Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Feb 1949, p. 7

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Auto ElectricalServiqe Course Held at Barrie Twenty Students Attend The annual series Of educational courses under national educative program from coast to coast was put on from Feb to 12 here by the Canadian Automotive Elec trical Association in the office an nex of Brennans Auto Elec tric Garage Bayfield SL Barrie member of the organization These C0111SLS are to prepare dealer mechanics in specialized electrical services for the repair ing of electrical units and car buretors William Brennan who will complete 30 years in the busi ness here by next May has pro moted this activity since its incep tion Twenty attended the school un der the direction of instructor MacKay and ea from all around this district IThey were Johnson of Johnsons Garage Braccbridgc DeRivers Bull Bros Garage Collingwood Lake Lakes Garage Clarks burg Lewis Perry vaants Gar age Stayner Gordon May Union Garage Huntsville Alex Weir Kitchens Garage Collingwood Kitchen Sheffers Gariige Col lingwood CMartinPenetang M66 for Sales Godfrey Lakeland Motor Sales Parry Sound John Coc Scott and Parkhurst Orillia Ainsworth McIntyres Garage Orillia Darling Jupp Motor Sales OrilliarE BeausoleilBeau solcil Garage Penetang Lloyd Mc Ich Barrie Motor Sales Barrie Hillman North Garage An Invitation PANIES 49 DUNLOP ST sewnWwnwm 86th YearNo l7fx THE 08 SIXIEEN THE 35 OFFICERS of the 451h Anti nt RCA Grey and Simcoe Foresters are shown here as they met at Barrie recently for the rcgimenfs Tank Reg theannual meeting of Front row left to rightMajor Battery Orillia Major Clark OC135th Bat tery Barrie Col Todd DS Commandant guest LtCol Kennedy DSO ED of Owen Sbund Regimental Commanding Of ficer Major Dunbar 0C 136 Sound Major Gandier OC 138111 Battery Bracebridgc Dick Evans Fred Boyce Garage Midland Haiold McConkcy Parrs Battery Shop Midland Reynolds Campbells Garage Elmvale Hennessy Perrys Garage Stayner Ken Walsh Brennans Auto Electric Barrie Martin of St Marys Addresses Mink rgeders Calvin Martin of St Marys Spoke on various economic meas ures that could be taken in feeding mink at meeting of the Georgian Bay Mink Breeders Association last Wednesday evening Mr Mar tin is director of mutation for the He also made some remarks on present day marketing of pelts Abmi 120 minlcfarmersfrom Al liston Collingwoorl Thombury Elmvale Wyebridge and Orillia were present at the meeting as well as several local breeders Green Of Barrie president of the association presided over the business meeting The meeting was hcld atthe community house wmmw lllIMIIlIIluIIIWIICIlII IIlIIInuIIununln WE INVITE YOU TO ENQUIRE ABOUTOUR RATES FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS WE REPRESENT ONLY THE MOST DEPENDABLE COM wRITE 0R PHONE suntan111301111101 BARBIE PHONE 4427 AUTHORIHD SECOND CWIAIL II ad Brewers Association can he the town council of that year OFFICE WAITIIIT OTTAWA of Durham Lt Jack McKcen of ric Capt McKay of Barrie Capt officers Bush 0C 137th Camp Borden Meaford th Battery Owen BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAYFEBR Lt Pile of Barrio Lt Cole Douglas Galbraith of Barrie Capt Owen Sound LtK Guy of Barr Sharpe OC of Durham Troop Lt Owen Sound Capt Colin Fraser of Traplin Of Orvcn Sound attach ed to Meaford Battery 2nd Lt Abcrcrombic of Pholo by Smith Studio and Engraving by Owen Sound SunTimes Street Car Fare to be Lower After Barrie Reaches 15000 Whereas the said Nicholls has applied to the said Town to use certain streets and highways for the purpose of operating railway by company to be formed by him and duly incorporated the said Town has agreed to grant unto him the liberty and priveleges subject to the terms conditions and agreements hereinafter set forth In an old supplement to The Gazette published in Barrie inlJanuary 1907 it is recorded that an agreement was almost entered into by the Town of Barrie in that year to allow the laying of street car hire from the southern to theeastern limits of the town AW Smithtown clerk reports Was divided upon the matter and referred it to the ratepayers who voted it down copy of the agreement wasre cently found in the basement of the house of Charles Lowe 202 Eliza beth Street The agreement was with FredericNicholls of Toronto All the streets in town except Holgate Baldwin Thompson Innis fil RossJane Perry Eccles So phia and Penetang streets and any of them in northerly 01 westerly direction to the limits of the town were to be covered with street car tracks This condition was insert ed in the agreement so as to afford continuous passage from Holgatc to Penetang Streets and to the nOrfhern and western limits of town Streetcar tickets were to cost not more than ten cents each for con tinuous journey of any distance from any one point within the town to any other point Fivetickets wouldbe sold at price not exceeding 25 cents and after the town had attained popu lation of 15000 six tickets would be sold for 25 cents School child ren could buySven tickets for 25 centsand innfhe latter possibility eight ticketS for 25 cents This student rate wasionly