Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Oct 1953, p. 5

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THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY OCTOBER 16 1953 HELP WANTED CWSAEESMAN Iu v1 Tgt 53 LADY SAEESCLERK For Jewellery Store 30 pr Wei Appl on Barri Titanium BANK CLERK 31 It Comp Borden P11 490 Btrrie ftcnngs IEILIII WA NTFIT lst Class Sheetmetol Workers High Hourly Rate Day Week Hour Day Time and one half for Overtime Hospitalization Paid Statutory Holidnys Plant wih Downtown Low ation WRITE PIIONB OR APPLY To Porcelain ond Metal Products Limited ORILLIA ONT PHONE 3575 LOCAL 1113122 ALSCO BARRIE indows combination 1It ltfli augment Aluminum doors Wish to sales personnel WE GIVE YOU Drawing account weekly New car every six months Canvasserfed leads Salcs training Locally manufactured products Early delivery YOU MUST BE Bondable only bnndnhle helbi empisyedr Able to serVe our customcrs Willing to wqu for high earnings CAUTION BEWARE We do not want to waste our time or yours on floaters and fast open ators This is not just another window company This is ALSCO we want only those men who wish the public in Sincerely Ambitious to serve conscientious manner PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT Barrie 5812 1117tf HOUSEKEEPER for adults No washing Live in $85per month Phone 2172 1118tf WAITRESS preferably experienc ed excellent conditions good wa es Apply Prysons Grill Dunlop Barrie 11151 WAITRESSES Wanted full or part time day week highest wages paid Apply Penguin Fish and Chips Dunlop St West 1118 GRADUATE Undergraduate or ex perienced practical nurse for gen eral dutyplnniswood Lodge Phone Florence Breakweli rBarrile EXPERIENCED married farm heip mixed farming and beef cal lle Small family desired Separ ate house Apply Anderson Glen Cross Ont Phone Mono Mills 5r4 1118119 GOOD Reliable experienced rried or single man to work on dairy farm the year round All modern uipment Start immedi ately App Earl Jessop Bradford phone 48rd 11 17119 MECHANIC Wanted with license for out of town garage Steady em pioyment living close to schoolApply stating ex perlences and wages expected Box 14 Barrie Examiner 1117119 WANTED Reliable man as dealer Barrie and Simcoe County Ex perience not necessary fine op portunity tostep into old profit able business where Rawleigh hoductshavebeen sold for years Big profits Products furnished on credit Write naivleighs Dept 128103 Montreal 1118 APPLICATIONS will be received the undersigned to Oct 20 for xwrtchboard operator tbr 8troudlelephone Co Ltd to 51 full Mic of switchboard ltd provide necessary operators State salary expected and experi uee Free house provided Duties toummencelnec 1953 rescuer Stroud 1114110 FARM SAL RAND Pasturefarm good for eating close to Barrie Build iota now being sold Phone 0117410 3701 accommodation CUSTOM Plowing FOR SALE COLORED FLAGSTON GRAVEL DFILL TOP SOIL DELIVERY ANYWHERE DENNIS MORAN Phone 290 POSITIONS WANTED TE P1gtI Barrie 740tf LEARN TO WELD Lincoln Arc Welding School WANTED HiGHEST PRICES FOR Scrap Iron Metsl Batteries 1131 senior week course INDUSTRIAL IRON ANDRADE sons METAL Dunlop St West Femdsle Phone 811r31 or 6487 3401f TIP NF szmid Phone 10r14 PRICES SLASHED Special High Prices Paid for LIVE POULTRY Highest Prices Paid SCRAP IRON Thousands Of rolls to bEI hides raw fur horsehair feathers 150 1th 11 PM idisposed of to make roomi Bililli IINIIIIEIAIIIiHmM Im 1954 stock ll IIP LINCOLN 2w 33 Colller St Phone 2301 Collect phone calls accepted 3231t BOYDS PAINT AND WALLPAPER Barrie Metal Salvage 1S tlzippertiin St DEALERS IN SCRAP IRON METALS FURS 71151111 RIDES Ritas BATTERIES FEATIIERS HOMEMAKERS LVE POULTRY GREATICHANCE Our trucks will call Highest prices paid Special pricespaid delivered Phone Barrie Phone 5206 sum CLEARANCE OF USED RI9 REFRIGERATORS MAX PUSHKOFF RANGES AND COMPANY STOVES Yard and Office 156 Tiffln St 1180150 GOOD