pm Two THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY JANUARY 13 1949 THE BARBIE EXAMINER if lilrHl ulrl lt lllt PfiiiltialS 63 The Price 01 Peace iThree Stephensons to cum to Generation Ponce Problems Tllr chA lielllt cruiser Pon irVBER or 1i rem giving good sandy llll iii uncd uixmd Pnblkhed Tllursd 0min b7 Alas icing Caitlclgfizii Are Jewellers Mt77 UI max BARR Ann LT milk VF1 Vspapm 330mm MHMR hthltulm VBSCRIPIIONS ll FRENCH WM Emma mama or Gram Britain $200 year ll MM IJuxh Med m4 $3 lid uwc mu gt CE Sign ugh wpxes can Ll slt rl lJJlJK lilri 22 Hit ln Tm l5 54 mm it St Lillidhrll 11 lHJ gt Will Jruciivr Im Dwmnmvm ml Ihghmz 1m mm cw qt Divrm rUlMA lUWt 90 gm lrmnlv Omiummg SM Winter Drilling illitsixn liihll grind WW mim wmdeml ork VlVEV VHU Vv ililmllmgn urges you 3110 plenty llill lidtlilllfl taint tlzml ill42111111 ill llltlittlllllll fullltiiiifiiiZTiiill Guaranteed THE FAR Klltllllx dullgoon your car iiill till one Lllltiul tslilik 15 Niftlll Milli VVViHV MM mi mauler The big llllhlUitl lit lllitll llt will is slipper lll Ellt ln hm VHnd in 1me TIME PAYMENTS luliii urn llilttl lli lilllt ill llll nn him lm rlii 53 111 in lrri 111321 lac iv lc all Ii all REQUIRED 1y Oil the W1 lV VV 111 Hip lilV lilV tlt ltl ill ltlt lllll ill ihun hi l1 Ht it VVJ VVi Vh Vilt 1401an iiiVsVl 01V 221131 W0an Ill Lllili alum ill ruin sit1 or Show 31w was hif553fillIixilifil Vlli 10111ch while VUUIS uTilllmt of the small city lilirllW under repair ililhcl lilil und howl Wm liliic lul hiiiililt tlilll and otll gyvpml Opinions in HwyMM Hwy 1411111111 Ayes liii gradually being Hymn VVVWVVHVVV MVVVLVIVIC Um mmeVVS MM mummw ll Rl WilWt Til 11 11 tlli li llltl lniiwwulti ul iliilllirl the 0111 ht who ininridVa Better hum min our llV 11 lllVgtl it 11 VVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVV HVVVVVVVV VVVVVHVVi hiuiichcd by the Centrill thirtymo ii En tlltltiltiti in returns rom municipzi cc VV VVvVVVrVV VV AM mm Ml had 3sz Corporation illd poiixiir 23 Cm hills lrom Ontario westward to Bitlisil uCVVZPVVlVVVlfVV VVVVV IVVVVVVln opportunity n1 mulling il lllllV Seerce lilllv of ill liriit llll soul he llli imp by tho Women IllH Llnml EMU IOIOIH Ummll llltl HUM JUAN V3 lHs uh liiltlttl to do lti ll Ulltl AMP BORDlN ROAD 2i vi iii than =li irlizildiltiw lost ground whorcvcr thcv up and wnl in lm in lzlmrulr whrn lit now lllv viiizici wutvliiliukri ihcii was no liiilitiull of tilt rr ilcllt1i llll women illiillll 115 Villailrli ill tllfll lillt 0010119 luglpnrpdihnly dimii in iirl lrlleiwstiirll nude iurllcr lhlit hrl le tlxlkjllg to htli Int11 itll il vvi i1 hill and itll llltilllli lirll llittllilikil tizili llll policing if 101 hrmm indkkeop them out As tili 11 1949 ptlltd tlll pillitilzll twpWK mm ii in mm iiml till Imin Ellitlllll Iliildlltlrft 0f obvcrvcrs lillt bltll id tiu jrwclicry lllll in Toronto UH quesuon W115 WOUM 45 ll lr Jtlltlll of llllit years VVVV mum next to Lhe RVUVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 1mm numerous and varied man pornme Hmw VV Hum mm mm ppm Sirivriiiiig the millz and Wishiii mar 011W time in the history of Canada Fhl lliliiliullllllllltli531llilvl lnliiliivlls lnii llit lili loi lilll coming ill lrom Klllk llil rzlwl Vl ll ll 55 ll lVlVthVUnlUd NMIOIVLS Gigililll in illJ Niwl gridiiitl uptoniiul 121tltl llt utility room WUllli lll Jim Vlllt JhSibiVlllos ht Al VllltH Drill lint jtllilltl lll lirnlliir ili llillllxi mm insisted the mt MipmVm VlV twir Vzillti trill lggpoSSlvo designs of rtllillllllllls and ml immlngerml thV lllc stlll iii order hot lllll Til 1153111 in the high 590ts in 19 WUSinus llill llltViUUll NW lllflllll Ajax and Port Arthur Their rcusiilis for mining to Rur ric ilc ruthcr ruinic lllc only way llit Llel litcount