS it 29 TREMENDOUS VALUE PICNICSTANDARD SPECIAL routines am hi STOCK UP AYLMER BRAND SPECIAL TOMIITO CIITSUI 19 semiari llddition flown cups sugar cup water Vi tsp cream of tartar drops of lemon juice tory The end run or sweep which Halifax mam so often assembled itself as the chief Barrie weapon was used of fectively against the local squad mainly becausoof the fleetfooted effectiveness of Allan Greir lad who looks likca future star in Continued from page one We are going to have to build 55 Browh modatc its growmg school popula mrtal QUICRIY Stirring until mix Mr and Mrs Sidney Thomas lure threads off mesh MISS Mar board could have decided on its Road yardage MacLennan Barrie Al 019 time we were sold on game Teachers larga schools Now we consider the to take place quietly on NQVEnilcolorlng Place the Clozoltcosiigaiffxitgi cream of paste Greir into fine hair pour the tomato butter into boil gizrjgiilyngedutfe shaking ISh to nnounce the engagemEnl or becomes hard lump in half ing pan and place it in the elec hcklmS and grabbing valuable 0f their daughter Dorothy Jenn cup of cold water remove the tric oven on the third shelf from to Allan Stuart Wallace son of syrup from the electric element the bottom with the bottom elem Mrs Wallace and the late Johnnnd add four drops of lemon juice ent turned on and the door left wthin BL When they moved to Wallace of Toronto the marriage and two or three drops of red ajar as you do in bioilingi stir saucepan of occasionally and let the mixture hot syrup into very cold water to steam for one hour tell how long to cook heels in TERRIFIC SAVING NEW SPECIAL ilpressure cooker whole skin on Answer Usually medium sized beets require 12 minutes in LGEpKG pressure cooker If they are lar gm than half cup Size it is wise NEW LOW PRICE DELICIA BRAND SLICEI SPECIAL to cut them to this size nven though they are not sealed since 20 oz Tin they will not bleed while being cooked in pressure cooker REAL SAVING CULVERnovsn gnome SPECIAL Mrs asks How can we prevent tomato butter from burn ing while it is being cooked to CREAM SYLE 20 oz Tins SHELL Our TIEIN WITH THE CRY For Hallowecn Candy Ilalloween Jelly KlSSESllbPXG29c 1602bog29c Answer We suggest that you ber 21 l953 in Toronto 123 Iii large school obsolete stated Trus tee Dobson We are asking child ren to go too far he added men tioning the extra expenses of buss es etc Trustee Snelgrove said that he MOOSE SOUIIOIIOIIV PIIIIEIITS IIIOIIT continued from page one award Cpl Bob Jackson presented by Garners Mens Wear range award LAC Watson presented by Jones citizenship award FS Jack Morris presented by Mr Mc Martin on behalf if Mor rison MBE the Don Felt Trophy presented by GC Syme on behalf of Mr and rs Felt to cad ets McMatj in Porter and Wolfen den for gaining flying scholar shipsi general proficiency W0 Don McMartin presented by Jul ian Ferguson recruit ofthe year LAC Bob Wilson presented by W0 Don McMartin commanding of ficers trophy WO 2Bob Elrick presented by SL Oates chief in structors trophy Cpl Bob Carter presented by FL Johnstone international drill team W0 Gerry Edge presented by War dell on behalf of Loyal Order of Moose Clarke Mr and Mn and Mrs how many preschool children there Dr VBruce Johnston chairman of the manage and members ment committee stated that he felt Machinery Club that there Was as good possibility of this area developing before long as any area Ready For September The final decision rested on the imum of four new rooms will be are proting by needed and there will be an em assmance avall ergcncy need for three classrooms to twoyear planning He hoped that the new school tamed me though Mr Snelgrove thought that Camp Awards Camp awards track and field crest and bar Cpl Bob Jackson boxing crest and bar W0 Bob El rick Sgt Ron Porter LAC Ted Cer ner LAC Bob Noble LAC Bob Watson and LAC Bob Wilson swimming senior Red Cross card crest and button Sgt Ron Porter Cpl Don Barr Cpl George Brown Cpl Ron Noble Cpl Bob Miller and LAC Ted Corner intermediate card crest and button Cpl Don Barr and Cpl David Brett junior card only LAC Atkinson LAC Judd LAC Watsonand LAC Wilson The special award