Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Oct 1953, p. 7

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Iallm Opportunitiu WANTED BORN AUCTION SALES Grand weather lllL till11111 LXAJIlNth 1811111 UL until 1953 FIOWGFS in 00m Hill tllltl 11 If lrwu 1111 sell tzv Public 11 ill l1x LOST FOUND F09 This Mom in iidn Ell VI 22111 11 it lcli in r1 1131 ifpfzrrIitV2I2I LII iv trerl est Hurlc in to dull lirr il llii 11 liner qultl tum 19 vv 13 1111111 tilr fir 1111 VV II II III Eurer me 1111 Per truck gI PROPERTY WANTED IIIIIIII III gj If halllid no in II IV II in Al rr 171 11 $3313 snug II 3me Im 7m Ilrlllll PI Il yr 1111 1112751 11 lir under II llir1 iful rlillrll 1V 31 Vll law VI wultrl ulliili I143 remained II II IVV II VIVIIIIIIIIIVI VVIIVV1I II IIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIII Id ii nr 11 irru HI Hfr er uuzht minor silhrlharrr 1111 liligtiiiiLijiiirsi ll lIVlV Line mi 111 liiiri wnw 21 LII ll ll ll 11 Ruth 1115 lth 153 II my ll 11 ll Vx ll lllll ll LINSITED Mar VIII NI IVVVI WIAVVIIIV Me rV IV II Form 5m Imvemem FOR SALE LIlLIIlV III TlII IIVIIIHIIV VI II 111 1111111 Ayn new CHARLIE BANTING gt vv Original Owner Healer lle it 11 erH 010 Mm lW timid with lZ Lot Con 11 IlllglI ll lullV 39 Ill 5211358353 ML E55 11 HI 211 1I uy On it nee rlv I1 II 1le Priced tar Luck sale 11 11 II IIIi iii for Itaiiii VJ takes bath 111 llllrz ock to runner to pro MILES SORIHJIAST 015 TI lt lI llltI xiVB Iii Hispl ll Barnes 11 est Dealer ll ll 11 lullnu car HHSY 01 hit VI Il 1N Si mull slitHYl ll EST San CAR mvtstON grand Vnn Hf in will 10 UN siiurl VI II VIM SV 1VnIIirr1 4111111 II Hm 33ml 233 11mm in IE 1112 15 Iv VI IVI II IV 11 II 14120121 131 KEIIII IIIII IIIIIrdl 5111 In llIzd liII Vpirtificn n1 IV 315 IV II II IlV I1 NW1 it UICAIVVEIIEV lilo lIlIVLIli VIerIVi Slip l1IV1VV Allin xirtmlid lmxi fAL31 livimll th III PIGS WEEKS 011 and 51m RIll IEE IzjI lw 3113 Bhllllllll STUCK lI gt 311 ii Bum VV IWILI TAKE in 15 head of cattle NW PM lrt of the lfor winter Phone Cm 1310 WW me 5W Eli17 lu FUU ll lieu911111 HSV oldI mllkm REGISTERED Holstein Helferc llclftl TS flu like Ill VVr 1111 Nov Clarence Smith phone llerDlerlfurd Loni jxs iIlitl III IV VI In DIm ITSS 9lll ill eeeilluei Liv1111411 gt gt ob 11ddlr 77777 II 16 Administrator or the Marla 1111 tr IvlHB Chevrolet Sedan De lYOUNG Tumwlrylll Hon purebred llllrLlll illuirlILlall If LllY MAE DRJPER Illp rl rlrlu 1I entries inspected by representative of the Ontario LHlSlotk llwn Ilwlgm 175 leVI 565V llnm BTU Sllhx IIIII II IIII III 111 Funll or Bari1r ill 1hr 931211 rm Bulk null for lmnm lmlZlcetrIc table saw and MCVGHCL 17r21 lvy 9121 liillliii shape lliI ltHll 51113111l ln nrlt rlvnrli marked Ilt to ill Ednaslilo iimliihnl report for own 111 mom yolllS If 111 wl Ii in In roln IlI OFV year5Vlll 13le Il ml p45 IIIIIII IILIIlI dull Balm VII VI Idd IVJUlIBM mill Will IllsV 11 Nil 51 Iolm glhnsigulA Ll florMblllsh 011 150 lbs to 190 lbs 111 111111 11 lllll1 October 31 19531lhnllli hi ribsm 1m mu deems 1OlLClIlL LXltnsmn C0111 limo 121 and 10 Figs weeks old Y11k ior Slum Removal from the Town fllilllerlllll oliillillltgi 1019 Iracar met carrier Ck slitjlreBsow mm PM Vllk314l111 1211115 Iiiiiznt the season Deci liillld only to Cliilils tiliinhlilliirbu REGISTERED Hereford ll 10 Clk and YOlkShllL Sow andx iiiner 13 1933 11 March 19541 Cl low um l0 ll momlm would Ed for ll Pigs weeks