for it is llitr falct that thcv iizld ltlillthS licrc lhcir lllothcr was SlSlll if Thuri Address mm mp house tlil our cxtcrniil relations but Conndiiin lf iiilirx still dominate in most circles Monday Jan 17 pan The women emphasized that lllt ii1ll with of thc kitchen should not hc lllltl or rate lS of rural Illll11l1llllszlltlt initfic to and tram thc hilllll dour lillil 13 having stoppcd the men lmni lltiilll llll or blooming we St icx SiilJlunt of Burrio lhcir li0 Thulrmzui DIVISION Committee for much Pro rams kitchen theywiddcd that thc kitchen siiil gbmm 0f the OYlhlplv of mmtl ill Wm VVVVVV hot be Vle by VV V1 laviys to get the dcsucd information is to ati WV VV VlV VVVVV VWVVVVVIVVVVVVVV Mum Interesting Account 01 The Work Done Locally up illml the annual nomnmuon meetlng mi sol Lon white cnuliullcd castls Sound PlCtlllC Of The Wldel WOIK Of Red QIOSS lhly Should not be able l0 be present and wtlt plcscnlcd one to Mr IVVic Announcement of Blood Transfusion Serv1cc However the WOHlCli lll lll lliil lllt Zlitil lhmu the municipal matters discussed good Cm mp worm and indolahg banished from their sight IlttV llrlilllltlllul l0ppmtunity to 1611 is to be found in the ilblt supelintcndcnt of theSillutll 777 7777 11 that the kitchen window sillililll llxl 311 pr en that we 00d 10 01 fl school and llltVVthllltl toVMls Tl PUBLIC IS LORDIALLY INVITED tlnntll llimlbt mm mm 35 How Of the driveway and ill hillll and 11150 mu proceedings perusal of these is of ii uchVtV the place Where the Small Chump plw urelt assistance to the taxpayers in under Quite understandably tlic ltlllilxll it ll iii lstnndmg the problems before the councrls Years Ago Years Ag favor of electriClty running wutcl lllliltl and the Steps taken to reach fair and ad V+ +V+ VVVVVVV mmup ADVVWF PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY JANUARY 15m emvltl healllm ili mom also Hnmgoous 50mm vim 3135331 mm 13 71737997 The are many persons WHO Wonm lvpmwt SM Ilzirric Local Notes in passing or the bill Ollllnllml llm GIANT TROPICAL SEAWEED illidnlllillzlalholfsl liter Tho Tan count smmcd with tlme meetinus the rst dar Blth In Winter tmm um 1th ad EMA NE SCOTTISH INDUSTRY my 50cm amended by ml 400 lhiisc composing the Council were 13 the centre 0f the hOUSOhOld BUD 11ml NOW discoveries made by scientists work illlldvflfi Xsmdflts Vand ll92 McLean Ilccvu Samuel llfVy Clothing are hung 0111 1h villi ing on seaweed research in Scotland are giv llichiiiitlilmifiblldlagillfmilfdmhzin ldwon Dopmv Home Mi 37 The kettle is always DominiL Hull Will ing 21 lead to the world On their progress vied by an address rcild by Jean Ianov Cd wnrwn JO son and Philip Love lor washing is ladled out Of the limit at the Will depend the success of an industry now ill Mm The Warren Organ CO Tram Ba HOS end of the stove In the 1110111111 llltl lit the its infancy When developed this can earn rwmwl Ollliebundmg pilzii asked the Council to consid larl th ill oran in meal ielungthupacxousdutchcnistoocother 60 7x uki ovisiun for thcmziin7 if mlmnualrevenlleog$ imlllmn and iliiithcr foth thcutrc hiTor 1ka ltillllitl of one or two patients in 111 place 9rth elm mlll Bl llllllllllll Screnlists are aiming at acclimalizing VYlllVle ijllm 1l PIS the hospital duringllltlll Fur ilSliltsf omcslc 13 the VmJOYIW 0f farm 011161 ll 11 It new kind of seaweed in the waters around gm etudeng Edda WW mini WWW rtmg Wm urea to spend most of the wnmmo hours rungcdcin thc Iown Hull afternoon the 5110 CS Of Scotland It is giant 598 function if the cud of the tcrm and cvcnlng for both farmers out in the kitchen feel their 011015 rould in fth hum 01 Mm Blrim go VV 1111 we acr 10 ere its hugel townspeopleWith Di uiy its VV pull batter advWWW 10 Mimi 35 fronds measuring