to apply be tween e1ght andlnine lnthe morn ing 125noon and 130 pm and 330 said 430pm Policemen when on duty and in uniform and children underfour years of age would be carried free Ableast ten trips and return were to be made within the town limits between the hours of 630 am and 11 pmandafter the town had attained population of 10000 Ith trips were tontake place not less than oncerin hour each way The agreement WES to mi from January 11 1907 for term of 50 16111111 years The Construction of the militia wa to becommenced on 91 beforeJ he 1907 and firms to be completed aniirtbe cars running efficiently on oribefore September 1908 Atzthe end if25 years from January 1007 and at the end 201 50 years fromliat day and at theend of every successive per event of the ftownihot electing to take oVeIt thefifliilway the toan would be entitled to require Nich olls to enter into rawagreement upon Spelt terms andzcondltions as might be mutually agreed upon or as arailway commissionmight de bideAt the end Of 50years and alt tli end oteveryfn yearpg pd th ibwiierSlii The system would consist of single track only at first but if the business of the system warranted the owner was to construct and operate double track where nets essary to be placed close togeth Electricity would be the only In five power by the terms of the agreement Nicholls would at his own expense keep clean and in proper repair the street or high way between the rails and for 18 inches on either side or the town Would do so at his expense He was also to remove snow from the tracks and keep the streetgor high way between the rails and for 18 inches on either side clean All losses and damages incurred by the operation of the railway wOuld be paid by him Any person disregarding the rightOfway Of the cars would be prosecuted In looking back in his les of 43 years ago for record of the pro posed agreement the Town Clerk ldiscovered motion Of the council in 1906 urging the Public Utilities Commission to supply power dur ing the daytime as well as at night Local Barristers Favor Practical COurse At Osgoode Stewart KC and Donald MacLaren KC stagcd what was to have been an informal debate but actually took the form of an agreeablc discussion on several controversial issues at the Lions Club on Friday evening Theutwo barristers were guests of the club for the evening The most interesting issue dis cussed during the evening was that of the Law Society of Ontario ver susthe Dean and members of the faculty of Osgoode Hall Although MnMacLaren was to uphold the views of the faculty against those of the benchers he was inclined to agree with Mr Stewart in his defence ofthe Law Society The benchers who are the governing body of lawyers of Ontario are in favor of making the training of laWyers more practical by having law Students do more work in law offices The Dean and certain iod oftenyana thereafter in thefinembers Of thtawlty HWiSh it make lawyers training more theoretical by increasing the hours Of lectures Mr Stewart stated thy there were lawyers coming but OFOsgoode on the present un practical system of training who did not evenknow how tomake out aw111 The benchers consist of lawyers elected to their position by the other lawyers of theprovince The two speakers stressed the importance of people making out wills and spoke of thevarious misa eptiou which people had in regard The referred to the Hystaken 1m realm many people under when mandie 01Grenf91 Estate hisfwldowwould receiv built branch to the Th two barristers spoke befo 13thls gestate whreas an largest Silendances at meeting Over 70 EXAMI Meaford Capt McFaul of Owen Sound Stand5 ing left to right JOINTS BLOWN OFF THREE FINGERS BOYS LEFT HAND William Neilson age 15 had the end joints blown off three fingersin an accident last Fri day afternoon While on his fathers farm near Ilewitts Ilill northeast of Barrie the lad picked up either small shell or ya dynamite cap He was holding the shell or cap in his left hand when it exploded The joints were blown off his thumb forefinger and second finger Dr Laurie was called to the scene and had the youth removed to the Royal Victoria Hospital where he is still rc ccivlng treatment CNR Shopmeh not Albert Bert Cook Friends and fellow employees gathered in the Allandale Orange Hall to do honor to Albert Bert Cook who upon retiring on pen sion on Jan 3111949 had com pleted over thirtyone years of son Vice On behalf offbesliop employees Locomotivc Foreman Rid dell presented Bert with an easy chair and Mrs Cook received sewing cabinet Neil Young local Chairman of the Boilermakers Union on behalf Of the shopmen presented him with his tools that he left behind when he nished his services They were mounted upon shield Also included were his beloved tea can and cup also mounted as sou venir splendid lunch was pro vided by the ladies and the CNR orchestra provided the music for the dancing which was greatly en joyed by all UARY 24 1949 Strongly urging the provincial gov ABC ftEl PAID AS OF DEC William Robinson Asks Ottawa Aid For Shipbuilding William Robinson 1L Simcoc East in the llousc Lif Coiioiis uni February said in the natiunall interest