fill ijtli EXAMLViR Mtlhdt Ut iUEiK 13 1953 Prominent Speakers at Regional Meeting of SlmcoeMuslltollta Life Underwriters The last Column Minesing Resident oo DOIII DIES In RVH AI ge 68 III II II Bafe II II IyI 73 up III II II II II II II II NHL BUD IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImI III III III NHl llliVWtOl ti WW Ll ll Iww IIIII IIIIII II III II II II II ALI II II II II II II rf II II III II II IA II III II II III It world III III II II II orgeous Colors Country Women IIIhlzIIlJlIIIIIchIth II II II II II III 01ltth IQ III ay tress II II II II II II we have ayed II IIIIIIIIIII ICIIIIIIIIFIIIIII IIOIII GIIEI II III TI we WI III IIIIII IIIIIII IIII gI III II III III II III II IIIIIIII III II Isl at IlnluILi it 01 new Hf ht ROLE Club 05 the re pm gt IIllil iiI Im riporxu on he Rtlll3pll301d field day Itct eumplIe of uusummcr II ltltl 011 Wednesday Oct announcing that Codriuzton 32 mm D73 lzl In vicit bLlOO ll II ma mm mm I1 IN II IIIIIIIII ll 13DI cynic that from In mm II II do Wlul the mute of leaf lOl I2 FIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III III III II IIII II II II am ISIumy 33 In of IILIIII IIIIIII PIIIIIII II IIIIIIIA lEIUJMlI 1l4ll Eod Willi through the III II It Hi 1il lliS iiiiporLin my and 58 at 11 p111 iid Man JlHld =l wr Iiljll 1LII omplctc syllabus IIIIII IIIIIIUIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII hKIiII IIllll iicI tl llcillbtI Temperatures wcrcI IIIiIIIII IIIII II II III III kt OIgdmmmn and uIIImISI Igh LII II III III II Ilistzuzuvntai II keeping my qgmi were We under and mm III Oct 11 III III of tJCl cunt III 2x straftiom would be timed slimrh och 12 34 Inferen II inked the stiidcn to all members advlsmg ma III II IIHIIIILIIIS and fI mo pm each mud be aIICIISIIIII 23 III It 1IIII III II FWIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII II cvopcrauou and ltilillice to play in the coming campaign Oct 15 $7 Will 1h mm Iitu this VLlll one of hc lllIIS Oct 16 68 51 III In In Iiic IIIICIIIfU III kmd II record Id risltient Jim iidnorcIIaInnouIncI on II II SIIIIIIIII IIII commonting iursmyzl III IImI II III pIIILII IIIII IIII II OCII 18 II IIIIJ IIII IIIIp III IIIIICIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1h 23I III and CI IIINI IIIIIdIII IwIIIIIII II III SIIIQIIII IUIII LIIIIIII II III IIIIIIIIIUII SLIIIIIII HIIIIIIUIII John Ambulance auspices would II II Au III II lw gt IziimcncI opera ion li15I2IiIic 12131 thIc Si quld rctiirn IIIIIIIIII IIIjerleIEIIdlIIIIIIId LIIIlll IfI Requmm Mass Celebrated III IIII ex II mg Ian 00 Ext Iqu II II II III III II III and II bIIhII III me sIIIdIIIIIS IIIId llISlLIci either hlllbdli or to lt For Mrs Gbbons III II II III IIII II II Is II IlilI cxorwscd lhtll IIpIpictbialipx IIIOII IIIHIIIII mail pIIII IIIIOI1IIIII Rid iIlt ilt IIIbiauii On undiv morning it IIr IIIc scrncc proviIu llt Iz WEIR UIIHIIIISIIII II MINI II III II II II III we ItiIiid tht irs lilllll II II RIIIILlIlilllS In 11115 annual Itld my bit HEMle It it mLI of Mount bi Lou UIH mu CI NEW IQ IIIIN III II IIII III tllI II COIIIIIII of he IIIIIIIIII IIIch IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIAIIIIII IIIIIIII IBIII II III II I0 accolmrg the 33mm Incuiocrs the 1lt ition ld mmmd mm page MN Emu um um Div ll week Il Ithlctic su rcmacv for the tOvriI and would assu iv was lt01 11 the llt We imp Jl WSW 64 li by Licut Mc II II Iml WI LhIM IIIIIIIII II IIII MIII MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII CIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII 1333 IgaiciItIlSIduiIing IlIllt Ihockc rcn and mix childrenS CMMIIIIII IliumI lI II UR IIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIII In WI III II IIIIIIII IIII bIIIIIII the line Spllli of sparbmauship aiIiId Allanof SIC JZIISI Cikgmay COIIIIUIIIUG to enjoy the llllVll gm IIIIZII The officers Corps II Ices IIII II Ii II II II II III III IIIIII IIII III IiL333 Chic eilllllmni 1m Wellesley SueeiI TommOI who iSImgay mi OSTLIOOUSCIILIIIICII qhd IIIIIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIII III IaIIZWIfIIITNhHPOHUd ht IlL liftlde I35 Iziv luilllil llic party gm undu wuy and upiiig 31 be pcssime in charvc of thc trainuu KI msmlm 33 Gallo 510 Is ltiirvivcd then around 30 0111 Iiierr if one church Lil elnarks by femrm Wifch prLgmm heritage Lb hd been dissed rug III In II II II Ii Jri ii month lL laiiii 15 had DHII yt III II nI BMHI III II II II IIII III II Instance puma5 0mm IUIIIIIngEIInubItIhI TIutIszIor iii us by 1105 whoIhaI bum III IIIIII IIIIIII it IIMIIII IIIKIIIIIIIII CIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIgtIItII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIiI IIiIIIIaIII IIIuIIIIIIIIgIIIIItI IIIIIIIIiI Icy as II co0pcratc in any matter concern 311mm b60untrv to what it is todayq CIIIUH3ICI chuimrd Jiiil L00 It 31 muff 55115 inr gt lmpmmm as long to the oldest 8CC club mI ti md to Cllll5d1 pllsgxwlnal box cauitd llllClUli in Ii It II mg the welfare and prestige 01 his mgworld SI Johrn IXmISIIIance Course Sway II IIIIIIIih Iicwmcm IIIIINHSIIWS IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIfII bum III IIIII IIIILIII LIMIT IIIIII III III IIIII RIIIIIIIIII CIII IIIIO IIIII IIOIIIII aIId IIIIICIIII IIIIIII school IIIII III III Mr II II hII tttpll women LIII II EIIIIIIIIIII CIIIIIIIILIIIII III BIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IbII OI II II III yaw News II III IcI as an unbroken record of uns In Is icuiailn III II II Inc Il Glb munI II II Tl now Cpesumm activlty for more than 1000 years spoke of the Asociutlons tlircci II Til mm to llembmm Lommmw made mile which III our Immch The term gone west referring Ill year course of study II II II III II mm II II IIIIII IIIS abIIIIII IIIIIII IIIS IIII II IIIIII III IIICIIIIIII dates th five twvn school II II ludmb II lk IIIIw ciiivI IIII IIIIiII ouncid thIII Ih Leonard HI woad II IIII to in kII I1 ack ueSIS 0f the Rotary Club man ueSt 981 331119 designation CLU Chartcrcdi llxxfm have Ulilpcmion The cup Iczitcllphmsc to ttlhng 01 Viking custom of burial ThursdaKI MI McLenmnI Bob Haiold Black of rIthe Haliburton Life UnIdeanII HI outlined IIltIlllttLLl llI warm car the bust Tuemnuir hismly had ies Stoyner HgmeII IhIIppIIIIIIdI Iwhen Vikmg Chief dIedI his bodv Watson and U19 LQNSIUSI from Club while Bud hill formerly of Changes curremlv being mad dIIIricIl on 111 illull LItlliiilch Many done his year to Glen Morris lii Followin Pne iwas placed in the scpiilchml cha II II II II onla II II II Cldrmglon James MaCLianI Don P0 Rm 35 the nonRomrln Signed to make the coum even or turn mum on urea du 01 51Ale in Brant IIorth district and We explamed to him than thatlbtl aboard lxic clnp Then with IIII II III III ald Bmvscr and Anne Berry Hill gues 30b WilliamI and Earl more valuable to the lite underl Mk lllltivllllliegd O0 ImUl had also placed The death occurred in Pattons ML 331 We had to make semelsml set and SlCQllng oar lashed to crest Smith Donald FosterI MCDonaldI recently EDPOImEd man writer by vivina him mm in lpClplcs of their nations well in tlic cSSay and handicraft Nursing HomeI slavneII Un mu presentation before we left and we keep her on her co III II III naII III urILI me IIeSSCII andIBctty Miller King Edwardhgerc IIeI