Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Feb 1949, p. 4

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immmumr mm A=VVV=0 0055 Help The non WIN omromcu Madeline 880 and Bob Martha were the winners of an mtorical context at the Sunday night meet ing of the Catholic Young Peoples Club Four grade IX students from St Josephs High School took part llte other contestaan were Elam JANIE In Luck addressed the Mr Edwin Iberian and Miss Avenue Auxiliary of the Jeanette Caruso were among those Womens Missionary Society at who entertainzd at lhclt homes thrir February Intcling Mrs Lewis before 111 Catholic Womens apolit on the widc tit1d of mission Leagut datrcc last Thursday night at work undertaken by the Um ud Chumh and emphasized MI Mn Wllhu Gilchrist of who new to more missionarie Orp Station are celebrating their of me study book was goldctt wedding anniversary Satur Presented by Mu Jamcs Carder my 26 be Wm 01 mm Mr Lumber litimcto their friends from eight Itd the devotional Pcnod iitlt=0k me evening um beth Laurie and Frank Hargreavm Madelines topic was Deaf but not Mutc discussion of the now methods in teaching deafmute children Bob spoke on Patti mans man Elizabth Laurie chose Catholic Press Month as the subject of her mw address and Frank Hargreaves In Mrs Spearn in adopt in pub an 1m the former Audrey Ney will be Bum Lad Buwnnx ngm llllefthlbdAlO hear that word has wu held In the Falcttl Star rooms we WW by he Wrelllst Bf last Friday tlllllg About lltllmd N9 Frederld 3L permit mos members and mairthal Audrey and twoycarvold son mm enjoy an Enmg Richard have had most pleasant dancing to lltc Nlt orchestra Two square dattccs xvirc the ltvvllcsl part of the cvtnlngs fun were given for lucky spot and an cllmination tiancc lhc ladyl bowlers who made llll arrangc merit for the evening Edith Pcnchman Mrs Doris Gar vin liltzcl Wright MIX Dorothy Knapp Viola lcrrVv and Mn Dorothy Aycliffc lllllOWNl tho dancing vrsrr owe 7000112444 on irizrv were Mrs Rfllthlllllllllb The friends of Mrs Gordon Gates return trip to Australia On ar rival Rlchard was ablc to greet his dod mid relatives in Canadian ac ccnt after scvcral months coaching vltllc hcrzi About 25 or 30 local cmployccs and dealers of thc McCollFron tcnac Oil Company gathertd at the iQuccns liotrl last Friday owning vj to say fartch1 to Mitchell Mr Mitchell leans his position as Edistrict managcr to takc up simi HERE ARE THE PRINCIPALS Of the Dy litr position in Windsor at the first mentGonschalk wedding which took place 01 mo month He was presented lStcwart formcr district manager ll This is Girl outm and Boy Scout CIOWGSWl JOIHS Simcoe chck across Canada and the 2nd County Library cP Barric Girl Guich arc having display of their work in the win Cker Lbaun dow of Monkmans Drug Store on with watch by thc cmployces mVTVomnto few weeks 880 The groom is Vlllarold Agnew representative rc wmmm Dyment Toronto 30 01 ML sale made the presentation and Mrs Howard Dyment 72 High St Barrie in Brampton wmmg ML Mitch Hts bride Is the former Thelma Alice Gotts Security Required by Children chalk daughter of Mr and Mrs George Gottschallt of Toronto The flower girl is Dayle Young daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Young of Barrie The brides attendants are left torlght Mary Dyment Martethottschalk and Barbara Dyment Declares Miss Irene McBride The sixth and last of the series MAD szenty Judges were Kay Grecnan Mai sie Batkey and Allan Shrubsolc presentation was made to allthc speakers by treasurer Pat Garrity following the judges decision spoke on Joseph Cardinal land is currently making her home in Barrie Miss Nesta King great Thc game of 20 questions un der the direction of Phil Sauvc got the Vsocial evening off to good start with the overalls in Mrs Morphys chowder completely stumping the exports Slreet arrived here few weeks to visit with her great aunt This is her first trip to Canada and she likes what she has seen of the country very well Miss King arrived in Vancouver aboard the Aortingi which she explains is Maori word meaning the cloud plcrcerl on January 14 and spent week on the coast After what site terms marvelous trip across the Rockies and twoday stopover at Winnipeg she arrived at her destination Barrie HEr journey from Auckland was made in three weeks less one day Miss Kings home is in Vrthern New Zealand and she is ha Ing her first experience with snow and ice Week and the 2nd Barrie Guide in Canada She saw herfitst ic are planning display in the win hockey game at the Barrie Arena ow of Monkmuns Drug Store to twoweeks ago when Barrie FlyClS mark the occasion The display blanked Toronto Marlboros 50Shc will consist of work done by the muml the game 11lth Tougher ich in me company wc hope than her native field hockey in film all interested citizens will which She is qualified umpire at IsiVisitor from New Zealand young wbman from New Zea field hoely but she does not hm nice of Miss Emma King 13 