THE BAHRIE EXAMINER MONDAY OCTOBER 35 1933 Whether or not gtxgtZl laelvtr Tia ii The Canadau dc fIZLItI of bun an Lutvttll Grand General Sonic sketchts across lite tul Gallery exam foreword Art fello artist suggests lavlvv given aiisiiihn5 tt itl to see the basic attgttc interest in the form of the land He Ihvm pamc never timid it pumlmilv Tne teacher of gtitt lorms mum Hm Kuhn fludecoupled particula piizil ill ice the passrng costv of nataitusmdv Hm fwk mkui fl 110 smith and 4111 millic iizore uninlliiitvd young ladies calmcd mg major animan liloiv sh olilii eat an nuance he has lucn the paintti tlzi nudei as distinct from the Ostiimcl Il Rf mi mm In 11m painter 11 begmsetadierifrolihlihiiihJilin you will recall from the few slides Holds Autumn of his work he showed here on Saturday night There thc rliy Thankoffering ll huh 31111 lflliiii li vtlt it 1lri sm tuning email in her sitic If ane in at irtlixliilli can It ninC llu iiiln lli ln lilo no an iiUlil All tiliil lit 1i Collin at school it tfir Lsinssltig 11 when cc thin fine nizt Sin said IIIIJLIIQI llllxll than LII ill stack lll 22ers iiitl le et glinngt social rtlzat one clas was held vi The autumn thankoiftring ineety ing of Churchill United Church Womens Missionary Society was held ill the school room of thel Codrington Home And School To fBrowningNoble land Walter Nelson Browning son Hold Toy Sale For the hundred or so parents church Oct on Wednesday evening Russell The president Mrs Stewart opened the meeting with hymn and prayer after which she welcomed the speaker Mrs Allan Corrigan of Everett and the visiting societies of illfordg and Ebenezer Twentyseven mem bers responded to roll call by us ing verso from the Bible con taining the word thanks The word for November vvill litfaith Mrs Watson led in prayer for the special missionary Miss Ruth Peat Mrs Robert Campbell exl pressed for RevFred Berner his meSsage of thanks for the card from this society congratulating him on attaining his 80th birth day and hisappreciation of the kindly thoughts that prompted thet remembrance Mrs Sinclair and Mrs Robert Campbell were appointed delegatesI to the sectional meeting at Stroudg on Fridaygt0ct 23 MrsGordon Moir gave Thanksgiving message and the offering was received and dedicated by the singing of Hymn 374 Mrs Lucasand her group were in charge of the worship ser vice Mrs Ronald Allan read the 06th Psalm as the scripture lesson and Mrs Constable led in pray er Mrs Robert Campbell and Margaret sang very beautifully as duct The Ninety and Nine Mrs Lucas introduced the speak er Mrs Corrigan who gave moting goodshealth by communit Splendid address She had Chosenl effort sanitation laboratory work from t9605991 Sl Lillie hel control of communicable diseases 510 0f the lepcrs Cleansedi matrenal and child welfare and the only 000 flurmrdlO Eli0 thanks Compiling of statisticsall are part we miss mUChw She Said of the public health effort by standing afar off Gods pur is thedmy of the school hum poses are always sure He will to see every pupil and discuss any be uh us mrlw have pm who attended the meeting of Cod rinzton Home and School Associ ation on Thursday Ot 22 there was program to suit every tastme very wise old teacher once said that to be really successful teacher one must sit where he sat meaning we must be able to feel and think back to childhood in order to understand and reach child The same reasoning holds true for good parents The par ents of Codrington Home and School attempted to do this in order to understand and overcome some of the everyday problems existing between parents and chil dren The parents in their grade grouping put on impromptu skits typifying some of the following problems pooreating habits ex tra bedtime hours quarrelsome children difficulty in sharing overspending allowances dislike of school the problem of the con valescent child and safety to and from school Each skit concluded with brief open discdssion of that particular difficulty The whole7hearted manner in which all entered into the spirit of the skits provided fun as well as help ful information to all Miss Christine McLeod of the Simcoe County Health Unit the school nurse explained the public health program as science and an art of preventing disease and pro physical defects with the teacher By this means such defects as cyc trouble are usually discovered early Miss McLeod was fittineg thanked by Cameron The guest Grade parents and the host Grade if parents Were given special welcome by the president Mrs Redmond An introduction of parents to one another at each table began the meeting on an informal basis special congratulatory clap was given to the parents present whose children competed in the inter vschool track meet which Codrlng ton captured with flying colors misc Lo am with you always We have so muchvto be thankful for at this autumn timethe abun dance everywhere the gift of our Saviour freedom of worship and to study our Bibles Mrs Kell expressed the appre ciation of the members to Mrs Corrigan and thanked her for com ing and speaking