Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Oct 1953, p. 12

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12 ms BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY OCTOBER 19 19 Brown lll and brown salt bum apple Cine simmer no tender and sugar cabb covered 30 ri Eizittd ablaze llollx no l11 li iitolil Rick git iiiii linolil lt lie 37 ill Ls platter in GlllE CALENDARS Now is the time to select your designs for I954 Am It lllllllllll MERCHANT To iiisiisionnis 25 attend unit lie of the many beautiful designs for next callln and chcbsethe picture by which knoiim to your customers next year Roland ask for representatth to call minivan an and llaki ti 1llllllltl with pepper and baking powder from llltllttl tat or salad oil lio 11tll1plllvndalc lto brown bread cube in 10 seeoiids Tlllll once l1lll hot maple syiup Thornton Ma WES OCIIRANIL left of iiirst prize in the Graded Herd linixrk it tourist tittlgi Make tlllllfl orn Oysters united litgtl1 ioi iJlullH tiltix gtzili crp lltllz iiiiiu linking pow le co tsp lgttgt salt Drop inch of eggs and flour sifted with tablespoon into Makes 12 oysters Serve lllE QUESTION BOX libs asks llow long should meat stock keep in an elec tric refrigerator Amwer It all depends on how itiickly the cooked meatbone was cooled and stored with bone re moved Be sure to leave fat that collects on top until Hjhstock is to be prepared as soup Mrs asks Should we store old cheese in the refrigerator to prevent oil from coming out of it Answer We prefer to wrap both old cheese and the cream cheese taken out of cardboard carton in wax paper and place in tin or plastic container Then store in the refrigerator Remember to serve cheese often It is an eco nomical concentrated food Mrs asks How can we cook squash to prevent hard gran ular pieces in it Answer Shine varieties of hard squash are not fully matured until after the first frost and this may be the Itllhtlllll does not Cook well Wedges of button squash t2 inches NEW LOWELL Tifaiilffifiliiiiiaim lillltlt ii ti l1 itali turn on eotiise gititii Add moi spoke both iiioriiine and 9v Wins l2 Firsts at Barrie Fair 53 RDAY 10 lTbanksgiving Buyers 1ajl horntou won class of cat 11 Barrie Fair 1953 Mr Cochrane took 12 firsts at this years exhibition ill Li canw Hvizia nttn with her pLir lldflilllllll iwth Mrs Iad At Plowing Match and Mrs Allenby Quite lltlllilt litrlll lltTl tlir pitulfl match at CU rt Meeting The Voiiieii Illailllill met at the home of Mrs John Murray iii Bar llL on Wednesday The meeting opened by singing the Ode followi ed by repeating the Creed and the Lords lrayer Roll call service can render my community Motto1 by Mrs MeQiiay Minutes of last meeting were read and adopt ttl and letters read The program was in charge of Mrs Art Gordon Mrs Ottaway area president spoke on Start with What You Have which was enjoyed by all Others spoke feiv words con tegtt iii charge of Mrs Lightlieart on trees was won by Mrs Day The meeting closed and lunch was serde by the ladies Anniversary Services llitltl Sewicix ill the Ull tul Church on Sunday were siete lle Mr Srihth reei china and there Vlls special Sing it by the choir Miss June liv sane solo Whispering Hope in the nioriii and in the evening sum In the niidenf both with aiitheiizs Both services were enjoyed by all Visit to Parents Mr and Mrs Show and farm ily motored to Burfoid for the holiday to visit their parents Calls on Friends Mrs Booth Slitylltl called or friends here last week and attend ed the funeral of the late Mrs Len Woods Attend Funeral Mr and Mrs Jim Laughlin at tended the funeraleon Tuesday of the late Mrs Kitchin at Fergus TURKISH mos Turkish iron production will ap proach 350000t0ns in 1953 coni pared with 220000 tons in 1951 laughter in Hospital Mrs Earle Thomas visned her daughter in Toronto who is in Riverdalc Hospital Weekend Visitors Weekend visitors were Mr and leORlC CAR Mm Km Pmssm and sons TO The first automobile powered by ionto with their parents Mr and imam was produced by wFlTESh Mrs 309cm and family Tomma inventor Nicholas Cugnot in list It ollclid Home Baking litiiki pas XYZV shunt before Zlc mo cranberrv sauce at 40 jd lri addition it the to or displays the ladms of the Miiiiiulst lloim 1nd School somatiozi had table the end of the building tasty irtiiuiit of cakm pastry and other dainties and ozm In flowei coiitaineis made crook heck squash Members in charge were Mg Bertram Mrs Faraglacr Mrs Sutton Iis Russell and Mrs Nash Flowers Frmt most unusual sight for Oe III was display of annual plilox salpiglossis snapdragon calendiila and other outdoor flowers and out in front were plenty ofglidioli at 30c bunch Tulip bulbs were 75c loen Colored pampas plumes were 33c dozen sold for Title to 73c apples 40c to Tie crabs Late pears basket 75c Vegetables Hothousegrown tomatoes were 15c box and outdoorgrown at 50c basket potatoes 29c to 35c basket Other vegetables were turnips Italian broccoli Chinese lettuce green tomatoes Hubbard pepper and banana squash pumpkins cit rons vegetable Vmarrow red or green peppers red