up t0100 yardsinwleiigthm Thuibamm is was lb lhc chief speaker As the vag not the centre for family our on the surface ll Miss in icon cc ivc con iicting 01m House 01 Rtfwr 50 Dummm Scwnce Clasg at Vthe VV CALCIUM CHLORIDE 0N HIGHWAYS ttSCOtgand requiresttms weed large manf school Notice was received 13SVrgmIlgfmivlipaegfgin Reeve WOOdIOW told the CFO I0w115hlp ll les SUpply newhemical Industry It that lhtV National train Which lls thc preacher The Town AYLMER plants DOW used owing to the fact til1 would run over the Bllric Divi 23 is half as much calculm chloride used 011 the qm VVFOUV inmate of the Comm mas men Vmo dm 90 11 floats and so can be harvested With ease if dry wuodxll maple Ima COlmty roads thls year as lll llllllS ll lfv ttll scrvmg sentences trom Id NI Hmnlin mm mom down 50 12 VARIETlEs was becoming hard to geL T1115 1V3 mmpsi VVVVWV VVmeV for thVVVVCtIVEVVElliVIIlVVV lundnle postmaster thartgazl Vthat IN HANDY cARTON ing news to motorists who consider it iicces Sfld between 400 mp0 pudding fruit etc by the Gover Mem posiageV stalnps between sary to use as an undercooting to offset the Pkcn 23 PURE WHITE Vl 16Oz29 Jar nominationmeeting that mCVVVV wouldbv my Will be more ec0nomic togather than thejliail been running via Beaverion Council stmc1pmhase was 30 lsroz VV 11 alle ed d0 th CLOSED COUNCIL MEETING AND $118de SCtigddmtl dHclmplmtele Chrmmas and New years The Tins rm no is icmlcu lt 00 001 Noun 10 Vg THE RIGHTs 0F THE PUVBLIC Sunday School entertammem 31192 Off 9951 gpgofe VWilitisimiiggiiwlgh sandiangapwmgn WWJTDE Pembiokgignnetm HealthUFBirrie wz good or agl 5e gnu 191210 1121 ANN pAGEWHnE BROWN the highways mostly as preventmw mea Some pertinent observations regarding the custom th 17 1000 day NM 50 bad rm place IONA STANDARD mo prevaIQnt in some races of municipal councils lcn ea ward Sxv marked the Advance 28702 sure under icy conditions but is also Widely C109 1h Purse and club bag given to Rev 35 Loaf Vg elr meetings or portion of them to the WV JV and Mm Watt at Essa Road oum Briefs CUSTOM GROUND used on the roads as adust loyal nubile are made by The Barrie Examiner andwhile prcqbyterian Chum The RV Vdiggcizud dogn bth to GREEN GIANT CORN Lb 21 In daily newspaper recently the ap subject is ofVlltticunore than academic interest means of 185 Barrie children were VdV VVVCVVVVV mm IVVVVVV 20Voz in Pembroke since counCils here have not followed mm neared an article that SlippOilS Reeve the practice forna good many yearsV The Examine guied ilifhllflmasilde through The Editor asked someone to FANCY SOCKEYE IONA WOOdrOWaWith respect to probable ShOIt NV0VICVIthelissVteaches on matter that concerns the omemSitgkitifiszs 8115 genera33331222113chdo yzs 219 llgi anc ree cm of the publicand thus what it Tin 15 ages Millar VDeputy msttl of High has say is of general interest was Va VCly Luge entry list of hlgl total of votes polled 01 County PPY AVPV FANCY VV walls for this provmce was Quoted as saying It Sms that the BarrieCOVmc ha gummy blldS atVthe Barrie Poultry ouncil in Division No Flos Lb 41 20 oz rue pcr mw heldm the Armourx 658V that winter maintenance 01 OVthzulo high mmmgihg mayor or chmman to order the doors of Snags ViglvasA VliVVingViViVVlVVVVV 7V Tins 25 ways hadgiven new lease on hie to small thiVe Council Chamber to be closed in which event Simcoe County Brim Division Owls vwm Hm AP VFBESH CANEIYs Lb 29 CAMPBELLS Nova Scotia salt plant Faced with short Personexcept the members and clerk shall retire G00 50m Sta iost 1002 one cl 1223 Leatherdalc 917 DEVltt age of salt to spread on icecovered 10211st VMmcmZenS not happy 101 being excluded his barhs in gcculiar manneci 3517 Lawson 318 At the annu OUT Ti said the articleV The Departmnt phwked LIVirriViVchltVitnc