Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jan 1949, p. 22

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PAGE TWENIYIWO THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA iNNiSiiL COUNCIL Ask Town to Undertake lSeeking Reinstatement Entire Responsibility for Barrie Band GREEN ill2 Liiiig lldlltlltotl headed itput will and six of lilutc returned uric LYltll from the Barrie Band which ffilifl llllllldbl WHERE LESS MUM Llam viiletl til the Town Council 13 CW 192 77 lli2i F1 $200 Ba BOARD 33953313323 325 mi 111 over discussion on its place to chair POWERFUL VACUUMCLEKNERS $6950 limit Pinned mi Referring to the former aln Quebec COOk Stoves Including full set of attachments if ill 31300 for the band leader rill Witt burn coal coke or wood dinea in ittolrniril the band We iiiiiiiiiiiiiii Miggcswd Wine if his DISH DRAINERS $169 and $200 tii Sgiriiilli rclzil iiiil ii toil llziliii Cut Hill matter for later date iai INAUGURAL ii Irv 13 complete uniforms andi Mirincur lie ird iii uglinbiimfidzmm CONNOR WASHING MACHINES These are Rum Coated Trait or iii riirei assist tie an Or instance 53 mi ii iii iii cilwas ini 16le state and Him biiidCiii5 iiiiiiiii be ciiwiiiiiw THERMO TUB ELECTRIC $193150 RUBBER KNEELING PADS iii ii iii 11 mixer up owever it wasi ii is 1mm Mined 0m and was lune irtlftiil the cliiiiriel Wt iiiiti THERth PUB VITH PUMP $19950 436 500 009 84C 11 iii iiiiii ii iiiiiii0iy iii mi 1133 ll Nd illlillunlln PORCELAIN TUB MODEL $16950 Rubber Floor Mats 1712 28 Iliii tin Vi xii mm ii WW xiiiiiiimpwm MS imndm over it iio rote iv GASOLINE THERMO lwASHER 323450 $100 5125 $22 Him wk Smith ii mimiiiid is Mi WM it thought and effort 11 lie lllljtt to tlllt ille lo llLlclHr or =l 55 We MAXWELL ELECTRIC WASHERS ELECTRIC RANGETTES lmbU required would be music and ii llirtltllllli roerilzir rehearsals and ii new uniminis which Uiiiii ii litr iii Li piiluigiiiiolhtl ll who are available for Wu e30 moii Eelmml KLNW 331 ammo 53m eight ice COW Illtbt Wittsliclb illc all 011 Qthtd yet tax to colileiiu klil thrsci llrldtltj the instruments he curls were being piunncd by hi Mn liil 31 ttgtlrt rinrtrtriled au said most were from 40 to 30 year llzirrie Baird this year CLOTHES DRIERS $225 tilt anti awn1 tilSlit tinder gtlltlll tuliilt itiiuneil on behalf of the funeral of The poimlar sumo gate type Elements may be used at one time ii iiiih gt1 that iii ii llitllth lt gt VA vWmim 2m it 13 strltlltllli eoiarifn Clirl Sdurum SUllYllUli 715 ST Illgtlll representing an oil comiVi ex In your xii iiiib party which had purchased pron iperli ilr llinisfil next to the CNIH Mr and Mrs Iieo Berthelotte and iiliiiilmyil liiilniiiiii iii iiici tracks iGeorltetown Division tummy spent Sunday with Mr and filliest illl and ti esilel ililJ 4v iiiiiiiiiii gm iii iii iiiiriiiiiiiiii lite ionsidu tittiing largi ill lth Illllllllllllllv gllllllld tiiili and distribution llalit lie Mdlliml ml 913 llgtl iii ll war aiii his audits 111 Ui Tumiiiii iiiiii iciiiiiicd iiOiiii ii Mimi plays appropriate to the Wle 501mm iiiiii ii wok iiii mi Wiism Tm um Hi iiiiiii Kipp lllell building on the west illlti in Friiwivyi For some years we have been exclusive representatives for iiS grand line of Kitcib so 11gt 5Illl lllllllllli llu 11111 mm 1h Mnm or ha The children of the conimtinil lYl rlt th matron lilrtlllilt first adopted by ll Vilmld lattended birthday party at the on 15s or 84m nd surroundmg lbtlwt lllll are Im llllounqe tllirt liidii 1r