11H BARR LXAlNER FRIDAY OCTOBLR 33 1933 Railroaders Go To School Study Train Operation 1243 At Collier United Official Opening Manor Wing Present facilities filsri truth Your centre for Home linked Specialties of all kinds 211 i233 liibimd Cup Cakes Cakes Dinner Rolls Home Made Bread Iitl ltllltfl ii Iitxtl 13 Pics Hot Meat Pies gt Ln Incidentally and minim Lind ii 17 11 lllLllctl filled throughout lili 002m 28 Dutch Pastries Buns 31 All the floors lil the building Cookies Home Made BIIEAII White or Brown 34 oz loaf Iliiicli Dinner IillLIS GO MODERN Krupholstering completed in our shop means the modern upliolstering Fabrics that duplicate most modern new tusl0mt3pc furniture supplemented by craftsmanship that IIOLUS that Must Modern look despite lime and wear i1 FPO Innilmr Iitli Subject pm It uniit tel lA ii tiff in llllit ifiillit nzii tmilic luisohs turhl it tr SIMI and sayJl innit itic luv you all ttfl 11g along here imii iiiifit it um pretty MIN awful tiiziic In si but what llllllitsl is tliiiifilt mad 18 the fct that was fill LNll iizttmnr ili Iiiil likiilllitil Hill gm dlmtl lastu ord in 4uiithihid rimn page ohel it it ilv FREE DELIVERY SERVICE tlL 129 Irli iccniini Print lJQnI Tries itiit he lliiilzt llviiii weekends at ium it all poxibit knmui 215 call liinsr vtii tin Nkltll lj ominmzi liti 11x xiay appealed to lisni illtl he he iizesseiiuti Mi those GTIt in June ltlllt He held LIIJJUS position 1920 when he started as and is classed as engineer 1938 His next Sitp was promoi ON OUR USED CAR LOT lion to road foreman of engines 1953 Dodge Demonstrat llllnilnh all ALIiILIllA wioiitiitvc fox CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS 12 1111111 my done Jl ifittiiii or mum mm iiwmm co Dun dnllll mil IM my one priiul at in annual payrollI in billion dtrlliligt Whith of goodsl 34 BIYFIELD ST PHONE 4314 Dunop phone 115 wt Ftitlhtlotltltl illltl pimiiicuig halfl By the Hay liLl ttli IIHZLLt tum Itltllll when ltlDllIll utii nu consul lltl dipemiablc and tin lil neitw flttlld is ill llLt 11 Hill 01 pill Chilly tihtil fiieihiih 01 illt AllandalcCapreol llivisiohl in 1943 and in the same year hes was promoted in the same f1fli ty to Ilornepayne Divismh or Two years later he became Rule 1951 Chevrolet Powch and Mechanical Instructor and izil 1933 was made Senior Ilule instiue glide radio DODGE REGENT DODGE CRUSADER tor 1950 Dodge Sedan to In addition to this he was in choose n0 1951 set up as Dcsel road f0c man for four months during the 1949 sum testing of diesel power on the 1942 nymouth Coupe aIranscontinental passenger SCIVICC th 1938 Chevrolet Coach 1952 Dodge ton 1947 Mercury Ton Excellent Railroaders When he started here at Allan ldale Superintendent Lynch lwas in charge with Donneily ldivislonal master mecanc and Walter Duff chief clei Franks experiences in railway life have given him general background which is of great assistance as in structor and he takes interest in the rookies who study the rules undr him number of lthese being sons of the men with whom he worked in his engineman ldays and has found that they make excellent every case Officials on the Allandale Divi sion are now Superintendent Bruce Edey Asst Supt Gleason Master Mechanic Quintin Boyd and Chief Clerk Leslie Ellis On per capita basis Canadians consumed 245 pounds of honey during 1952 railroaders in riiiiiicii morons USED CAR DEPARTMENT Paper doilics illorth $400000 are made in Canada each year 75 Bradford Si Ih 6351 EWFW If youre seeking the standout Canadian athlete of the year dont look for the party among the men Youll find her among the alleged weaker sex and of course Mar lene Stewart Is the name Shes the dar ling of the golf links andlius been for it couple of years gt DODGE MAYPAIR 4DOOR5EDAN Aswinnir of the British Open the Canadian Close and tin illillltsl III the Canadian Open Marlene captured the imagination of nation As the sports gure of the your in Canada shes complete standout with whdse fonts or glamour no Gordie Tm Howe no Rocket Richard no Teodor Kennedy in fact no innit athlete can compete gt Already admirers wonder if she doesnt even