Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Oct 1953, p. 1

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it ll ilil iiWEPAPlK Serving till liliik Lil BlRRIL Di Kl Uh lhll UL Che iBtlrriP Examiner rw 1jffjrjmma an Vllleiij Home an MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRlDAY single copy lt MWFfl at Cauiatsuu Opening of New Wing Minister of Highways Here to Discuss County Roads At Simcoe Manor on Tuesday will 36 Give More Privacy Vlsltlng HoursGrandiury The Supreme Court Ontario 1111 My Mm UH 8mm Um WM coe rub it illlflll 1111 lllllll It 111 Fire Ch ef lrwm rill HON GEORGE ll oovcrrrr mil lsicr ol lilllit5 for the Province of Out ls Recipient of 1110 is seen here centre with Wilbur ON iv loolH11ow wads committee dilliill the morning tile County Buildnms where LllLUlis aspects oi tile county road system were 11511550l Air winch bc illre lli op 1cil t1iilil at in 11 iiLIllUl vce couid 1111c illiil Vd in iif Snlzcliu dlcsz oi v1 icoli tiic Ellpei2 itl Manor bx it KICKliiy Others who 1111 tutti part in tilt in Barrios Fiic Ci cl develop historic occasion in the mom of the home Will be Ludlow Director Aged Dr Mcilicc MP1 for Slincoc tcntrc iston chairman of the committee Tile Hull Goodtcllow will be introduced by Rev Down er MPP for DufferlnSimcoe and the reply to the Ministers address will be given by ergWarden Benson Following the there will be reception in the diningroom and visitors will then be able to inspect the Manor and the new wing which was recently completed Early History It was back in January 1898 that Simcoc County Council docide at its session that certain property should be purchased for House of Refuge at sum not exceeding $6000 As time went by work on the new project advanced and spe cial committeewas set up by County Council to be responsible for the administration of the new home The need for such home was clearly illustrated at the June scsl Sion of Council in 1899 when it was reported that in the middlcof that month there were already 48 inlt mates being cared for there As the years passed the name was changcdfrom the House of Refuge to the Home for the Aged Only last year at the November session of County Council it was changed once more this time to Simcoe Manor Little had been done over the ycars in building maintenance however and finally in 1950 the entire Council visited the home for tour of inspection Arising out of this Councl at its January ses FIRE DRILL in Chairman illLl while an 11 wizl uv loin hrileddi lo rt wt ll 11 biliictic Hones for the liiI for Slillcoe East iiurge Johnston Reeve James McCtildy Tillltliliillll chair mail of the board of llitlllagcllcnt and Reeve Mackenzie Biklltlie Al building Coronation Medal lllud our of Simm Com Tm lwld mi tlziiiaiv 111 ills Vlill to B11lcitediles bceli lTho Minister incl lilciitbiis liltllilliol 11 iiis just lillxl itHlii nlllili line it tin gilcsday afternoon CLLVlll ll iiucklilghlun the illcsstlge ILLIhlL it Ililtitx Iht enclosed was By tcommandv of tier llzljeslv lllc Quecil the accolllpzluying unclial is forwarded to llin to bn worn in commemoration of Her Majtstys Coronation June llli3j Jlll iXl ll SPEAKER TELLS 1lic Education and 1111 Preven flloll was the subjch of all ililolill llvc talk by Colitis to thc Kivizls Club of Burric on Oct 13 Mr Colitis urca lil1illc lli the HydroElectric Iowcx official speeches timely word of war 21 by tlllL speaker at the was Nevcr never use tire cstiii iguishcr in closed space ulllugtsi Iyou are familiar with its lire cxi tlllgullllll action fol it may ox ftinguisll your life as well as the re this advice was prompted xbyv itbo fact that Mr Couth himself 1111 1940 hadbccn almost asphyxi ialed by carbon tetrachloride fumes nfrom quart re extinguisher while in cioSed space Since that time his desire to study lire its causes extinguishmeilt and re sults has never wavered and he has become well versed This subject cannot be stressed itoo strongly he said citi inis of our varied municipalities FIRE CHIEF IRWIN litre problems are yours and mine iThey are serious problemstoo Fire Chief Irwin told The Exloflcn deadly serious aminer that there was no notiill Education POWEHUI Weapon cation as to the reason 01 led Mr COUltS emphasized the laCt award but he felt that it mightllhat Education is POWHfUl W98 bein connection With his work 13011 Why not teach re education as Deputy Fire Marsha in 001 and fire prevention in our schools dinating civil defence operations 311d in our homes Fire in any in Sjmcoe County alarm is chemical action and has up is great honor he added three component parts the fuel and am extremely proud to the means of ignition and the oxy have been awarded this medal gen tovsupport combustion These The ribbon of the medal is red are referred to as the old re with white trim and has two triangle If you remove any one narrow black stripes through it of the parts you will have no One side of the medal carries the re Crown while the other has an Another provcn fact is that fuel engraving of the Queen with thelin any form will not burn by it 1nscr1ptlon Queen Elizabeth coyself It is decomposed