so wholeheart cdly The meeting concluded with Hymn 579 and prayer by Mrs Luc as During the lunch hour Mrs Eben Sawyer of Gilford and Mrs GordonxKneeshaw of Ebenezer ex pressod the pleasure of their soci eties in joining with the society Churchill for the Thanksgiving Miss Goughs class Grade ll meeting qu the twoodollar award for lire vhighest number of parents present It was decided to hold toy meat the Novainberqdlome and Bellow meetinano raise funds for pullout donation the class airing the highestpajdup parent and teacher membership by Nov loin our Christ were also made for 11 through which parents would donate allpmpcs of useful articles By having the opportun ltygto select these as Christmas ills cfin price range of fiveto 25 cents the children would have hristmns chopping made DIAMOND Work of Shelburne Artist Admired by Exhibit VISIIOF LITTLE LINDA HODGSON OI Barrie tid mires the work of Shelburne artist Mrs Austin Brown whose oil landscape wannruos f===9 Nuptials Are Held In Leiroy Church Iliskets of white and mauve baby cinysanthemums were ar ranged in Lefroy United Church on Saturday afternoon October 2i 1933 for the wedding of Miss racel Elizabeth Noble daughter of Mr and Mrs William Noble of Lefroy of Mr and Mrs Nelson Browning of Churchill Rev Morris performed the ceremony which was witnessed by rclativcs and friends from Toronto Goderich Hamilton Orillia and Barrie Miss Ethel Ball of Toronto play ed the wedding music and accom panied Maxwel Hofland who sang My Task before the ceremony and Ill Walk Beside You during the signing of the register Given in marriage by her father the bride wore lovely gown of white lace and not over satin the lace of the bodice continumgdn long points into the not overskirt lIer waistlength net veil fell from headband of net and rhinestones and she carried red roses with stephanotis As maid of honor for her Sis ter Miss Verna Noble was gowned in pale blue net with head feath ers in matching blue and carried Johanna Hill roses and Chrysan themums The bridesmaids were sisters of the bride and groom Miss Marilyn Noble and Miss Ruth Browning wearing gowns of yel low and mauve net They had matching feathered hcaddresscs and carried yellow roses With mauve Chrysanthemums Russel Browning was groomsman for his brother and ushers were Gordon Noble and Alan Browning The brides mother had chosen navy crepe dress with navy ac cessoies and corsage of red roses The grooms mother was dressed in paleblue crepe with navy accessories and corsage of pink roses Mrs Mervyn Noble grandmother of the bride and Mrs James Gib bons greatgrandmother of the grogm were among those attend ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Arnold Henry Burrows Barrie wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Elda FlorenccBurrows to Alan Bruce Burncs son of Mr and Mrs William Burncs New Liskcard the marriage to take place at Trinity Anglican Church Barrie on November at pm 122 sroruonf ON LEGS As direct result of Diors shortening of the skirt Vogue pro phesies that legs will be dram atically highlighted The 10inch hemlinc is causing eyes to lower and focusing attention on the area from the hem on down as it hasnt been focused Since the Twenties THY AN EXAMINER WANT AD mos LXHJIIHIY IllL mumEns ulncuANTS WWW lg the receplhonwlutgh followed in the churchhall For her widding trip the bride chose grey suit vlth navy ac cessories pink topcoat and Corsage of pink roses The couple will be living at Churchill Prior to the wedding Mrs Russel Browning of Churchill elitertained at apersonal and tea cup shower for the bride whowas Bell Tele phone operator in Barrie Lefroy Community attended the miscellan eous shower ill Lefroy church hall ouch sponsored by tutes Essa Road Church the Womens lnsti lllgtillt thc on tile evening of ved11ecly iUralzge inn is lvy esiderit iwhtn plans forachildzeilt Hallow een lltl TlCLlIl trip through the United Stooks and Fence was one of the attrac tive district exhibits in Sinicoe County Art Exhibit the third annual cascade bouquets of blue and while rnums The flower girl periwinkle blue styled with scoopedout neckline She wore tiny gold locket and her tiara was of matching shade and was edged with tiny rosebuds She carried cascade bouquet of pin noehio roses and white munis Donald Armstrong was grooms man and the ushers were Kenneth Robertson and William was gowned in music was played by the church organist Frank Dut cher who also accompanied the soloist Miss Jean Mulholland of Stroud in the singing of The Lords Praycrf and Promise Me during the signing of the register reception was held at Clans mans Lodge Big Bay Point where the mother of the bride received in navy suit wearing navy and white accessories and Corsage Wedding McCull Is Setting For of pinnochio roses The mother of the groom received in grey suit wearing white and red accessor Oclober Nuprials Essa Road Presbyterian Church in Barrie was the setting for lovely October wedding when MiSs Mary Ellen Craft daughter of liir and Mrs Albert Craft of Barrie was married to