THURSDAY JANUARY l3 1949 mi BAltitlli EXAMINER tinnitus UNIARIO Qmwwww PAGE EIGHT awn Holy Night Mrs Lemon WMW pistol followed by the padzug The roll call inghtt by the word NEWT nnoomson The treasurer gavean en dean lopoil Mrs Norris read By 305 Jhliualy lU mm TIT ii it iI faitiiigtnial ItiniiliiIionIIIIiIaIy InsIyegfiggmgfs$3335 ifr it iiiiiiii$393133biggie i3ltf2f $23ll$150333 212521 23221 Ii ttwm mm nan $liiig 311111333gigbf 53133 gig ice lip to in lcncs in places but ill the lake plotter the water gtilll puuntii the shores and ilA liiiiti liltitii eighteen inches lltlttl to make satisfactory ill vesting the iiosl will have to in last Ilcttiiig Villlllierthtll AUEIH tllEi lgt Itrl llll inrmiii lltlllltvUil Dcc 23 iii the President Mrs IL liiliuiiIuItI III FIIIII JIICk IIIIIII the mpICI presiding The funding opened by alls Enhance the Entire Room When finished with SUNWOIBITHY SUNTESTED WALLPAPERS and its easy as picking daisies to make gljtlV BORN lll Itlr and Mis Keith lhc Mb lulu thlIIIlttii dthmml WHO 13 taken litilttr liit oilta vlansbridgel at meeting at Mrs llwnllhtllwi NHL HM and sput Lougn ll ltVitAi Vltiztviiitl Bright Slttii it =tliil ill ll iitl will llOtklIY in south simcot gIlI II II IIIINK III lntv South Sillttut Lchiztic unluHI itan iii vl lito iicttuli as soon as ltft lrVlI aging li illtigtlc lAour lttlliih will com1 in lltlilit and ilomc panics slitltltl death playoffs in tich ilis Those in the group Kilt lhorntoii Stioud Mlncsing Zilltl lflcclon with itlltltil lilcttrlc add itWlAlliiii inu the sport of the gums iSlifiIlitl will play llltii home games LrIlIIHIIIIrI111I m5 hm lmmm tit tilit tor the litttrt the ict on the lake ior titclt stun CI liltililliilV mi 311 ALL li VVtV MW min himfd lisilivil Vtill your selection no from out very large tiiiVViVllVVVVlVililtVlV liVViViii VVV VVV SLOCK 01V lam patterns rangmg price iv nit itIiIIIii In Mmmi mnmumty III dill II III III IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIII Ont 181 $210 it 10 in wil HlVl1tll Av Amnc Jan at their as or eccs tili ti toiil mipii Hiptinu 11W Iy guild School stutlriit gtPtili litit tlV 590 the sulle II II III II III it li car of Itlltlland will lit the spcaltci ll llll Wt1 HIV the cwmnu The Union are insl filittlilil at SS Occasionally too it tzikcs one AA lVllliltL any ilittillltlgt in ill itsi Mi anti Airr illlltll llotii=ii until tiIiItt to tilIiiitI out aiiiIItIlthl tlIlt IIiIil IlIi11 lIzliitt IAIlilIIIi tflIltiIxttlI rutnth ltii llltill lhcy wlll Silfltld foul lllllltl stuli li imil him all opportunity of ltlllfiiilihiis VlltliillUltlil Now Loinll VHVkmuV NM and hi gtIliit of the it roads illtlt painting of merit to add that something if no heavy pattern is used on your walls III II Ii itllllltlll ll illllViVVVinVl VVVm UV mm in Md HlellmVV HVV lVVVVl lmi lnin and 1l IVAVV will 1AAl liiil sinzit try illlgt Vlil uck as Available llililiulzlsIKltMilthl