Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Oct 1953, p. 11

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uid that there is no art in Canada hair The lLlllllllg ic til Lllx SUM td and spout till to the iti 11 NW iiiie of tJCIl ii tl pitcc Ll 15 The soft music nil dlwHHI tl in llli uiiiiiispltrnt in tin 11k lttlllllcl 15 arranged through the kindness cher who kept his pupils fuel on he showed later in the evening of his curly woodland landscapes and later northern work Mus MacKuy lizid an intcrcsling inccdotc about the artist She told the audience that his first as sociations with art were in very humble waydesigning ltibcls for loinntu Cllllzx photograph in this weeks Mitiltiiitli 01l where Mr llld MIN itkson mu Next month mumv an luvcthicc Press Herald ictttls llll V81 before Hum dl uh homt for matloluuvouiuck vtit be interested III Jock inks Nulldb 311010 Amk ahmrh sons cxliibitiom at the Art Gall barks dilullhltl Of Mr Hid MISi Two of tlitn dtlllgllltlb Mrs llLd Rilll of Glenvrew 111 ry in Toronto where they thl able to have longcr look at his famous landscapes than he provided Saturday night in his ltilk lictc the artist said that there were two ways of con sidering the stale of art in Canada There was the negative approach of the critics who wail that there IS no art in the country They Sglze1231ULllllllVLEln Alb Emit dof Ttlkllils hwns Ii gtCISSU on to tune on ls true that our b001 drama Tin pdllLl dbtllsutlll cnicccu movies and music are imponcd Several BillllL and district 1011 by Noel Stephenson ill the Octo 113 binlliiric BlllfMFIgtDEOHU ChCIS travelled to Gravcnhursl on her meeting of the Hillcrcst Honic pulimig id bills an rs and that at one time ncarlyall our painting crime from outside of Canada by keeping at it and raising howl once in while there is now not much of it cotn III in People are getting Cun tidiun pictures It was mostly sce oiid rate stuff that come front Europe he added It Is still true that grout deal of culture is coming in and we are iioi exporting much An Eug lish journalist travelling across Canada cullcdlhis country of uiircdecmablc mediocrity In Montreal tlic ortisl has heard it Ild never would be Compared with the amazing dc vclopmcnt made in economic lines tirt docs sccin insignificant admit ted Dr Jackson In other fields we talk in terms of millions and billions but when it comes to art we talk about it modestly But then the country spends billions oti national defence and not on so the production is very lim What do other countries think of us Seven years ago an exhibit of Canadian art wont to Paris un der UNRRA to most modern ex hibition of paintings He read French review of the Canadian showthe critics had found noth ing of any significance It was not very encouraging EXAMPLES or LOANS is no no two Above payments Oval naming Evin Payment for inbolwun allowu on in propmlion 1Com AI lito yamnde to employed people married or single no bankbio security to quirod audits oiliotod companies are now the largest loan group in Ameliawith over 95 offices lhroughout Condo Phono rst for lvisit loan Como in or write low $50 to $1100 mud WIMTNIL ilNANll lt MICIII 8M milk 35933 mtllAmtlc MIMOMIW Ono eveningsMOMMA mnhmlhbdowmulnm MNWWJNMI nccdcd lwith drapes etc but ous response to inc Cillllllrllllll has got the project off to it good skirt Raised Eyebrows He told of lflt il=1 tiiti slay ltilil of Joe McNtilitc iiiti floutrs the uuditoriuni bLIZl tionattd 11 lJL abroad tr 01 TJL introduction ti Dr um litktti by one of lll former the 3m NWR mils Miss ML MJCKH Ufwdl be pititni it icizirzitbt Collingwootl glue on informal inti 3p friendly touch to his Lilk 5itiir lay evening The count dilbl 31 343 Vii qr referred to the eminent painter us GumUV 031 SUNmill her favorite teacheru kind lca mm 41m 1115 you UN in Qmm On beer or the wondevtol cznfcit gmnq iibnhfliully bummed onstwtion found in every pair Latest reports Lie eurtti and gave plzlLllLLIl 1154 Udnw Sismnce need Speaking 0f lllrxll LLlldh gt13 JFMTW gtF kllv3l li Nuniiinri him as one of the original mm iIltldLlZlvnlllfiguPtfnhiipgi th ixn MRS FRED JAVKS Of 39 funk Street TE WULJSL up Pleasureto took MaineEl as wear and on not brs of the Grou gt to in cm rcmurkcd lhit VllJIlfflllh hlttiLillLTdiiiutcd twentylive dollars in Ldtbrlhd UK 3010 ddmg unanlrSiUl billurddv ummuclivx hceq Oiyedlhual VDs Ecah mm was originumd chiey fur xrdiilb llklli up llll will not 11 0L1 10 ill L116 01110 til then Stilllilvltiw lill tlzlllilltttl Mr ms eyou hmmm purpw it had Umbullf fml dilulllkr iviulvm dle illld Mrs Charles Graves 18 