it is imperative that our shipbuilding yards are kept in Operation and ready to ckpand at moments notice lf another war Starts he said in the throne speech debate the ricch for shipping Will be great and iimei will be short Canadian shipbuilding cannot be neglected if only from thcf standpoint of defence said Mix Robinson Canadian participation in the North Atlantic security pact would increase rather than diminish the countrys dcfcncc responsibilities The throne speech forecast ZlSl sistancc to the shipbuilding indus try Hehopcd it would be idcr quail to meet the hoods of the in dustry Some delinitc action must be taken to replace ships in the Grcati Lakes fleets The Upper Great Lakes fleet of the United Statcsg was in much better condition than the Canadian duct The upper lakes fleet of the Us consisted of 325 ships with an average ton3 tinge of two million and an aver age age of 30 years The uppc lakes Canadian fleet was made up of 61 ships of 292000 gross tonsl and an average age of 42 years Because of assistance the gov crn ent proposes to give the iiii dust he hoped some steps wouldi be taken to ensure that the ship building industry Obtziins essential supplies ream Cf Milk Producers Protest Margarine To Legislative Assembly 7735 1908 SUITS TOPCOATI TAILOREDTomlin INDIVIDUAL mun ORDER FOR EASTER PRICED AT su75 34950 $5875 $6450 mu wr CARRY run RANGE or SUITS AND TOPCOATS IN STOCK SEE THEM STEISON EATS ss50 $1000 other $550 $285 ODD PANTS ALI SIZES $825 to $1550 wur TODD novs 55 Dunlap 81 Section 2Pagcs to 12 On BURNERS If you are worried about your Insurance Call us and we will gladly explain the Policy you have and its permissions 1111111001180118 41 Dunlop St INSURANCE AGENCY Dial 37 We Specialize In Dry dinning 579 010556 The BETTER Sanifone Wayi Members of tho Simcoe Countyls cream producers committee andl of the Midland Collingwood Oril ha and Barrie milk producers met in the board room of the depart ment of agriculture Feb 17 to discuss and take action on the Oleomargarinc situation Telegrams were draftpd tO the minister of agriculture Of Ontario ernment to pass legislation ma ng it illegal to color margarine yel low which has been the long recog nized color of butter It was slat ed that this action was in the in terests of the public as whole and would be protection for bothl the dairy industry and the consum er Letters were also drafted to the three members of the legislative assembly in the SimeonDufferin area requesting their support in obtaining denite1egulationspro hibiting the sale of margarine masquerading as butter ALL WIRES UNDERGROUND Westmount Que with 311 miles of streets has placed all its wires underground except those used for trolleys Farm Forumvathidhurst Criticizes Prevailing Potato Marketing Plan In Ontario there are 825 Farm Forums registered with total mem bershipof 16000 farm people On one night 14000 farm people met to discuss the CBC broadcast In Simcoe the Midhurst Farm Forum met for 115 Feb 14 broad cast at the home of Mr and Mrs Stan Walton It discussed the mar keting and transportation of farm products The group expressed strong disapproval of the present system of marketing potatoes re commending cooperativemarket ing system with central Selling agency and local grading packing and storag facilities Wyevale Sixth Line Forum meeting on Feb 7came to the conclusion that farm produce is least advertised and most needed that merchandiing of produce with view to consumer appeal 1S neededand that if this is to done it must be done through co operative or marketing associa tion Felderdale Farm Forumin Not tayvasaga Township feels thatad vertising of produce is indispens Hablero producer and consumer Utopia Farm Forum says that marketing of farmproduce ShOuld be farmercontrolled Beeton Junctin group shspdcts that sometimgs Ijetailers putinfer ior oducts in cellophane wrap pings and sell them for quality products District Horticulturist Expects GoodApplq Crop Goldie brunet Horticultur istBarrie expects good crap of apples this year Another ten or titlelye acres were planted in 1948 and further planting is coutemplai on the Hume place Shanty When the planting is com plated 60 1075 acres will be in is one orchard Itjisinteresting to know Goldiennd his partner Walter Humpbrgys arcxgroviringtnelr own ursery stock this year some of it Imported flora Holland 31mm lemma In 947 therewere lie lnCAuada nlincrem of 1711 that Mri in Barrie onl SHEER MAGIC SPOTS GONE STAINS VANISH Yes Your nest dresses are 510550 59 ValM cleaner fresh and newer Dulldnlwumdhck looking after famous Sani tone Service our better kind of Dry Cleaning Carfut attention lo dldohlfl ENEgS 88 Dunlop St Phone 2634 uuuu IN THREE short years wehav added over 405M0telphoiiee 5013317 hundreds of peoplelto extend services sviiphboards and trained thbusands 61 and improve yOur telephone We adding more telephones to meet demand for Selaice just as fast equipment becomes available Foryou this this 111 being done initlieface of msmg mmLYetupgmndw there has beenno in the basic telephone rates lawshwearsago hiilelbhdnervieasloweai impacts

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