and savoy cab bage Potatoes were $150 bag Eggs Sold Well large supply of fresh eggs sold well with little change in price ovel last week and ranging from pullets at 40c to extra large at 83c dozen The Hoover dam on the Colorado River completed in 1936 is 7213 feet high with Mrs Porter Mr and Mrs Donald Toronto with Mrs John Cpldon and other friends Mr and Mrs Douglas Staiiiton and family Oshawa with Mr Slaiiitons par ents Mrs IVlOlllSun and Dorothy Barrie with Mr and Mrs Alf latien Miss Dorothy Maehain Io thick should be cooked in boiling water for 25 minutes Warrant Issued For Former Pastor rtinto with her parents Misses Wilma aiid Ruth McGillivary To ronto with their parents Miss Tsa chcll Hamilton with Mrs Pad Mrs Lightheart and other friends MISS Mary Matthews at her home here Mrs Murray Barrie with Mrand Mrs McQuay Mr and Making Movies In The Rockies INR PHOTO Swivel lirro of Human lwnil by lllQ lllr liwl ZrlO Till Lllllblih IIIMIWIIIER JIHVIIE lltv Bful iotizii 1i llie Cl1lltlll iii llt ink lii Tl On in lviirtlliEr iiwi iV Jaspr lik lmlsi li llilllJ ll ll vl the iiiilii Xiional litllt lii oiil $1001 our iii ll llillrllll Bi Jasper Park Luigi iniu Rockies iaztgv towering above it rl1vliililfl luv lul ll the new th Canadian TH sicN 996000 LUMBER PHONE 2517 EC xm 2m FOR COMPETENT EYE CARE CONSULT Noel Stephenson RO OPTOM ETRIST at STEPHENSONS JEWELLERS and OPTOMETRISTS FOR APPOINTMENT DUNLOISTKEET PHONE 4201 BARRIE ONTARIO Yes full Mrs Bartholomew and Norman Minesing with friends here Visitors at Horace Gilpins over the weekend were Mr and Mrs Frank Sharp and Wayne Toronto Mr and Mrs Oscar Laws Barrie Ken Thompson Woodstock Miss Anne Watson Guelph and Jewel Arnold Glen Huron As result of his failure to appear before Judge Harvie in Barrie for judgment in his case warrant has been issued for the arrest of Rev Donald Jones former minister of the Orillia Apostolic temple Jones was tried on July on serious charge involving 16year old boy and at that time Judge Harvje reserved judgment Judg ment was to have been given Sept 24 but Jones failed to put in an appearance As result warrant for his arrest has been issued and charge of skipping bail has also been laid Here on Sunday Sunday visitors here Were Miss Marion Mumberson Mrs Wes Muniberson Barrie Mrs Borg strom Mrs Newberry Miss Bur Mrs Miimberson Miss Jes Of course when new bridge or for tbcmby life insurance com higliway is completed itsnradi panics whichniakcs it possible tionnllor sonicprominent citizen to build many such useful public unsavcrnmem official to cut the works Not only roads and ribbon in the opening ceremony bridges but electrical power sta And yet lions waterworks stores homes one his honour might be office buildings and industrial awarded with 530d reason to any pm hm mh he help of one of the nadonsle insurance me Mucyboum Soheres to the life insurance policyholders While they pro Why shlluldum dawn Ibis ville Ii ncial security for their dismal gt gamma and tbcnisclvesthcy also IIccauSchit is Ilmr lprinium help make Canada better liiiid money put of Which is invested to live in At Your sriiwcn tutti llfgfumlorwiltor mounting on of the than gt than Milan British and Uni cl States lilo Iiiurcan amounted In anodewill city holp you plan tor your familys eerily and your own mods In In years Vlolyonfhlntl IIIELIIE iridium 000111551 Wm own Lilolnsuronco ii LBSZD gess Streetsville Mr and Mrs Rii pert Lemon Toronto vith Mrfaiid in FULLYREGISTERE o5MiNAiicgtNs orssoo 510 HAVE XIEIIIS R0 interest litzit byrhgr it For cashor in instill monts Installment ow purchases can be nanced through the Payroll Savings Plan where you work or on convenient arrange ments at your bank on ii iii in MONEY 00 SAVED Will V00 in you in Ill viioit 01 Immediately onshablc at full face value plus interestat an time at any bank incan adu itiiiiiiiuii to sun llllonlII Bear interest each year for 12 yearoat at rate of 334 paid annuallyEta high rate of interest for bond of 100 cashabllity not In tour IIOIIEY iii van color attain At maturify 12 years from date of issue November 15 1953 you will have received back 3145 for each $100 you invested and you can count onjh Theres limit ol $5000 in any one name but cacti person in fumin may hold onto this limit ay liesecured through your bank or your investment deal 31 error through your companys Payroll Savings Plan no other Bond aets this combination of feature new Wlllllll Availablcin denomin Rm ntions of $50 $100 All $1000 and $5000 licgistcredas prin cipalirryourmvnnnmo for youlr protection against 088 theft or destruction mums 82Rwit fl Twig $500 $1000 and 85000 registered if dual Cash buyers may ar range for fullyregis tered form at time of purchase Installment buyers purchase their coupon bonds in tho regularway and then exchange them for fullyregistered bonds after all instalments favourite will More wandmillion Conadians have been pain in full iniiic ELSE imam will an convicts Wllll stunno iiiiw 31H suns in maniac mun WMWI bonds may be fully

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