Telephone for Iknowledge winch would enamel Mrs pcI wacumed the IIILIWII ctllfthllOllSI Tlic next biennial day Oct 1953 of Mrs Leonard JUS CWld not think of anythinngas set afire and pushed off imo 3913191 Sumerland Ken Gravcsl me dbrm was the gueg or mm enlarge his service the Australiai dun lcclzrg jf chuml 0190 Will be painting Woud no result of stroke more appropriate to gic him thc west toward the setting un and Tim 5L Claim prince of Grant Mayor public 5m Ii guild the handicraft mjpm will be allowed IncumonIII II Id lldht cid Itlltl and Cd IIICSI Frank LQVayI Gerry De Bowman Bob Bowman assisted He suggested that more Of me mid mm it was II how IIIII childs outfit rm boII or girl Mrs Wood the former Mary ulIze Mellillari xalk The popular slang term rmSI II cum and Rose Manv McBrideI stI Grant Mayor with me singing and public Ijs becoming aware of the Acww mm rm pm IIIIISIdeIIII rum Slx eigIIhr Imam or ageI Jane Havel50m was be on Deal Ed 0le the table opened tth mg tho wind meaning raising MaryI5 Angus RCSSI the club5 musician professional type of service beingi MISI Raymund Sam the UII junior gms session closed the 13 1357 in EnglandI the daugmmI IiTIIblIl IlheIrIII 131ml HMO uncorIlqunds tor some specific purposeI John Stevenson convcncr of the presided at the pianoI rendered by many lire undemrmi Lid Sm mm II III My 3qu mnwmmn on Fridm ameII of the late William and Sarah HaI 3U nth 111195 back early daySI when II or today and the Itiinc would lcaaIcIrsnip Inoon vitli Miss Shaver iii charge e550 She clmQI canad mi The box contained big Vhielthpmasfer ould 30 3IVllCl1 01 come when the publlc IgenemuyI IThem were displays and dcmonI 1563 and mszdea In sunmdaleI cake IIIII he IIISCIIIPIIOII In pInkIforIUIIeIeueI and pay IIg money would demand that the life UlldClrl IN bludyIProIlect gstmtions bv membels of Emmy Township She was predeceased icinurrms REAL for the assurance that good winds writer shallI have given evidence At the cuiiicicucc delegates liadrpume Happv Homemakem Club by her husband who died April cakg plece WOUld Surely drive his vessel for or ability to give professional discussed lmw they clmld Imukog Rugby Girl ClIIbI and Avemnd 30I lgggI IheIemire voyage and bring her II Pmue to male gut 43 service by qualifying for the dcsig the world be for place to live uni Girls Club the latter two with She was member or UHF safely back home This Iis aI sxtuatioan ic Icon rgnqs Mr Dunstall in his remarks ex of the work of me united Nam strationsI and the rst an held Oct from the Unitedl band and family came to Canada The International nickname for cvciy editor from time 10 ma pressed concern at the number of organization FAOI UNESCO and cement Splat CIhUFClI New Lowell with the scr settling first in Hillsdale They Sallors JaCl Tar came into use people In Canada whorhe felt were WHO The provincial pmsidmnf MN ShIIIIIIII III II le conducted by the Rev JamesIhad lived in Barrie for the pas because of the customamong old pore 13 He Pal men of giving their work Burden Interment was in15 Years coasting along under false some told countv dclcvatcs she vcul cl of Security because they carried like them to show interest in thel 3311 fgrslimipl amounIt of tdemporary UN and to become more familiariina year working with wool and Insurance ei er un er group with the work of the international ExcllenlmFWS New year contracts or personal policies Hel peace bodv in which the Acwv the 1be Mm Smfm about this time as Parents and suggested that while term insurance has consultiivc stalu She lhave hupnamy mm The Chm II gtI sug cggrdiheNisgehIte $2122 nezfgIIdThis had denite