Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Feb 1949, p. 6

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asuiwNQuxiwfri lt something by the Board of Works TOWN COUNCIL BRIEFS Continued from page otter Reeve liar and Deputy Reeve Griffin introduced bylaw that the sum of $1224776 be paid 19 the county for 1949 expenditures on the roads or streets of the town of Mile The bylaw was carried Alderman Wilson presented rel port number four of the properLyl committee at thr 12211311121 of tin town cOuncrl on Monday evening The committee had met on Saturl day February 18 and recommend ed that the salary of the head jani tor Mr Churchward be increased to $35 week and that two assist ants be employed at $30 wch They asked that lngram and William Polwurth be considered as applicants for the job They rc commended the ciiipioying of third janitor to cut down overtime put in by the picsciit two men Deputy town clerk ll Burton reported that in the past week the two janitors had put in ten hours each in overtime With third janitor man could or on duty during the daytime and such ne 553 mm 1h Cleaning 0lion tllllt thrce main conncigl tin windows and vaxmg to keep the IIYDROS MAIN dam at Ilcs Joachims willclosc three channels of the Vtl Bailey Bridging supports the concrete conveyor trestle tncunl ti=nunt had to the lllj links wcrcprcatly in iiccd of mucus plumpde purchaskid 1m town hall in good condition could WW then be done Alderman Norton remarked that he did not bLllLYi they could get good man to do lcitci was read from Boys and Boys solicitors for lilloid ltobin 10 lob 530 le ml Aldm lson rcqiicsting the deed for lots man Wilson rcmindcd himthat the applicants had askcd for amount The lipoit was adopted on motion of Alderman Corbett Alderman Ayrcs asked be done about the condition Essa Road at Campbell and Bald winStrccts He reported there was one pitfall tlicrc ill lll ches deep Deputy Reeve Griflin replied that the Board of Works would haVc to wait until spring and dry weather came as any re that Orillla Of crty pair work would not adhere to damp surface He agreed one and two East Aline Strcct on ml which dwelling had bccn ercctcd in 19112 at the cost of $700 Their clicnt wished to transfer the prop erty to Lewis Boyd Robinson of committee of Alder incn Wilson chairman of the prop committcc and Currie was appointed to contact Mr Robinson that and the tenant on the property and iinvcstiuzitc the lllillltlaflllllltl Dcputy ccvc lriflin claimed that Mr Robinson was not entitled to the deed as he had not coiiiplicd with the original agreement to that crcct dwelling at the cost of $700 Blake Strcct Essa Road aiidBur He also referred to the fact that Gurney Furnace Atlas Plumbing Heating We have c1 good supply of Bathroom Basins Tubs and Closets FREE ESTIMATES Alterations and Repairs Promptly Attended To BulsTow 69 John St Pressure gt Water Systems CONTRACT PRICES Dial 3770 Hot Water Heating piopctty from Mr Robinson and had conic to the Icounctl with the owner applying for the deed All the councillors with the exception of Mrs Mercer llainilton and Al dctiiizin Wilson felt that the coun cil should investigate the matter to protect thc present occupant The two councillors were of the opinion that the problem was legal one and should be settled without the towns intervention orrcspondcncc was read from Henry Kyle rcqucsting tlic deed to lot 26 East Marcus Street on which he had cicctcd sevenroom house lcttcr from tho llzilifax Ad vertising Bureau soliciting an ad vertisement in tlic souvenir book let to be issued on the Bicentenary celebrations of Halifax was filed letter from the Department of Planning and Development re garding the subdivision on Bald win Strcet and Baldwin Lane owned by Cyril Cook was referred to the town planning board Further correspondence from lllL Department of Planning and Dcvclopmcnt regarding the sub division owncd by the IOOF was forwarded to the town planning board for recommendation The council accepted the invita tion from the Canadian Legion to attend their council night on Fri day March petition for local improvement willow AYLMERCIIOICEGOLDEN 1t crownicou SYRUP 0101511 Cream Stylo 20 01 Tin IlYATTCHOICE TOMATOES at DEWKISTCIIOICECUT WAX BEANS 20 Oz Ifn HENLEYFANCYTOMATO JUICE 2113 251 HENLEYCHOICE HALVES EACIIES 11 23c HEINZLARGE VARIETY BABY Icons 12 25c VEGETABLECELERYGREEN PEA FANCY QUALITY 10131 BLUE meow pugs19 CHOICE QUALITYNo WAIIPOOS PEAS 313231 FRESHLY GROUND As SOLD RICIIMELLO DOMINION corn 54c parlorDunn tr31 ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS RICHMElLO 34 254000 WATTGUARANTEED SOLIX lAMPS SHIRRIFFHRAN GE MARMALADE STRAWBERRYWITH ADDED PECTIN giAsscoJAM SHROVE