tintactinbgs andVThe Examtlnebr properly He had placed his lantern on a1 school meetingforGthrie Alex Pkg ANN PAGE WVVVV 0VVru appears 00 Ily beam thus startiin some eons raham retired as trustee and was or coeVarian 15oz outsrde sources of supply to section of the Municipal Act which states The one of which upsft the Eastern mceeded by AV Bartholdrewt err RICH Suns or Boston Style Tins or inary meeting of every council shall be en and The enquiries led toVMalagash Nova Scotia no person shall be excluded therefrom exceptpm imV 11162324 all haY VSOrle emul arm hstcmgon Sallgldhgigtocl Pa 37 NEW LOW 05 Where plant was alscoverw Strugglmg to Proper conduct It is further DoinlEd Out that l0 nurirboer Sly gllgliis liilodfmziger 305111 Sfosro tlile geople in Oio to WALL CLEANg bi CXlSt in the refining of 811 inferior grade of excludthhe public when council goes intOchnmitlee due to acciden on the Count out to church onSunday Pkg 1t of the whole is contrary to thevpractice in the oni 23 8a uio Legislature and the House of Commons where goadst gem nSlddemd tge SinglsblorrequndentrEplrted thg IONA BRAND lii oun ouhcr an none eaux were srmpy gran We found they had Vrchk salt of duty Vdiscusswns in committee of the whole are open 19 claims were recognized At ill zitthe New Years entertainment 2002 brown color Cost of refinin was very high theputhc and in the latter case are officially re Winter Fair at Creemore the very The YPSCE of Mary Kirk New an AYLME Ti The color of gait doesnt atter when you cogggielgeilasag to for et anOSV as Vh choicest turkeys fajlrVto bring Lowell had the following officers Texas Marsh Seedless Bfor 130 Spread it ontne highways so we entered into have been eleglgd to pubVVgc ofce VhaV VVCVen ie VfVle over 18 cents 1b and prime Vdock VPrSi Stammnril Sfcywlsti LV VNp 1963 Btl contract with them explained Mr Minar elcis to lbs yielded no higher Laughlin Treas er Florida Sweet No VDoz QUAKER Full of NP2503 fItgave them new lease on life Iesdponiible t0 the pengle whosfl brgsinefss thy triinsact their birds home In the CPRyard 056 money ey spell ar rom exc ing at Ailiston there Were about 3000 The Salt is Shipped down the St Lawrence the public from council meetings they should try to turkeys in two cars that were in River in boats and eventually rechShiencofthem to attend and lern at first han very slow demand Ivy Baird McLean Craighurst stated that his hitherwas subscriber to the Mag net the rst newspaper inBarrie iaterits name was changed to the California Red TableV No lbs BCAnou Extra Fancy 120 for FEARS 29 Servants of those who elected them that they are than 14 cents Many farmers toqk Vorgamst Miss Alice Bell Geo Ontano stock In how their busmess is being conducted Most eid its 20th annual meeting There Advance At the Presbyterian oniario McIntosh welcome the public to their meetingsand deplore the were 13 members at the original Chuwh SVSV entertainment at Domestic Grade VbkV FANOYJUICE As amatter of fact thevdepartmem this fact that SOV few appear to be interested enoughVVin band for 20 years Femdale VV VA GreenVng Good Mr cooking GVth 2002 winter will use some 40000 tons of chemicals the affaier of the community to attend put on very neChristmas eon key Weighing 31 1bS at Creemre Domesticfarad 59 Tin which includescalclum as well as salt lt9 Now YEARS RESOLUTION Some ideacoi thetask that tilnironlgsithei Fonrvrngmom 0F CITIZEN department in the winterls shown in Lhej MidlandVFree Press Herald Vfact that attemptsum keep 10V000mnes of 1f there wereone New Yearls resolution above all otherswhichhwe could wish for the people of Can Vhlghway 013811 Wmtfer We Concmqed the ad it is that in 1949 wewould give more serious Deputy Minister thought to the gradual loss