Cllliliiiililll Street With reccp fer mm URIDemon wh lcd great deal to Canadian tirli5 11 bum NW UY minim on ill lt mpn 90 p3 35 in fuundation and mlpmm Urilgllm Tlit iminltrs new to sii HM 111 VilnDlK lklllVCd Illilll shoeiiouov HUM development of Cunadianiwork on lic school inicrior um ovcly gifts telegrams inti curds oi congratulation ontlic tom Melduh an mwmmts imrkgidM dimimis gliuli L111 occnsion Lllld were presented with cursices bv their fuinilv Kr rgc tin 115m paint iiri The mm mm or Dr Juckdhad been gm BMW dud btforc sitting down to tuikt slipper Ihc table looked EEK FRENrS sons work is its rhythm Tliileisirlct Agt$Ucllllltin for RIllllllil Veryruurucuve Wth centrepwu 0f Hllow Cillldles and was evident in the ftw slidcs ltillfcmldrcn at sUUd dimilml gumUilllltd CARP Later friends llld ILlillchS gathered local mcrcliunt Additional contributions provide It Ilic caption Raymond Marks Christian Isluntll and the late Mr King vcrc marz USA ricd III St Pauls Ullllttfl Church to attend and were Midland August ill Women Teachers Hold Conference Saturday to attend the annual all conference of the Federated Wuml cn Tcachers land Region No when teachers of Muskoka District County nict towns new hiin school Chairing proceedings was Miss Flora McGrcgor of Burric dirt color for the region on the pro vincial executive Among the olhcr Burric and dis trict teachers in attendance were Miss Jane Simpson Miss Eleanor Channen and Miss Nora Dc Hart and Miss Doris Kcarns Camp Bor and Mrs Mrs Jane Leigh Oro Township This evening the Centre Sim dcn coc Women will hold its first meeting of the all season in the form of 11 dili ncr at St Andrews Presbyterian fliurch The speaker will be Cockburn who will address the teachers on and Wild Flowers lecture with slides in trate his IS SAMPLEUCWIIEI VOUBIIY TIIE 1mvuommuus in Hurst Vicious iitti Stlnml 5gtlill0ll provided iiid thoughtpn BARKlES LEADING SHOE STORE The subycct Vlitit TLLILllCIS CSpecioll To Hodsowives Who Have Never Tried Ai llll BULK lelllXEli ViiHllriir ll 1353ii tit tilt Litmus 103 ltillit= rum 11 Womens InstItuteS Pvnrxoom VJx II to gt 4o4o are NOTHING TO SEND FOR Plktfd tug of gt gt dllll cual Lolita Fungus mot 11 mild lb euih IICWK link it til dc ii lillll litl ttllllil lillli Yl ttnifiitIitc on the cuniingn combo for rho 3mm uvlmg hm makes Dr lode shot for tin evening of enjoyable entertainment cligtgtrurun lllt 55 Relatives present included Mr tind Mrs Alec Jackson and their son Gerry who had motored front Fort William for the day their daughter Mrs Lcs Alllltk iDoroLhy and her Depurlnmm husband Mr and Mrs Les Jackson and Mr and Mrs Laurie ltltliilJl1CkSUll and their daughter Junie who motored from Ken QtllliV EIELISH illilllll Srnr it uilli nflcnumn flu fur ltl in up under of dinner or bulimic vuff oi PEEKNFREANS and Mrs David Honstctid of Kenoru were unable greatly missed iii the family party IkiiiclSIioe Store livpcct of Parents and What For lGeon Rcv Lewis and color Mr Ctickburu is incinGIUGlwlk CUTIR QC Ibct of thc Barrio District Colicl Refreshments were served gliIlC Institute stuff the close of the meeting Association of Oli at and Simone in the neighboring ours at No Extra charge $5950 value Complete illpiece matched set of Marco aluminum cookware given with any Electric Range by flittieeze Robbins and lcnclicis Association 201 PUDDING PAN 20 SAUCE PAN THERE NONEBEITER the topic Gardens He will illus no on Guaranteed 201 comm SAUCE PAN no 201 cram coom and DOUBtE some ox Cleanser 4Ql COVERED SAUCE PAN lQI covsneo SAUCE PAN Electron $22950 osluxs moon Amtmsm moon no4 tin3 roiimnii circuit JAX SPECIAL PACKN0 COUPON REQUIRE Fully Automaticcooks dinner while youre owoy MumUse 6qt Cooker and surface unit pops up as Cookeris removed BunqbehSize Oven roasts boltes ond broil perfcclly Four Super Speed Surface Units cosh willi7 cooking speeds for all types of cooking Fib small space but does greal big cooking iob Four Super SpeedurfocoUnils eocbvdth cooking speeds for all lypesol cooliingl BanquetSide Oven roasts bakes and broilsperfeclly litonium Parceloin Finish smboth as glass wiposcleon Vilma murderous WASHING of memo Vol took dislm cloonDishessoak grease frec in seconds No walsliiugistieeded no greasy disbwuter with Volno llll around the pan Mmlv by makers of Dceplvcczc Fiction and llclngcrufms cm in today suppiyrs limited Dontwlpo ital rinseDishesdry streak free billion wiping Even heavy grease in pots and pans is so completely dissolved no hard scouring is needed ELECTRICAL 20 Owen St Barrio in

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