Poyntz 830 from Auckland New Zealand Mailman insuranlee adjusters Be much hope of participating in the latter in Canada She has been working for little over week with Durance and fore coming to Canada she was in the officesot secondary school board in New anland At the request otMrs Vera Wild man teacher at Victoria School she recently spoke to one of the classes at the school on her native coun try The pupils enjoyed first hand account of New Zealimd and were particularly interested in her talk on the Maoris and in the pic turcs she showed them of the orig inal native population of the coun try Miss King was 21 member of the Methodist church in New Zealand and is particularly interested in the Womens Missionary Auxiliary of the church She is attending Col lier Street church in Barrie with her great aunt The elder Miss King had made trip to New Zealandsomc years ago to visit with her brother Nesta weekend ch1indcr lam John days Mr were Congratulations Examiner progress undoubtedly Mr Skitittymettwomen gain ngs grandfather The lowcs Womcns Institute Is macsecunly Bud de home DlnlWerCFL DHVVN types the newest member of the Simcoe of Weekly afternoon home and quacy flftoigwafle wk 01 Her Sports interests lndude bad Miss Km has dlsmnl 10 grudte girl stitch niacwtng nbecdlt County Librzrrylcopomuve 51 community meetings was held ll One primary essential if children Last wednesdas the meeting minton and tennis and of course lives living in Barrie margingrnltmalgnyetriaonlgtl Elililliitcztln alohz Iwnilthlmlhclothe lg has deemed Sponsor bra Gumrie commulily Hall on qu emre 50 opened with the formallan 81 mad guide uniform and displ or deposit station so that better read day Feb 21 With over 30 ladies ttonship between their parents If SMART SWEATERS ENGLISH GABARDINES MUNRO TWEEDS YARNS AND KNITTING SUPPLIES 17 Bayfleld St Just South Corners badges and insignia warded guideling facilities will be available to membcrs The guid are holding the people of 00Y church parade to Trinity Church 113M Vchr Dmker 3mm this Sunday Pauline Robinson kl mnandnd hc boo are hem is captain of the 2nd BurrielGuidcs em ham We present and Ruth Wallwin is her assistantt and man of all work The guides pom 5mm Townsmp The addition of Clowcs brings meet regularly every Wednesday at 645 and summer camp for to thc number of county library in attendance The meeting was conducted under the chairmanship of Mrs Dan Nash Midhunt with Mrs Clarence Brown Dalston as secretary Miss Irene McBride MA of the Womens Institute Branch and Home Economics Service Depaxt merit of Agriculture Toronto spoke on What Child NeedsV this is lacking it is very difficult for the parents to meet properly the childs emotional needs Children feel secure when they feel they belong that they are loved and wanted feeling of longingness can best be built up if the home really has place for the child and if he knows about matters that concern the family horseshoe and the national anthem After the guide prayer the tender foots and the 2nd class guides prac ticed knots and the semaphore There was an attendance of 30 Practical marching and dril work wound up the evening The guides are planning par ade on Sunday morning to Trinity RECENT IE 2nd Barrie Girl Guides This is Boy Scout and Girl Guide ml women ll now They than Ionic mm this simply great to relieve PERIODIC COMPLTS mu vttnmln use III Dont fen It 10 tam Iltttc Ilmoua mm to Church deposition stationsV which are set ttrogedwbo lllgndmlsmm lup in communities without organ Stress was laid on the fact that in this Way and by taking time Clair were chosen to aund me with uncomfortable 930 mm 530 37lrguld05eulgcslill fillsC ill ized libraries The majority be personality growth is ensured mm to malt children and bx ing in Barrie at later date along oss 93 ours Wed 12105 mama Nice going Guides thcsc depostt stations are sponsor by satisfying the childs psycho OWIM in undefandmi 01 their ed by Womens Institute groups logical needs Consideration feelings parents made children feel Arc you marred by dictum or fbmale mm as most in $12Llilfif shogestgig 51m 111 39326 lfidzlfalnzf muse nofvge gegeggzmarzn cuss tite programs for 1950 wgggsrvmzi ty buildings where she was rmer aillitUlluIt farm forum or Yulbhlutunohx dip tth pile Nothing cl alvn lun tun lull warm runny Ihlrto Rd My Whit For noon MM tbgutand out nothing IDFm with genuine Johnsontl Ill members of the county staffs met Motif slrl 1y employed with the Cltlldrenslyoung Peoples group achicving certain standards They cannot feel secure if they are life Compound to relieve such lymptomsl with representatives from the DIET AND TEETH In It recent test it proved very helpful latch little Aid Society Last Friday cvcmntt They 1009 meal about congamay 101d Mather want my engceit sogfl irlgds 1in modern wwqlmmm Va Forovor 10va thouwndsof Kirkml she was entertained at the home 65 adll and Childrens DOORS you you like that MW mavemmmd benet1mm or Miss Donna Jack$on