lliltl Will and mm lnlAAlAlA 1l tinnth in Vlllllfilii lltilit Stewart ltoiid SiliiciAvisolVVVVV VVVtVVlVlVilViVVVV VVVVV iVVVVVVlVVVVl UVVVV lAAthV Jv 1U ii il tlit at ii lltllilt oiillli toot llfll 1V II IIII IIII IIItIIIiII IiIIlIiIIIilIiIIIIItIiIIlIIltIIIIIIIIuIIiIuIl IIlIIlIlleIIIIIIIlIIII II IIIIINIIIIIKEIIIIIII MINI pMNTINGb By ANADIAN ARTISTS 3790 to 000 iliii iiw ti litcw lllilllltl Lock 1hr lull 51mm that blocktd thtI llii towns no fault ol mini IIiiit zl il1ll in township roads was raping ll lllill in coiiiniunitIulioii with luilltI Dunlop St F10Glaze Palnls Plaques PlClureS Dlal Alti lti inn to the iiionc was not working piliiiilAthliitllc and had iiiiti ii clivi ii ii in lllt II ttkAiii in iinniiin niiii timic crly so that the RWVL Umld Rtl lit llt AltAllAtd Im Av 1me IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIh 1m li lili WV IIlIIII IlIlI tlltl il llllltit III fl lf llVIVKV VV II will Mimi 54min with li and illit ill Tl iiilifl VlSlilll ull liil 31 Mrs lllii3 lgt ittlsin llllmi lliiint tlit cuckold All Air lilll Mix lid liiibliis and VH liiiiiiilii lltlt tlii iiiAizilv isilll Alis ltulit iilihiiis Mrs Ill iVli IImm iIiIHn rptiiit Sunday at Kaitlyr with illibt lililtIlllll lrHIlIU llntligt Iv ttlilli about 20 MW IVltllll StiillilliHllllt st til litiili il VV VV VVVV distiitt party lii which nr iMDRTHWSUNNIBALE lulu 13mm IjIvIII Amth II II IV WM mV ll liVlIlttl of ii tliaiivarl llcld liltli ii and liiiil illiuaix ll lVVV VViViV Vl VV VVl Im Im wan III III II III III bvs and Miss ii IljiIIIIllI IIlIVlIVV 11M hymn rho semin iizi and nni was mainint xinun HI II hum III mI Midlilm IVV VV VVVV iiiliiVitVinsi litv ii Siiiiiiloiitls ttVithVliitits al N0 ibchlnery N0 oIQINuT lvlllilliinI ilnts and llililc litii on Wttilltstltll cvcnintLl 7m will xVVVVVfAVKLVVLi VA bmllE15VEJlDLELJi VilrliwllmllA lA waif VIIIIVI ll itll NW Vt1llVI 11 llllll MIX llllglltt HILllllll VV hlIIlIIItIIIIIIIiIlIIlIl IIII IIIII III III IilIiltlIIIivlI IIinInId MrIsII llliIlllltI IiilIithinI III III II II til Li CAL1Il it Ilsit tilt IS lolHlunC in ii III SCllttd VVltl lllt llllliiL litAzistlzcl iii Vt Vlllitllhliltililltl illlVVdalCithVlllVlVVs VliVlVlVVlVlVlilisVali intl BEFORE Mm HMS is TI 11 hi IIIIII IiII III IIIHHIVI WI AmIIIdI Ema hw MW IIDIImhIIIIAIDOM IUIIIIBIWIIIQI II II II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Wish it hum IhI harkSI AI HI IIIIXIIIIIIIIIIIII II mm Inn IIIII 1ItIiLIililiiIIlIlI wiiy glinrtsiIIiIiStIiacIInCIIIc Av M7 Inuxlox tedlous walllng IIIIIIII Now try this modem Diuolv cupwle in comb luon ha an ll Ii VV ElgVVElAYttotaddeI glass gunner throggh lllIIII to LARGE lirv CHO six ritoii 1mg can 070 hair so easily so quickly its amazing LDazzling curls shim mering waves with itlcllMELLO Elly IUltElLD lfiiNijEEAEllgtlil LIKE MAGIC zoo1 dancmg highlights tn it lit practically no time at get personallzqd apd curls that sult EV31 