iiic mum lhe matter was loll or hulhw gimme of Mr and Mrs Sid Clarke in ii factory representative is 11ch to show you some modern methods in the field of li on various members of the local llLSlflin lllUllOI 0f Dilllml Clillllt llU Wil cookery KHf Hi iiljs1gtriillpirix ltllllgtltltl itgtgtttllllttiti who repie lllVlbKXb VALUA lORS eleven tiuS 01d on biiilllldill 1311 lif it lii Hitting mum congregations in humid lupin LHIELD ri iiillfii35its ii iiilhiiid flit if lllillllhtlntarlog lilllIVE LOCKHART ill illmll or lclimgdecuilif iiii iiiBilliliiil SKIS HOCKEY STICKS GOOd Values yios owner ii iii iii 1M Mimi mini iiip lone 11nd MN on mm mm SKI HARNESS 3125 g1 80 52 50 to $5 95 50c$750 g1 00 125 $150 $2 00 My xiii iiiii ii iiiiiiiiiiiiii li ltlgtlr on behalf of the coun dllllhl Bid llll No iiiiii Mimi iii Siiiiiiiiiiv Thi NO char f0 lttqchi ha SKATHIKE SEES lloliziid 11mm it 31 Mimi iiii iiihiiii ed and dwell on some of the lllllltd ill 54 Upheld b3 Ill iiiiiiii ciiiiscii by ii iiiiis mi the mess pioulaiiis twat ch of Elm it of lidutuillim Housewife to PlumberIt must have been the family living here before us that sent for you but they moved out over year ago any similarity to any plumber living or dead is purely coincidental MELODY CRYSTAL Earthenware Bowl Sets GOBLETS SHERBETS FRUIT JUICE $125 $150 $200 $225 COCKTAILS SHERBET PLATES Sets of Three Four and Five Bowls 75 Errriidiiviiirivirmc racist MAYPLOWER CRYSTAL 65c to 3115 tiilti hell it 11 tli piolilcrii llllllll fllllll llt ltll klt 1051 Tlmom nlmflml Whl1nv05ltltll was Right Busy Boos iiiiiiiiiiiiiii lllttl to come to the councils at timed m5 maul look very instructive talk was given by on prorin it fun ii ii iiiiiiiiii iii iiiiiiiiltllltil1 Gentlemen hope that ll Clldcmnml blwd Sum the leader with the result the girls limit to lialzii lilair MM ii ppmi iiiiiii yum lllltgtlll fear or favor or lll10lll ll llll lllllllllsif CH and ftlliire busy with their project work 59 iiimii imF dummy it mm mump iiiiiiiiiic riiii iiii mii that the potential value of this We visit them every success It is public lirietiwii si 11 ii may Himiimi in iiiii iiiifiiiiho limos twp Mm in ii in calf was consideration and the Talk on Holland iiiiiiiimiiii iiiiii IH Mi iiiii Him iiirimuii iiimil WI who uroiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiii claimant was entitled to this con very interesting and well at recrcalion directors he iir albiniiipii ii ii iiiiiiiiiiiii lie hoped that fair press cover 5llllllll mam lcmmf Wk lltlllcc mi He added that in tll cases the tltliiil in tour hoard Sumth lll tlmw this TOWN PLANNlNG MEETING TluimlmllltyHdlll Silinqdld pmmiim was Niisiiii Min WM mi iiliii my iii in mini iiii imiiiic would iii iiiiii ouncll and officials areinvrtedi DEL ell ligSiscwriismv SI the merit of the lllllilliiill Ilitllnipizi ineiiiiimc iii viiiiiiiiii Siiiiiiiii iiilllltll with the torkof the council ll Illttllllll 0i lllC Billllc 10W DuiCh Gbifemmeni is MiSS Vim We must in no way litei the llilillll to title free o1 charge to lllli WW Tildd hotth lllCIU Illnmlmg mlmo TUFSdny De Valk has been in this country program and we rie taken no business roileite or liliilUllld lll llllllllmtllls flclllll 0f mmg JR to he 115 only short time she was able to sieps to illllllltliil tlieprograrn tie priuiii wiping Tim is iiiii Cooperation with all elements 50 lllous mallch porlammg explain the congested living condi moi ii iii gt larcd li iiv in Fit ii Iii 11 lulu llmmh md