place in life irisur gcsred that the UN miuh be suEgiEiyalmibemrxgi as ance program it should be 18 stiidv projch for Simon Courith IeltezisItIlItedolder Iones add to the membcred that it IS purely temp branches during the coming veal hflhchlI Teas that OIyII or Ihne IIriticIISation OIIf it all graiy protection He felt that the It had been intereving Io IIIIII I6 98 SWIISOIIItnancSIIIIlInge Flignc awar or three are automatic Therellrggli pleywligucziirrcigdmgulitigrliglazirhogfiis how the womens Insmmes 5651 more Mums elfe 390ml 10 of proudIIImd happy Mothers of term insurance will nd that his ed govcrmIiicnIts particularly in the by the Womens Institute Fiteen and DadSI 0n hand Monday Oct insurance had expired that theyI lsactliigutuWdan dcpuilmes form grlsrecewgd mumV mm cem 26I at ght pImIIII to see their hadI noIlongeII life insuranceprw dItt Iab iIIa fisItiIbittion and the catcs and pins youngsters strut their stuff and 8d the lmerim had udwn 015miqu fmds we walk home with therewards felled mu backlog 0f ihis slth ifielleem 13112112305303qu 11 Along with the 10mm excit SBVlnES which is automatic in the mam over Pawns and Award case of life Insurance policies of wrest more etmanem cm At Stoney Creek the biiihplacc Night Monday October 26 has meter He of the WomensIInstitute movement clothes light coating of tar to syiilicy is to go ahead and print it nyway it its news Stayner Union Cemetery The late Mrs MacLeod was Pallbearers were Herb Barker member of Collier Street United gave Duff Cleve Patton IHarry Church and belonged to the W0 Irosscii Harry Gordon and Tomgmaiis Missionarv Societv and the Patton in addition to individual Womans Association She had floral tributes flowers were senllbeen an active worker in Barrie om the New Lowell Womans Asl Womens Institute iation gt am IelaIIveslN 51 mule lends IBEldIIfIBS her husband she is sur MrsIWood is survived bv two vwe two sons Hugh 0f To brothers Ernest of New LowelllrOmo and squadron Leader 1w and Fred of Barrie three sons ham MMLeOd comox BC and Leslie and Harold of Sunnidalc dalgmers Ms Ba mons Violet of Barrie and Mrs Township Norman of Minesingl and two dauhtcrs Mrs Harry Mcl game Abbot lManel 0W8 oun Gowan Alma Collingwood and MrsI William McKinnon mum The funeral service was con BairieI ducted by Rev Ernest Lewis Relatives and friends attending Pallbearers were William Stark the funeralcame from Agincourt Ed C01h0lm Rumble D5Rum Barrie Paisley Stayner Coiiing ble 11E Abbotts and Bart Sim 13 and Mrs Charles Bennett waterproof them WAVERLEI The Bannister family have the sympathy of the community in the loss of their father Mr and Mrs George Barlow of Unionville Mr and Mrs Clifford Brown of Willowdale were weclb erid visitors at Elba and Bruce Browns Mrs Dorothy Cadc Mrs Corlett Sr and Mr and Mrs Clayton Baithyv of Toronto visited with Mr and Mrs William Corlett Mr and Mrs MorrLs McWattrs and family Smith Falls Cecil Had an interesting letter recently from George Hunter now located at Hialeah Florida FDurth season for the Hunters and their children in the south George says he misses all those good hockey games around Barrie But he was in swimming the day he wrote water temperature being 86 like my own beach ILeonards on Lake Simcoel better but you cant swim there in Janu ary comments he My two boys go to school here and lovciit very much fought for three years to got school at Leonards so now live there three months and here nine months Just three blocks from the Hialeah race track Merry Convention Speakers Other speakers on the closing day of the convention included Miss Elsie Dunn Simcoe County