at the freddmof the individual citizerL Thevlaissez fakeVpoliCis of the 19th century Libery ialismV have long since been abandiied by the Liber fal party oi CanadaiVThe Progressive Conservatives HEINZ TOMATO Winter Fair Bradford ratepay VV ers contemplate securing water workssystemfrom River byltration at cost of V$95 BARKERS 000 VuaidVw in Vlb ra Slop use ROBIN HOOD ILtlllllzz 125 cert Mr West teacher was pre sented with an address and tie pin Anltmfowh Brentwood on Dec 24 Althe annual meeting of LDL 16 Thorn ton ve of its veteransupporters were made honorary membrs viz Fletcher CLWVBiackV stock RobertcVVAllingham Johp West and Berg Revel Vfor va1u able services The Parish Guild ofStJudes Church Thorn imported liaVrid Selected ea mlqueerxlsgzc+c Ix VpgeLiLES No 17 Pkg VVV Yellow cooking NoV1 Vlbs Vi VPEVINVo1LPrepclgVedV ViBs VV VJV KVoum PLAiN QUEEN 71 15o YOURVA PnonucE Buy or THE WEEK aim CANADASVBEST IEAR On the commotion 0f solar cycle it is inevitable 301 individuals as well 213 Collec OnCe champions of freedom of enterpriseot the comr presented Revl Dew wit Freh GrqquCCUqYLZaf 158 MA tivltiesutolool back on the accomplishments 9nmar have n9wou$d Programme of State beaytiiullole 35 La t9ken 0f 25372312 AVbe ayetrio in the midstof plans and re control which differs little from that advocated by their deep regret Neil Mo the Liberals The CCF openly advocatesthe social son of Guthrie reported Very ill mt the yearahead ization and regimentation of much of our economy Roy McCann of the Sterling VV Tend unwound probably been thebest brain rc eive is aren themswryof Canada EmploymentVVhaVsVatVVV am no assump on yt ta pm VVVVV Red Vor Blue Brand Beef Vcanada Inestoualiw UV VV many of the decisions which used to be made by the citizens as individuals is desirable or not Weare rather afraid that not too much thought has been given to this gradual evolution towards stateism To many 01 us Let the Government do it is equivalent to saying letcieorge do it What we Bli of Bond Head had new radio set installed Collin woudColj legiate with nearly all ts cantnts was destroyed by re WVF PattonNew Lowellshowed tur tallied itohlghestlevefever and whenthe gures are arguable we will probably also discover that national income and national pmdtid Will havereached levels which AN UPLIFT BELT FOR MEN riiiirriiiiullscsiiiloiiir Willi or srizAKs noiiillrssiloiiiiii VR0ASTs 1h 69c gt W0 anchnsldered unattainable forget thVinteverihis halve fare VGVeorVgeItV mall Ib FEE9H1 em mu we reso munc rovnci my eggsgggrgosegg national and inmzlionai sovernmeiiis Entire ago TWO detaChable POUCheS WHOLE HALF 53 increased in our exports more decisions allectlng our daily llVes are going to be taken collectively It may well be that such 10 151i policy Will Work in the best interests ifmankind imbamy the most mower wever democr cy tli th to de at as esydmnr in 1948 which the individual elector hasVa right and re wSumru spmriilbillty to make his will felt is to continue the 33 gk dec 9ndgestqllctlebmunl becomciouslylaken gmwm M3 335 majority of peopleaxid not merelyby theIVrVe aiemiiorvalanliiln ylili do all 45 SMOKED SLICEDVVBREAKFAST FRESH8HANKVOFF lb PORK SHUlDERS 43 Vmgnm smxs II yoonupnrnr BUYVOFTHEWEEK FRESH arson atueaniirbgrrar b7 Blade Bone Out SELECTS V9oz In Kineeneo ii made to our specifica tionli to givejcomfort and ZmEiliiiiiii support VExV Jpertenced Fittersto serve ou7for all SurgicalsiipV sultottdefauit or lack of interest gollilii to mum ports in Iron Domocratic citizenship involves fargreat re 5333mm iiibib nuvigdizgim Is oi 9533 Wu mine Vspansibility than most of us have realized be mqhm electorate Fail his mum on 3365 am critter fit Wham airow DRUG STORE VV EV ROAST 53 llres diocusslng acting 5V VA Ill