Jb1tlmveouer mug of Twma tenoded allhe professional luca The MS of Central United Church met at tho home of Mrs Allen on ThursdtyPeb 17 with Hm Jory presiding Mrs Jory reported briefly on the executive mall at the Sim Ptoibyterhl and lmprotectsme pvccniiion and yourth Malaw Advance an iteiiuliiia led in alum Mmmmwmthethmebe mummmrotkeeoin in nu Kingdom come aim out this Quiz retelled by them of Ciler People fill Division of Mutual Ruler offering was dedicated by Mn Mc Ontario Department of Health AnMulkm 5000 Baptist Plan To Attend the Silver Jubilee Convention Five thousand Baptists from Oil tario and Quebec points Will gather in Toronto June to 15 to particle pate in the Diamond Jubilee Con wntmn of Ontario liti Qzlvlitc Actually four cullveiitionn Will be meeting at the same time it2 will not only be the gentrail culi Given at COHMI WMS show in the new arena at Baton over each mien carelully Ind nu Creed Ind no ileum ind Yes or No elurge of the Study Book the You one that you at uid drink theme being Literlire for the lion and the Home and Iolcitzu Baptist Womens convention Pork shoulder is thrifty buy and wholesome satisfying meal The convemlon held in Walmer Road Baptist Church and Roast PorkFinnish Style flftlllrfeso lling 6290 in Massey Hall The tlicctitigs will lot will requirea 101b leg or llarge pm garnished with fresh pork lbs of prepared invoked prunes pineapple rings mustard lbs of sugar and nud toLt potatoes With Finnish cup of bread crumbs llvllihl park we nlwiiys serve tur vention of the Baptist Colivcntiunl HAVE wwlmymwmxwglw of Ontario and Quebec but it trill fruit or fgSOBmak tyne annxual meetings oi mm be NATIONL apist oung copes contem Figures for the month of January thaw tint in the two rural cir One green and one yellow or in Slmcoe County 63 centres were mg nub pl 9le visited with moan and total nttcndince of SMOVpeople Whole WM all Thin placed Simcoe County fourl mm Whole he ew in the province out ofZt circuit our bread with butter points it lubltltute cheese dish henna etc tAllnIAII be presided over by the president of the Baptist Convention of On tario and Quebec Dr Wilbert Erich of Windsor lie mu be 215 enl SOUIIII Then must in moderninlv lint wen luntm NCW Ork Cliy lformcriy of llam illon 0M1 Rev Dr Ohm iiitn moss ARTS AND CRAFTS instructor gives hospitalle veteran ME LOSS lo STRIKES of Washington general secretary pointers on the intricate art of weaving Weavin Qjeathereraft toy Tlmt l0 dm 10 SlrlklS and Seveniy Baffle 0r lht BilltiSt WON Allmnui MIS milking mid rugdiooking prove most popular cours given in 24 DVA Mini lNilHMAHUN ale14ng work Do you stand and sit upright without siouching 10 Do you get outinto the fresh MONTREAL The jog of baking is com plete whentime after timene fluffy lotknots inV1948 was about 37 per 01m classes of milk or the ecui ICU the POIti Slighth by lull Nevole Boil turni until 5mm byslwo Ilcopmsdgnb Rml km mnk puddlnx cream TIY AN EXAMINEI WANT AD mallllllng In salt water or lwndwin Ziemzinn of Hamilton iltld soup etc 15 famnmlh Mrs Dengatc of Tommi Elghtgimes of water or other 143$ 11 b0 the Sllghlly mlt mid pepper also addingadash 1d cured pork in water allowing lot mllmm mile xugat and Yofuonfhwfif If 81 our ll ma Wlllll milk Mlx llh Main gmko he fn mud to punk lm Wilt onder move mm wamr mm mm New ticl rail will include R21 llrli ll Do you have regular exercise skin and cover with prepared and Slitllllxlu llllrld crumbs on top JMCC cken of Rirltid mlwh other thanwhat you get in your mustard sugar and bread crumbs lot tith butter and bake until air andsuniihine each day and let Lem swam ll NeHCngt mm hospitals across the nation ccnl ill the figure for 1947 Pre Members Meet to World War 11 they would ll construction No lasting peace Clllltl St lllllltll Church for their Convemio Foremn and mm rum tuousl flavoured cakes com uli er president of the Northrll Bnp it into your home youfovenlyone of the best Iekznw of mummy guns Show loss or convmonl and R0 From uh nu me uh if 3794li6 manworking days in the er Cllmligyllzs of Philadelphia 11 Do you sleepan average of lat ls Sallsolmn Eln CTVPB um olvven months or 1948 as ennl Tn Two colorful pageants mm hours in the 24in room with in likemakingis by usmn WAIVS DQWN palm wm 2375081 days in the hi cross Rev Johnston of Toronto window open CAKE FLOUR With Swans bwnmn the imo llcriod of 1947 mj1$0135hfflg portraying activities of the Baptist 12 Do you