develop tions of the COle in Holland The iiic iiiwciiiiiiiliii iiiiiiiiiil liliiiiitiiiiiniiiiiiiililinig illllillilulitlld ilioslilpiegiitllhuhis Mlle theme of licl tlk was the Imlni GOBLETS SHERBETS 35 FOOTED GOB These me the latlge 5126 The speaker glimpstmi gin iiiiiiii Mix Tim dip imi iiiiii home for dinner CHANGE ELECTION DATE rration 0f DlllCll 371111105 l0 15 LETS each 750 lvipiilih would have to lillit iiior ii iiiifi mil bmiuii iiw Coun Brucc Iowan1 feel that mollmh mOVCtl by CON CUUnlljii MISS Va DO Valkllild me eCOra TOYS the locimill iirmiiiin Viiiiiiiiii MW chin his ii mo iiiiiiihi short Win silice first iiSiSproule and seconded by Coun selection fafmtilliesf to meeii1 FRUIT JUICES each 70c 7x 12 each 37c 10 14 each W65c ilml most lllllnllliXllltitS 05 itimii iiiiiiiiii iS iiiiiiiivui iiiillltltllls councillor has taught me Cllllk that the mummpal elect lgqlilimlncnf 10 annals rti bi led from the filxtdllltlenl 11035 numb 0f 3F ET 90 110 it ittli less than hull hp mm imiii ii Miiiiiii imSiiiiiiiiiiimu fconsrderalilc WI continue to L141 Flash ti infill Wis Signed and are going to be SHERRIES 86 COCKTAILS each 600 RANGETTE recdpied for rolleruric the alliail The letter from Mr Iluflrii had ll ll lillgpillers gonad iHi Ed iilcat responsible 01 Dutch tum 30th Red and Ewell itllill Immhvr of other points but theim flllmlo 905511310 ili ii be hm ed i0 i0 Miss Van De Vzilk thanked them 7779711915011 CULthl VIMHill 11mm mm ml mmiidlmculwien il mm Slnilluwwfl fallpmumlel 9311128 lirpginiinhlhc idiom Vmaimemkadnssand hiopes is SHERFETS FOOTEDWGOVBLETC FRCIT WWOODENCGUTLERY TRAYSeach750bmu 111 um tried he Qeiiiiriirrori hr iw 30111 WIHH Hut 1c Con once acct hear from more armors 10 1100 iig Drwe find Ilttllllllflllc lnu to itivi sonui ll Nullhlilll and his 514111 of im imd itll that emporiumMir ihaioniy Billell for the SUmmCl lonlllh JUICES COCKTAILS WINES each 75C COLOURED GLASS BOWL SETS $250 louti in 0mm education llle simiw oiiiiiv Childrens iidil ll ll 5mm All above Cr stal subec WKClillCth Robina diyccim gummy WM iimiiiiiiimi inmni Uf1L15 will bring the needed re OHS 0f CEllClunl Chlorlde was Four In Red Green and recreation for Barrie lltttiniiiunipil iiu im mi Rumi DismcL C01 isults available this yearns the township the deputation Each of the coun ipgimg Biiiiiii iiii in mi ii msii Coun Thomas Cook1 feel the allollmnl council glCcd that CTT hard been provided vi aghast 7M Niiiiiiiiiii iS rim Fin honor of being dbl t6 come back Hm SUPCMSOMC mmlumd report and financial statement of limrml mi iiiixiiiiiiuiii as up again to this board is considerable d0 ng Tl mailer 0f adding The Late Susanna 12rchrinris the 1947i iii0giiiiii imiiiunw finia iiiii giiing use every effort and salt to this in order to extend the Susanna VlVnglthnlS after all my experience to do the jobiSClVICCS dstOllSldClCd but as no lingering illness pilest lSway tn right Let us try to do things definite opinion was offered this the home of M15 my iOpeniStOcrk Dinnerumrelred doch HA any ARMS ROME The amount of $1040 was order FlllilniillililoiiCliffunliisslilltiuivlpiflicl gm and hope that lthlsm lll was left in abeyance IEmilioltggthgifdalvllsdaXilllll ARK COMMISSION llptlrllltlllftlllill of Victor Knox be gde The lalfcmmc John McGlnnis and was born at teacher while on leave of absencelareas have me people and if they Reeve Lockhart discussed the Eimvaic where she $9011t the Elcal ST in war service ECl 10 SCIVlCCS they need we can park