for the top cadet at camp at squadron crestias presonted to LAC Ted Corner by F0chk Mungham squadron ad lutant Certificates were presented by Moreton in charge of the local St John Ambulance unit to the fol lowing cadets who qualified for the St John AmbulanceJunior certific ates Robert McFadden Ian An gus Atkinson Robert Byers Freder lcli Mink George rfW Potter John W=1Atkinaon John Gray AiithurMGcay William Mc Ltnden nobebt Watson Richard Twelve different solid colours and 48 twotone combinations are available on the new 1954 Dodge cars now on display in DodgeDcSoto showrooms across Canada This emphasis on colour is carried through to the cars interiorwhere twodone col our combtnations in trim and upholstery harmo nize with the exterior body colour new more masslVe looking grille sets off the increased use that in four five or Six years an school might be built near Napier Street consider Portable School Before passing its resolution to and speak erect permanent building the 4Door Sedan and Mayfair ushel leaving series potable school for the next five or to years two or fourroom port able or profab school could be built on the suggested building site and could be moved to one of the other sites where extra school ac commodation was needed and permanent school was built Speaking in favor of fourroom poitable during the meeting Trus ATLANTIC bonus Depths of morli than 1500 fath oms have been recorded in the Atlantic between Norway and Iceland OLDEST IN LIVESTOCK The American Poultry Assoclai tion was formed an873 9nd claims tobe the oldest livestock jorgan izatlon in America AMAZING wlnnor and Miss could be located on the fringe of the property above Gunn Street that the board proposes to buy Next year when the board had pro Hf Tatter coeded with the building of perr This manent slxcroom school the port ln tho auditorium dble coutddie moved so that the board would beaheadof itself all the tine Tho school would not be getting Into hea debentures in this way and wool notbcmtiktng settoils mtdokc teplien ldward Corner Ito Favor Permanent Building lien We on Donald Atkinson The main point in favor of this Wayne JBellsmith Robert Wil typc of building won the mead with which it could bovbullt However when the management committee hit that if planning got underway lmmodlamY plmnnem central hoot Would be open format We favored the lies foll son Robert Noble and Arthur Piirlsh The squadron ladles auxiliary presented Tahlrts to the following cadets for attendance Cpl Jim Miller LAC McFadden LAC Ian Atkinson LAC Black LAC Dykstra LAC Elliott LAC Arthur Gray DAG John Gray LAC MoLtnden LAC PorterLAiC Sanford LAC Watson and LAC Wolfenden null Godso NEW I954 DODGE MAYFAIR lEADS IN BEAUTY of chrome that accentuates the longer body lines Included in the Dodge Mayfair luxury series is the of Dodge 6cars for 1954 is the middle line Dodge Regent series and lower priced Dodge Crusader FANTASTIC n0ne of the mosttalked about shows in tlieworld MHIIVELLOUS uownnsiz Britains foremostexponents Mentallelepatliy solos AN AMATEUR snow Friday Oct 30 pair mums ONLY 31 JOSEPHS AUDITORIUM of 110th am worlod baton mat of tho crown Including moon Victoria to 1m and Illa In They will comer your dilution All the month awards we on hole Annualohm no if you can Sills bonus or Ploy on bistroout who mm to conic which vnv accounts mdmuormtiw on summit mom SHELL our BEAVER BRAND oz Pkg PEIIIIUTS sm BAKE PIE FOR IIALLOWEEN CULYEIIIIOUSE CHOICE PUMPKIN 28 35 mm FRYING 0R ROASTING PRE DBESVSEDt lb average GRAD FRESH CHICKEN CUTS IECS OIl BIIEOST IIEIII IlOIIST BEEF TOIICUES Mann LEAF sxanss POIIII SAUSAGES SERVE WITH CHEESE CHRISTIES PLAIN IIITZ smoorn AND comm KRAFT VELVEETII CHEESE pa FOR HALLOWEEN ONTARIOFANCY nannies suogpmc BAG lbs FLORIDA No MAltsusunowss Juror III For 49 tantrum sun not 29 new onor swanr TWIN Sxiunao JUICY 1h lb 49 lb BONELESS SWEET PICKLED lb 47 oz Pkg 22c shown above Mayfair hard top convertible Completing the range TERRIFIC harmonious UHIIIIIIIS rimcomm nip CALIFORNIA mm min mils TOIOIITOES Values Effecllvdlliursduy Friday anointdanrou 29 so 31 730 pan Woouwdohkouu no end lb 79 lbV 29 cmo canton