librarian and Mrs Dubin of work convener Chiistmas ested that ma or or the life insurance busmes and 3901 0f MrsAdelde me om 0mm 001 Mme kt and famil th around WhICh 010 three 931110115 Rell Fakeplace includinBI the life underwriters or lamina Headless who started the first In 99 tv Bav Creennloreooansdmlgronton Clem was Barrie relatives span weeliend mm to use for ads or more often to get hopping his birthday cakc suit to stress the purer temper smum Hers had been an idea pm Reports were given bv MISI New er and in some news item Which is the ab decoratEd for the occasion character of term insurance into action and on the din of the ton historical research and current Among the many oral mm family 15 mad Johns and best read Pa er we 350 iws But back toPents and Awards ACWW delemtes visit it had been events convener Mrs Cranston clti Yarne emdent Big 1mg fgom comer sue and Mripelllloriisiegarlgs mm for you1ts onday ecently he Pemlon simian gee ears me um Barrie womeuS night the Squadron reminds ev 0W reachlnu an ldta zens 1p and education convener CC 90d Wall Street Journal went on five Mort Levy CLU re resent Institute the staff of me Mr and MrsMorley French and cryone that Mon Oct PI coud be Mrs James Bell resolutions up 31 day Ipubhshmg schedule and the open HOuSe Nismt the time of the Imperial Life in Tor Ideas can be more powerful than When and Miss Galbraithg junior Ples AI ISO iI iIEtglggldlgImsglmJgII Inlaygggm BIIantfordIIvisited withIMIrIII Institute board the servxcc rs Charles French onto spoke on the subject 51mm arm SI II II ie told the gatheiirib Funeral service was held at staff of the Barrie Collegiate III Mm wlmam Simorpe enter my page to Humming II 88 ISbavqredtf Smglg 77 mm asrmggycgggfg if afne fe power of the individual and the in giiiiiigoirgefrigsiig Tlfesdagtmgct Flllhexlggll ageing $3353 91311 Sm Tran $3 1563312 Sign mm Ion ecIause eyIrea aur were Ip ace pm women can take ammo 133th and Monday edltions on Monday duck runners Iquipment The boys aware Io Ithe pensmnI Power of worIdI manner by Mrs Charles Miller JpthllgaCIYcmd of BInrrIe who died Battery Owen SoundI and the 368 Dka Mrs John Miller anyway Is that trend Weekends have given up duck hunting at lhe me sumnce pouces Life Everyone must begin where thev Alnongthe resolutions carried at la oct Dye Barrie Strict Coueglate Instill wee Brown and Royce 39 have Snally been demted read 1935 um the Sling 0f the $3 wears msurance San be Istretchei 3m are with What they have we convention was mommenda wletnera all1d Marine Hospual smdems and council will pm Illimnem lug Probablrthe type who take off their parents know how hesaid twn that converters of standing 95 ad been Pallent smell Relatives and friends attendinu an rs Jack 0H8 at the wan551mm paperIdevoge their Good servxce to client means Adult Education committees remain in office only the mddle of summer The late the funeral included Mr and Mrs son Tot0m 599 theI hOIiday Iweekends now to playing Gawain trade pamphlet re loyal customer and pleased Canada stated Mrs Purcell is three years and that resolutions MrS MacLeod was visiting her Thomas Erase BmaloI NYI III weekend With Mrs SibthorpeI Ports that Frank Clair Argo coach Wlwyhllden one of the best examples of adult llOm mmwepresented tothe daughter Mrs James Abbotts Misses Mary and Chris Robertson number from here tookmithe missed it but IM Badzley has three main speechesi deaiing we may object to life in education at work This countrv branches whenever possible for dis when she became ill Toronto Mrs Agdew Owen turkey mer at vase IbroughtAin clipping immune of With football