Situation in me townsmp or part of her life She was devot The mum mmnbi miido plans have their support Ifecl sure we The R530 5mth that he ed to her family and wasiever iii Visii Scwmi SChmS in south can satisfy those people of Belle had retellCg many complalms ready to held others She vrsttcd cm Oiiiiiiim next month Ewart and other districts in theirlabot admlssmn 190 the gate Alberta Portland Oregon and requirements feel the park IS th glelCSl California several times vlictrc shg CieikTiCiiSiiiCi Alianimeans of spreading goodwrll we made manyfrlends She rcurnc ersi Mayhew Installed mica he was pleased to inaugur have incl am in favor of parks l9 Elmirae in 1238iwh SheNhfvd McIntosh 896 Dique 741 Presrdent Collier 910 ianlllCl alllnCll have given Commissmn to hapdle the wmile glnigqesflore Killlirli Brilltiring Elie did gt Willy Carmichael 695 Bourric Prov Cons Joseph Jones is in the very best that is in me and mallel 0f parks In the townshlp lot of Red Cross work during itdm and BeninIE It 698 Graham 686 Wal vestigating anaccident which oc Mrs Mayhew was Slullcd Wm continue to do 50 feel that This munmpamy has become to World War and 11 She was lggtSveell course ue lace 630 Wilson 623 Fibd curred on Burton Avenue in Bar PC$dcnl 0f the plans yllbeing CXPClenced mm Will largedfoi thesctlmnersI 1016213 member Of Sl JOlmS United Mrs Hilda Porritt and Harold Crew 585 AlcxxMalcolm 580W do list FridiiTiEf Properly elation of Collier =Stircct United do real iobiirLthecoming year OVeld Con lllleeai to some Church and in POIIUCS W35 con Gilford spent Wednesday with Mr Bonwick 376 French 287 damage totaUEd nearly $500 bl Church on Wednesday January Road Supervrsor Stewart sug Shou glve Con servatrve The funeral was held and Mrs Aibert Maw Rorabeckizoo person was injured The installation took place at the 505th that when making the usual belle form management in St Georges Anglican ChurCh Mr and Mrs Dobson and Or Board of Educatron four elect news agenc truck driven by gimmiai iiiegiing and Rev mad inspection plan and copy suggest we take mont to 0011 on Dec23 and was conducted by ville Centre Vespra spent Sunday edMe1drum Wright 1103 Sh g3 St To Lewrs was installing officer of the report should be made so 51d thls Rev wmam Brooks Interment With Mr and Mrsr Russell Maw Christie 41005 Bruce Woolner 961 any as fever ell Bur4 Honorary president is Mrs 15 that this could be followed The mailer Of permanent surfac was made the Kmam cemFteW The Sacrament of the Lords Rev AJS Keri 878 john mmo was procee mg wes on LOWS Mrs Waikiwmiiiis throughout the year ing was discussed The general She leaves to mourn hLeir loss threg Supper was observed iii the Uni ston 568 ton Avenue about 645 Pm ipast president of the association Council adjourned until 130 fielilllg bwa til certallurotgSisrsAilgsPggggg ogwiigriiffd ChurCll here On Sunday mom Hggpiti Bylaw Lifm 3497 igggkauigafrvigeng tcliieaigrpegici Other members of the 1949 cxec oin to the horn of Yea especa mm are Mrs McKenzie lst geeveg Toidy where eMiS eggd 8th Line The people are demand oregonv and Mrs Neeley Of Mr andMrs Ernest Rankin and agamsh 544 of Parry Sound The auto was Alta and onelbrother iii Nice and we Should Killam famrly moved to Barrie on Satur parked on the north srde of the Vice plLSldcnt Mrs Charles New served very sumptuous dinner mg 5e ohn McGlnnis of Portland Ore day We are sorry to lose the Street The auto was damaged to ton socialconvener Mrs Pal Reeve Lockhzirtthanked