LSLTIIMILMO wanted Box $71 Loiny 31111119 Token OS Trode4lns on new models WANTED TO Buy and Stake Meiiyu Itcy GARAGE Wanted to rent in 1tI Inity oi Sanford St West Phone 3111bHUGE REDUCTlONS ON THE LITTLE Antique Shop will THESE HOUSEHOLD buy your old iron banks hanging lumps antique china glass oriin ments primitives etc 16 Mulcnsier Street Phone 11141 3117121 STEAIHLY Employed couple with excellent references desire to bori row money to purchase smul house In Barrie Money to be paid back as renthplus generous riitei of interest ease apply in con iidence Box 10 Barrie Exaininerd 31134 20 Owen St Borne 7118 MISCELLANEOUS For Job Well Done Call JOE BREWER Phone 3228 Remodelling Roofing Alterations Cupboards Gyprocing General Building 525th MUST BE SOLD WE NEED THE ROOM Cedar Posts Ram Ir iiiIlilIJTF ROBINSON HARDWARE HUNTERS SPECIALS AMMUNITION 303 Savage pneumatic SP 300 Savage SP 270 Winchester SP 250 Savage SP Anything in This Group per box $250 22 Savage up SP per box $235 65 MM SP per box $295 20 OFE Regular Prices on anylof the following gt 30US Army SP 32 Short 32 Long 2520 SIP CI 3220 SP CF 351 Self Loading 3840 SPCF 4440 SP c1 25 Cult Automatic 32 Short Colt 32 SW Long 38 CF 22 ChiRifles FLOOR COVERING Armstrongs Floor Covering Linoleums Rubber and Asphalt Tile Plastic Wall Tile Materials Supplied and Installed Free Estimates WOLFENDEN 90 Cumberland St Phone 5185 565142 Reliable Window Cleaners Walls Scrubbed Windows Cleaned StormWindows Glass In stalled it necessary Floorsscrubbed and waxed Store Office Factory Windows Phone 6765 154 Collier St Stevens bolt action repeater tubu 5113154 lar magazme regular 4241 00 0W CUSTOM Phillipe Discing Cul clip loa repeater regular tivating Reasonable rates Phone 2135 5113121F FURNACES AND Chimneys clean ed Robinson and Orrphone 4333 5115121 Winchester bolt action single shot EXPERT TREE TPmms with peep sight regular $2869 moving Free estimates given Now $2435 Phone 3717 5113121F Marlin bolt action repeater tubu GARDEN Manure Sod Loam and lar magazine peep sight regular 1111 delivered anywhere Phone $4195 Now $3505 3111 Muir 5087 5117118 SIGNS Truck Lettering goiii ROBlNSON leaf window lettering Lund HARDWARE sled phone 0402 5581 YOU Wish your wood cut eith 31Dunlop St East Barrie 7111110 er by the cord or hour apply Dave Miller phone 805r22 5117130 PEDAL can red large size no Phone 5710 mornings 7118 TRUCK Availahle for hauling wood and doing odd jobs Joe Ema POSTS Ken Plowman 149 Tlfiin St Barrie 7118110 Carney 30 North St Barrie Phone 4812 5117118 3030 RIFLE Martin Louisllrown 100 118 Dunlop St Emt Phone 4508 Stevens bolt action repeater clip load regular $3680 Now $3125 Stevens clip load semiautomatic regular $4260 Now $3020 cultivating disclng Reasonable rates Wednes 5113110 7117110 RAPID and Public do ltd Sat do at on mum PROPANE Gas Stove $75 1941 Steno COMEWW Chev Car $100 Phone 24 Phone 4824 pm 77m HAM inside wood coal CRILDS Nuneryvcml gymsmle good odnditlonxthone iu new room at Nelson All 43rd twovscsucien Ioiil 6117110 on IIlm illluf throughout helV EILITIII in 111 LIXITIIEN Jn vale Phone Elmvale 2r3 $2695 Now $22951 in 117118 FOR SALE vvri PAIII HIV IIl lt1 WHERE tint 131 lt Illlillt $774 IiliSThlth loll 1111 Thin 111 111 cycle llll Elli 1i Ilz IN 11211 illll Moi Box 151 liIIIIiII 11 plum Apply Iiivx 21l 11 Li pliuw 1mI 11PM IiI Box Iiii 11 till tycw 111 Hart it QUEBEC Iltltltl Inidiizm 1lll llllllliil min Apply 11 kel Square Dianne InI CRIBS CALLOUS 811w qunkl Your drug Corn Suitefur lti PHASE Horse tlctlllt inutm also pony Apply Marshall Camry bell Stroud phone IIIII 7118119 BURNER EIeitrit sunI 8010 lurge size with broiler In gondl condition Phone Barrie 2061 TIIIij ADDING Machines and Typewrlt ers Sales rentals repairs Simcoei Business Machines 66 Toronto St phone 4824 713th DOMINION 011 IIid Wood circu Iator in good tlndllitlll complete with pipes PhOIIL 3713 or call at 28 Victoria St 7117118 