bv pre onation Medal June 2nd1953i heating into gases and the gases AT RVil WAS 81$ECONDS you may Iid Jones County Engineer dur NEED tom PRiavEeroNTrain ESCAPE 11gt lcilcl LUlllil on of Ontario Allistuzll lant part of their work should be ly left and day morning the county close Suklildnsltas 13 Ui CANNOT BE OVERSTATED lucky escape Ici on According burn Further to this will buiil if lgtlltion pollll anythinui hp lLllL 11 It 1oi it he found hullscl leithlmd bend ill itt faciiizc progressive asserted gulsilmeut has been tremendously and is prevention ill the list of duties required The services recognize that education is the most import Needless waste of lives and property can be saved by educating the people before and notrbccause of dis Harmres Fire cxtlil lilodernizcd behind re highway The car roiled control and flipped over gtrwugtg Fire Education In Schools Mr Coutts gave some very spc clal reasons why tire education taught in the schools From there the students would carry the knowledge of re pre vention to theatres to business to tomes Fire drills werea must fFire prevention and practices in the borne present multitude of problems due to the type of struc ture the number of occupants and the habits the speaker contin ued My bodk lists 229 general items under the general heading of Fire Prevention In Homemak ing However good housekeeping is prime requisite Items like ashes from the coal furnace to be out inva metal container withll lid oily cloths for dusting inat chcs waste paper old clothing and fabrics discarded inflamma ble liquids kept in safety calls clean stove pipes drapes re proofed ash trays emptied hot air registers kept clean leaves from under verandahs wood piled away from frame buildings This is very partial list of things to check Fire Drill At Home drill in your homes asked the speaker Do your children know how to get out in case you are not able to help them Do you know what to do in case the usual How can Ido all these things well ask but that is factory conditions road lie the itl of your lllt scrvtccs tilled his car over lot hard and SLitant the $1101 across to the Ulilcz side of the out of oil lieu MAKING ITS REGULAR ROUNDS the CNR Rule Instruction Car is shown on the siding near therAllandale Depot and Office Do you as parents have re Building Standing from left to right are Assistant Superintendent 2L Gleason Conductor Anderson Condiictor Doucet was czltertallicd to lunch 111 Hart House by illellibers and officials 01 County Council before bringing his brlci visit to front 11 morning when has Higllwly ll about It lltllcs north of Burric thl iinlicd up on its roof Emma Sakuhmkgspurchased or use lwus driving in patchy log and is suddenly emergcd liUili illi comm Jury was that ii was so on to makziig the general overhaul exit is cut off by re If your 10 live in top storeys is there tire escape Do you periodically lll spect your place for hidden haz aids Have you had your wiring checked be lilpocd iiiii 11 Anozilcr point made by trio and he unsats prcvzizl with tile present healing equipiilen ed that action be luk lcdy the situation and that rig be kept in nind when Marshall and Engineer Strath right are Senior Rule Instructor Gl Lowe Engineer McLellan Engineer Goring Engineer Stphensand En gineer Webb isiits suggest llttHltl to first liwi to our gts some clerical icc cttll be used considered in order by mbcls of Simcoc County The report added We the mem bers of the Grand Jury were most nappy to act as the Grand Jury at 111111 of the Court and apl prcCiate the instruction and consid Cillilon given to us by the officials of the Court attention assist lite County iicnte and would recommend that cicptniins bookkspcr be cut still CHARLES DOUGLAS STEW ART QC who has been practising law in Bariue since being called to the Bar Osgoudc Hall in 1930 has me mined Judge of the Ontario reme Court and member of the Ontario High Cour of Justice The announcement of his new appozntmenl was issued yeserdav by the Deparlment of Justice T310 llciold Judge was born in Barrie the son of Mr and M15 Stewart His father who llieg at 105 Toronto Street The report was signed by George fpmdwd ldw em for 10 years as lilv foreman of the Grand Jury laid his CNR Rule Car Here Recently on Regular Tour eai Ross of Toronto On the Men Shiite School grandfather His great Igrandfather had his law practice in the West Indies rAfter receiving his early educa iron at number of private schools in Barrie Mr Justice Stewart went to the Barrie Collegiate In stitute and then to Appieby College Oakville Following this be con hisstudi28 at Trinity Col lege Toronto and then Ha Osgoode Returning to Barrie he entered the law firm of Stewart and Slow art which later became Stewart and Esien For number of years he was actively engaged in municipal goV ernmenl holding the positions of alderman deputy reeve and reeve 111 the Town Council He was elect ed Warden of the Slincoe in 1936 For time also he was member of the Barrie Dis trict Collegiate Board Wit1r Justice Stewart is presently member or the Public Utilities Commission in Barrie served th work he or 1m as chair