Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Oct 1953, p. 9

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now on OKeefes Fine SixHorse Tandem Hitch at Barrie Fair Christmas Flowers Grow Newton Robinson From Bulbs Without Soil Beaullllll fir vw In the llvzz llu 01 Hull Lu hardly lllll to much11 sullplc rule are 11 even poiilblc IL pruc lur Chnslnlas ll 1111 cf the 11111314 llurzsls glm ahulld for bmlzll lw Ciallsls 111 lcmmlzy produced plps of lnr shipment 11 ril Pips are 11111 bail1 lllll stucks Vllll 111 abl11cc of brous routs Tllcy alc slurc huuscs of mmg nuc mllyi water and 5111131110 1cm mm to enable Ihcm ll dc erIl gram bcllllowcrx 111 Llll Hlll allructlvc pale green lmx lt Pips arc Shlppcd In 1113 callnlly in cold sturdy and kept 11 Ill degrees umll plumcd Decorative bowls tllrcc lllLhl or 1111111 11 depth may be 1111l ll1cc thc pips an 111cl1 upall 111 1110 bowl and pack Sphagnum 1111155 mound them Some of The lung mots may be cul off 11 11cccsgtlr Vc the muss and kccp it 1110151 Place the bowl in dim llglll 1111 1211111ch turc of 70 degrees mid 1110 leaves and stems dcvclop 111ml gradual 1y increase the light but avoid direLt sun Blossoms Vlll develop in three to four weeks Uslng three bowls and starting one every weck you can have con tinuous supply of these fragrant lowers during the winter Other flowers which are easily grown indoors are paperwhite narcissi and Chinese sacred lilies These take longer to flow er and do best later in the sea son Paper whites planted in No vember are likely to grow 16 inches tall producing clusters of starshaped white flowers at the lop these long svems But 11 December they will be two or three inclzcs shorter and in Jan uary not over 12 inches tall It takes five or six weeks to pro duce flowers Paper whites are placed in bowl and held upright by pebbles packed around them Water is poured in the bowl and replen ished as needed It is best to keep the bowl in cool dark place until roots form and top growth begins Then bring them into the light and give day temperature CARIEY Thanksgiving Visitors Mr and Mrs Rix Beard spent Thanksgiving with Mr illld Mrs Thomas Middleton Stroud Mr and Mrs Clarke Middletbn runll New Car Owner Weekend in Prtxkl Mrs EJX llqD 11 11 11 lcrwcnli vlsil friend 4311 115 Clarcncz Null R1 uency and Bu work111 Farcell Puty 131 well p111 pr 11111 3812s Frank Mxlwcod 213 llLl the home of 1le Mrs Dull Brawn an 5111111 11H mm 70 degrees Higher lcm pz cnll11 If Du c1111 lhyfccpf pLlalUlLS may cause spmdly Icv able Wag 11111 zlrld and but 111011111 and prevent flowering 15th expressed for happlzzcx 11 In the Slime way ClllnLSC hm mwhumc 53m sacxcd lllics and narcissi solcll dor can be grown both taking more tune to bloom These do best 1n humld atmosphere They make attractlve decorations for the wmdow in modern kitcll on where the atmosphere usual ly is more humld than in other rooms By mixing small quantity of commercial plant food in com mcrclal peat muss and using this ulstcad of pebbles or Sphag num moss to pack around the bulbs all these subjects can be grown with good results The mixture is known as bulb fibre and takes 11 place of soil In it calla lilies and King Alfred nar cissi also can be grown The fibre is packed around the bulbs and we like tinbhmzle will man the bowl kept in dark place at temperature of 55 degrees until rouls dcvclnp and strong top growth begins Then place the bowl in window where it will have fresh air ahd Sunlight in temperature ranging between 55 and 70 degrees All theSe bulbs will bloom if given their simple requirements and require much less daylight than other flowering plants It they disappoint you it will likely be due to ovqrheated rooms High temperature causes them to grow too fast and makes the growth weak Lilies of the Valley ill Flower in Three Weeks Visit Mother 311 and Mrs Jim Bruoksz L011 1011 Mr and Mrs Gordon Stewart Toronto and Roy Brooks 81 Ca Lharlncs vis1cd 1hc1r lllkllllLl 11 the weekend GLORIOUS AUTUMN Soon youll be sniffing the aroma of burning leavesand reading the warnings on fire hazard ngh now however we are imbued with that certain comlortable feeling me and the onset of fall Despitr the joys of summer which has seemed too brief and ends too soon 1er arm IDcnmurk ls dcvolcd to agriculture and children spent the weekend with her mother Mrs Dixon vvllo has movcdto her new home Slayner Mr and Mrs Ivor Potts Mont real spent the weekend with Mrs Joe Booth and Mr Booth who we are sorry to sayis confined to Soldiers Memorial Hospital 111 0111113 Ple Reg Beard London spent the weekend at his home here Mrs Charles Jermey Orillia spent Thanksgiving with Mr andl Mrs Leonard Booth MrL and Mrs Glen Johnston weekend with Mr and Mrs Qrville to put tarry on eight hours CANADIAN GENERAL Elec lrlc Bartlet Works employee and his new car His fellow employees imagine that Doug Greenwood is going to be hard fellow to find around Barrie on weekends from CGE News If youre marspot nanciallyp right now with ellptulsslike= fuel clothes for the children and plans for the holidays ahead think this overYoucan brrow $5010 SiOOOpromptly on your own signatulc IIFC Oneday SCIVlLC Thou talk up to 24 momhs to repay on aplan that you seleCt yourSelf