IF BACKACIIES are slowing you up take Rumocaps and help yourv self to relief from pains and aches Ask your druggist 7118 NEW LATEST model Bodily elec tric ironer 14 Broadloom rug Girls new figure skates size 12 Bargains Phone 5070 7111 HOUSE Trailers one 16 one 18 fully equipped oil heated gas stove electric brakes Priced for quick sale Jack Swalm Duntroon 7118 BEACH Coal or Wood stove large size with reservoir nearly new also kitchen cabinet porcelain top natural finish Phone Minesing ill 7118 MANS Heavy Winter wool tweed overcoat medium dark gray color size 40 Worn once Apply morn ings or evenings 21 Poyntz St Barrie 7117118 COLEMAN burner stove Nap tha ideal for hunting camp also Skis complete with harness and aluminum poles practically new Phone 3316 after pm 7118 TYPEWRITEBS office machines portables adding machines cash registers sales and service Gosney 17 Frances St Barrie Phone 4115 Box 87 Smith Corona 780tbe LET US Supply your hog feeds Pay after your pigs got to market No interest Contracts available Phone or see Craig Hunter phone 53r5 Stroud 7110125 QUANTITY OF Keswick Potatoes grownfrom FA Seed and eld in spected Bin run only $125 per bag Apply to Percy McGrath Elm representative 7117118 NEW MASON 8r Risch Pianos used Pianos reconditioned Phone Elmvale 9rll Frank Kennedy Phelpston one mile east of 27 Highway on Con F105 790147F SEE CRAIG HUNTER for service on your Faster Feeds Frost Fence and Farm Supplies Sales service and demonstration on Graham Plows Phone Stroud 53r5 Hunters Poultry Farm 7110125 TYPEWRIIERS and Adding Ma chines new and factory recondi ironed Service by factory trained mechanics Special student rental ates Call Remington Rand Lim ted 70 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 2756 724th MOFFAT Stove side oven in grey and white enamel in good working condition price $25 also 9piece walnut dining room suite dark blue leather scab on chairs good condition Both can be seen at Peel St Barrie Phone 5034 71111 FRIGIDAIRE Refrigerator cubic foot good nish i385 Frigidaire Refrigerator cubic foot excell ent condition $85 Kelvinator re frigerator cubic foot very good condition throughout $95 Univer sal COOIEILB cubic foot refrigerator com letely reconditioned 4135 Use Washing Machines from $15 and up Monarch Refrigeration C0 118 Dunlop St East phone BUTCHER Shop and Grocery Store Store Equipment including meat slicer meat scale foot counter walkin box dairy counter pro duce scale counter scale Frigid aire Deep Freeze nearl new National cash register near new 34003 produce display counters centre island display counters and helvlng McCullough 49 any phone 4289 Barrie 7118120Fw PROPERTY WANTED WANTED Acreage or small farm Have late model Studebaker as iirt payment Please write Mr Lewis 177 Roxborough St East Toronto Ontario 3311042 FodScls attaching 6000 Substantial first mortgage $7100 AUTOMOBILES PROPERTY FOR SALE Business Opportunities Jed ArmsIrOng Im 11 F1iXlSliIfI 134122151 LXILIINISIIIil Rita xgi iijrim 76137 liurs roll 79 Iiill HARRY MICHIE il ittrite Insurance 373105 Kii iwlli liiitk Illtlle lit Ill hunting IlI Limit iIiiIIIIiiizilr iIiIiwl All All ili lhgtiltivli iIititi Iln rimn euttzue on edge mm well CHIHIIIILILCI 1251111 liit right viritie ltirgv lol htiiil room Iiisnl brick bun IIIu No 11 Highway three piece Lillrimiin LIIILILlltil 211310 lziigc iut IIIII Irtzitiuiii 1illll llit home 1111 view of and half storey attached garage OII Iir conditioning the lake $4001 $911011 Five rodm frame bungalow new located 111 new school lllcll iduun giziytnmti $2300 $4700 Five room house semidc I11llil $1700 down payment re quired HARRY MICHIE Realtor nnninn St Barrie PII 3331 Allir lilllllr phone 5200 or 3531 Iii118 HOUSE real boy Owner leaving 00 Apply Mr Best village of Belle Ewart 16117118 i3 ROOM BRICK house one acre litlld Would rent Apply May Gerhziri Clnikson 16118120 CHOICE BUILDING Lots in new oust end 5th