Mrs Slalllmmedlalely to give these any beautimi oral tributes were imer recording Secretary Mrs Ken Todd on behalf of those present matters more than JUSl consma received from relatives and from ur commumty the extent of aboutr$350 McKenzie treasurer Mrs COUNCIL MEETING 011 lsuggst JGdiscuss furlher friends it COLLNGWOOD ELEQTON Truck Strikes Parked Car EDENVALEi DcputyRccveJ Allison 799 Clarence Lockhart 685 Burton Avenue ACCIdenf Councillors six e1ectcdJ Damage Total Near Graves Alleli All Cars equipped witll heaters and AntiFreeze 1947 Dodge Sedan 1947 Pontiac Sedan 1947 Pontiac Pass 1947 Monarch Sedan 1947 Forddiln 1946 Ford Sedan 1946 Mercury Sedan 1946 Pontiac Coach 1946 Hudson Sedan with radio 1942 Chevrolet Coach 1941 Chevrolet Coach 1940 Dodge Sedan 1940 Stride Coach with We are sorry to report that Ere Maw is in the R0 a1 VictoriaHos radio waiierwmm nanciai secreiaiy Before commencing the general the surface used by the county km pita Barrie follgwing an 6pera 1938 Ford Mm Nomi coriesponding business the reeve mentioned in which costs $690 per mile and on for appendicitis The rink 15 well under way on secretary Mm Uiiy iiowei reference to an item which Stated saves gravel calcrum and marn The Young People hid their Bert Mulhollands lot Many thanks for the help of Stroud Com munity 1937 DeSoto Sedan 1937 Dodge sedan Weekly meeting last Tuesday even ing with AdllaprcNgbb VChrigian CitizriEliip Convener charge Convener Mrs Merrick strangr that the road supervisor was not Secretary Mrs $lElIltr8VulilyyllgtltheNeweei storm commencedfHe advised that tenance This was left forn further information and consideration M1and Mrs HubertchKenzic and family New Toronto and Mr Cbim Silfoullold Ufthefon iMigibriCVnaugharchaic onage ConvcnErngMrsflT Siri A1934 Oldsmobile Sedan vclznr devotional Mrs Phil he now lid in who on the 10th Lme durmg the Spent sunday wth her parents Edenvale Brim Fegelatlon 0f and Mrs MCKenZle and Chlldre 1946 ChVIOll 34 t9 lips przirirsi Mrs Scott pan been at lliestmimshirp 8513321326113 Storm When equmment became Rum Ray and 3055 Channe Agrculwre Willme Ha LEFROY of St Catharines were Weekend panel tllle ltlyconvenci and group llOSpl pm and laterwas at his home dilehed and the hlmdreqmpment Sptrlhea xieregleggcniggggggand all iiidayiieggnggg Vhiigr Hunter visitors with Mr and Mrs M6 4942GTMTGrl4gkfmpiek Lliilulcmrniltcc although hetlrereevchadbeen 31E fias dl$ab19d lie asfiddwlw famyaere at Shanty Bay on Sun 35 34311 i= Kelze up truckt The annual CW mad and unable to get him the phme was IespohSIltiklffoiih$113113 day In the pic Games of iiicrnt Mil alld MiiGZfli gegiiaggg CCB it rd it penseionv ao 777 www 747 Kev7 wuwr amt QlyefnOn fen Irw mvA mewAmi mwm All carsistored in heated $13le vnju In Owe inespondelce was mad 1H Chin was felt the lownmp The Falm Forum mfgaftthdllcjf Gleecelhe pnze was garland 0f 0f Wmmpegr Vlslted Mr anMm Canada has dew ales axeeea 5199955 ulkcar foritlicrassocr tel rem owner of lot next to new home of Mr and Mrs id is 1000 argmiies area garage rightofway to water at Big Bay Shoum not pay or removmg we mew WI Ives red or on 33 Tailor GROCERIES r233 unites VEGETABLES equipment Miss Lenora Johnston Barrie CAPSULESWFOR SCHOOLS Ispent the weekend at her parental Shannon advisedrcouncilrthat homer 417A the capsules formerly supplied for Miss Alice Ayrcs Barrie spent schools could not be obtained but the weekend with her parents Mr better tablet was now on the and Mrs