gm annulus Inanu ousnloln anus mom bum nquussmqum3iJMJIprm spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ray Hill0rillia Mrs Everett Jphnston and son Murray are spending weeks hol iday with Mr and Mrs Garnet Johnston Oshawa Calcol Flet Toronto spent the which nttcndsthc fading of sum Cenlennial Flashback Early History ll Barrie Theatres 1111 lvl llLullll ll 33 lUll xx 111 111gt11 unll 4191 1mm ll cumplclc pm All ccllcry of 15 uwn lllc wilvlc home thoroughly huntui 1111 vcrltllulcd and 15 b1111 cd by 300 lllCulllltiLl ulcctrlc 1411115 and decorated 11 111 13 play 111s It Wlll bu occu pancy about Feb rclulj fur 11396 the people of Burric the for the 111111111111 505011 of 11111 in clullcd xuch rst class silnws us 1the musmal comedy The Cut and the Flddlc and the play The Slluuw M1111 both vltll 200d com panics PllCOS ranged from 30c 10 515 in the boxes and orchestra gallc seats were 25c It in that same fall that the new ulicy was ahnounced by 1119 uwner John Powell of oper atlr1g movin picture shows night ly wnh the admission set at SC for children 5nd 10c for adults This signicant Qangc began on October 1911 Meanwhile the building just west the present About thrcciquarlcr of the cnElrcstone Store was nverted into 21 muvlc houzc The camlund iwhilc some time late another HAT IeNIugbt Syndlme Ines50 American Intsine All right you two bulb it up Get paid Armstrong FARMERS mm was Llul someone Iiguresoul how day five days week and make it pay equal returns with other industry we see little hope of keeping the boys on the old home siead Lets hope someone imds the answer before we start running out of the things the farmer pro duces Stanstead Que Journal FIRST WINNIPEG SETTLEMENT Fort Rouge built by the explorer La Verendrye in 1738 Was the rst settlement on the site 01 Winnipeg house or hospital In ax likelhis MONY helps MON Accident and Sickness plans will pay taxfree monthly income during accident or sickness No confinement necessary No reduction inbenefits for income from otherjpurces MONY Hospital and Surgical plans cover the entire family and pay per persm up to $15 day for hospital room for as many as 305 days surgical bills up to $300 plus Jauaesthetic fee ambulance doc tors calls in hospital maternity tomato Ontario Canada insulian mmmg benefits and up to $750 for miscellaneous hospital expenses such as XRay medicines Special treatments emuEmetgency benefits include up to $45 for hospital outpatient expensesand up to $150 for home nursing expenses Also all polio expenses up to $5000 Get details now about MON protection to your needs No obligation Mum New You the Mm life Insumncclcompcny Now York Mall Ihis Coupon Today MUTUAL or NEW YORK 50King st West like tunnel momma on the now Accident and Sicknesl Province Wm 08103 Andle glint mutual coqpnyEstablllhed 110 you GIMP11118121 1110 1m 121 plckcd out In warm qulcl col1 11151 Scutln Ibnzhtld Gold Flblf Screen an example of me 11catz1cal fare this cszabllshmcnt brought lomtm plays and for 1LI lru lLl HULK 00d gxlys look of 2115 111gtcd omc 11 11 l1 1920 hml the he kcn uvul 17 53 log that lilc movies hilll atlsz 37th 131nm ltull1clcnl gt11lelc to warlmmmcm mm 11111111111 of spccml lcsmnlml1 Tl am Monday Ocmbcr 11 1920mldfwn 19 XL Drcumhmd menu 11100321011 11 mun 1c elcclmg on lower Ballcld Strum me HUIOZHJ Drlxcllt CtllillJHTX behind 1310 Bank of Nova It was 51311 600 people 11151 11gt like the one 111 the Pumach The cumsmms 101ml date 11 every way AdlnlSSlOD was 27c and 16c the odd Cllenglr was liplo bclng due to an amusement taxvl Reserve Your Date Now lmpomd during the war Allolllel lhgalrc was soon 10 FALL BANQlETh make its appearance In NovemI CHRISTMAS PARTIES her 1923 Garrctt built the Capltol Theatre now the Granl PJy T00 small adaI and here two advances in the entertainment eld were to take place In 1928 Ml Galrclt 1nslall PHONE 581121 Stroud ed Wurlitzer theatre pipe organ not much over year Barrie theatregoersz enjoycd sxlcni Ill BKlllbLXllNlW1XDULTUBE8131353 11 of ame lLlY PEDESTBIANS cusses xalkers DONT BE ONE ijZJL 011ml axgarultcs or paper yr on he SITQELS regard for the attrac mpcrunt 12 Ill TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD FORD METEOR MONARCHMERCURY CONSULZEPHYR OWNERS As the ONLY ALTHORIZEI DEALER within 25 miles Barrie Sec us for any of your service needs Factory Trained Mechanics Genuine Ford Parts Largest Ford Stock Room This Side of Toronto 11011111 MOTORS 1111 Market Square llama FIND OUT TODAY HOW IO 0H3 nap ca9o9on um or 1mm mullch Ididnt have any previous training at all ThevAir Force taught me all know abom radiolsays Cpl Bob Sibbett Communications Technician who works on the neWest Sabre jet Fightetsnnd other radjojradar equipment of RCAF aircraft keep elu ying safely If you ate betWen l7 and 40 Canadas exPanding AirlForceIl1yestlgote today You too can train as qualied aircrft technician jenioy service life in the RCAF SeneCanadaand help are physically laud have Grade education orbettertheres place for you arms You an lummc AS Mu comumcmons AERENGINE lusmuumr cement For comphloilgfonngcn on Ininihgind 911m Illa llorpl Ill dam In comic ioum led dnclirpticpunmupkn 1201 by Street 10mm in

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