IHE BARRIE EXAMINER HIILHI OCTOBER 23 1953 You tubers RI if coixt Luci that ti tf ex Retry med hail Lwn the thitdnn 43 Lani ul Iftti Becasu th 138 ixl 3c hix luau viitR Helen Mae Scott Becomes Bride of Murphy ll llt flu IUllll ceremony ts played by Ottawa ho Margarets It seems to be 12 33 is 04 iL to tit 1e itIvllllIJlZiCt fiiher wall cf nylon tulle lIIl SilxI Perhaps this and bodice the qc rtit taunted th wives semi pias holding her fingertip Nurse21 31 dzo ei cam white ny 2oz ittitzs 2lll1 while roses and ninms tli Mr Frank I1lpi of Ottawa was matron of honor caring ballerinalength gown in rust will matching headdress tint She was rind was icr hock ul hm streamers was carrying basket of niimis In matching shades Tho ridesniaid Miss Iilrie 5H and Enioys impromptu Play Centennial Photo ILI ibis iltl in re Ii Fm ltiI twirlinre and ill 1Iiii ii at for more Elwin and School Innket of Ipplcs Ittcndtl rice li zppct It tll to pie in claw iri Lie best cc of Wal IIE 31s we Home and Selim iieet lith iii Ilitfitl Hit obitc of tn l2t IMO gttein of attendance Ilit tctt sconti no points fie cliitl czass loom lIUIiII that additional IIIiI iii pLgtgtit and ino poznt It is future be plated on Lillie ittii the nut meeting gt futile iiccniive to uflv to lake greater Home and School iffntrs it was al divided to Ilt the failich run one of li repaint iicttmgs it in sun Il Fcd Crowc reported Incin ltllltt to date as being 97 After the necessary busrness Mrs Doidcc substituting for Mrs llankin unfortunately iway ill ook over he production of Home menu irilcrcst and School play The Iriiciprctci Icpicitii the efforts of Home and Ban30 cliao offic Hi to convince skeptzc of the advantages of the Associa ion and welcomzng newcomer to the distinct into the Home and rScaooi movement The par of Mrs Jones newcome to lie dszrict was played by Mrs Iode The skepticresident Mrs Smith was depicted by Mrs Fred Crowc and Mrs Allan Tribblc made convincing Home and School com Iiiiitce member as she talked both iwomen into Joining Up Dr Doi ldge as Commander Jones the hits band of the iicwscomer gave real Ienthusiasm for the movynent when at as explained iSTic display of doubt followed by lCraighurst WI the end of the play the enl he Parents code of ethics repro duced here Ill will establish direct and IklSIIIIxI contact with the school my 1mm tire gatherng ioined in rcpeming th bronze and yellow mums Slic Autumn Nuptials abut It Uf Trinity Anglican Church in an the former Doris Emily Whi Lorne Whiting of Barrie and Womens Institutes Citizenship And Education Theme The September inn23g cf the Leadch in lflllllj ciiurch Hillcrest Teacher Attends Ontario Council lvteeting Presbyterial WMS President Visits Ce tlznnketl unaitiian Mi y7fOUp Lch Mus on ulBIeIICL Ju Letters were reud Iflil 31 Iltsr tu us iaiilioipe of ILisazi Iltx thunkrr the ililllLgt Itl trircLEs lL ting daughter of Mr and Mrs her husband is the son of Mr and Mrs Sterling Knapp of Antcn Mills After wedding trip to Northern Ontario the couple are making their home in Smith Studio Photo Barrie Craig Io illiisirate what is meant by good she read poem Want Is Good ilizcli eressed kind heart the greatest good one may possess Roll call IiKILd by favorite school subject it The October meeting was post gnoried one week and members of Barrie Womens Institute were in vitcd to attend Mrs Kirtou ari nouynced that the plastic demon lstration had netted $11 chosen to lead the lHomemakers Club in their Club Gzrl Entertains project are Mrs Eilsmcre and Mrs Kirton Mrs Simon gave splendid without Craighurst Womens Institute was paper on citizenship and educal who at the home of Mrs Shanahan There were ezgh members and three visitors pres Gatlnon of Ottawa was writing Rieliiidren attend byavailin myself 9m ballerma length gown of foicst fgrecn with matching headdress nd NW5 identiml to 1050 china the equipmerit teaching and 1030 ihe matron of honor Miss Cynthia isteu art of Ottawa daughter thc officiating clergyman was flower girl wearing waltz isngih gownan wheat shade She car iied basket of bronze and yellow mums Frank Murphy of Ottawa was tgroomsman and the ushers were FlSSY ABOIT YOIR CLOTHES Then let us care for your wardrobe We Ilke fusny custo mers We guarantee saIIsIactlon Ross Carrard and Jack Kritsch pf Ottawa reception followed in St Mar Igarets Church Hall where the Emilys Cleaners 109 Dunlop St Phone 2885 loyal blue twopiece crepe en lscmble with lace wearing wine laccessories and corsage of bronze roses reception was later held BUYSWWHYS ivifkt worivwion stevzti MONTREAL Sing song of sandwiches and salads tool and youll nd your self singing the praises of MIRACLE WHIP