TUESDAY 12am MARCH lst 10111117111111 PANCAKEISFLOUR 49c MIMlllBULKWHEAT noun ME 21315557in lintup Anion If 63 mun1110various 130 EXTRA FANCY 15c 13541 30401 20 20 20cr gill 2lcv TIT176 Til 1291 01 3101 25c LITY 57 in sewer facilities from 70 Comp bell Avenue to Marcus Street wu referred to the Board of Works The matter of grant to the Chamber Of Commerce of $1500 for the current year wu referred to the finance committee on mo tion of Alderman Merrick dele gation from the chamber had been heard thc preceding week Two indigent patient charges from the Royal Victoria Hospital were approved Among the accounts read was bill for $9053 for electrical fix tures for the town hall Alderman Currie announced that the traffic committee was going to cars several hundred of gallons of motor meet with the police commission on the rst Thursday in March at Oclock in the afternoon Alderman Corbett requested that the next Monday night meeting of the council be postponed until Tuesday evening because of the Junior playoffs Tuesday night did nbt meet with the favor of the councillors and ill was decided to mcctat 630 on Monday evening February 28 so that business could be got through in time for the councillors tO attend the hockey game Bell Telephone Co Hos Vast Expansion During Past Year Record expansion in facilities and construction on scale with out parallcl in its history are noted in the 69th annual repOrt of The Bell Telephone Company of Can ada just issued for the year ended December 31 1948 The net in crease of 148981 telephones in 1948 brought the number of telephones in service in the companys terri tory in Ontario and Quebec to an alltime high of 1455956 Demand for service continued heavy and at the end of 1948 05000 applications were yet to be filled compared with 94000 at the end of 1947 of which 78000 were cleared last year Dividend requirements were met fully but expenses increased more rapidly than income Total reven ues reached record gure of $97 498652 an increase of $11052552 or 13 per cent more than in 1947 while Operation expenses current maintenance and depreciation amounted to $73261208which was 16 per cent higher than the previ ous year Taxes applicable to the year showed decrease of $615000 Tot al taxes borne by the company were $9239000 equivalent to $181 for each share of capital stock or 9669 for each telephone in service thvincome was $10576574 or $208 per share of $25 par value as compared to $9701652 or $220 per $25 par value share in 1947 Expenditures for new construc tion in 1948 totalled $75200000 40 per cent higher than 1947 New buildings and extensions complet ed during the year numbered 47 including 10 new buildings for dial exchanges and two large combined work centres and garage buildings At the years end 22 other build ing projects were in progress Throughout the territory ther was extensive installation of improved types of equipment Plant invest ment reached $390579562 The large program of new con struction required extensive fin ancing bond issue of $35000000 was sold and short term notes totalling $19900000 were issued During 1948 the Parliament of Canada amended the Companys charter and authority was given to increase capital stock from time to time as shareholdersmight deem necessary to new limit 019500 000000 The legislation nlso re quired that the stock be subdivided into shares Of pari Value of $25 each Shareholders empowered the directors to increase the capital stock to total of $300000000 and by resolution of the board of direc tors the subdivision of the stock became effective October 1948 Application was made to the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada in December for per mitssion to issue 1030000 additional sharesat price not less than $33 per share Approval was granted early in January 1949 According 15441 stocktothis amount was offered to shareholders of record on January 14 1949 for subscrip tion in the ratio of one new Share for each ve shares held at $33 per share record volume of telephone traffic was handled Local calls increaspd by 24700000001 nine per cent otter 1947 and lOng distance messages by 7500000 or 13 per centrist Long distance calls over the gt TransCanada Telephone System also increased byl3per cent Long distance circuits were ex panded by more than 20 per cent with the addition of 1100 new cir cuitsto the 5200 in service at the The 750 beginning of the year GLEN MITCHELL who has served in Barrie for four years as district manager for McCollFron tenac OilCo Ltd has been trans forced to the Windsor branch He will be succeeded here by Vernon Stewart of Brampton Mr Mit chell has been an employee Of the MeCollFrontcnac Oil Co Ltd for 24 years He is sorry to leave