division Close to school and transportation Apply 114 Napier St Phone 5337 16116119 59500NEW RANCH Type style bungalow bedrooms large liv ing room and kitchen piece bath and laundry tubs Choice Io cution 52500 down 131 Cook St 16118 IN VILLAGE Stroud room in sulbIic house oil heating all con veniences new garage flower gar den small fruits Immediate poss ession Contact Robert McDonald Stroud 113117119 ULTRA MODERN Homes ve and six room places priced from Teri thousand to Thirty thOusand an excellent selection to choose from Contact Henry and Elrick Real tors Barrie 16118 SI XROOM Home very close in suitable for business or profess ional man oil heated plenty of parking space available We have others See Henry and Elrick Realtors Barrie 16118 FOUR ROOM Dwelling close to Town at reasonable price and other desirable properties short distance out of town Apply Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen Street phone 2377 18118 AVAILABLE Immediately 11 rooms oil heated overlooking Kempenfelt Bay corner lot 88 165 revenue obtainable over $300 monthly For appointment tele phone 2059 eyenings 5872 16118 NEW HOUSE solid masonry con struction bedrooms bathrooms recreation room in basement auto matic air condition heating unit attached brick garage Overlooking lake in R1 district 150 Blake St Open for inspection Phone Stroud 20rl2 lGll7tf NINE ROOM Brick house modern ekcellent condition throughout air conditioned oil heating bathrooms attached gar age tile terrace immediate poss essmn Apply Barrie Motor Court 240 Bradford Stgt 16117124 adults Phone 3877 INSULBRIC HOUSE living room dining room modern kitchen bathroom bedrooms oil heated arage large lot near Codrington chool Immediate possession $3000 down See Tuck Build er 73 Dundonald St Barrie 16117121WF UNDER CONSTRUCTION several or roomed brick or bevelled Siding homespon quiet street near school forced air oil heating low down payment Marshall Representative Coutts Real Estate Broker Owen Street Phone 2377 16118 VERY GOOD NIIA Home large livmg room replace large kit chen three bedrooms oil heated Terms very reasonable Also four and hall room bungalow in excellent condition for less than Eight thousand Contact Henry and Elrick Realtors Barrie 16118 ROOM STOREY brick dwell ing forced hot air oil bouse is splendid condition and good reSIdential area For selection of other better types of dwellings centrally located contact Coutts Real Estate Broker Gwen Street Phone 2377 16118 SHELBURNE room brick house lovely location on outskirts bf town mam road plowed in winter new furnace drilled well Hydro wire service 114 acres land stable and garage colony house all Wired mall fruits Reasonable Will qua fer pur chase under DVA JGalbraith Shelburne phone 010r14 10118120 CHICKS BRAY November pullets or need oak and Phone 13010 tuber broilers Its time to order now for these egg and broiler mar kets Immediate delivery of some escr PROPER FORRENT iLAShJiIEXT ROOMS unit Adults Ariariver tr ilf11 Phone 3140 ISIIED Aparln IJcrIVlIliITIIi Abstainus ROOMED FL11gtI1L11 Abutment entrant Phone 3140 factory area Phone 3391 I3 LIGHT inrriisncd Housek also gniage Apply St ment Vacant On bus line Ihon 5400 ROOMS Clolte to bus 4152 FURNISHED Bedroom warm with single or double bed Phone 4497 LARGE Roomed Cabin winter ized unfurnished Apply at 46 Anne 51 15117118 COMPLETELY Furnished house for winter months near bus stop Phone 3121 15118 FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms central Adults Phone 2864 after pm 13118 ROOMED Furnished Apartment with conveniences Phone 2718 titer 530 pm 15117118 ROOM unfurnished apartment continuous hot water separate entrance Phone 4616 1131171115 ROOM Unfurnished Apartment also room furnished apartment Abstainers Phone 5763 15118119 CHOICE Bachelor Apartment fur nished heated bath Others Phone 2728 between 12 and pm 15118 FURNISHED Room kitchen priv ileges preferably business girls