Salad Illlig once youve tasted itI find that Miracle Whip keeps SlldltIlt Iiioist and tlavurtul wliatevcr put in Ilutn It IZIIIIhOTIIIS the most sophis ticuml salad or the hint Izoiiicv left over mixture Which Ipiii Ictgfiitl at tlc Inst iiiimitcllts that delimit in hIIlIIIIIIIII flavor urtf Iuriiiula exclusive 0Krtlf1AthI IIHII liioulll texture Which makes Minniv Vliip blcnvl nitli anything or crown IIIL salad just the tray you until it uo an Ion III1rd The Good You ukn is like most IHiih t3 Lilo he likes 3ng Ln uliatoiiri your ltil In been bothering Huh nu you lately The Li Es fpimyl EIIIIL to it it new IIIIII Hint medicaon in ll IM LBLUE JAY gob oi nil in 10m push limping Nollie from itirmnglycl immmml Ion ail know you tutti to donpmftr your min and in am 39 gmrnc mum push it out from unrlrrniotri Fujium Him mmv am the ER mill new invitation daiil 193 if and ux in RIilIIIr1IInhil Blue is kind to seventy years In actual tests If 213w Ihmgt Some Hunylimn mint 10 work till fmlu 1li3ultu$x we nd marked 35 more Uhf mm Itiwi inb an nth leading remedies iiia mofm in Just Wm gt III you 99 the glonuu reult= glfligglihpw Hubby shirts your sheetsuand has gt he 13k towels and precious table linen know youll agree ink all viliite as can he BlueJays Willi Ilienyiinm at Yrs for ilienlntui sh use you growIts drug byqu today RECKIITS BLEE It on re wonderful recipe for Allied Mama ckle which seems to me to capture the 3d color of HannaHome vegetabks Make um lop ingredients HEINZ WHITE VINEGAR TZNDSOR COARSE Na SALT KEENS DRY hILSTARD ml the of PAROWAX LI up gtgmmu Salt to quart tin can with minimal nkwmlm manhan rim imother of the bride received Eof the opportunity to visit it and et firsthand information regard acmizios of the school will encourage sympathetic and constructive attitude towards the school andits activities will support and cooperate The president opened the meet ing in the Usual manner The You can only make others good yo on by Mr better by being was commented ildren and will re ticism of the the part of my train irom adv se Education to the fullest possible ex seacc will make no hurried criticisms vbut will act only on thebasis of ac with teaching staff and Board of teachers and lie school at their prc tent will expect nothing for myself or for my chdren contrary to the interests of the entire school curate and firsthand informationl t3 will accept my share of re ifier sober judgment lbrides parents on Thursday even ting October parts of New York State and is Baystairs Lod Barrie thei favorable to study and VliI coopcr Sponsibility of the home and school will discourage faultJinding onias partners in the education of children will provide home cendiirons rate with the school in developing Leavingron wedding trip to Barrie the bride was wearing twopiece dress in bridal blue trimmed witl navS velvet spurse and hat were of matching ivelvet and she was wearing navy lgloves and shoes and grey potrile fcloth coat Her corsage was of grcd roses and white mums On their return Mr and Mrs Murphy lawn and protecting the healthiand char acler of the children tII will try to keep pace with modern education by reading per Herziodicalsand books on progressive educational movements Miss Banting then turned film operator and members saw film showing te child emotions of fear anger jealousy and happiness with approved methods of dealing with Among the outoftown guests at tthe wedding were the parents of attic bride Mr and Mr Norman Scott of Barrie Lorne Barrie MONTREAL CP and their song Mrs Charles Harris of fwill be making their home in Ot new emo The foed he most interesting display of colored photographs of the Centennial Par ade from Mr Synnon who gave at the same time an informative and lively commentary the conclusion lunch organized by Mrs Churchill and her commit tree was served and everyone was Mom unanimous ltreal woman shing from wharfeneme5 Neal near SL Jerome was struck and injured by seaplane The crafiithe effort to be present and Home lwas taking off when it struck aland School embers were appreca one needed aftex 40by bodv old lboulder in the water causing one iive of this of the pontoorw to swerve on to were thus able to discuss varmnsi probicms directly with the teachers the avharf where Mrs Emile Brasseur suffered back injuries Fill up With Many of the teachers had made lie the mutualadvantage of all Quick Food Energy at voting the meeting cooperatioa Parentssdowl hcause lacking tzon She dealt with what good lcitzzen should be stressing that there cannct be world harmony until there is family harmony To inchieve this we must be prepar at ed to make compromises and umesrauupremeumm