new rate with the very best of women players ever produced in this country matter on which this column declines to commit itself But shes gieatgolfcr and aloveabie sort of wholesome kid So much more driving ease and safety can be your Neverbeforo such power performance and lino cor comfort evon for those who have owned Dodge Ono glance at the longer more lively lines tells you theres wonderful driving ohood Ne iii Po IverBrilliant Performoiire fine for Comfort with howmuch more level steodler ond softer it is how easily this new podgo take curves and corners sits low and hugs the pavement And theres interior luxury to match this now Dodge per formance Comfortablo choirhigh soot deep cushions and bolsters flne fabrics and vinyl in beautiful Iwodono shade to harmonize with new trim and bodyl colours Never before has Dodge offered so much Come in today testdrive the1954 models and see for yourself Youll find theres deer in the Dodge family thats right for your family SEE THEM TODAY AIYOUR DODGE025010 DEALERS The little frecklelaced lady born at Chinook Alberta but playing from lonthlll 0nt packs not only tremendous skill and will to win but stout heart the polar of veteran and con contention that even Ben Hogan hlmsell cannot excelLlwo years ago then out ll she had developed concentration to point that she apo ogized to an opponent at the outset of hutch hope you wont think Im rude but never talk on the golf course lhoros new feel to the new more powerful Dodge engine designed to take full advantage of Iodoy finer gasolines Youll sense the nimble fast response in your first few second behind the wheel You rldo on on improved system of spring suspension that months out rough roads three ways Try it Youll be delighted uoooe wirii HYDRIVL With Dodge FlyDrive you iust Shift into high and gol gt You can drive all day without shifting monoeuver through traffic stop for red lights glide off again with smooth silent surge of power You soon forget about gearshiftond clutch Theres nothing new to learn if youwish to back up or need extra power when Mailene Stewart was born with the lure of golf in her dmmg hwughmnd mild in Shm In magma Her home in Foothill is only short walk from the Vb Whom PM links and as wee kc she was there shagging balls for professional 601 on McInnus Now DODGE Willl litonly little bit of chap himself and perhaps for POWER STEERING And nowat ill Mariette plays precisionlike Inine that astounded British golf experts Marlene Stewart is niitmereiiy pay Canadian who wonthe British Ladies Amateur she is the youngest golfer to do it and as the London DailyHcrald put it hiesmallest and certainly one the treatest 1m worm Vi women champions reason he became interested In little Marlene Sh game as theaverage kid takes micecream At menial trendy was dis laying amazing determination and equally otrtntlai ill Wei hing little over 100 pounds Shc agitlcfglorfggaanotnaonue developed nstyte main5 one her For the most effortless parking and steering you will find In any cor try Dodge Full Power Steering From tho moment you start your engine hydraulic power takes over 45ths of the steerin effort You cant Imagine how by it Is to purl to rive through traffic to turn comm to control your car on bumpy rotted roadr You can turn the wheel with one finger even when your Dodgolc Iltlfllnllll f0 itll mm on rdii23iilfll 4min weirnod loll won hm loudlll the love of natt on At New or If Iain tour the Canadian Open and Im which compIlla ratio to folio ndvonlogo Iodoyr floor corollim to rubber mounch for min Imoothno fun all tho min Alllull Vision Choirhi lootln wide curved wlndihloldbnd highlvritl lid and your window combine to rune unwound Info oilround lion rm Comfort Mount IntorIon orocompfoioly redesigned and upholatond In menwort long wearing fdbrlcs trimmed with vinyl lntorlon of Moyfolr IIIle II poi Easy to Enter if have Wide high door motto all olo only to In and leave twodoor modulo Iho front not II will lbVo to providoontry to tho mule of It molar olll typical Canadian gt SEE mun unnnusfr ooooii nesom photon ml HM EV 15 Aurelio STVIIAIIRE FRENCH MOTORS