three times including books Smile Vt rm=iz it mm two ing or yin rte Orrllia Colltngwood Midland Won W911 as hISlOTY llVEl lcsl over dulgenc are be we avowed Love should be fess ILLEGIIIMACY reect on one of woman most unpor NOTE you myivfcl LYDIA It and Huston Staffs of the scmety biography and practical books on ed in wholesome ways emugrime The legitimacy rate IS higher mtorsana had gathered to present Velma manlf SUbJCClS from deforatingto witblarctening bagand an firmwa oil painting George McConkcy of As we 33 15 191305it Sla the board of directors Donald Mac1 015 the County library coop at Howard Naphtan wife of the dir 169 classroomsin rural schools ector were also present high light of the evening was the stag ing of an informal amateur radio show by each of the five staffs with in the crown attorneys offices to present her with three sterling sil ver spoons Donald MacLarcn KC Howard Naphmli director of the made the presentation on behalf of society as unofficial master of the workers Miss Cole thanked Lam county 5050mm and Mmso serves 19 organized librariesV and the staff for their kindness to her had arranged the informal gather ployed as bookkeeper and statis mg tician to work with Toronto law rm On Saturday morning nearly 30 lt9 Burton Ave Evening Auxiliary Hears Talk On the Great Pyramid The regular meeting of the Even ing Auxiliary of Burton Avenue Church met Thursday Feb 17 with the stage of development of the particular child Inconsistency of affection and of The individ treatment often gives rise to feel ings of insecurity To develop inchildren feeling ofadequacy parents need to give them opportunities of accepting in ereasing respOnsibility and of de veloping many skills Demands made of the child should be in linewith his capabilities and he VV ll who has been made to feel secure and adequate during childhood is the one most likely to be able to withstand later troubles The best way to equip achild to meet life as it comes is to meet his emotional needs Vin his early days Miss Ruth Shaver The closing part of the program was devoted to discussion of pro in the towns of the Netherlands and In Finland than in the rural areas Lydia Plnlsham dict tend to deteriorate zonomo it Clanqer sfqytttl VV ol serious tlltiess PINKIIAMS TABLETS with mlded lean monomouocmo tartrimmuumuununuumumumuuuwuurmuwmwm 111M 1W unumuuumwmmmmwnnm llllllllllllllllllllllllllll Igucmstroortrouin Are Many me earn who wise their Starting cell goes signment knows right VBert Vrdeveloping inngethods new ceremonies access and ever be Shmld be Elven recognition and leselraaitnrisagieldaigglgteilegagrnagig doughhut ngoigloidngoggikatig approval for his efforts and Take StmeL At the beginning of the work Ann Middleton of the coun acmelfemettd Thus 33 11 geVVI When we she left the Childrens Aid assessors 0mm and Dorothy 0313c ence an feclrngof doesnt Society where she had been em M111 0f the county clerks oice V59 W0 WmmimtmmtrmtmnmmmIIIInmrmmrrrmrirmnnuumnn Vick Ventime VickieVenom Buckley cough Syrup Scotts Emulsion 59cslt1 Phrothin Nose Drops 85o Prlvlne Nose Drops 75c Wampoles Cod Liver xtraot gram The group was divided in to four discussion sections with sevenvto eight members in each In thin way everyone had the op portunity to bring forth her ideas chairman chosen from each sec presented theirsugges om teresting talk on the Great Pyra Vmid Those present were favdred with piano selection byFlotence Maxwell After the business Phyl lis closed the meeting The gir1 thenenjoyedosocial hour OCAURAPWARKSM VV as the president Phyllis Tomlinspn grams 1950 and was much 30th Presiding ed by Miss ltuth Shaver county Vim OralCold can onvener for the meeting was hm ecolwmlst safe Easy $250 Lenore Aikens with Edna Long The ladies were asked If they Vacagen Oral Cold Vaccine mime hurst Florence Maxwell Bernice mating Sign home 3m ahead Mattenley and Alma Hunter on her ex Buckley tiled Capsul But committee year 3115 so What topics they LenoreAme gave very in would like to have on their mm AT HOME IV as ham MINUTES militant mm Ito MACHINERY normmuo N01 WAVE set Which chdllenges Look Im initiative wedo mummimuu An Mme yo Pm 951 meet nan the as they uCI Vorantlnl They had greatly beneted 1mm unies VV 19w my 71 dothng new priming If69tt WWI my hairbutw 6953 to keg you meadow map men and devoted to at mgrnmm many at their problems was cm mm Smart 180 P111 Thusands mmmmmmmu bod fresh Safeguards fabiicsl VV strand mwgiefthemytum umrcunttom El shWm Vegy Importa ht feature and one which they wished to continue Themothers in this groupware nancial VVcontrols perspiration in the rltlusiasbc 1tilt 99on the mmtzrcuuigkmw PfqleclsygtlfCl1tlf2Com9i $111 nuing Cottey and amine CW lrault fOQHGVSllleUSlY Clegn with gt hope that Itd connedjnext mutated by llie group for discussion next year in perm lily dreslhtittrle Vj VVparenchild reatonV adolescence and 47 Blue Grosrcregtn

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