Bar rie where he has made many friends and found pleasant busi ness associates SHORT COURSES POPULAR Registration for the seven Short Courses scheduled for early Janu ary at OAC are rapidly filling the farm mechanics course being clos ed already Onc Of the short courses which has particularly wide interest is that of Agricultural Economics The topics discussed in it are de signed tO be most useful to leaders of farm forums members Of the Federation of Agriculture and in fact to all progressively minded farmers Some 40 scholarships are Offered by the UFO for coopcrative affili ates who attend Several topics of vital import ancc will be discussed by outstand ing leaders such as MarkctJros pects by Dr Farrell Ag ricultural Policies and the Cana dian Federation OngriciIlture by Dr Hope How can we feed the World by Prof Drum mond and round table conference on the subject Whats Ahead for the Dairy Industry This will in clude question box VARIETY IN PARASITES There are 100000 varieties of in sect animalJ parasites throughout the world DP GUIDES DP Girl Guides arriving in Can ada via Halifax are welcomed by the International Guide Commis sioner for Nova Scotia Mrs James Many Displaced Person Guides are being absorbed into Girl Guide Companies across Can ada In Toronto and EdmOnton DP Guide Companies have been formed under the Canadian Girl Guides Association leadership 1101113111 1101116110001 Do YOU Want to be Disappointed LatevComer Tickets NOW Reserved seats 25c Stcmdingi ReonkOn Sole Night of nival At Arena ADULTS 50c CHIEDREN 25 $150 $100 Tsunami rm UAR for games In fact mutyof the HINTS NI Ramos young customers were their gas To help Canadian Eskimos make malts home from the store mo of their any mow hue the male mm busy ances poster has been produced ELEPHANT NOSES FIRST ties was done on the opening in bow mime glam and Eng days the store continued to do Kb inmmmg the mm what On the first two days after 8am thriving trade this uel Stratum opened his Surplus scores of newshipmeumeweere gr 33 be purchased allowance Market In Dunlap SF in Barrie riving daily to replenish the credits he sold one thousand gas masks shelves mp BMNNIAL CUNIININUE Members of the GirlrrScouts of America and the Canadian Girl Guide Council were joint hostesses at the Biennial Conference of the World Association of Girl Scouts and Girl Guides at Cooperstown New York in August 1948 Tyron itysix countries were represented oil and paints one hundredmnirs of ski poles and scores of pairs of flight boots There was also big demand for such other supplies as first aid kits woollen blankets auto sup plies and utensils Of all kinds The gas masks obtained from war surplus stocks were eagerly bought by children The elephant noses as some of the boys de TBY AN EXAMINER WANT AD scribed them were soon put to use PHONE 2414 ll CAR SLIP COVERS For All Makes 81 Models Dangerfield Motors Dodge DeSoto Dodge Trucks 65 Collier St Phone 2487 OUR SERVICES ii SAVINGS on Deposits withdrawoble by cheque INVESTMENTS on Time Deposits LOANS Mortgage Loans re payable half yearly or month 1y SAFEKEEPING Scrfekeeping for your bonds deeds will etc YOUR WILL There is satisfaction in knowing that the Ex ecutor you appoint on your Will lives to complete the lask and is financially responsible Unlike the private executor Th Grey Bruce Trust Savings Company gives CI ermonence beyond the Capox City of an individual IIquulInouOIUIwduIUnIIlInIlnuI ASSETS UNDER ADMINISTRATION 1928 167603827 1933 252347479 1933 121084343 1943 717064895 1948 1635543384 lg 1111111 till 111511 31111151111111 Established 1889 Owen Sound Peterborough See HE Ia ELRICK for First Mo tgcrge Loans uuuunnunmuumn fNoticeto the Public kets for this out standing LCOImivol may be purchased Only ough thefollow ing crgenciesi jDix iies Smoke Shop Idcksons GrillDiCk Steeles Engligsll Chino 61 Gift Shop Brleys Lunch Whiftys Drugs Reserved Seat tic mile stormresistant cable route from Windsorthrough Toronto and Montreal to Quebec with branches to Ottawa and other points was completed The long distance ca ble network of more than 1300 route miles now in use extends widely over the territory Increase in rural telephones Was PRESENTS nbted in the reportrwitltvtiOOA 01 rural households having telephone service at the end of the year com pared 1055 per cent in 1947 and 39 per cent in 1945 Total payroll amounted to $52 262347011 increase 01318 per cent over 1947 The number of=em ployees atitlieaend of 1948 was254 the year by 721 more thanldouble the gment the end of 1943 Shareholders increased have been added was subdivm in er T11 total numbe of 1948 Sunni duringg whom 2374 the stack

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