Phone 3490 after 030 pm 15118119 FURNISHED Bedsitting room builtin kitchenette with sink suit able for working couple Phone 4969 15118 ROOM Furnished or Unfurn ished self contained apartment Permanent residents desired Phone 4042 15118120 ROOM Heated furnished apart ment sink cupboards washing machine Private entrance Phone 5704 15118 WINTERIZED Homes bedr ooms PhOne Wasaga Beach 27511112 or write Fred Dales RR Elmvale 15116119 WARM well furnished rooms close to shopping and transporta tion Apply Cumberland St Phone 4098 15118 FURNISHED Room light house keeping close to bus hot water heating continuous hot water Phone 6304 15117118 LARGE Furnished Ropnts suitable for light housekeeping bath Abstainers Bus stop at door Phone 5470 15118119 FURNISHED Bedsitting room grill privileges suit couple or one or two girls Central loca tion Phone 6382 15117118 OFFICE Space just recently ren ovated to modern offices Apply McCullough 4954 Mary St Phone 4289 Barrie 15118f124F WARM Furnished Bedroom cen tral Gentleman preferred Also large front bedroom Suitable for 15117118 hot and cold water No children 1511er oak oorslz PARTLY Furnished rooms west of Highway 400 on Dunlop St Suitable for couple with child ren Apply 60 Maple Ave 15118 UPPER Duplex four rooms heat ed large and clean Close to bust Ness section Adults $75 month Box 12 Barrie Examiner 15117418 SMALL Unfurnished heated apart ment available Nov Private piece bath and heavy Wiring Adults only Phone 6283 15118119 UNFURNISHED November Box 15 Barrie Exam iner 15118119 BUNGALOW at Painswick on highway bedrooms piece bath room hot and cold water Vacant Nov 15 Apply Mrs Hawkins Painswick 15118 Lo GROUND Floor Apartment rooms bath unfurnished own entrance stove supplied quiet Adults only Phone 5750 15118119 FURNISHED BedSitting room kitchen privileges With sink and hot and cold running water Cen tral location Suitable for couple $10 per week Phone2951 15118 ROOM House heated newly decorated lnstde and out bed rooms large livin room and kit chen good locat on One year gage occupancy Nov ROOMED Furnished 11011813 hard wood oors oil furnacecontinu one hot water to reliable tenants wrth references preferably with out children Apply Box 10 Barrie Examiner LAB Clean Furnished Room with lichen privileges facilities supplied if necessary also radio One ortwo girls Near bus stop 5800103117 eated Apartment rare certs bedrooms be hro LARGE ELrniied Bedroom Inzr IsIiaiio rooms Absiaiuirs Phone 3919 i3 III STORAGE Space clean and dryl Cumberland ISiiaSteele St OINO Hwy ROOMED Unfurnished Apartg 131183 Phone 13117119l Private Bun low rooms and bath 011 heate all con vemences very central Possessron electric and heating Phone 15118 l5lllli9 151le COREY MOTORS LTD USED CARS separ 1H SPECIAL PRICES AND PAY 1151 uIlr Phone 131113 DAY TERMS ON ALL LATE MODEL PREFECTS WANTED ALL TRUCKS AT SPECIAL FALL PRICES In and Ccnn see them man Corby Motors Ltd PHONE 5481 151 18 SAY MISTER Want Good Used Car For Your Money SEE Simcoe Motor Products YOUR GOOD WILL USED CAR DEALER Yes you get better value from your Good Will dealer These cars are winterized recondi tioned covered by our 50 50 Warranty 1953 PONTIAC Hard Top CON VERTIBLE Smartly styled in two tone blue Air condition heater Low mile age New Car Warranty $2493 1952 PONTIAC COACH Ideal for the family with small children Equipped with Shade Lite glass and air condition heater Sea Mist Ivory color One owner $1795 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN Heres car for troublefree driving Low mileage and in ex cellent condition Airways Blue color Shade Lite glass Air con dition heater One owner $1795 1950 CHEV Torpedo Back COACH This car has been given excep tional care by its former owner Sparkling maroon nish Air con dition Heater $1375 1950 PONTIAC SEDAN Air Conditibn Heater Radio Cadet Grey Finish One owner Just tradedin $1395 PICKUP VALUE ON 12 TON TRUCKS Two 1953 GMC Ton