First is the Night suracea ledow never does Iliad shown the women of the world cussion before the convention 30 atNairnShireScotland on Sound Mr and Mrs Miirdock edcliizm 81er Toronto ism that they could continue to Ram Ifhe delegmes IIISII wowed that Aug 1892 the deceased was the Toronto Mr and Mrs Meta Leightonngan and Mrs II the dailies with an ad about historic reminders put out by one of brew gown Speech which cgvexs every IhiIIIgI Second IS the Girdle III former Dolina nasalRose daughi tosh Tovonto and Mt and Mrs Clear Sailing no matter how many years were Warren French Guelph mg additional government grams Ed Heuwood CLU gave most awed to their veg Here deIeI Mr nenwgod gave unique an The changes in the life of the alogy 9f the construction and oper FORM women over the past steals won sailboat to the me in has been nothing less than revolu files of gt186 andcouldtlnd no for children multiply handicapped laPPened WM 14 we the big bulseImd late Mr and Mrs Sth thteIe mile racc features great ped third IS the Brassiere Speech Whicti gnstim mg talk gates had seen examples of com imggcfmftfg for the urged ammo the may at ms me here IriIsIfrIan tiburamgnt at BariIii 188 covers the pligh spots for succegfuleeesmg munily hOUSEkeeDing being dim and that 193082351231an ne isra aIenear II II localgublpgot mm 193 IIllgeItIitleIIof his address was $5325 for the sake of this pan dshould take soIme action to of it dug out the old tiewspaper ear ahng Ce mm the Wholl mention whatsoeyer of this foot at Mat IyCcincidencc II II EIIzitctIIIorgaisroiIIyevteliregdgrgehever busigIeISSIIIIHe compared She dwlared adding that Grant can ll us at 919 mun me are freer aithough it lashiguiiiihaafvem 13353 gugggfssnfgg bmeeeeIfmgs nva can they have ever In Bush Maputom mm now busy trying to require good SIOqu baskII qualm Mm men referred to several Abo AllisthiIiIHcrald get phones for people in New Tor cations 88 like the instruction new ventures of the Federated Wow Gard 33 $d or Isallboat before it can sail mens Imtitutcs of Ontario There The me underwgiter has to know will be Womens Institute booth how to operate In the field in all at the Royal Winter Fair for the phases of sellingjust as it takes third time this fall and lit is hop knowledge and efficiency to sail edthat the Maturation othome Ito winIme must do the same to emit will again be well received succeed in selling at She reported on the success of inson cloIsedI up the house and the blacksmith shop andtook of for one months holiday to be $921 motoring to Vancouver and Ten days later Mr and Mrs onto sends along clipping from The Lakeshore News headgd Elm Ii bicoke Boys Bag Duck With =At row It Was as follows Bert Hedges could that be the former hockey player and referee of the IIIII I6 ns 3qu Sidoad countng II the gut to Greek villa cm 33 019 IIIIII IIIIfIIII II II 95th mm mm and IIIIIIII The an we down me mad Mm Ia wsonI vwoouvm om Children hadbeen deliVeredalongethllimma mm by 101 the ille coast intending to driveI toI ancouver and ferry the air across the Straits of Georgia to Victoria The Wiggins and the Breedons no worse than those of Itoriials and $1000 for upkeep and mon up butchMh to and she told the Simone is more clinic in its de 0mm wmentmt they could not mun says Col diam wester realize just how much the tilt ha mm 47 airold Dane who is in been Wiei IEtobicoke boys badlth tonalaim tailed themselves on Wins mal ml mtthows and arrows siesta III II II gt Mb secretary o2 the many the is ms Ima spgckbar In thalloclty Ir cmnIArmyu 30 attended the toIImake Imlminse 81 Ibychatiee here that $1009 tanning tame long AN