relax costly and fre simplest cake achieves dictinction owny Mm mm NW Drum mmnged for mm Convention at home and niacin 1131193037 to so wmt wheat Swans Down 15 Rod and my um on lluuszdily lVtlling About7i 11 be pradmbd MafscVd Has it it was possible to assemble mind and the intellect Without it Sinoo you wm en 37 times 08 ne as ordinary fl0lll ll Ii CGIT engale ll 11 ll ll mCd or lost due there can be no real or lusting re Tn ug2$tn moist meetings of Ontario West Womens Good looks and feeling of well ttvt unbroken shelves from Ottawa In all the war tortured countries bell 3mm wfds 50$Iuv 3532 muil navan Hamblcy the Ontario West wm nowh 10 over mm who we their energy gm of good groomin Womenvg Convention Home Mm em to 1d 14 Do you keep your skin fresh 03 mil mm The 1l unions of four local lllLUWI lillllilmem Hll mg and glowing by dailybmh one 011M WmSO certnlnly Ilclpl lth heads metlmbl their libraries exposed to broad donors thlltlltn illilti Si United Essa of the Eastern Ontario and Quebec Ihu lcslluclion of books and at least or times weekly WI to no it to on ml Road Illsllylllizill Central United libraries was one if the declared an 00 55 aylg am an 1515your Smile attractive because llSllill garden IllOb ll little thought Womens Convcnllon orlltnl sun came ihmugh the gaplng walls mm at cm Sr and Burton Au bnltid were prcs Iii pillth dining Weild Will 11 your teeth are cleaned damn 130 10 lo lln NJ out Mrs Doidgc who is and Mrs campbo me haul and their illnszlcking of European and f0 the pulp mums or 16 15 your hair in good emails Pl from MCDONALD GAR mtfll lHlO 501M leader at cntral United address Eran3251 anotguebw wmmnh literature began zit home when 900 and manuscrpts and bmkm bcause you brush and wash it DIN ll keeps me Ported thing bit onlllc special aide ed the groups with an interesting sped massed choirs mm they burned the works of Einstein les regumrly on new 19 nil Show how nd every day that more and account of Iltl cxpeiience while Tile people drove their under llcine Mann Ficud GUtki Diel scr and Schnitzlcr The libraries 9911115th Ecclmshto tlhe laISKtPIbre were geared to the Nazi propo bl mg 93 1m er to make the best of old favourites ore women lollin JICII working at an 0min hospital in list churches in the Toronto area Time is copy for you to name Creek in Northern Alberta will be featured at the convention 17 Do you give your feet proper care so that they are strong and help you to make your garden the 5le Cheri exulclncnt in Joyce Walton president of C01 The Baptist Youngleoples Unit on mm to mac the machinery and food they were ml and can you long mm neighbourhood showplncc It tells lamly W3l3pll or mfmmc UN GIT WllS chairman for Choral Society also will sing Signcmogzhe occugicd coufmes 311 in short suppll how could the issggiou youi will ItlIcIfonuldsd tented such Vllzlllllllfncfr this nltiogrite of lh Theme of the convention is lec librarian get his steel stacks index see 11 san punt iin rings mine lu lerry in bchstllllgllillln Allinsgfontze lgdma this hour With ChlISln 1939MammlGoenng nd 10 cards and 5001s in the lace or well cmeog wen carroggble 18 30 the were 0f Ilmelllowem shallow pan When rm break in singsuniz for the group with Eliza Sallllllllilllclgtlgfgldggflcalgxlolb fl Shortly Withouitr pager line an 600 mg co am hufuld to MS Win fork the pile on gt 13 co gem YVlltlmilllltlll tthc 9131110 BDlazne Officch TheOIOQICOI society of peasants and workers could not print 00 an wt on As man thinketh in his hem P7 lClel DICSK ll III on Lemon JellO that has been American dollars they could not my golden lovlnlfmndr Write Ave CGXT led the members in college for lBaphsts you willnot need cultural class buy them is he 10 meBulbm Emllw ll CTPS gmuldCd dpmrl glassesismple TI or education your country must Not an the damage was done by 19D0 you like Your work cent SL Montreal IQ for your bill OllTO ltllllqmi Wllh lllal gal lilo 12 grmg 00 at 099 be made an intellectual desert the Nazis our airmen and sold free copy of McDonalds 1949 Ontlerllll l0ckellm JellO ons 00 over With the formation of ccial ADDRESS ART Garden Book flavour worship sclvice Toronto Feb 21Clallfylllg re ers 19 miles wrecmge lher BRANDON Man CP Mlsg Mrs5 Icwis is su erint nd cent ublicit din Ba list SCWiCC Battalion the Nam sys all we can only lusml des Mar aret Dohk adamateur tlt temaucan ransacked the men Became ThereWere So Many Letters fiom readers risking for this