Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Oct 1953, p. 3

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3I II III IIII III IIIIII II II IIlIOLlIl SGhOII VillIlIlILlillj Hill VIllI gtIl KIIY In irfxuc iun IV 53 54 113 VlV fl VVV lVo vivfx Heating or Home comfort Area Convention VV 212 II NOTlCE T0 CREDITORS lc COM The Administrator th the Will VIV Vizc Awkmm annexed of the Estate of SAD Th II illtlxlltllvf1 Vr Y1 Il0lA CUNNINGHAM ALo cm 31 im gt Vi Inrmwz Salt la our 13 VIIQHI VVI uIII sum lllt TIl Bun IIII III MIN IIVIIII cl ISlFILCOL li PM mm iVVVLU 16154171 33 vV Huh Mww MI vb IIIVIIiIVVIV MIN thxlbitc lily duct ii VIVIV VIiVIV III II illu Horn LtlV it lii Vx VZVZLI l1 filed win the undcr llll mill ilxlviVi li lwm il lilt 4V gt CO 5l lilltl II rrh hw hn Vital illi milllw is plUFMH 53 mar Swept rVilil vruxnt llllixlmtr 11 BARRIL Ollmro dI E171V Vitality VV lw Ailriilnlxlriilor ile Ll rzlutlw to lump mu Wllll Lie Vill mncxcd IvInf my in mum IV EVIM IV 011m 93 III leVer wnhx lawnva 1181le nitc120 in this =I flltliklrflill 11le ml llll 4th ilclizvc of llxizilsailun gtV ioVilVl lnizi gul flimlilsllips We can m5 zn 0an new IIIJI IiiiIIlIinViIIIIIVViIiliI an Homes to fg II IV million in Llgtlllll tlirm in 57 Now Ztaluml uric lll Africa and In nun New houses always under construltlon 1i illlllslll links llVlV lttll bgun um appzvxz II VI Skilled experienced workmanship guurulltccd con of all IV olorcd Slides VVV II II Mm 14V lg sholng if noond 1953 We have two new houses undrr commINN DII SlawIM owners in calsas liilP 05 lltlktliill outstundln TIIIII COIIIII III RIIYIIIIIIII III III he Kleind ItIo Kit DIIIOISIchctnc umc and splItInlllzuiion is In Willi lln muscum shots crralmlt hmnng of complaian ugunbi mu lYKl DTOdULlMU IV In zqziVll Iiihfrst lib lul mlulllmluc 1IIVVInIm mum in 1953 wmch cusuailvaxscmblcdV II photographs 0t lllv ACWW giltlnb er taxes of lllSl lll be IcVlch WW rr lzlcmislllps lanc Linn mmn lltli lll Industrial Commercial cr Lsmg standard IVI 12 will hold its rst sittings ill UNI Oder 50 From Domestic Buildings II VI II mm 01 mmu JVislcil or lll the latter group til plmln 5II1IUbU VUHIF 51 13 Wn hump IV iVIV DIVCVJHVIV makV IIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIId III III Baltic at Introduck lll tln nft VV VV II VIIII II unnn on 1liurni Vith as moth VVVVSIIHVII VchIivcr women by nlcnnc of her 1955 UL ALTERATIONE ROOFING VABINLI KB lo liedwdcs ml Cd rum ll scvvml of wst in Dzllill at Barrio this lGlli lav KITCHENS Vic murnei mVinu lct liozrlc cs ic bypasscs tlc ronl chsling dclrgVitts Lit the world sf QCmmFI 19ng Nuns mam 36 111 id lit inf Indl Ci lmV lAR IsmgI turbulatorI and Han thcmxrlvdhCIlIdsI tbsp RA bI II tank from zl two sumo pump or to Pakistan ClcrkTrcaslircr TOR 355 lc ll Ontario 118V GENERAL ONTRAI Ln mm or smunti on iVil l0ra Valioli ale parts mentioned 5ng II pump NOV Ireland and mm an 28 Johnston Shoot Barrie Phone 5100 To prevem exkcgs mi drppzng Vzhmr bums nauonal cosmmes OF 849 borne In nund ml to the calilbLlSZwn Lll or at Vanous oven thc VV AV mm Ppitd ml the burner mum0 MI cunicrencc scssmns beams 999119 WITH me IRIngI 33ml dfniccnxoff val elm3 when mg 1311s VVvbc difference in ptIII I4 VI III gt11 ps about 30 lbs bl IIIVrIVlIenVI of IpIaIerIim me loo matml As the TO CREDITORS quthtSqVe 52118 93 pump is mnmm SIgmkvac All persons having any claims or WV rant preference for this sf kajeitaox1l dgstgfidmb Ind me Bu For comer warmer home thlb lint Vs3Ve te unI stems from the THOAb JAMES ENNICK TREASURER SALE er let us install storm Windows now wz from drln 1m com 93 be WVb 01 me To BMW the coun Youll be amazed at your fuel savmgs on charbcr where of gimme Raier deceased tprS rough Id an burn properly but name CrcaeI a1VI0 med on or about me Flrsg day too Call us nowI lme TY951 11d d1 of July 1952 are required to for 35 mmY or szzriace the unit ward their chums dulv rovcd tc 50W Barrle