old Yiilklllltl Please slaiv Ivue If equipmemli Jud Ah the undersmmllv mud pigs Cyril Cook Baldwin Lane Boar Years 0llv iiiiiil 1111 lltl Eiiviii llil and itli OWAN COWAN VlacLaren EA Allandalc 911612111 HTUETRY Il 14l mymgIHl Slimlll Will 31 year ll 3111 Trustee rsnrsrrrrn Large shun drum5s rrrnm1alltillllrlltilifl 13113 LG 43 Collier Street Barrie White Boars serviceable age Rea Tractor 1530 in new mlme umm megl 35 mm lllgll me 11343411 sonable Applv Doualas Ross phone Fellall Cllllt Yunnlll llllll PH illl HIlllill 55r32 C00k515wn 9121 all Tractor good 11111 1mm Lilllgll 13 YEARLING Holstein Steers lseilti leitiihii0nrrirlirims iiiWS Rm Eem Adminism 11 With averaging around 850 lbs each row Potato Grader lllltilllillllllill RR Pihllmonn 011 exed 0f thEsu of 550ml WHY Apply Ernest Earnhardt Hawke 10 11 Power Binder 2101 mm 1011 PNlNGlAM 3150 lV Cl now stoma Phone Oro 54 9120122 ft A1115 Chalmers Combine if 13m Sad CFfhi Ms1 11 pick no good Llt new lingerI $90 49 1C2 thefTogP Biwlu hung onmlnfd diorsrggmug 101 pm so 0111in cinicoe iduw lu istri ion ngre icn mug registered Yorkshire Boars all $1112 ceased who died on or about tlie out serVIceable age Chantler and Tenth day of Jizlv AD 1953 ll Son phone Cookslown 25 Deering Sled Drill 13 din lidtml quVIIbIIIL II II dl 55s 9119121 glglctlzlmlhnn pllllf5plni ceased to the persons eiititlcedl GRADED CI in V10ver06 If chit DEE lltm after November 2nd 1953 19V 81 8111 rv bmh commercial and breeder tractor Manure Spreader unrnbl IlIfgIllIIIVlciliIledI OllVlIlllllQIllglminllslil PURIVV Hows DELAVAL SILES SERVICE lainbsValso serviceable age York 99 m3 TWUCWW HMS bcui signed shire boar Sproule phone P011IICoIclslliitt furrow VIVVrclol COWAN COW MARKET SQLARE PHONE 2982 SllOud 231 9119121SlgDj1erS IIIggemIIglIgIil 53 Colllm gllcIlI HART WEANLING Pigs weeks old Cockshutt Manure Spreader horse BARBIE Ontario OF LAND FOR TAXES eating well Shorthorn cow good drawn Kangaroo Gang Plow Bag 501mm to the Administrator cl When cold weallmr hllsI milker fresh calf at foot Pullets gevlatoi Heavy duty Potato Town if IBaIVVIIC With the Will 3111191351 Mime ready lay Be Maw am used behmd 39m SCI if 813 heavy summer 011m CS or Mmesmg phone 323 9421122 section Draw Harrows Baa Count of bumme 77 WA hIIrd starting runs down Truck Gem Hfmmer Min he To IWITI bu eediesslv Wh wall TEAM or PercheronMares 3600 Turnip Drillj Tlaclor Trmk Bl Wm wmam 55le by cry le sound and right good bush Snow Plow Wheelbarrow J01 1111 Mn 01 of lllL Town 01 B1 11c Changeover to Winterweight llzam all tIlme JclncIlIcV OE pgullryIDeere pomo Diggen new Pump IIIIdeAIIlIIS hand and the Ieal If 01156 WY ac ranc Jack Trexler Potato Cutter ne sn ml Now Thornton Phone Ivy 214 Electric Fencer MasseyHariis 333mllfrga 9120121 Crank Hay Loader 25 Steel Posts landS in leafs of laxeSI ln the REAL HERD Kl Mount F919 Gram Seplalor 32 Town of Barrie will be held at emscm can by 46 With clover attach mm ad 3038 an the Councn Chambers Municipal Ian Imporled Lalge mm elevator 900 Pm Building 84 Collier Street at the English IWhite also serwccabl gal capamv pressure pump ng EnbghSh lgBlloarS 33mg 5le i9 Dallav Millln Maeline PmVEl orinilheo 7th dSVOCOf llalniiiiivalttlesllmdhn ovem er one rouu Alum Morrow 9119121 Eln Egghratogieciielfv lisfdhgtgs llef 300391 Watering Troughs Hay Fork p11 If One NUMBER 0f EOVemment 81811813 Holst and 250 fl bl rale regStered oxmrd Ram Lambs