out of the Collier St group and theological schools and the words tum of gimme The Slav coun gucmt lgnanesl museutms 32d who has studied at the Banff Mrs Chas Painter Mrs George Baptist Seminary the general 0m our Cons wonderfully informative booklet about how to hook rugs lm repealing the ocrllf you havent yet sent for New Hobby From An Old Craft110w to look Rug this is your clianceofliIife timefl Its your opportunity to begin hobby that will giveyou it great dull of pleasure This booklet not only gives the fascinating history of hooked rtth in our country but tells you exactly how to go about this pleasurable busmess of hooking your very ownl Its fun inexpeiiSivccmyenndsuch rewarding results Allyou need set of wooden framuburlnpbils of cloth or worstedsit steel mg Makecolourful Allfabric Tintex Dyes and of coursethe booklet Its yours for just 10c riniply mite to me enclosing your School of FlneArts spoke recently to the Brandon art club As part got series on the development of Canadian painting she discussed the Group of Seven FRIEND BENEFITS EDMONTON CP Mikp Li chak was awarded the $2200 es tate of his friend eorge Malan chuk despite the fee that the lat ters will had been lost Witnesses established that Maianchuk had made will in Lichaks favor be fore he died Dangerfield and Mary Graham work under her as group leaders Doris Kearns is president of Essa Road CGIT The CGIT is missionary group that combines both training and study in program The letters CGIT stand for Canadian Girls ii Training The organization has gj proved itself valuable in many ways both in the church and the community Ils nearest parallel is the Girl Guide movement Like the guides the CGIThoids sum secretary of the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec has issued the following statement at the re quest of the executive committee of the convention Because of the confusion appar ently created in the public mind by the recent publicity given to the use of the words Baptist Sem inary in the titles of certain traili ing schools being maintained by groups of Baptists that areTiot in tries and the Balkans Norway in the years ahead Having won France Italy and Greece all suf the war it is our responsibilityto ICICd the purge of their literature determine the nature of the peace More than million volumes van we shall be no better than the ishcd from the Ukraine alone Nazis if we neglectand withdraw In 1914 the Germans smashed from the ruins we have caused the library of the Ulliverslly Of The needs are great One thou Izouvain in Belgium In 1940 the sand and sixteen of the worlds Nazis smashed it again This mag libraries have sent reports of war nieent institution was the only damage to UNESCO House in major library that suffered severe Paris This represents the lossof 1y during World War The prin untabulated millions of books Ciplc of its restoration was so im Canadas answer to this desper themselves tovtestore manuscripts from Canadians for supervised dis books and other collections equal tributioii to war damaged libraries in number and valueito those des Most in demand are recent sci lroyed Universities and schools entitle and technical publications all over the world contributed to Material published during or after its reconstruction 1935 is especially required but stan adian Council of Churches the convention executive wishes it to be known that ministerial students preparing forvservice in the con ventions churches and in the Bap ttst Federation of Canada are not lIM wood Legifin dime Barbara Brent 1411 Crescent St Montreal PQ fig g2vgggglegf ngmlrhi Bsxld portant that it was included in the ale need 13 the March of Books mcr camp for its members VGSIalllCS Treat This nationWide campaign has luehfc with gm ti Cm fed When the GermansSlgned this been organized to collect books and Films for new building are emit grenades if mfg historic document they pledged periodicals of educational value under consideration by the Colling JANE ASHLEY it tells how MIMI enter the Between the two world wars this dard works and classics in all sub giant lled scfh 0015d bearmg Balm library became WM fam lecls are Valuable 99 me reel but 0115 for 15 special collections and To ensure that delivery of all Plvmity 5th MCMaSler periodicals on science Then dis cohtiTbhtlbhi is made the Canadi University and lhe Faculty Of aster Struck for the second time an Book Centre has been establish Theology