people from heaven NAVY IIIZK Och 11 to 24M found the lioyu Lititlitill Navyl in the midst of its greatest petitei time program of growth and acu tivity New ships are on the Ways others have been liltiilCthl ld are now being tted out and large number of existing war ships are ltlll refitted and mod ernized in step with latest designs and lLVLltlplliLIIls Strength int officers and men is steadily in creasing with the RCN passing the 16000 mark and the Reserve momonugouozgouch iii mm exceeding 6000 The photos above are to some extent reflective of cmnpltted NATO ili games held the caiiLis iii the North Atlantzc provided Royal Yach the Royal Canadian Navy today More than 3500 officers andl men have served on board LiinI adiah destroyers which llit35ctlll action with the United Nations llll the Far East Many like 0rd Sen Robert Siihser of Toronto lupper left entered the navy af ter the Second World War and their first campaign ribbons were those they earned in the Korean theatre flitting ll ionor=====omo United Natiohs Ceremonies and eek will mark of the founding and best instrument for world government the United Nations The symbol for this fascinating product of the human spirit is not so much the world flag or the speeches this the anniversary of mans latest world map but the building which has been erected in New York City to house this Parliament of Nations Often when we see this Glass Tower on the East River there comes to mind the older and more famous Brick Tower in Shinar which likewise was limit of mans spirit Babel was tremendous con cept the ultimate in liberal think ing during and vigorous idea which only men of vision and ac tion could have concechd One could gather from the story that it attracted the cooperation of far and wide and was well on to being the final wonder of the world gt1 But at the same time Babel was the ultimate inpresumpti0n and tie height of folly For it was unded on lie The whole concept of the ancient tower was that men are fundamentally one essentially harmonious and bro therly and thatthcir moral and spiritual stature was worthy of ie divine To affirm this conviction they started their ascent in their brick tower Of course it was then the lie showed up Men are naturally competitive and truceoperative Con Put You Book On Your Feet Again give you fresh start Your premium costs are so low and your reward so grout when you peed it Dont wait fire strikes Insure now amp the wood stove Their fundamental instinct is self Their babes are born little sav ages and their grown men know what the law of the jungle is They look at life and at each other from little individual islands of selfinterest they seem to be go ing in different directions and hardly speak the some language The essential truth about man is sin He was made in the image of God but he fell and now even his very langbage sounds like babel each to the other We dont like to be pessimistic about the United Nations but we wonder sometimes if the basic presuppositions are correct 15 peace mans ultimate Are men worthy of peace swuhat is the price of peace What are its preconditions Is there not some thing which should first happen in the hearts of people before such goals can even be seriously con templated Peiihaps the men of Shiiiar would have got further if they had first sat down to think through their axioms of life and recognized their moral liabilities Perhaps there would still be magnificent structure in the vic inity of Babylon if its primary purpbse had been the glory of God Let us pray for new spirit in the UN Rural Life Today and tomorrow Rural Life Conference is meeting at Clansmans Lodge near Big Bay Point as it has met for some years now The purpose of this conference wegatiher is to dis cuss contemporary rural life as we know it in Simcoe County and to plan irnpmvements Perhaps chef or two questions might be raisedat timg to widen the interest For over decade now we have had nag ging opinion that there is no such thing anymore as With the spread of modern living in modern homes and with the ad vent or modern communications what we have throughoutour com munity is more or less widespread suburban fitting with corripletely different atmosphere and social outlook All the symbols of rural life are disappearing the coaloil the out house and the horse and cutter The new day has drowned in the villages and farms around Barrie Our young people dress smartly drive good cais burn the latest tunes attendthe BDCI play in av famous concert band and often graduate into the higher Schools and colleges of the land Our thinners have good machinery and many laborswing devices Their wiveshiwe time to