Trucks used as demonstrators Low milelt age Winterized Heater Sacrice Price 1946 DODGE 12 TON This truck formerly belonged to the Bell Telephone Company Suitable for plumber electrical or serwce business SIMCOE MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD Pontiac Buick GMC Trucks Bradford St Barrie 13113 vinl West AUTOMOBILES CASH CASH FOR YOUR CAR IN FIVE MINUTES SEE Honest Joe Cross Town Motors 220 Brrdford St Phine 5430 9353 GRAVES ALLEN 305 BAY 19112111 BARRIE CL Iii1 Ilrr1 1931 OLDSXILIHILE 1B3 MORRIS 1949 MORRIS IIXiil 194 LIlE SEDAN lillTllf l9464748 Model Cars Issac PFINIIAL MACH 1943 CHEN Iu EfLKLP 11 21949 CIIEV IiEw Serf Pm 4440 Larttn Jl 11914 AUSTIN Prwre II 51m sum 23 MODEL running eondztmn Phone 3821 11953 CHIIV Sedan Dclxi 13ccept best offer 59 Barrie 13 Ford Cuu it My be Op SI 117121 1947 CHEVROLET Sedan in condition Phone 4939 after five on Saturday lit1131 51 MORRIS Oxford excegiziiirtnlly good condition very In n11ltliu 3995 Phone 2333 1341541 1942 DODGE Scdnn Cheap for quick soled Gallant 11 Mom Loop Camp Borden Iii1174123 TON 1947 REO Stake bud truck Reasonable offer on trade Stanley King Barrie phnni Iii11741 2116 1930 METEOR Custom Couch on drive good tires and body motor recently overhauled Must sell it sacrifice Could be nuanced Phone 2938 111113121 22 Accommodation Wanted ROOMED Apartmtni or house wanted for Provincial Police Offi cer Please phone 4141 1111 WANTED BY Sales Representative bedroom unfurnished home to rent Excellent references Phone 814r14 IIllT11i LADY SEEKING large unfurnis ed living room main floor plec with dinner included Referenc Kindly phone 6206 11118119 ARMY OFFICER urgcnlly re quires accommodation with bed rooms for few months Apply Box 11 Barrie Examiner 11117113 RELIABLE Couple wish to rent house in Alliston Barrie or Stay ner district Consider purchasing up to 50 acres with buildings Box Barrie Examiner 11117113 LOST FOUND LOSTBlack and tan hound with tattoo markings Answers to Joe Bernice Pilon phone Elmvale 118 LOST Black Cocker Spaniel male Pal Barrie highway Sat urday morning Reward Phone Toronto LY 5604 17118 LOSTOnFriday Oct on Shan ty Bay Road to Railway bridge north on Con and above No 11 Highway to Highway 93 Crown Hill Route 400 to TOronto heavy brown wool rug Reward Phone 2342 Home 17117418 DST9th Line of Vespra on black maleihound height 22 wearing collar piece out of one ear and favors right hind leg Any One knowing whereabouts of this dog please phone William Walton 818r3 Reward 17118 FIIIIFITIIIILII Frantic Poultry worming worm free flock isxessential for profitable peak pro auction Deworm the Coop way for only one cent per bird methodvdeveloped and proved by United Cooper ativesat Guelph The method simple and effective AV and used with Coop Lay Mash Why pay more CoopV Booster Pellets Here is another worthwhile suggestion If y0ut birds are not coming in to production fast enough or if for some reason your flock is not producing their best feed about lbs per 100blrds Coop BoosterPellets at noon This Coopzfeed hasbeen developed to give your birds that extra lift sopfteri needed to get peak production Feeding Contracts Finance that inter orfpigs thru to market witha Coop Contrast iiotussmo interest and no red tape United Cooperatives have developed this contract On province Pl outs consul not tral location equiped wlh stove wide scale after studying them all Theresa new toop price list for the asking Get your copy and meanings COLOD is theieader and itis your business You have developed Coop to serve you do you stepiotliink that Coop needs your business too and tenlured Available or eton 55oz malfmluiUd 8531 nit118 minke my 1M In armlessum 1x or Jam luvsuman JIWhnmwQsvQFmeltimwmm attractho MW owawawi cu lq Copeland RR ampi goperty tubalrte will ingudiilla few started Ask for Wto excuses sh syncing tale iv mwmwm wasices morth

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