of AcadiaUnlverSIty 51 In 1940 German battery of artil edrinrialifax to screen books for lllOWh 193 lllllloflc Idlvmlll leiy singled out this building pour subject matter and to sort and dis schools lire entirely maintainEd out ing shell after Shell into the tgw tribute them accordingto applica of Eaptist funds the use of de ers and stacks until it was reduced ms made by European msmw QOmImliom adlemve lhelr to twisted steel frame lled with lions titles is deliberately avaided as it burned and min godden books Look over yourbookshelves and is avaided also in the names of Immcany enpugh the Germans seevwhat YOU can Spam To make Knof cone Emmanuelcouegev Were making deliveries to theLOu it easier for you to contribute to Homo 5min Departmenf Wycliffelcollege and other well vain University Library right up the March of Books oor404001 Ibo Conqu soul Company Unllhd kaehwlpfhrm g01s t9 theme lhe wagon Of 891 Cllclln wm be made by BOY an mnlty sch gmm Smulslacmss GammaI has 1831 been the omcalI ThlSlSa maiOIDart Of World re Civilization depends on your 113 331215 coglggehof the prtis construction the rebuilding of the spouse maJori Penetangs newly formed Junior the ministers in the Convention Geo Boice of mama Chamberof Commerce held its rst have meived their training in it gtN8lttwonderful dessert Yam nuke in New with Thelsgme condition is true in the Tells Llfe Underwriters meeting last Tuesday Jos Jacques Pndq Flour Solggrumptiousvsuchiatangyavieetnesl mime Milli Where th Of Dominion Convention is Prsidem and Larry McNabb l5lmPlYPlnllWMm dodclmswmv PlainslloeLmu IODIfclleryukenIndpersetvlngso economical ggglsrches have been served smce senyetaryctrgasurer my pen 12Mellllmtogetliarwltliu label from Flb tin of The SimcoeMuskokaLife Under lownlrudcomSyruptoireomumumiiu phalleerd Boy scout Jamboree Xngigsggstszaggaiflggllgfhsf lol Mgllgallflgl Fm Show fopMembes day Twenty local agentswere Bo loin your entryglilis iulcient postage lt all Is do f0 forth Cum llltl contest ying will lhmm gt There are lino mining grinwinning periods Feb to March 15 ond March lffo April In Entries received will bvqlid My Or we month in which they are received in mail early and among the 50 insurance men at Rica East End Home School tendmg film on the Boy Scout Jam George 301990 0rlu13i13r651 boree was shown at the East End dent 0f ll assomallon Dreenled Home and School Club meeting in acsummary Oflhe recentDmml0n King Gebrge School last Friday Wide convention held in Toronto night The operatorotthe project the members 9381 Weaver of Toronto regional VicepreSident or was Harmon Leigh moil entries contest month preach Newmarket The association holds regular monthly meetings Harold Daren and George Briggs are vicepresi dent and treasurer was resent atthe eetn Eocli month entries will be drawn from thyme recelvoHJhog insrltsciiendnli liifiminildii Melnbers came not as fir north Wm Tllllllllltd by malland FlltOd to mail urlclm stylist palm and severalmembers Were as HuntWine arid all far south as Jim reasonsrwhy they like Crown brandom symma enrolled The members of the home and school club discussed the matter of recreation for the children and deemed to make softball diamond finthe them of the repliflsythelly 5d prize wrbeaifarde oo and obtain some sportsequipment They will also procure some equip Mrs Hamskedmond merit for the class taught byMrs 53 Redmondeednesday afternoons 04mm Ch Girls MrsWlieeler reporting forltlle Athing Geoige School zitmt sold them was bal mman 7qemmn builngdhll com inner end spread the mintquch ovor tilbottom of it dlllh Pm and con apples and cut mainlandtom lf no lobcl to mm mm WW me no on several sunny momma about in cm gt members wereenrolled children cfthe east and gathered until gt Arrangements were made forthe atng George Schoolto see two gt Mahmlwmaumwg film on scouting tilbe shown for films Motor Trip fromJasper WWundeollundiltttegelhzrgzltlmehmid the anvil of the all 05 the to Banff rldv1helworld Scout attemptiv WWwatbuwmrhnppmhbum llowingSaturday morning Jamboree The lm sltowin IMrul ovenl350Ffor 1N6 Me Ummmdbnwmmi WEs sponsored by ItheHEtist End Homeand School vAsgdciation in cooperation with Ken Robinson of the recreationconncii nthe EMS Kinglcsrg are lt It 9IlIOWillgnowheltigilaiightdhhcin by Mia Brunettes cl Guides HariiszedmondjVer ednesday lying nU rural areas afternoon tonnage titer maggot enougl girls Redmond unafliated nxen Mile Guides ll Mrs