visit nd and mirrors thins rural life is in ExcrLise Mariner recently wealth of practical training for personnel of five Canadian var REVIEW RCN WORK DURING NAVY WEEK thiceiit as tin i1 liei Majes ibctli ippiiiiiclit during the Naval Ilexiew ty Queen by 1t Tragic Accident Claims Life of Alliston Child Handle Elmvale OPP Calls Barrie iiciegttiL gtti 1Lltlill lL Timer 3iiii iii HIICS line Iil title ships One of these was ilMCSE head Six RCN ships iiuik part 21 Maghificeht and iii the photo at the upper right Sea Fury air craft is pictured taking off from the carriers flight deck during the exercise The centre photograph shows peisohhel of the Magnificent and of the Canadian Coronation Coh RESPONSIBILITY or INDIVIDUAL is NECESSARY COLDWAIERSpeaking on the need for sense of individual re sponsibility iii Rev Lewis of Collier Street United Church Barrie in Cold water United Church Sunday ev ening declared that each of us was challenged to contribute time and ability to home church and community advancement Rev Mr Lewis spoke of his es teem for Rev Ross Cumming the Goldwater pastmxand said the lat ters parents were bulwarks of Collier Street Church It was the washers of hands disclaiming responsibility who opened the way for evil from gen eration to generation and con verser it was the individual who faced up to his duties who helped improve conditions for the race the minister stated Such organizations as the home and school association scouts and guides CGIT and other youth and adult movements Could do im measurable good in community if sufficient number would as sume share in leadership Or ganizations formed for construc tive purposes should have margin of leadership always available but this was often lack ing the minister added selvm as never before Perhaps it it would be better to call it Conference on the Smaller Com munity and not waste time keep ing old distinctions alive There is no such thing as Rural Life any more When we do focus attention on the smaller community and its problems we feel that more at tention ougtht tube given to the heart of the matter the spirit of conununiy Are the problems of the community in the last analy sis social and material or are they spiritual problems of how to achieve community with people who will not accept the conditions of community or who cannot stand community when they have got it We believe that Jesus of Nazar eth laid his finger on the real medicine for community as well as individual problems when he taught the necessity of LOVE the Spitliead Rev 1L Expansion of the fleet is dtpiLl ed in the photograph at the lmvl or left showing the launching oil the destroyerescort HMCS Skieiqu early this year at VJIICUUVCII BC shipyard tit Itil shore Guns of IIMCS Cayuga are seen in ictzon it the lower right Ni20iltt Defence Iheto lArea President and Committee neweommandiment give you that ye love one another There IS nocommunity without common interest and common in terest is but weakened way of spellingove Here is where Christianity has message for all public servants and sociolbgists and small community conferences He who loves is worthy to live to gether with others in the rich ex perience which is community life He who does anything less than love is either passenger going along in the comm nity for ride or he is desire er We dont have very many destroyers in any one town toomuiny at that but we do have lac too high if propor tion of passengers for close community life Perhaps the Rural Life Confer ence can tell us how to deal with antiemuunity factors and how to convince more 18 the thins world to that love Conveners Report Busy Year of Activities in Simcoe County WI the Christian life The president of the Womens Institutes of the Simcoe County area Mrs Ottaway pf Barrie reviewed busy year of activities for delegates to the convention here last week as she ended her first year in office and embarked on second term Arnong the highlights of her year as area chairman had been Canada Day at the Associated Country Women of the World an ference in Toronto in August and the celebration of three anniversaries in Simcoe County branches Her first visit in the county wo mens honor was to the Home for the Aged in Beeton on the occasion of the opening of the new wing She found everything very cosv and comfortable for the old people She also brought greetings from the county group at the Federation of Agriculture picnic in Midland and expressed the thanks of he executive to the branches that took time to decorate float for the Barrie Centennial parade repre senting the Womens Institute She congratulated Mrs Erin Simpson as director of the Barrie Exhibitioan