RAN 311 MINIT CURL you bSt halo 0f 50ft rlnglets 01 10058 iimiixoiimcn Intakep on all types naturallooking casual wave And so quickly In IVVV VVWOf halrVgane iminutes sonican hesuretoJOOkyourglamorous dyed bleached any color Wonderful for children who wont Isit still long enough or permanentsf best MINIT CURL is anentirely new prin ciple thats actually as easy and simple dreamt ing your hair but waves and curls STAY IN With MINIT CURL theresnoinorryIabQutI split ends no dry brittle fuzzy AFTER USING hair Minit Curl gives your hair tillannals AElllltllyliitmmm QUEENS litiVisiigt steep alias so as u=nwx=zu uIIIIIlsInw QLAfi Ell CONDENSED IlmIPEAIIaIIIIw ILARKSIN CHILI SAUCE PORKm BEAstr rw 6092va to uSQLNoVexpgriminecmrvIIthlII iALIFQKNIAMEDILM SIZE ROWN ion BEEHIVE PRUNES iii 19 can svnup iii 25 SUNhiAioSEEDLESS CHOICEREADY CUT RAISlNS CALIFORNI 20 MACARQNI all I9c VFANCY BASOCKEYE 254060 WATT you 39 soLEx IAWIPS 15 LYNN VALLEY GLASSCOTWITH PECTIN go irritatosltln Mai permanent unnecessary 20 zlrl Tin II 91 M25 Jivos hair SlOIIOU glgiypwbody Silicosisin Av jypnund texturoIof nutrition method known requiresonly miiTiiios7AIppmed nd mel by leading Jabomtbrlesl anonnu LUJWWSY whatrlovclywcurlsyou AhairAAtakeabeautiful Nam can get and so quickly lhsting curb Certainly with this newIMinit marveloustimetsavcr LCII Curlmethod VVV formel CIII lsoft beautiful curls shining with ltu FANCY BVCPllK CHINESE TYPE sum 23 me 31 11 Big Ij II Guamnieed Meals Flu VQQEleIQS V7 Simplyfill outand mall thecqquonI VVP Vt VV VV yourminit curl arrives depOSlt only $150 sglrltiiscII lag in out Boneless Round Fresh lcus New II II IadecIoIDI poIstIage thrIu postman se VS lb lbs 27 directedAIf youre not comp18t1yIPelSe sh vI IIIII andldelightediwitzh results Well refund fun Lea Meal Cat Swell Eating VV purchase price on request 50 flow tOlayi lbs Il WW mailcoupon on this fair offer IIIII II II II vnIIIJ our and Mill THIS ACOUPONTOD iii 11 lb VV TEX forVstc IIa 01 Telephone2650rsr Fresh wk off V3 ii VV Ltd ll 05 LASTS MONTHS Pi VA gun ate CanI NOI Grade II want to try amazmg new MINIT CURL onIyouI 0mm send BRISKET 29 POTATOES liO lbs 25c loo Many Permanents Minn on comma and Ill payA$150C0D postage on arriVal on our guarantee to refund my money if not completely satisfied pm Boneless Shredded V0 Mable Bangerous t0 llalrl= V3 yr of empty PackageCashorders mailed postage paid EnA lb 49C ria $150 lozp Fre uent efmanentiwaving tends cose 33 up Euclosed is remittanceu Ship 001 plu End Cuts ll 59C 10 dry out halri leavmg it at Mini stage Sap tut pay no po tat 75c ons bs loci 50 bag I59 Iand lifeless looking With split FASHION EDITOR HAIR STYLISlu All VVV ADOMINION YOIMJllMllVID VlfnzzY ends are Trly mag beau VVVMlnltV cur akes lNamVekn VT26uoufttorWinInHIMV IhaIrdIi to manage NOWi nth new and Its amazing tosee even the nesthead of Mlmt CurlwyouvcankalwaysrhaverrA WW 4W7 lhealthVY fastener7