Thomluii William Elson son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Elson of Barrie Bronze and yellow Chrysanthemums and autumn leaves decorated the church for the marriage ceremony performed by Rev Muir Given in marriage by her fath er the bride chose gown of ny lon net and Chantilly lace the bod ice of sheer net flowing down to make the traditional lilypointed sleeves of lace which closed with two tiny covered buttons at the wrist The back of her gown was of Chantilly lace which was open at the front to show wide ancl of accOrdion pleats The rice line was beaded with seed pearls sweethearthalo of satin edged with seed pearls held her finger tip veil of netand she carried cascade bouquet of sweetheart roses stephanotis and ivy with streamers of rose petals The brides attendants were Miss Sandra Ruth of Barrie as maid of honor and Miss Sandra McKinnon of Barrie as bridesmaid Miss Diane Sigmann of Angus was flow er girl The maid of honor and bridesmaid wore identical gowns of shrimp net with matching jackets mittens and half hats edged in seed pearls and Carried ics and corsagc of gardenias and mums For travelling the bride chose navy blue suit Willi while and navy accessories She wore white jacket and navy hat gloves and shoes and corsage of better time roses After wed ding trip to Niagara Falls and the United States Mr and Mrs Elson will be making their home in Bar rie Among the wedding guests were the grooms greatuncle Hugh Ross and his greataunt Mrs Malcolm Elson of Oro Station Guthrie Institute AOth An iversary To Be Celebrated Womens Institutes Ivy Institute Enlertians New Coronation Branch turned atrias llii Lrsmh the WI ltitl The urgent Lozor zoz 1336 Ivy llzstli ntt in it liarry Banting they wipefl villiCi the ACWW LOlllerLILCC il tau and te TLJCIII area cor ltion in Bar fie itd ZiJti TCG LNIHE VJIZCDJCT of wire Afzer short buzlntxs sessnvi Intting vas held at the of Mrs Studdart tutti large number of Iniltloers ariir two in attendance The answers to flu roll call Whatjs country would like to vibi and any were many and varied Alf of home party were dt Bruce McVarlel com economics and health took charge of the program for the evening Mrs ll King of Littles lllll gave very interestng talk on lgtlifgt stl Pm COVERS Miss Ruth Shaver as speaker Li the tting was introduced by Mrs Gerald Rattle club girl leac er She told of the objectives of the girls clubs which are in deI elip girl into good home1 maker and to teach her to worki lIIl others It has been said by one of the girls You can take hel girl out of the country but you cant take the country out of the girl States to California xvith colorel cards to illustrate her talk Mrs II Dunn of Alliston district prestdent gave an excellent paper on Health stressing the import ance of immunization Mrs George Carruthers of Ivy WI in her cur rent events reviewed rnany im portant happenings of the past month Mrs Clarence Iloggarth and Mrs Jennetl read part of an essay from the Department on the subject At Home At Work At Play Entertainment by ladies mock orchestra fromiAlliston provided good deal of amusement To close an enjoyable evening the Ivy ladies Served delicious lunch All gathered around small tea tables for social hour Give jaded furniture bright new lookcall now and see our big range of samples or Phone 43 Whm girl has pmkc we and our representative will must be encouraged to complete urged Miss Shaver The encourvi agement must come from the home as Well as the leaders She exl plained very thoroughly the nietii ods used in scoring to show how prizes are won and concludedby thanking all club leaders and In stitutes for helping the clubs Lunch was served by Mrs call at your home BRRRIE TENT AWNING CO 34 Bayfield Street Barrie Maybe your son doesnt want tO be doctor All sonscant be doctorsllf they wcrcvthered soon be too many doctors and not enough patients But thats not the pOiutThc pointis that your Heres Ilovi To Win II lur Cont rur Jillltl 1933 alumnus nuw beautiful full length BLACK PERSIAN LAMB COAT Retail Value $75000 Wlll be presented to the holder of the first ticket drawn Dec 21 with correct answers to few simple questions the answers to which will children deserve the best possible start lullifcyou can give them That will cost mOncy The sure way isrito start Saving now NO business of the piggy bank or the sugar bowl either Its gotto be regular systematic OperationBy long odds be apparent when you see Juno demonstratedu FREE TICKET FOR THIS WONDERFUL DRAW GIVEN yum EVERY THE JUNO rLOOR POL DEMONSTRATION OF between now and December19 1053 cut VIIISON WEE PHONE 3482 and arrange your demonstration Distributed by mu Maple Avenue lialrte may chef best way isthe Canada Savings BOnd way They are Safe convenient securities They can be turned into cash instantly without loss or discount Thcyipay good interest You can arrange iiiloday with Novvi lilo limo loii going your invoslmonl dealer bank orlllrougll yovrCompqnys Payrolle mmut mil rut vacuum AlWAlSAlIIAIlI in clarion um um William All my Owen sALE Candid MOMENT