also Heavy duty Emervon Slifndcgtcgl Bears Exes was pillmmd The gill ggngiiiiikgfmgi Cable Tractor BE 40 ft long 023123 irmal 111113133533 SELECT YOUR GIFTS Now 22 Bradford 5101 If Noveglfer ge mathemgs Glen iiiiiiliberMagie pgilglm Wiiriapoligiioclc Sald hSt may be had at my uron one reemore r2 ice MI 9413123 Streder Exmnsmn Ladd Treasurers Office this stllday AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF Heavy up hne Shall tl pulley 001015012 1953 Blacksmiths outt including steel IIII wall drill vise anvil elecmc BARRAND drill bracs bits and manv other Treasure blaclcsmithstools too numrous to 411814FN7ng mention FEED AND GRAIN 500 bushels Mixed Grain Quantity of Clover Seed 50 tons of Red Clover Hay Look around now in comfort before the rush starts just imagine what wonderful surprise for the family to find one of these wonderful Refriger FEATHERWEIGHT IRONS $1295 well saved Acre of Turnips in the eld WOOD Pile of used Lumber co calm ators in the kitchen on Christmas Fun mne 0f fons I7 Stock from 50 Singleords of cedar Pile of morning cad Balls CM Sleepers 18 animals WARDEN ft long Colony House Roll of PRICES FROM Snow Fence 30 Single cords or $12 29900 up gram The Corporatio of Tithe County of Simcoe bags 300 potato sacks forks saws em ls madame promptly SANDWICH TOASTERS $117 from sunk at chains doubletrces harness and many other articles too numerous to mention HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS There will be quantity of good house hold etfects Terms cash No reserve asfarm is sold Norman Coxworth Clerk Jerry wish to announce that The Hon WIA GoodfellIow Minister OfPublic Welfare will officially open Simcoe Manor Home for Aged Beeton On Tuesday OCtOberVZI 1953 at pm BOTTLE WARMERS $325 TOASTERS MIXERS smi llEll worn WSHERS Save llllllVWoriyll Tllll WASHERS PERCOLATORS SHAVERS Coughlin Auctioneer phone 5449 195 In It re n4 Barrie 121 om Hm The public co dIoV 1y ed V0 be 59 II RADIOS GES GAME AND ERI ES ACT DID YOU KNOW that it is contrary to the act and regulations to kill any dee without attaching the metal seal to the carcass before it is trans pintcd or shipped wc Aim AUTHORIZED ISSUERS HUNTING FISHINGAN an GUN LICENSES IV II IV CHOOSE MA 09 1946 qu FROM CHOICE Liquor he OUR LARGE USE033z Licensing District Number ASSORTMENT Gas 144753 53th align final Lille Illrllrual Ema Illa 13 Laiqucil Llrilglicc or up To The IKrazyCaIir kids love this $1179 gV Irma this mulltics of gufgrluflgeel gSimcoc and Districts Do 1330 When res are tted dining Fa anIWlnt THE MINUTE ggilmgiegzoggsm 65 WISE N0 and Parry Sound will be held at the 0003130113 CW1 and there is better tire service Whenyou cheese Mechanical Graders $750 Full range of farm implements guns Chamber in the Town of BARBIE in the County Shame on Inesday the 10th day of November my commencing at the hon Zgiifaiiiiiiigefifgrflilgorzngilg illiiesliilamiliedih dolls trains etc Th At 1946 are lotions thereunder mot mm mm Ky ymc AND mm mm the said licensing district objecting to any such applicgiion simii file his grounds of objection in writing with the acting deputy BATSTONES 80 DUNVLOP STREET EAST registrar at least ten days beforc the meeting ii wow TIRE SERVICE Acting Deputy Registrar 480 University Ave Toronto unlit it zsiiurio 121 In smile film 3922 55301 II Iwww 9m +14 v441nk9 QA Is imaymuw Amhmw vA1I4

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