DOORS hnShed lumbe and render it3 much 16 efficient he undersigned solicitor for th County 509 STORI SAS II 94 mm Administrator on 01 before 0W 10 VHT BUILT IN UPBOARDS carried in stock Nadia II day of October 1933 By virtue of warrant issued by Zanan and sermtc lts operI And further take notice that after he Mayor of the TUWn of Barrie Td$ 03 mtcmnial LIm l5 I3 II such last mentioned date the Ad inder Ith hand and theIseal of b2 oi the fuel under approximwitn this arrangemen hating been ministrator will proceed to dis ae said corporation bearing date can chompIIeIte Imgpf II MODERK MILL 03 oer scziarelnchirEST TwpQ quite 53333030 Un inmIfribme abgamongst me parl he 10th day of September sale of QUICK DELIVERY wonky pm and her mixing the rlneIlaziom where an underground tans ies entitld thereto having regard ands in arrears ofI taxes in the PANTS MAN0TLE ANYWHERE IN IslSTE LL es of with the right vol Iis required or where tne burner giggly to such claims ofIyIIivVhich he Penn Barrie Will be held at Th in nest lbl ae usVaJed on the 30 Moo and 11 then hate notice heI Council Chambers Municipal VV BARBIE DISTRlCT ORK xfdvaoofingg ol thplZQmimure the storage tank is in the bascmcny DATED at Barrie this 29th da llllldmgy 84 Clller Street at the 131 heat eeczing combustion is nccssary to use Iwostae0i September AD 1953 hour 0f OCIOCk lhe afternOOn chamber is necessary and the pump uh mm the BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE Jam 1954 PLASTIC WALL TILE ess the taxes and cost are sooner Drive out Of town qurcker SGIVICE chIVimbcr should be so constructedIpump draws the Corn lze mu Barrie Ontario aidI Notice is beret given that inc gases are retained in iZIand the second Emmi crcazes the solicitors Ur the Administrator Ihe list of lands for saIe for NI Slug Ion mough to complete the Propressure to alanine the on Il ll3ll8F ears of taxes was published in 1th gt0 cess of cambuson ntario Gazette on the 3rd day of COLLECT Limited Barrie 0n Tue gunype oil burner is coml Detober 1953 and that copies of srltoun 5522 mmswrcx mng so rlttd0fl1ll8 Darts 53 le my be bad at my scmrron Iv an pp Treasurers Office this 5th day if October 1953 BAletrirlgISJIVILCIII 239 BRADFORD ST PHONE 4444 114118144FJ47149W Mm 0W0 1495503 willi lllE lllllll llllEMllll Vorlexllil Burner Getaf AUTOMATIC OILHEAT FLOOR FURNACE Specify Mooros famous paints for your new home 10m Turf IV DONT WAIT iv WallSatin shown here is THOUSANDS VII FOR COLD washable rubberized finish WEATHER for interior walls and trim Now INSTALL it covers most surfaces in one uniform coat dries to sa tin sheen ill less than oneI liour SI gt an Present stocks being cleared make way for 1954 de due in Terric bar am II gas gt II Let us cut the overhead under your deal by rentingyou set of Floor Sander Machines Rates areIIreaIsonable VI VI II VI XII Bamrwa ism TYPES OF FLOOR FINISH AVAILABLE gt uALLMAc F60 GRAVITY 171001 1er mm mm vomx comics mm CANINE suns lll BENT We MFRT WW WE New mw mu cm mam Kenm Automatiu units no longer is comfortable borne For the usual 54 Vortex oil burner31 been designer and built to Ive ei caulking compound Ayala in an colon luxury at this low price mum Fur aygrxngathgm 23 feimLIggm rmxgzrae mm whu we actinglor 813 dependable servlco as Hall take mac oor mace Fuel savlug alone will tam ifmmm mm STEP uppers EXTENSION mourns by me than to com mum my to In hmctely in Iainulna illI Nimbus Mair aig fmmm Mm mu line In the an as the ml lune or which you We MM II Consult us on all your decorating pawl rubidium Mailmanthmmcontrolmllwln dt vim any you then but tram the oil burned and um cu bub prohle for you on minim In my mens ouse em 11 mm Aluminum for sale mall rqu CASH mcr COMPLETELY INSTALLED muroummcruomsm lt MM Wm russmmmcrsz homunculusnib Viscurnemst PHMSW lSYOURBUSINESS millaan mum 159 InnislSl IMPIionc2429 ri 12st

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