connectionwitn the fine displays of the Womens Inst lute this year Mrs Ottaway said in her re marks that it had been real pleasure to serve as area chairman for the past year She thanked he executive who had given their best not forgetting the secretary treasurer Mrs Douthwaite 51 Stayner who had given every asy sistance possible Two executivo meetings had been well attended and the president visited three district annual meetings Home Economics and Health Mrs Hogan of Orillia closed happy and she believed profit able six years as area convencr of home economics and health at the 1953 convention She had received the best cooperttionv any convener could wish for from both the branch and district conveners of the county In I95l the report reached the surprising average of 946 per cent of the branches which was nearly foiiiper cent above any other area in Ontarin As special message to delev gatesthe0rillia convener asked the county branches to study if possible Mental Health even if only one paperwas givenbut suggested speakerMental health or rather the lack ofvit is becom ing agreat worry in Canada at the present sheemphasized All five districts in the area rc ported their activities to Mrs Hogan this year with 71 out of the 84 branches giving detailed no counts of their years activities in the home economics and health fields She complimented all the women on the high Standard of subjects discussed in their meet Those reported were Brighten ings feeling that they were cer tainly much more worthwhile than the subjects chosen few years ago She had received approximately 90 per cent of all the reportsyand had only one major criticism to 501h MRS OTTAWAY lieElected President make Why do you persist ll reporting community activities in these reports R011 calls had been exceptionally good this year including dos and donts in case of accidents until the doctor c0mes hints to pre vent accidents in the home to what do you attribute your good liealthz what have in my medi cine chcst and why and helps in an emergency The branches had been becoming more and more motto conscious and some were very thought pro voicing We can live without poetry we can live without books but civilized man cant live with out cooks was the thought with which one branch started off its meeting Outside speakers attended great many Institute meetings this year Doctors nurses teachers and nonprofessional persons gave of their time to address meetings ou very worthwhile topicsepioblems of cleanliness in the home arthri tishow to prepare and cook foods to retain the most food value mental health how parents can help their children to grow into well balanced men and women care of the eyes sanitation dia betes cancer hardening of the arterin take life little easier etc Demo strations are becoming very guitar in the branches and one these was given by club girls who prepared and eerved lunch Another wason icing cakes and others on h0w to wear clothes to best advantage how to properly mix and administer an enema and how to make bed bathe and care for bed patient Extension services were taken by larger number of brunettes Your Horne With Color Food and Your Figure Psychology for the Homemaker and Program Planning Eight branches sponsored lirls garden clubs or homemakers clubs One branch reported existing Lilil no effici iiisuhlaiiom iibtaihs house in leneian ifltlt Hind Like 11til or not be guilty of unkindness she urg cd fLet us stitute has been appointed to the For Time Being 3112 ligtl lvl lu ililltlt1 lie inn lllI ilii It lii litiS to ii1l 1521 brill tux 15 being ie Cer poi It not houszi iieu leic vutiid Ul posted to Corporal FittiiiJI iii Iflii When he ippnihfeti in ciiie of the Elinvnlc and watchmi Willi interest efforts of ll school teacher regard to mentally retarded pIll blciu child Community Activities Mrs RW Maghirc of Aliriesizigq Convener of community activdies and public relations for the arci reminded all of the Womens 1n stitute members at the convention that they were busy with public relations whether they realized it In our daily contacts let us not badges VLill Ulll proudly We are especially proud to entertain in Canada in our own Province atcd Country Women of the Worldi of Ontario the Assoc1 This is an organization of almost six million women spread over 103 organizations and living in 23 dif ferent countries During this past year repre sentative from the Womens Iii Childrens Aid Society to the Barrie Centennial Committedondj to the Barrie Agricultural Society board of directors Seventyeight branches in thef county reported to thearea con vener of community activities and public relations this year Some sample