theBoy Sm man of He 133 form and Count an active nember of the Badmin 11 Club Garnson County of Interested in Associatibn hem captain of the Golf Club team and was He married to the former El and they to four children Douglas David argaret and Mary By scurry TAYIAJ lac quite laugh the other day when went up to the County your problem Without the desire and willing cooperation on your part no one can tell you Mr Coutts discussed the matter of re extinguishers fire iiisur ance and very new problem the baby sitter Has she been ill siructcd in the procedures of es cape in case of tire emergency Does she know what to do Fire problems in the school and home are vital to you he coil Studv Full operation 0f Trains in CNR Rule Instruction Car Doucctt Minister of Highways By midi who was visiting Barrie to meet some of the county officials Well thegentlemen Who were It is quitdevidcut to the average Canadian that no coil voys of highway transports each individually powered can ever compete with the railways in our country with its wide gathered in the room posed for one picture and it was the usual lsind or group picture you know the kind or using everybodylocking kind of selfconscious and Wishing completed its visit to Allandale on the regular Schedule which covers territory from Toronto to Cap reol and all branch lines connected tinned As adults we can dispel lire Ignorance by education We can leach its causes its action its good pomts its bad pointsmeans of controlling it We can learn what to do when our properties become involved We can provide adequate nancial protection spread territory and extremes of climate when it crimes to large scale haulage of heavy commodities such as grainore coal 011 or even livestock Today even the cost of roadbed maintenance is exceeded by that of paved highviays financed by Canada To thecasual commuter on rail operating such heavy power and The car makes two tripsyeariy they were somewhere else It 30 over that large district and rule happened that Red has back instruction classas are held each tome door of the room as he took visit for all employees connected with the operation of trains They are advised by bulletin to attend and on their Own timo each and every employee on the work of train operation is required Moreover the picture knew right Aw aythat tour boy wasnt very tossed the shot he radiant with aWay from the doll wczanwgaslgavglisleliigified all this way trains it has been more or less rolling stock winter and summer allied $531122 sariwatch timing day Barrie Fire Statistics loss We find that the annual The NEW m8 811 Wits 8m some interesting 05 loss would mean the burning 33 swig we 38 gures about Barrie Assessment of Barrie 91 times year and the 01 male cars to go by also lands and buildings for 1952 in an cv marvels how it can be done how the corporate limitswzis $13156890 ongptzhird three and nals can be sent Mm brakie increase 0f 35916296 or $67670 perusal ofBarries annual ex or swuclman engineer on such more than double the assessment menses for 1952 revealed that the long freight trains and more diffi 1947 sum that the tax re department costs were 323 hW Male 01 exemption of $1642285 represents 39901 which repfesems L9 mills through complicated railway the value of the lands this woul of taxesabout twa cents day yard mo Emmy 33 leave an assessment of mu hty Shanahan superintendent can be 86811 105 million dollars If the aSSgess gissiiieldllne $1000 at 40 as Like the aroundbe inthe three centre showingstudent horses the method ment represented 40 01 the re seems to mjthat is WWW Ws which msmck to the We to fully qualify by passing sas door the men 11 Igniting mm factory test both written and oral in mm Rad no calm in theexaminatious on those rules 531 WW 35 Mulligan tia and further oralexamiuation at the 5103 It ChillsOne Of periods not excaiading thre years in risque Efforts or This is by individual questioning WWW not With on the part of the instructor who Tmd WW3 is Frank GLowe senior rule in amusm Witch structor for the North Ontario Dia smilesand contented trict 92 the can ft the ri Swill hid mwcam FIRE DRILL conducted at the Royal mg Mm toria HospitalWe afternoon re vealed that the building couldbe clebredfiu 81 seconds lncaso office rile drill wascar rled out underthe supervision of Fire Chief 31 Irwin who is seenahovewatching the by which patients are removed from th placeablexvaiuel thatgwouid be in cant to th med school housew escape Commentinii bathe drill their if gmhnmnigwd 23 million in re rpmfeciigilimcirrlctl sroundin of inemznymguilflgif win said thathe was highly pleased with on month unwed Mmed It means mm mm Perm am States 1088 Would be the burning per ca ita ex dt train Willi the me mlmg the wandwiththoyeb Barrie everymur syra rare 3169 are some in Rep method used immune patients in this cellent cooperation he received at all times mm evel 111 day 80 girthgm itll303113 illtiioiiildlllii gm case amenities of thereto Helen trointhehospitalmanagementandsmx mhglgfgdighiepmsent the an damage when indiscriminately and mm on

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