Ayres market at double the cost Mr and Mrs Harold Robertson It was felt the school board Stroud spent Sunday with Mr should handle this matter espe ndMT5I39Cam3k Nelson and three boys of rally if they could obtain grant Mrs on this expense Dr Shannon aim Aylslam Sask are Visrting her vised they were good quality daughter Mrs or racey All were pleased to hear that Motions donating Lo Salm ragePayne had returned tion Army South Srmcoe Plow from Toronto where liehad under mens Association LefroylStroud gone aseriousoperation Library Sick ChildrerisOspital Thornton Library $15 thorize John Cowan to handle the snow plowinggand equipment and thatRobt Stewart be retained to keep books answer phone etc This rriotionwas7 Opposed by iPoint C010 asked council to 011 JAPANESE ORIGIN iassume half cost of hedge Jujitsuwhich means the gentle tween his lot and roadway art of self defence has been prac lotterywas received enclosing flood in Japan for 2600 years arefund of an account paid by PHONE 3533 14 Clappcrton St MEATS LLOYD MILLER CHECK THESE PRICES WILL SAVE YOU MONEY AND GIVE ygugu GROCERIESBRUCE MCLEAN THESE PRICES ARE DEFINITELY SPECIALS AND QUANTITIES ARE XLIMITEDA PHONEEAnLYh MAL SATISFACTIPNLFJ Also that membership be up ediri Good Roads Association and the Rurgil Municipalhssociation Jeyiowdkhown illmill for Choice riidainoagts Amado out 50can PROPERTY in Short mi Roast 53cc mmrewritten trace in Robi Stewart lime lipifliyieimigilhiiwil giiyiichrehirilgicii ivas not inaccord R01md Steakor Roast Boneless Lb Libbys Canadian Boiled Dinner Tln Cm rlll rthet di anceiwitli the wishes otrthe rate lt cfsgioniffpfgrieae out payers asai Whole MBeeBologna Sliced Lb Barkers Toasted Sodas 64in hing the townships requirements Councillors Sproule and Cook ih Pkt through the planningiand develop feltthat an engineer should be Fresh Shoulder of Pork 43CLb JavoliteConcentratcd Javeli LBW merit board was read The board advertised for as the volume of Bil will not pass the plan until the work ahead demandsa competent terms outlined in letter are ac man side Pork Piece or Sliced Ginger Snaps old timeflavour 33cm 47c 5L ceplable or SUltable arrange Tle 99 was adlusmq t0 read Pork Butt R0 sts or Cho Lb Ke1Fanc uallt le ice for ment made lmlsrwemmnted 51 15 mution regarding the gym cant understand lWhy am Hornemade Pork Sausage Lb YbrkPclk and Beans 2001 th onl one to take stand $1650 charged the owns 11 01 vi Tin transportation of child to To against hiringMr Stewart Coun ronto which was authorized by pran stated the County MOH You could notsatrsfy the people EXTRA SPECIAL LARGE SELECTION OFFRESH KILLED PARAMOUNT READY TO SERVE CAN Council felt that future the no maith lilgg 1ng 013 3013 RQASTING ORIBQILING WW ADIAN HERRINGS IN TOMATO matters Cltemmgi93fs fgr Y5 figutersgitlable man in View he SPECIALLY PRICED SAUCE 17c 14 Dance the lDWYlShlP was 13 nit given toa township owned taxi added tlIiv Remrts committees we read alldcthe charges apmeEd by coun up C001 iigfmd advertls Phone Receive Prompt and Careiul Attention gt7 77 Well Therolerk wagdlust ctedlg mitt 0r gnlgngetingwiilibevcaed Him WWMWmWWWMWwWC thaw gt Comlng soon ade the health umtii 31 road affairs mono W35 133559 We FEE time clock Purchased and pliicd adopted iii itloleerw in 3Wcitchfor more hours about it in the township shed rnrr 17 PNOND reetrnarriefontarlo anndloggllnbys Birgity T315 V5523 sligiilimilloclltlliiolitt 13

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