oau policy She stressed that it is the indolent and indifferent who handicap progress Notable among these are people who ig nore their privilege and right to role We should teach our chil dren and ourselves to remember the dignity of work Inclosing she quoted from speech by Mrs Hugh Somers to the effect that itis not the start we make but the finish of an undertaking that counts Delegates who attended the ACWW conference gave their im presions of that oumanding day The meeting closed with the Mary Stewart Collect and lunch was served The0ctober meeting was held on Thursday evening Oct 22 at 830 at the home of Mrs Ped lingham The motto was weed is plant outof place with com ment by Shanahan Roll call was My favorite ower the program was on agriculture and Canadian industries conven er Mrs Pediingaam Lunch was served by Mrs Easton and Mrs Pedlingbam CALL THE EXAMINER FOR PRINTING PHONE 2414 Old Gel Pep IIiIII glee rwotmimvm IMENMOMEN 60 Dont be omo LalI exhausted Try Oskex Tonic Tablets from increases tugm Thousands feelfull of PEP sum younger Quit being old Oshu Ii mawwdzcumry or getmm ru and His Gocdiesi COM KI MR INI MRS Charles Lindburgh Knapp were married in early fall ceremony The bride body ml mm ccived durr the Titarikgiviri to siiziirne Pod to All wtis the theme wt Mrs Bewell intioW Seymour Kell of Churchil prudent Sinicoc Presbyteriul who based her talk on Cor 47 What have to glory excto what hau Slic stressed the miracle of the iiiizid soul conl Screncc not fith ability and time and opportunity to devclcp all these gifts and finally the gift1 of czernity peace wtlin and peace the nice dthLtI II ll til human life the Mrs Lenticx very thanked Mrs Kell Delegates were lpptlillLd to ut tend the SCCIIOIIIII meeting to be held in Burton Avenue Church on chncsiniy Oct Midland Acquires Another Industry Womens Apparel IMidland Free Press Herald Announcement is made by Gluck in and Co Canada Ltd manufacv turers of aprons andladics and childrens underwear nightwear and bra$ieres that they are open rig facory Midland this month The company managed by Nowack operates two factories in Toronto and one in Cobourg It is the third firm to locate here this year Manager of the Midland gruellinst plant charge of the Cobourg unit for scvcral years prior to coming to Midland earlier this year Initial operations which will ikely involve 15 to 20 female sew ing machine operators will be loc ated temporarily in the basement area of the YMCA which was used as test plant for time by Bausch and Lamb the funeral rof St Augustines Seminary old Us deceased of Barrie was present and rccrtcd Former Belle Ewart Resident Passes Mrs Hermon Jock CLANSMANS IDDGE VBIG BAY POINT Reserve Your Life Now FALL BANQILIS IIRISIMAS PARTIES No Part Too Small CcIII MRS WAIGHORN PHONE SSrIZl Stroud The Housewifes Choice Itllltli Ililarrt FLOUR 91 connlIIIINEB Mi LIL ii srvei Hamilton Twitililtt New vvt It II elf KI IIII ward icitlx llt 175 quote seer Norway Itronto and David Mic YICCt It the ObliIIIS uf tznriiaciilate Arnprior lo ILII I0 htl trite cr Ii Stizn flatclilfc IAencst of Normal Ill IS who was unable to be present for Waxes Buffs It Scours mourn loss is LIcnns Polishes Sands Requiem high mass was sung tit the Church of the Inuniicudc Cori Cvpllull lll Belle Ewart on Friday Oct It by Rev Dr Crossiund CALI WILSON GOFF mn ot Mrs William Crossland Billlt close friend of the Very Rev luzrt ROY TRACY DISTRIBUTOR MILBURN 87 Maple Ave YOUR LOCAL FURRIER 299 Dunlop St Ph BIIrZZ Opposite Cloverlcnt Repairs Remodelling Storage and Cleaning of Barrie Listen to the 10 amyNews cast over CKBB Monday Th Relining UNIS and Saturday Small repairs while you wait SEWING MACHINES SED ELECTRIC TREADLE PORTABLE MODELS AS AS 500 DOWN 500 PER MONTH Free Singer weeks sewing lessons with your purchaSe SINGER SEWING MACHINE I30 22 OWEN sr BARRIE PH 4365 $5950 value Comple cookware given SKILLEI 11m Electric my 20 Owen St Bagrle Electrical Si is in win mrwumkm te tilpiece matched set of Marco aluminum with Marco 5Way Cooker5 Utensils in One any Electric Range by Deepfreeze OI El can and DOUM I00 sot ovvw snucr iOI COVEIED AUCE IAN my $32950 DELUXE MODEL IIO APARIMINI MODEL IAQ fully Automaticcooks dinner while youre away MumUse 6bit Cooker extra sur chepnit pop upos Cooker is removed BanquetSize Oven mustabolies and broil perfectly four Super Speed Surface Units each with cooking speed Fits small space but doeso great big cooking iob Four Super Speed Surface Units each with cookingipeeds mmu Isize Oven roasts bakes flu mm Ondbroulsperfectlyl 3L llf IMumlorcelpinrish moon to glen wipes dual IAoKnIANi ELECTRIC After Hours 8528 Hunting contractor