roll calls were brief sentence containing the word Family way to raise moneyl an interesting event of the past year stamped Christmas card for shutiii tea towel for the community hall kitchen the musty neighborly thing that has happen ed to me recipe for happiness al community need my favorite book ofthe year something money can not buy my favorite hobby beauty spot in Simcoe County suggestions for community recrein lion and treasures in the attic Among the notable mottoes giv en at meetings were commun ity is like ship everyone should take turn at the helm When ever we lift anothers burdens somehow or other we lighten our own Happiness in your home joy in your heart and peace on earth Tread often to the home of africnd for weeds will soon chokerthe unused path and Au Institute exists for the benefit of women in their homes and com munity and in world affairs Activities included parties With gifts for men leaving for overseas eight quilts and underwear given to the needy folks too old or too ill remember ing patients or the community in the sanitarium at Christmas sign posts to mark concession roads on the highway in the lOcal township sponsoring unit of the county library replenishing school first housecieaning for lir lilarrir IE iNlERNAllONAf NEWS insulti world itterr Israel hopes Holy Lind 1Lrfiltd in case safer decision uv1 nir 155 it Ztl proper vllliidLd my as relativeiy tcurity angle months however been consid violence fur lgtliitll MllllvlS have rtliV murdered 3nd wronged IlllUlJl any ap iziviii1 advantage to the charged ITALY present time in Rome mounting concern in case H1llec tum mark radical modifi liilivzi Shine uccrn3 Lutmn to their Oct decision to hi qUnwic transfer Zane of the Trieste ter lib lulled Others rats 17 lied no iiis reiing was aroused by the neagiiziess of the published It the London Western Bit mniereiice No less figure tlniii emireiiiier Alcide de Gas ilinn Countering the United has ICUd serious misgivings awn 15m dumb as to Ailied intentions Govern UUIililiL11l of Israel toin macs hm had hoped he ul innumerable lauiess FUIKlLH MIliSlCIS would at least Ara05 from Hashmmw tor Elie record reaffirm their Oct 3mg li decrsioh statement by the Italian For eign Office issued late Oct 18 that uniiiiiitilltiiice 1950 in these border 0man 05 Changed in this incidentswwith iil casualties since 5130 35 imenkd 10 flu in the tlte first of this year It also dis OHIISSIU in ill final London com eiiiis Ullltifll cehnectniii with tlielmmllquc Vthh its vaguentSS Klbiil incident The United Statesihad lcn Wide Opemllg for all ges the aid to Israeli arinelmanml surmise and Spend3 ierces The Israelis say the midi 110 va surganixed and executed lsl All from reafflfmatmn 0f the 51 gum who had 1051 previous decision the Itaiiansvalso hence vilh recurring Arab at Tum page hlrmen please tacks on their settlements and THE DEllll 0F lflSilliFlliCE it 11w ZUILI As th ziitis fILItlSS the Hum2 ie lttll going on ever Since the Eliii iit stuppui the acttiu iilficift to 13 IS 351 linstllS that more than 400 liilt have been killed and transports JERUSALEM The renewal of the UN Security Councils discussion on the pro blem which exists in the Holy Land is giving rise in Israel ofl hope that the basic causes of fuel conflict between the Jewish iidE Arab states will be probed at last Although this countrys position has been before the Council and the General Assemblyat various times the Israeli Government ari gucs that the root of the unrest along the border has never been laid bare before the international community of nations The Israelis declare Too much Auto Not on ough INSURANCE Eat Buying Bigger and Car If you are buylnx new that inl car you should go over with us the INSURANCE you will need to give you MM protection Save All Your woste Paper BOY scour Salvage llrive SuiIII list 31 Please tie mugazines and newspapers in bundle and leave at curl HOCKEY insurance available at club rates ti mun iiisuiuticii FIRE AUTO CASUALTY 19 iiuniop St Phone 5293 Come on Join In The suture THURSDAY SATURDAY T330 1030 am SAT AFTERNOON2 BnnlE aid kits entertaining an 89year old lady with gift and corsagc each member donating dollar to establish an FWIO Memorial Scholarship for Mrs Watt in Sim coe County and aiding chestXv ray clinics Donations were made to the National Sanitarium Association the Canadian Natibnal Institute for the Blind the March of Dimes fair boards the Hospital for Sick Children the Royal Victoria Hos pital at Barrie lib TV Fund for Simcoe Manor at Beeton the Can relief fund for Europe the Save oer Society the Red Cross flood the ChildronFund forfxorea and the Mental Health Penuyhounds